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-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.stddef;
with C.sys.types;
package C.bsm.audit is
pragma Preelaborate;
subtype au_id_t is sys.types.uid_t;
subtype au_id_t_ptr is sys.types.uid_t_ptr;
subtype au_id_t_const_ptr is sys.types.uid_t_const_ptr;
subtype au_asid_t is sys.types.pid_t;
subtype au_event_t is sys.types.u_int16_t;
subtype au_emod_t is sys.types.u_int16_t;
subtype au_class_t is sys.types.u_int32_t;
type struct_au_tid;
type struct_au_tid is record
port : aliased sys.types.dev_t;
machine : aliased sys.types.u_int32_t;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_au_tid);
subtype au_tid_t is struct_au_tid;
type struct_au_tid_addr;
type struct_au_tid_addr is record
at_port : aliased sys.types.dev_t;
at_type : aliased sys.types.u_int32_t;
at_addr : aliased sys.types.u_int32_t_array (0 .. 3);
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_au_tid_addr);
subtype au_tid_addr_t is struct_au_tid_addr;
type struct_au_mask;
type struct_au_mask is record
am_success : aliased unsigned_int;
am_failure : aliased unsigned_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_au_mask);
subtype au_mask_t is struct_au_mask;
type struct_auditinfo;
type struct_auditinfo is record
ai_auid : aliased au_id_t;
ai_mask : aliased au_mask_t;
ai_termid : aliased au_tid_t;
ai_asid : aliased au_asid_t;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_auditinfo);
type struct_auditinfo_ptr is access all struct_auditinfo;
for struct_auditinfo_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_auditinfo_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_auditinfo_ptr);
type struct_auditinfo_const_ptr is access constant struct_auditinfo;
for struct_auditinfo_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_auditinfo_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_auditinfo_const_ptr);
subtype auditinfo_t is struct_auditinfo;
type struct_auditinfo_addr;
type struct_auditinfo_addr is record
ai_auid : aliased au_id_t;
ai_mask : aliased au_mask_t;
ai_termid : aliased au_tid_addr_t;
ai_asid : aliased au_asid_t;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_auditinfo_addr);
type struct_auditinfo_addr_ptr is access all struct_auditinfo_addr;
for struct_auditinfo_addr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_auditinfo_addr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_auditinfo_addr_ptr);
type struct_auditinfo_addr_const_ptr is
access constant struct_auditinfo_addr;
for struct_auditinfo_addr_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_auditinfo_addr_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_auditinfo_addr_const_ptr);
subtype auditinfo_addr_t is struct_auditinfo_addr;
type struct_auditpinfo;
type struct_auditpinfo is record
ap_pid : aliased sys.types.pid_t;
ap_auid : aliased au_id_t;
ap_mask : aliased au_mask_t;
ap_termid : aliased au_tid_t;
ap_asid : aliased au_asid_t;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_auditpinfo);
subtype auditpinfo_t is struct_auditpinfo;
type struct_auditpinfo_addr;
type struct_auditpinfo_addr is record
ap_pid : aliased sys.types.pid_t;
ap_auid : aliased au_id_t;
ap_mask : aliased au_mask_t;
ap_termid : aliased au_tid_addr_t;
ap_asid : aliased au_asid_t;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_auditpinfo_addr);
subtype auditpinfo_addr_t is struct_auditpinfo_addr;
type struct_au_token (<>) is limited private;
subtype token_t is struct_au_token;
type struct_au_qctrl;
type struct_au_qctrl is record
aq_hiwater : aliased stddef.size_t;
aq_lowater : aliased stddef.size_t;
aq_bufsz : aliased stddef.size_t;
aq_delay : aliased sys.types.clock_t;
aq_minfree : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_au_qctrl);
subtype au_qctrl_t is struct_au_qctrl;
type struct_audit_stat;
type struct_audit_stat is record
as_version : aliased unsigned_int;
as_numevent : aliased unsigned_int;
as_generated : aliased signed_int;
as_nonattrib : aliased signed_int;
as_kernel : aliased signed_int;
as_audit : aliased signed_int;
as_auditctl : aliased signed_int;
as_enqueue : aliased signed_int;
as_written : aliased signed_int;
as_wblocked : aliased signed_int;
as_rblocked : aliased signed_int;
as_dropped : aliased signed_int;
as_totalsize : aliased signed_int;
as_memused : aliased unsigned_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_audit_stat);
subtype au_stat_t is struct_audit_stat;
type struct_audit_fstat;
type struct_audit_fstat is record
af_filesz : aliased sys.types.u_quad_t;
af_currsz : aliased sys.types.u_quad_t;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_audit_fstat);
subtype au_fstat_t is struct_audit_fstat;
type struct_au_evclass_map;
type struct_au_evclass_map is record
ec_number : aliased au_event_t;
ec_class : aliased au_class_t;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_au_evclass_map);
subtype au_evclass_map_t is struct_au_evclass_map;
function audit (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, audit, "audit");
function auditon (a1 : signed_int; a2 : void_ptr; a3 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, auditon, "auditon");
function auditctl (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, auditctl, "auditctl");
function getauid (a1 : access au_id_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getauid, "getauid");
function setauid (a1 : access constant au_id_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setauid, "setauid");
function getaudit (a1 : access struct_auditinfo) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getaudit, "getaudit");
