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Created November 16, 2023 00:04
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GitHub Universe 2023 - Trip Report

The future state of APIs by Ankit Sobti (CTO of Postman)

1. Brief introduction about Postman. They needed to build a UI on top of the API at Yahoo. Started as a side project and they gave the initial product to friends.
2. "How do I test my APIs?" is the question they wanted to answer.
3. Both Internal vs External APIs of your organization should be very well organized.
4. Tips and practices:
	a. APIs are products so we should think about who the consumers are.
	b. What is the first time user experience and what is the continuous user experience?
5. Every industry in the world is now becoming API-aware.
6. The ability for somebody who is technical to speak the business language is the most important in the way to build robust APIs.
7. How can you make APIs more tangible and more accessible for non-technical people?
8. Generative AI within API's: APIs are the hands and legs to your AI. AI-based consumers will be coming which will affect the way API's are designed and organized.
	a. Companies with poor organizations in terms of API's will start to be lost slowly - vanish.
9. Better AI leads to better API and better API leads to better AI.

Coding with an AI pair programmer: Getting started with GitHub Copilot

1. GitHub Copilot is a suite of tools and this session primarily focuses on Code Completion.
2. Prompt Crafting is providing clear instructions to computer programs, such as the large language models (LLMs) that drive GitHub Copilot.
3. How to get the most out of GitHub Copilot - Helping GitHub Copilot help you:
	a. Context
		a. As you add comments the context is sent up to GH Copilot and then it gets back to you with some suggestions.
		b. What is the context that gets sent to GH Copilot?
			i. The whole file is being sent to the GH Copilot.
			ii. The open tabs are also within that context. The tabs that the GH Copilot will start working on is the tabs that are closest to the open tabs.
			iii. Readjusting the open files might be necessary if you are not getting good suggestions.
	b. Intent
		a. What is it that I am doing?
	c. Clarity
		a. How easy something is to understand.
	d. Specificity
		a. The level of detail about the task you wish to complete.
4. Comment driven development
	a. Describe the goal
	b. Be flexible
		a. AI tools are probabilistic not deterministic.
		b. Today's suggestion may not come up tomorrow.
	c. Provide examples
5. There is a great tutorial on creating a Conference/Speaker application using Django and comment-driven development.
	a. Variable names are very important for the context sent to GitHub Copilot.

Quickly build and deploy OpenAI apps on Azure, infused with your own data By Mandy Whaley, Pamela Fox, Savannah Ostrowski, Shayne Boyer

• How to build your own ChatGPT-like experience that is over your own data.
• The tutorial is on helping a developer get started with Playwright which is a testing tool:
	○ Application Architecture:
		§ Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG): ChatGPT with Your Data. It means that the context is provided to ChatGPT before a question is asked.
		§ Typescript frontend (React, FluentUI)
		§ Python backend (Quart, Uvicorn)
		§ Deployed into Azure App Service
			□ Azure Cognitive Search
			□ Azure OpenAI
			□ Azure Storage
		§ is a great resource for templates that work with Azure CLI out of the box.
• Summary: A great tutorial on how to train ChatGPT on your data of choice to deploy a chatbot using a few simple azd commands.

Empowering devs with AI: How Shopify made GitHub Copilot core to its culture - Farhan Thawar

• Shopify is the brand behind the brand. Powering over millions and millions of merchants all over the world.
• Shopify checkout: fast facts
	○ World's highest converting checkout
	○ 15M Requests/sec processed by Storefronts
	○ 5K checkouts processed per minute
	○ 8M writes/sec on a MySQL DB
• 4000 people in R&D team
• LLMs and Shopify
	○ Goal is to bring AI to customers to both merchants and buyers.
		§ Search
		§ Automatic Descriptions
		§ Smart Inboxes
		§ AI-powered review summaries
• Shopify is early adopters of AI
	○ ChatGPT
	○ Google Duet
	○ Midjourney
• Copilot Adoption at Shopify - Shopify is early adopters of some of the tools and they get the chance to say that the tool they are trying is a fit or not by being an early adopter.
	○ Copilot for Business
	○ Copilot for PRs & CLI
	○ Copilot Chat
		§ Features liked by Shopify engineers:
			□ IDE Integration
			□ Contextual Understanding
			□ Code Explanation
			□ Automating Manual Processes
			□ Learning Aid
	○ Copilot Chat in
	○ Copilot: Docs
• Copilot and Interviewing:
	○ They allow Copilot to be used by the candidates which makes sense because they use this tool in day-to-day tasks so it is a good idea to see how well the candidate does with Copilot
• Recap:
	○ 70% adoption across Shopify Eng
	○ 26.2% code acceptance rate with 921K lines of code accepted and 675K total accepts
	○ Happier engineers

Building the future through the power of developers - Couldn't find this session

The productivity platform for all developers - Day 2 Keynote - Inbal Shani

• How does GitHub enable developers?
	○ Delivering the best developer experience
		§ Supercharging collaboration
			□ Collaborate from anywhere
			□ Hit your milestones with ease
			□ Deploy and build from anywhere
		§ Embedding security - GitHub Advanced Security
			□ Code Scanning
			□ Secret Scanning
			□ Dependency Scanning
		§ Accelerating idea to production
			□ GitHub Codespaces gives you a coding environment instantly
			□ GitHub Actions lets you automate everything
			□ GitHub Hosted Runners - Larger Hosted Runners are available now
				® Arm Hosted Runners will be available in 2024
				® Build and test on Apple Silicon is available in 2024 - MacOS Runners:
	○ Empowering enterprises of every level
		§ Migration tooling is available for Bitbucket and Azure DevOps
		§ Account Switch is also available to switch between Personal and Enterprise accounts
		§ `Repository Rules` is generally available
	○ Building a brighter future
		§ Open-source
			□ In the last 12 months GH provided over 7B minutes of build time for free to open source projects on GH
			□ GitHub Sponsors is built to fund open-source
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