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Created January 21, 2022 18:33
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
extern int yylex(void);
int yyerror(const char *s) { printf("%s\n", s); return 0; }
int node[4096]; int nnum = 1;
int car[2048], cdr[2048]; int cnum = 1;
char symbol[2048][32]; int snum = 1;
int cons(int a, int d) {
car[cnum] = a; cdr[cnum] = d;
node[nnum] = cnum; cnum++; nnum++;
return nnum - 1;
int head(int s) { return car[node[s]]; }
int tail(int s) { return cdr[node[s]]; }
int lref(int s, int num) {
return num == 0 ? head(s) : lref(tail(s), num - 1);
int setsym(char *str) {
strcpy(symbol[snum], str); node[nnum] = -snum;
snum++; nnum++; return nnum - 1;
const char *getsym(int s) { return symbol[-node[s]]; }
#define N 0
#define T 1
#define F 0
int pairp(int s) { return node[s] > 0 ? T : F; }
int nullp(int s) { return s == N ? T : F; }
int eqsymp(int x, const char *y) { return !strcmp(getsym(x), y); }
int intp(int s) {
const char *str = getsym(s); int i;
for (i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++)
if (!isdigit(str[i]) && str[i] != '-') break;
return i == strlen(str) ? T : F;
void sw(int s) {
if (pairp(s)) {
printf("("); sw(head(s));
if (pairp(tail(s)))
for (int n = tail(s); !nullp(n); n = tail(n)) {
printf(" "); sw(head(n));
else if (tail(s) != N) { printf(" . "); sw(tail(s)); }
} else printf("%s", getsym(s));
int ap(int x, int y) {
if (nullp(x)) return y; else cons(head(x), ap(tail(x), y));
int pm(int k, int v) {
if (nullp(k) || nullp(v)) return N;
else cons(head(k), cons(head(v), pm(tail(k), tail(v))));
int pq(int k, int pl) {
if (nullp(pl)) return F;
else if (eqsymp(k, getsym(head(pl)))) return lref(pl, 1);
else return pq(k, tail(tail(pl)));
int sq(int s, int e) {
if (eqsymp(s, "+") || eqsymp(s, "-") || eqsymp(s, "eq?") ||
eqsymp(s, "cons") || eqsymp(s, "car") || eqsymp(s, "cdr"))
return s;
else return pq(s, e);
enum OP { ADD, SUB };
int op(enum OP f, int a) {
int a1 = atoi(getsym(head(a))), a2 = atoi(getsym(head(tail(a)))), r;
switch (f) {
case ADD: r = a1 + a2; break;
case SUB: r = a1 - a2; break;
char str[32]; sprintf(str, "%d", r); return setsym(str);
int ay(int f, int a) {
if (eqsymp(f, "+")) return op(ADD, a);
else if (eqsymp(f, "-")) return op(SUB, a);
else if (eqsymp(f, "cons")) return cons(lref(a, 0), lref(a, 1));
else if (eqsymp(f, "car")) return head(lref(a, 0));
else if (eqsymp(f, "cdr")) return tail(lref(a, 0));
else if (eqsymp(f, "eq?")) {
int a1 = lref(a, 0), a2 = lref(a, 1);
if (nullp(a1) && nullp(a2)) return T;
else if (nullp(a1) || nullp(a2)) return F;
else return eqsymp(a1, getsym(a2));
int ev(int s, int e);
int ea(int a, int e) {
return nullp(a) ? N : cons(ev(head(a), e), ea(tail(a), e));
int ev(int s, int e) {
if (pairp(s)) {
int h = head(s);
if (!pairp(h) && (eqsymp(h, "quote"))) return head(tail(s));
else if (!pairp(h) && (eqsymp(h, "if")))
return ev(lref(s, 1), e) ? ev(lref(s, 2), e) : ev(lref(s, 3), e);
else if (!pairp(h) && (eqsymp(h, "lambda"))) return ap(s, cons(e, N));
else {
int f = ev(h, e), a = ea(tail(s), e);
if (!pairp(f)) return ay(f, a);
else return ev(lref(f, 2), ap(pm(lref(f, 1), a), lref(f, 3)));
} else return intp(s) ? s : sq(s, e);
%union { char *symbol; int node; }
%token EMPTY DOT
%token <symbol> SYMBOL
%type <node> s list
in : s { sw(ev(nnum - 1, N)); printf("\n"); return 0; }
s : EMPTY { $$ = N; }
| SYMBOL { $$ = setsym($1); }
| '(' list ')' { $$ = $2; }
list : s { $$ = cons($1, N); }
| s list { $$ = cons($1, $2); }
| s DOT s { $$ = cons($1, $3); }
#include "lex.yy.c"
int main(void) { yyparse(); return 0; }
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