function setaudit (a1 : access constant struct_auditinfo)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setaudit, "setaudit");
function getaudit_addr (a1 : access struct_auditinfo_addr;
a2 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getaudit_addr, "getaudit_addr");
function setaudit_addr (a1 : access constant struct_auditinfo_addr;
a2 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setaudit_addr, "setaudit_addr");
AQ_BUFSZ : constant := 32767;
AQ_HIWATER : constant := 100;
AQ_LOWATER : constant := 10;
AQ_MAXBUFSZ : constant := 1048576;
AQ_MAXHIGH : constant := 10000;
AT_IPC_MSG : constant := 1;
AT_IPC_SEM : constant := 2;
AT_IPC_SHM : constant := 3;
AUC_AUDITING : constant := 1;
AUC_DISABLED : constant := -1;
AUC_NOAUDIT : constant := 2;
AUC_UNSET : constant := 0;
AUDITDEV_FILENAME : constant char_array (0 .. 5) := "audit"
& char'Val (0);
AUDIT_AHLT : constant := 2;
AUDIT_ARGE : constant := 8;
AUDIT_ARGV : constant := 4;
AUDIT_CNT : constant := 1;
AUDIT_GROUP : constant := 128;
AUDIT_PATH : constant := 512;
AUDIT_PERZONE : constant := 8192;
AUDIT_PUBLIC : constant := 2048;
AUDIT_RECORD_MAGIC : constant := -2104881381;
AUDIT_SCNT : constant := 1024;
AUDIT_SEQ : constant := 16;
AUDIT_TRAIL : constant := 256;
AUDIT_TRIGGER_FILE : constant char_array (0 .. 10) := "/dev/audit"
& char'Val (0);
AUDIT_TRIGGER_LOW_SPACE : constant := 1;
AUDIT_TRIGGER_MAX : constant := 6;
AUDIT_TRIGGER_MIN : constant := 1;
AUDIT_TRIGGER_NO_SPACE : constant := 5;
AUDIT_TRIGGER_READ_FILE : constant := 3;
AUDIT_USER : constant := 64;
AUDIT_WINDATA : constant := 32;
AUDIT_ZONENAME : constant := 4096;
AU_DEFAUDITID : constant := -1;
AU_FS_MINFREE : constant := 20;
AU_IPv4 : constant := 4;
AU_IPv6 : constant := 16;
A_GETCAR : constant := 9;
A_GETCLASS : constant := 22;
A_GETCOND : constant := 20;
A_GETCWD : constant := 8;
A_GETFSIZE : constant := 27;
A_GETKAUDIT : constant := 29;
A_GETKMASK : constant := 4;
A_GETPINFO : constant := 24;
A_GETPINFO_ADDR : constant := 28;
A_GETPOLICY : constant := 2;
A_GETQCTRL : constant := 6;
A_GETSTAT : constant := 12;
A_SENDTRIGGER : constant := 31;
A_SETCLASS : constant := 23;
A_SETCOND : constant := 21;
A_SETFSIZE : constant := 26;
A_SETKAUDIT : constant := 30;
A_SETKMASK : constant := 5;
A_SETPMASK : constant := 25;
A_SETPOLICY : constant := 3;
A_SETQCTRL : constant := 7;
A_SETSMASK : constant := 15;
A_SETSTAT : constant := 13;
A_SETUMASK : constant := 14;
MAXAUDITDATA : constant := 32767;
MAX_AUDIT_RECORDS : constant := 20;
MAX_AUDIT_RECORD_SIZE : constant := 32767;
MIN_AUDIT_FILE_SIZE : constant := 524288;
-- _BSM_AUDIT_H (empty)
type struct_au_token is null record;
end C.bsm.audit;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.bsm is
pragma Preelaborate;
end C.bsm;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.sys.dirent;
package C.dirent is
pragma Preelaborate;
subtype struct_dirent is sys.dirent.struct_dirent;
-- DTTOIF renames sys.dirent.DTTOIF (function macro)
DT_BLK : constant := sys.dirent.DT_BLK;
DT_CHR : constant := sys.dirent.DT_CHR;
DT_DIR : constant := sys.dirent.DT_DIR;
DT_FIFO : constant := sys.dirent.DT_FIFO;
DT_LNK : constant := sys.dirent.DT_LNK;
DT_REG : constant := sys.dirent.DT_REG;
DT_SOCK : constant := sys.dirent.DT_SOCK;
DT_UNKNOWN : constant := sys.dirent.DT_UNKNOWN;
DT_WHT : constant := sys.dirent.DT_WHT;
-- IFTODT renames sys.dirent.IFTODT (function macro)
MAXNAMLEN : constant := sys.dirent.MAXNAMLEN;
-- GENERIC_DIRSIZ renames sys.dirent.GENERIC_DIRSIZ (uninterpretable)
-- SYS_DIRENT_H renames sys.dirent.SYS_DIRENT_H (empty)
type struct_telldir (<>) is limited private;
type struct_telldir_ptr is access all struct_telldir;
for struct_telldir_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_telldir_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_telldir_ptr);
type struct_dirdesc;
type struct_dirdesc is record
dd_fd : aliased signed_int;
dd_loc : aliased signed_long;
dd_size : aliased signed_long;
dd_buf : aliased char_ptr;
dd_len : aliased signed_int;
dd_seek : aliased signed_long;
dd_rewind : aliased signed_long;
dd_flags : aliased signed_int;
dd_lock : aliased void_ptr;
dd_td : aliased struct_telldir_ptr;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_dirdesc);
type struct_dirdesc_ptr is access all struct_dirdesc;
for struct_dirdesc_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_dirdesc_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_dirdesc_ptr);
subtype DIR is struct_dirdesc;
subtype DIR_ptr is struct_dirdesc_ptr;
function opendir2 (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_int)
return DIR_ptr;
pragma Import (C, opendir2, "__opendir2");
type access_96f0e9ed is access function (a1 : void_const_ptr;
a2 : void_const_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Convention (C, access_96f0e9ed);
function alphasort (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : void_const_ptr)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, alphasort, "alphasort");
function getdents (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access char; a3 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getdents, "getdents");
function getdirentries (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access char;
a3 : signed_int; a4 : access signed_long) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getdirentries, "getdirentries");
function opendir (a1 : access constant char) return DIR_ptr;
pragma Import (C, opendir, "opendir");
function readdir (a1 : access DIR) return sys.dirent.struct_dirent_ptr;
pragma Import (C, readdir, "readdir");
function readdir_r (a1 : access DIR; a2 : access sys.dirent.struct_dirent;
a3 : access sys.dirent.struct_dirent_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, readdir_r, "readdir_r");
procedure rewinddir (a1 : access DIR);
pragma Import (C, rewinddir, "rewinddir");
type access_01685648 is access function (
a1 : access sys.dirent.struct_dirent) return signed_int;
pragma Convention (C, access_01685648);
function scandir (a1 : access constant char;
a2 : access sys.dirent.struct_dirent_ptr_ptr; a3 : access_01685648;
a4 : access_96f0e9ed) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, scandir, "scandir");
procedure seekdir (a1 : access DIR; a2 : signed_long);
pragma Import (C, seekdir, "seekdir");
function telldir (a1 : access DIR) return signed_long;
pragma Import (C, telldir, "telldir");
function closedir (a1 : access DIR) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, closedir, "closedir");
DIRBLKSIZ : constant := 1024;
DTF_HIDEW : constant := 1;
DTF_NODUP : constant := 2;
DTF_REWIND : constant := 4;
-- _DIRENT_H_ (empty)
DTF_READALL : constant := 8;
-- d_ino (unparsible)
-- dirfd (uninterpretable)
type struct_telldir is null record;
end C.dirent;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.stddef;
package C.dlfcn is
pragma Preelaborate;
type struct_dl_info;
type struct_dl_info is record
dli_fname : aliased char_const_ptr;
dli_fbase : aliased void_ptr;
dli_sname : aliased char_const_ptr;
dli_saddr : aliased void_ptr;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_dl_info);
type struct_dl_info_ptr is access all struct_dl_info;
for struct_dl_info_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_dl_info_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_dl_info_ptr);
subtype Dl_info is struct_dl_info;
subtype Dl_info_ptr is struct_dl_info_ptr;
type struct_dlfunc_arg;
type struct_dlfunc_arg is record
dlfunc_dummy : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_dlfunc_arg);
type access_bfe30af5 is access procedure (a1 : struct_dlfunc_arg);
pragma Convention (C, access_bfe30af5);
subtype dlfunc_t is access_bfe30af5;
type struct_dl_serpath;
type struct_dl_serpath is record
dls_name : aliased char_ptr;
dls_flags : aliased unsigned_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_dl_serpath);
type struct_dl_serpath_array is array (size_t range <>) of
aliased struct_dl_serpath;
pragma Convention (C, struct_dl_serpath_array);
subtype Dl_serpath is struct_dl_serpath;
subtype Dl_serpath_array is struct_dl_serpath_array;
type struct_dl_serinfo;
type struct_dl_serinfo is record
dls_size : aliased stddef.size_t;
dls_cnt : aliased unsigned_int;
dls_serpath : aliased Dl_serpath_array (0 .. 0);
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_dl_serinfo);
subtype Dl_serinfo is struct_dl_serinfo;
function dlclose (a1 : void_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, dlclose, "dlclose");
function dlerror return char_const_ptr;
pragma Import (C, dlerror, "dlerror");
function dlopen (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_int)
return void_ptr;
pragma Import (C, dlopen, "dlopen");
function dlsym (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : access constant char) return void_ptr;
pragma Import (C, dlsym, "dlsym");
function dladdr (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : access Dl_info)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, dladdr, "dladdr");
function dlfunc (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : access constant char)
return dlfunc_t;
pragma Import (C, dlfunc, "dlfunc");
function dlinfo (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : signed_int; a3 : void_ptr)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, dlinfo, "dlinfo");
type access_5ede933f is access function (context : void_ptr)
return void_ptr;
pragma Convention (C, access_5ede933f);
type access_172d2f5c is access procedure (lock : void_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, access_172d2f5c);
type access_f20506c8 is access procedure (lock : void_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, access_f20506c8);
type access_8d427b12 is access procedure (lock : void_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, access_8d427b12);
type access_bb75fd46 is access procedure (lock : void_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, access_bb75fd46);
type access_cb61ab1c is access procedure (context : void_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, access_cb61ab1c);
procedure dllockinit (context : void_ptr; lock_create : access_5ede933f;
rlock_acquire : access_172d2f5c; wlock_acquire : access_f20506c8;
lock_release : access_8d427b12; lock_destroy : access_bb75fd46;
context_destroy : access_cb61ab1c);
pragma Import (C, dllockinit, "dllockinit");
function dlvsym (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : access constant char) return void_ptr;
pragma Import (C, dlvsym, "dlvsym");
RTLD_DEFAULT : constant void_ptr := void_ptr (System'To_Address (-2));
RTLD_DI_LINKMAP : constant := 2;
RTLD_DI_MAX : constant := 6;
RTLD_DI_ORIGIN : constant := 6;
RTLD_DI_SERINFO : constant := 4;
RTLD_DI_SERINFOSIZE : constant := 5;
RTLD_GLOBAL : constant := 256;
RTLD_LAZY : constant := 1;
RTLD_LOCAL : constant := 0;
RTLD_MODEMASK : constant := 3;
RTLD_NEXT : constant void_ptr := void_ptr (System'To_Address (-1));
RTLD_NOW : constant := 2;
RTLD_SELF : constant void_ptr := void_ptr (System'To_Address (-3));
RTLD_TRACE : constant := 512;
-- _DLFCN_H_ (empty)
end C.dlfcn;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package body C.errno is
function errno return signed_int is
return error.all;
end errno;
end C.errno;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.errno is
pragma Preelaborate;
function error return signed_int_ptr;
pragma Import (C, error, "__error");
E2BIG : constant := 7;
EACCES : constant := 13;
EADDRINUSE : constant := 48;
EADDRNOTAVAIL : constant := 49;
EAFNOSUPPORT : constant := 47;
EAGAIN : constant := 35;
EALREADY : constant := 37;
EAUTH : constant := 80;
EBADF : constant := 9;
EBADMSG : constant := 89;
EBADRPC : constant := 72;
EBUSY : constant := 16;
ECANCELED : constant := 85;
ECHILD : constant := 10;
ECONNABORTED : constant := 53;
ECONNREFUSED : constant := 61;
ECONNRESET : constant := 54;
EDEADLK : constant := 11;
EDESTADDRREQ : constant := 39;
EDOM : constant := 33;
EDOOFUS : constant := 88;
EDQUOT : constant := 69;
EEXIST : constant := 17;
EFAULT : constant := 14;
EFBIG : constant := 27;
EFTYPE : constant := 79;
EHOSTDOWN : constant := 64;
EHOSTUNREACH : constant := 65;
EIDRM : constant := 82;
EILSEQ : constant := 86;
EINPROGRESS : constant := 36;
EINTR : constant := 4;
EINVAL : constant := 22;
EIO : constant := 5;
EISCONN : constant := 56;
EISDIR : constant := 21;
ELAST : constant := 92;
ELOOP : constant := 62;
EMFILE : constant := 24;
EMLINK : constant := 31;
EMSGSIZE : constant := 40;
EMULTIHOP : constant := 90;
ENAMETOOLONG : constant := 63;
ENEEDAUTH : constant := 81;
ENETDOWN : constant := 50;
ENETRESET : constant := 52;
ENETUNREACH : constant := 51;
ENFILE : constant := 23;
ENOATTR : constant := 87;
ENOBUFS : constant := 55;
ENODEV : constant := 19;
ENOENT : constant := 2;
ENOEXEC : constant := 8;
ENOLCK : constant := 77;
ENOLINK : constant := 91;
ENOMEM : constant := 12;
ENOMSG : constant := 83;
ENOPROTOOPT : constant := 42;
ENOSPC : constant := 28;
ENOSYS : constant := 78;
ENOTBLK : constant := 15;
ENOTCONN : constant := 57;
ENOTDIR : constant := 20;
ENOTEMPTY : constant := 66;
ENOTSOCK : constant := 38;
ENOTSUP : constant := 45;
ENOTTY : constant := 25;
ENXIO : constant := 6;
EOPNOTSUPP : constant := 45;
EOVERFLOW : constant := 84;
EPERM : constant := 1;
EPFNOSUPPORT : constant := 46;
EPIPE : constant := 32;
EPROCLIM : constant := 67;
EPROCUNAVAIL : constant := 76;
EPROGMISMATCH : constant := 75;
EPROGUNAVAIL : constant := 74;
EPROTO : constant := 92;
EPROTONOSUPPORT : constant := 43;
EPROTOTYPE : constant := 41;
ERANGE : constant := 34;
EREMOTE : constant := 71;
EROFS : constant := 30;
ERPCMISMATCH : constant := 73;
ESHUTDOWN : constant := 58;
ESOCKTNOSUPPORT : constant := 44;
ESPIPE : constant := 29;
ESRCH : constant := 3;
ESTALE : constant := 70;
ETIMEDOUT : constant := 60;
ETOOMANYREFS : constant := 59;
ETXTBSY : constant := 26;
EUSERS : constant := 68;
EWOULDBLOCK : constant := 35;
EXDEV : constant := 18;
-- _SYS_ERRNO_H_ (empty)
function errno return signed_int;
pragma Inline_Always (errno);
end C.errno;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.sys.types;
package C.fcntl is
pragma Preelaborate;
O_CLOEXEC : constant := 0;
type struct_flock;
type struct_flock is record
l_start : aliased sys.types.off_t;
l_len : aliased sys.types.off_t;
l_pid : aliased sys.types.pid_t;
l_type : aliased signed_short;
l_whence : aliased signed_short;
l_sysid : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_flock);
type struct_oflock;
type struct_oflock is record
l_start : aliased sys.types.off_t;
l_len : aliased sys.types.off_t;
l_pid : aliased sys.types.pid_t;
l_type : aliased signed_short;
l_whence : aliased signed_short;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_oflock);
function open (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
function open (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : sys.types.mode_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, open, "open");
function creat (a1 : access constant char; a2 : sys.types.mode_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, creat, "creat");
function fcntl (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int) return signed_int;
function fcntl (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int; a3 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fcntl, "fcntl");
function flock (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, flock, "flock");
FAPPEND : constant := 8;
FASYNC : constant := 64;
FD_CLOEXEC : constant := 1;
FFSYNC : constant := 128;
FNDELAY : constant := 4;
FNONBLOCK : constant := 4;
FPOSIXSHM : constant := 256;
FREAD : constant := 1;
FWRITE : constant := 2;
F_CANCEL : constant := 5;
F_DUP2FD : constant := 10;
F_DUPFD : constant := 0;
F_GETFD : constant := 1;
F_GETFL : constant := 3;
F_GETLK : constant := 11;
F_GETOWN : constant := 5;
F_OGETLK : constant := 7;
F_OSETLK : constant := 8;
F_OSETLKW : constant := 9;
F_RDLCK : constant := 1;
F_SETFD : constant := 2;
F_SETFL : constant := 4;
F_SETLK : constant := 12;
F_SETLKW : constant := 13;
F_SETLK_REMOTE : constant := 14;
F_SETOWN : constant := 6;
F_UNLCK : constant := 2;
F_UNLCKSYS : constant := 4;
F_WRLCK : constant := 3;
LOCK_EX : constant := 2;
LOCK_NB : constant := 4;
LOCK_SH : constant := 1;
LOCK_UN : constant := 8;
O_ACCMODE : constant := 3;
O_APPEND : constant := 8;
O_ASYNC : constant := 64;
O_CREAT : constant := 512;
O_DIRECT : constant := 65536;
O_EXCL : constant := 2048;
O_EXLOCK : constant := 32;
O_FSYNC : constant := 128;
O_NDELAY : constant := 4;
O_NOCTTY : constant := 32768;
O_NOFOLLOW : constant := 256;
O_NONBLOCK : constant := 4;
O_RDONLY : constant := 0;
O_RDWR : constant := 2;
O_SHLOCK : constant := 16;
O_SYNC : constant := 128;
O_TRUNC : constant := 1024;
O_WRONLY : constant := 1;
-- _SYS_FCNTL_H_ (empty)
end C.fcntl;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.fnmatch is
pragma Preelaborate;
function fnmatch (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fnmatch, "fnmatch");
FNM_CASEFOLD : constant := 16;
FNM_FILE_NAME : constant := 2;
FNM_IGNORECASE : constant := 16;
FNM_LEADING_DIR : constant := 8;
FNM_NOESCAPE : constant := 1;
FNM_NOMATCH : constant := 1;
FNM_NOSYS : constant := -1;
FNM_PATHNAME : constant := 2;
FNM_PERIOD : constant := 4;
-- _FNMATCH_H_ (empty)
end C.fnmatch;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.stddef;
with C.sys.types;
package C.grp is
pragma Preelaborate;
type struct_group;
type struct_group is record
gr_name : aliased char_ptr;
gr_passwd : aliased char_ptr;
gr_gid : aliased sys.types.gid_t;
gr_mem : aliased char_ptr_ptr;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_group);
type struct_group_ptr is access all struct_group;
for struct_group_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_group_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_group_ptr);
type struct_group_ptr_ptr is access all struct_group_ptr;
for struct_group_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_group_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_group_ptr_ptr);
procedure endgrent;
pragma Import (C, endgrent, "endgrent");
function getgrent return struct_group_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getgrent, "getgrent");
function getgrgid (a1 : sys.types.gid_t) return struct_group_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getgrgid, "getgrgid");
function getgrnam (a1 : access constant char) return struct_group_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getgrnam, "getgrnam");
function group_from_gid (a1 : sys.types.gid_t; a2 : signed_int)
return char_const_ptr;
pragma Import (C, group_from_gid, "group_from_gid");
function setgrent return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setgrent, "setgrent");
function getgrgid_r (a1 : sys.types.gid_t; a2 : access struct_group;
a3 : access char; a4 : stddef.size_t; a5 : access struct_group_ptr)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getgrgid_r, "getgrgid_r");
function getgrnam_r (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access struct_group;
a3 : access char; a4 : stddef.size_t; a5 : access struct_group_ptr)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getgrnam_r, "getgrnam_r");
function getgrent_r (a1 : access struct_group; a2 : access char;
a3 : stddef.size_t; a4 : access struct_group_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getgrent_r, "getgrent_r");
function setgroupent (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setgroupent, "setgroupent");
-- _GRP_H_ (empty)
PATH_GROUP : constant char_array (0 .. 10) := "/etc/group" & char'Val (0);
end C.grp;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.stddef;
package C.iconv is
pragma Preelaborate;
qlibiconv_version : aliased signed_int;
pragma Import (C, qlibiconv_version, "_libiconv_version");
subtype libiconv_t is void_ptr;
function libiconv_open (tocode : access constant char;
fromcode : access constant char) return libiconv_t;
pragma Import (C, libiconv_open, "libiconv_open");
function libiconv (cd : libiconv_t; inbuf : access char_const_ptr;
inbytesleft : access stddef.size_t; outbuf : access char_ptr;
outbytesleft : access stddef.size_t) return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, libiconv, "libiconv");
function libiconv_close (cd : libiconv_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, libiconv_close, "libiconv_close");
function libiconvctl (cd : libiconv_t; request : signed_int;
argument : void_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, libiconvctl, "libiconvctl");
type access_9c56cdaf is access procedure (uc : unsigned_int;
data : void_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, access_9c56cdaf);
subtype iconv_unicode_char_hook is access_9c56cdaf;
type access_6960971a is access procedure (wc : stddef.wchar_t;
data : void_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, access_6960971a);
subtype iconv_wide_char_hook is access_6960971a;
type struct_iconv_hooks;
type struct_iconv_hooks is record
uc_hook : aliased iconv_unicode_char_hook;
wc_hook : aliased iconv_wide_char_hook;
data : aliased void_ptr;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_iconv_hooks);
type access_4c96704c is access procedure (
buf : access constant unsigned_int; buflen : stddef.size_t;
callback_arg : void_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, access_4c96704c);
type access_afabbab8 is access procedure (inbuf : access constant char;
inbufsize : stddef.size_t; write_replacement : access_4c96704c;
callback_arg : void_ptr; data : void_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, access_afabbab8);
subtype iconv_unicode_mb_to_uc_fallback is access_afabbab8;
type access_ddd411aa is access procedure (buf : access constant char;
buflen : stddef.size_t; callback_arg : void_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, access_ddd411aa);
type access_34c9c7a2 is access procedure (code : unsigned_int;
write_replacement : access_ddd411aa; callback_arg : void_ptr;
data : void_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, access_34c9c7a2);
subtype iconv_unicode_uc_to_mb_fallback is access_34c9c7a2;
type access_03cf4aa4 is access procedure (
buf : access constant stddef.wchar_t; buflen : stddef.size_t;
callback_arg : void_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, access_03cf4aa4);
type access_e4e0873e is access procedure (inbuf : access constant char;
inbufsize : stddef.size_t; write_replacement : access_03cf4aa4;
callback_arg : void_ptr; data : void_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, access_e4e0873e);
subtype iconv_wchar_mb_to_wc_fallback is access_e4e0873e;
type access_c0031dda is access procedure (buf : access constant char;
buflen : stddef.size_t; callback_arg : void_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, access_c0031dda);
type access_444b18f7 is access procedure (code : stddef.wchar_t;
write_replacement : access_c0031dda; callback_arg : void_ptr;
data : void_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, access_444b18f7);
subtype iconv_wchar_wc_to_mb_fallback is access_444b18f7;
type struct_iconv_fallbacks;
type struct_iconv_fallbacks is record
mb_to_uc_fallback : aliased iconv_unicode_mb_to_uc_fallback;
uc_to_mb_fallback : aliased iconv_unicode_uc_to_mb_fallback;
mb_to_wc_fallback : aliased iconv_wchar_mb_to_wc_fallback;
wc_to_mb_fallback : aliased iconv_wchar_wc_to_mb_fallback;
data : aliased void_ptr;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_iconv_fallbacks);
type access_bea95dba is access function (namescount : unsigned_int;
names : access char_const_ptr; data : void_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Convention (C, access_bea95dba);
procedure libiconvlist (do_one : access_bea95dba; data : void_ptr);
pragma Import (C, libiconvlist, "libiconvlist");
function iconv_canonicalize (name : access constant char)
return char_const_ptr;
pragma Import (C, iconv_canonicalize, "iconv_canonicalize");
procedure libiconv_set_relocation_prefix (
orig_prefix : access constant char;
curr_prefix : access constant char);
pragma Import (C, libiconv_set_relocation_prefix,
ICONV_GET_DISCARD_ILSEQ : constant := 3;
ICONV_SET_DISCARD_ILSEQ : constant := 4;
ICONV_SET_FALLBACKS : constant := 6;
ICONV_SET_HOOKS : constant := 5;
ICONV_TRIVIALP : constant := 0;
-- _LIBICONV_H (empty)
LIBICONV_VERSION : constant := 267;
function iconv (cd : libiconv_t; inbuf : access char_const_ptr;
inbytesleft : access stddef.size_t; outbuf : access char_ptr;
outbytesleft : access stddef.size_t) return stddef.size_t
renames libiconv;
function iconv_close (cd : libiconv_t) return signed_int
renames libiconv_close;
function iconv_open (tocode : access constant char;
fromcode : access constant char) return libiconv_t
renames libiconv_open;
subtype iconv_t is libiconv_t;
function iconvctl (cd : libiconv_t; request : signed_int;
argument : void_ptr) return signed_int renames libiconvctl;
procedure iconvlist (do_one : access_bea95dba; data : void_ptr)
renames libiconvlist;
end C.iconv;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.machine.elf is
pragma Preelaborate;
type access_e823f645 is access procedure;
pragma Convention (C, access_e823f645);
type union_a19c61c1 (Unchecked_Tag : unsigned_int := 0) is record
case Unchecked_Tag is
when 0 =>
a_val : signed_long;
when 1 =>
a_ptr : void_ptr;
when others =>
a_fcn : access_e823f645;
end case;
end record;
pragma Unchecked_Union (union_a19c61c1);
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, union_a19c61c1);
type struct_a584d8f5 is record
a_type : aliased signed_int;
a_un : aliased union_a19c61c1;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_a584d8f5);
subtype Elf32_Auxinfo is struct_a584d8f5;
subtype Elf_Auxinfo is Elf32_Auxinfo;
AT_BASE : constant := 7;
AT_BRK : constant := 10;
AT_COUNT : constant := 15;
AT_DEBUG : constant := 11;
AT_EGID : constant := 14;
AT_ENTRY : constant := 9;
AT_EUID : constant := 12;
AT_EXECFD : constant := 2;
AT_FLAGS : constant := 8;
AT_GID : constant := 13;
AT_IGNORE : constant := 1;
AT_NOTELF : constant := 10;
AT_NULL : constant := 0;
AT_PAGESZ : constant := 6;
AT_PHDR : constant := 3;
AT_PHENT : constant := 4;
AT_PHNUM : constant := 5;
AT_UID : constant := 11;
ELF_ARCH : constant := 3;
-- ELF_MACHINE_OK (function macro)
ELF_TARG_CLASS : constant := 1;
ELF_TARG_DATA : constant := 1;
ELF_TARG_MACH : constant := 3;
ELF_TARG_VER : constant := 1;
R_386_COUNT : constant := 38;
MACHINE_ELF_H : constant := 1;
ELF_WORD_SIZE : constant := 32;
end C.machine.elf;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with System.Machine_Code; use System.Machine_Code;
package body C.machine.endian is
function bswap64 (x : machine.qtypes.uint64_t)
return machine.qtypes.uint64_t is
return machine.qtypes.uint64_t'(Shift_Right (x, 56)) or (
machine.qtypes.uint64_t'(Shift_Right (x, 40))
and unsigned_long_long'(65280)) or (
machine.qtypes.uint64_t'(Shift_Right (x, 24))
and unsigned_long_long'(16711680)) or (
machine.qtypes.uint64_t'(Shift_Right (x, 8))
and unsigned_long_long'Mod (-16777216)) or (
machine.qtypes.uint64_t'(Shift_Left (x, 8)) and 1095216660480) or (
machine.qtypes.uint64_t'(Shift_Left (x, 24)) and 280375465082880)
or (machine.qtypes.uint64_t'(Shift_Left (x, 40))
and 71776119061217280) or machine.qtypes.uint64_t'(Shift_Left (x,
end bswap64;
function bswap32 (x : machine.qtypes.uint32_t)
return machine.qtypes.uint32_t is
function Extension_Statement_3c73df1c
return machine.qtypes.uint32_t;
function Extension_Statement_3c73df1c
return machine.qtypes.uint32_t is
qqX : machine.qtypes.uint32_t := x;
Asm ("bswap %0",
Outputs => machine.qtypes.uint32_t'Asm_Output ("+r", qqX),
Volatile => True);
return qqX;
end Extension_Statement_3c73df1c;
return Extension_Statement_3c73df1c;
end bswap32;
function bswap16 (x : machine.qtypes.uint16_t)
return machine.qtypes.uint16_t is
function Extension_Statement_775cb95e
return machine.qtypes.uint16_t;
function Extension_Statement_775cb95e
return machine.qtypes.uint16_t is
qqX : machine.qtypes.uint16_t := x;
Asm ("xchgb %h0, %b0",
Outputs => machine.qtypes.uint16_t'Asm_Output ("+q", qqX),
Volatile => True);
return qqX;
end Extension_Statement_775cb95e;
return Extension_Statement_775cb95e;
end bswap16;
end C.machine.endian;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.machine.qtypes;
package C.machine.endian is
pragma Preelaborate;
function bswap64 (x : machine.qtypes.uint64_t)
return machine.qtypes.uint64_t;
pragma Convention (C, bswap64);
pragma Inline (bswap64);
function bswap32 (x : machine.qtypes.uint32_t)
return machine.qtypes.uint32_t;
pragma Convention (C, bswap32);
pragma Inline (bswap32);
function bswap16 (x : machine.qtypes.uint16_t)
return machine.qtypes.uint16_t;
pragma Convention (C, bswap16);
pragma Inline (bswap16);
BIG_ENDIAN : constant := 4321;
BYTE_ORDER : constant := 1234;
LITTLE_ENDIAN : constant := 1234;
PDP_ENDIAN : constant := 3412;
qBIG_ENDIAN : constant := 4321;
qBYTE_ORDER : constant := 1234;
qLITTLE_ENDIAN : constant := 1234;
-- _MACHINE_ENDIAN_H_ (empty)
qPDP_ENDIAN : constant := 3412;
QUAD_HIGHWORD : constant := 1;
QUAD_LOWWORD : constant := 0;
-- __byte_swap_int (function macro)
-- __byte_swap_int_var (function macro)
-- __byte_swap_word (function macro)
-- __byte_swap_word_var (function macro)
-- __htonl (function macro)
-- __htons (function macro)
-- __ntohl (function macro)
-- __ntohs (function macro)
-- __word_swap_int (function macro)
-- __word_swap_int_var (function macro)
end C.machine.endian;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.machine.param is
pragma Preelaborate;
-- ALIGN (function macro)
ALIGNBYTES : constant := 3;
IOPAGES : constant := 2;
KSTACK_GUARD_PAGES : constant := 1;
KSTACK_PAGES : constant := 2;
MACHINE : constant char_array (0 .. 4) := "i386" & char'Val (0);
MACHINE_ARCH : constant char_array (0 .. 4) := "i386" & char'Val (0);
MAXCPU : constant := 1;
-- MID_MACHINE (unparsible)
NBPDR : constant := 4194304;
NBPTD : constant := 4096;
-- NPDEPG (unparsible)
-- NPDEPTD (unparsible)
NPGPTD : constant := 1;
-- NPTEPG (unparsible)
PAGE_MASK : constant := 4095;
PAGE_SHIFT : constant := 12;
PAGE_SIZE : constant := 4096;
PDRMASK : constant := 4194303;
PDRSHIFT : constant := 22;
VM_BCACHE_SIZE_MAX : constant := 209715200;
VM_SWZONE_SIZE_MAX : constant := 33554432;
-- _ALIGN (function macro)
qALIGNBYTES : constant := 3;
-- _MACHINE_PARAM_H_ (empty)
-- __HAVE_ACPI (empty)
-- atop (function macro)
-- i386_btop (function macro)
-- i386_ptob (function macro)
-- pgtok (function macro)
-- ptoa (function macro)
-- round_4mpage (function macro)
-- round_page (function macro)
-- trunc_4mpage (function macro)
-- trunc_page (function macro)
end C.machine.param;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.machine.qlimits is
pragma Preelaborate;
-- _MACHINE__LIMITS_H_ (empty)
CHAR_BIT : constant := 8;
INT_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
INT_MIN : constant := -2147483648;
LLONG_MAX : constant := 9223372036854775807;
LLONG_MIN : constant := -9223372036854775808;
LONG_BIT : constant := 32;
LONG_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
LONG_MIN : constant := -2147483648;
MINSIGSTKSZ : constant := 2048;
OFF_MAX : constant := 9223372036854775807;
OFF_MIN : constant := -9223372036854775808;
QUAD_MAX : constant := 9223372036854775807;
QUAD_MIN : constant := -9223372036854775808;
SCHAR_MAX : constant := 127;
SCHAR_MIN : constant := -128;
SHRT_MAX : constant := 32767;
SHRT_MIN : constant := -32768;
SIZE_T_MAX : constant := 4294967295;
SSIZE_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
UCHAR_MAX : constant := 255;
UINT_MAX : constant := 4294967295;
ULLONG_MAX : constant := 18446744073709551615;
ULONG_MAX : constant := 4294967295;
UQUAD_MAX : constant := 18446744073709551615;
USHRT_MAX : constant := 65535;
WORD_BIT : constant := 32;
end C.machine.qlimits;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.machine.qstdint is
pragma Preelaborate;
-- INT16_C (function macro)
INT16_MAX : constant := 32767;
INT16_MIN : constant := -32768;
-- INT32_C (function macro)
INT32_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
INT32_MIN : constant := -2147483648;
-- INT64_C (has # or ##)
INT64_MAX : constant := 9223372036854775807;
INT64_MIN : constant := -9223372036854775808;
-- INT8_C (function macro)
INT8_MAX : constant := 127;
INT8_MIN : constant := -128;
-- INTMAX_C (has # or ##)
INTMAX_MAX : constant := 9223372036854775807;
INTMAX_MIN : constant := -9223372036854775808;
INTPTR_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
INTPTR_MIN : constant := -2147483648;
INT_FAST16_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
INT_FAST16_MIN : constant := -2147483648;
INT_FAST32_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
INT_FAST32_MIN : constant := -2147483648;
INT_FAST64_MAX : constant := 9223372036854775807;
INT_FAST64_MIN : constant := -9223372036854775808;
INT_FAST8_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
INT_FAST8_MIN : constant := -2147483648;
INT_LEAST16_MAX : constant := 32767;
INT_LEAST16_MIN : constant := -32768;
INT_LEAST32_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
INT_LEAST32_MIN : constant := -2147483648;
INT_LEAST64_MAX : constant := 9223372036854775807;
INT_LEAST64_MIN : constant := -9223372036854775808;
INT_LEAST8_MAX : constant := 127;
INT_LEAST8_MIN : constant := -128;
PTRDIFF_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
PTRDIFF_MIN : constant := -2147483648;
SIG_ATOMIC_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
SIG_ATOMIC_MIN : constant := -2147483648;
SIZE_MAX : constant := 4294967295;
-- UINT16_C (function macro)
UINT16_MAX : constant := 65535;
-- UINT32_C (has # or ##)
UINT32_MAX : constant := 4294967295;
-- UINT64_C (has # or ##)
UINT64_MAX : constant := 18446744073709551615;
-- UINT8_C (function macro)
UINT8_MAX : constant := 255;
-- UINTMAX_C (has # or ##)
UINTMAX_MAX : constant := 18446744073709551615;
UINTPTR_MAX : constant := 4294967295;
UINT_FAST16_MAX : constant := 4294967295;
UINT_FAST32_MAX : constant := 4294967295;
UINT_FAST64_MAX : constant := 18446744073709551615;
UINT_FAST8_MAX : constant := 4294967295;
UINT_LEAST16_MAX : constant := 65535;
UINT_LEAST32_MAX : constant := 4294967295;
UINT_LEAST64_MAX : constant := 18446744073709551615;
UINT_LEAST8_MAX : constant := 255;
WCHAR_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
WCHAR_MIN : constant := -2147483648;
WINT_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
WINT_MIN : constant := -2147483648;
-- _MACHINE__STDINT_H_ (empty)
end C.machine.qstdint;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.machine.qtypes is
pragma Preelaborate;
subtype int8_t is signed_char;
subtype uint8_t is unsigned_char;
subtype uint8_t_array is unsigned_char_array;
subtype uint8_t_const_ptr is unsigned_char_const_ptr;
subtype uint8_t_ptr is unsigned_char_ptr;
subtype uint8_t_ptr_ptr is unsigned_char_ptr_ptr;
subtype int16_t is signed_short;
subtype uint16_t is unsigned_short;
subtype uint16_t_array is unsigned_short_array;
subtype int32_t is signed_int;
subtype int32_t_const_ptr is signed_int_const_ptr;
subtype int32_t_ptr is signed_int_ptr;
subtype int32_t_array is signed_int_array;
subtype uint32_t is unsigned_int;
subtype uint32_t_array is unsigned_int_array;
subtype uint32_t_ptr is unsigned_int_ptr;
subtype uint32_t_const_ptr is unsigned_int_const_ptr;
subtype int64_t is signed_long_long;
subtype int64_t_ptr is signed_long_long_ptr;
subtype int64_t_const_ptr is signed_long_long_const_ptr;
subtype uint64_t is unsigned_long_long;
subtype uint64_t_array is unsigned_long_long_array;
subtype clock_t is unsigned_long;
subtype cpumask_t is unsigned_int;
subtype critical_t is int32_t;
subtype double_t is double;
subtype float_t is double;
subtype intfptr_t is int32_t;
subtype intmax_t is int64_t;
subtype intptr_t is int32_t;
subtype int_fast8_t is int32_t;
subtype int_fast16_t is int32_t;
subtype int_fast32_t is int32_t;
subtype int_fast64_t is int64_t;
subtype int_least8_t is int8_t;
subtype int_least16_t is int16_t;
subtype int_least32_t is int32_t;
subtype int_least64_t is int64_t;
subtype ptrdiff_t is Standard.C.ptrdiff_t;
subtype register_t is int32_t;
subtype segsz_t is int32_t;
subtype size_t is Standard.C.size_t;
subtype ssize_t is int32_t;
subtype time_t is int32_t;
subtype time_t_const_ptr is int32_t_const_ptr;
subtype time_t_ptr is int32_t_ptr;
subtype uintfptr_t is uint32_t;
subtype uintmax_t is uint64_t;
subtype uintptr_t is uint32_t;
subtype uint_fast8_t is uint32_t;
subtype uint_fast16_t is uint32_t;
subtype uint_fast32_t is uint32_t;
subtype uint_fast64_t is uint64_t;
subtype uint_least8_t is uint8_t;
subtype uint_least16_t is uint16_t;
subtype uint_least32_t is uint32_t;
subtype uint_least64_t is uint64_t;
subtype u_register_t is uint32_t;
subtype vm_offset_t is uint32_t;
subtype vm_ooffset_t is int64_t;
subtype vm_paddr_t is uint32_t;
subtype vm_pindex_t is uint64_t;
subtype vm_size_t is uint32_t;
subtype va_list is builtin_va_list;
subtype qqgnuc_va_list is va_list;
-- _MACHINE__TYPES_H_ (empty)
-- __GNUC_VA_LIST (empty)
end C.machine.qtypes;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package body C.machine.signal is
function sc_eflags (Object : struct_sigcontext) return signed_int is
return Object.sc_efl;
end sc_eflags;
function sc_fp (Object : struct_sigcontext) return signed_int is
return Object.sc_ebp;
end sc_fp;
function sc_pc (Object : struct_sigcontext) return signed_int is
return Object.sc_eip;
end sc_pc;
function sc_ps (Object : struct_sigcontext) return signed_int is
return Object.sc_efl;
end sc_ps;
function sc_sp (Object : struct_sigcontext) return signed_int is
return Object.sc_esp;
end sc_sp;
end C.machine.signal;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.sys.qsigset;
package C.machine.signal is
pragma Preelaborate;
subtype sig_atomic_t is signed_int;
type struct_sigcontext;
type struct_sigcontext is record
sc_mask : aliased sys.qsigset.struct_sigset;
sc_onstack : aliased signed_int;
sc_gs : aliased signed_int;
sc_fs : aliased signed_int;
sc_es : aliased signed_int;
sc_ds : aliased signed_int;
sc_edi : aliased signed_int;
sc_esi : aliased signed_int;
sc_ebp : aliased signed_int;
sc_isp : aliased signed_int;
sc_ebx : aliased signed_int;
sc_edx : aliased signed_int;
sc_ecx : aliased signed_int;
sc_eax : aliased signed_int;
sc_trapno : aliased signed_int;
sc_err : aliased signed_int;
sc_eip : aliased signed_int;
sc_cs : aliased signed_int;
sc_efl : aliased signed_int;
sc_esp : aliased signed_int;
sc_ss : aliased signed_int;
sc_len : aliased signed_int;
sc_fpformat : aliased signed_int;
sc_ownedfp : aliased signed_int;
sc_spare1 : aliased signed_int_array (0 .. 0);
sc_fpstate : aliased signed_int_array (0 .. 127);
sc_spare2 : aliased signed_int_array (0 .. 7);
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_sigcontext);
-- _MACHINE_SIGNAL_H_ (empty)
function sc_eflags (Object : struct_sigcontext) return signed_int;
pragma Inline_Always (sc_eflags);
function sc_fp (Object : struct_sigcontext) return signed_int;
pragma Inline_Always (sc_fp);
function sc_pc (Object : struct_sigcontext) return signed_int;
pragma Inline_Always (sc_pc);
function sc_ps (Object : struct_sigcontext) return signed_int;
pragma Inline_Always (sc_ps);
function sc_sp (Object : struct_sigcontext) return signed_int;
pragma Inline_Always (sc_sp);
end C.machine.signal;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.machine.trap is
pragma Preelaborate;
BUS_PAGE_FAULT : constant := 12;
BUS_SEGM_FAULT : constant := 30;
BUS_SEGNP_FAULT : constant := 26;
BUS_STK_FAULT : constant := 27;
FPE_FLTDIV_TRAP : constant := 3;
FPE_FLTOVF_TRAP : constant := 4;
FPE_FLTUND_TRAP : constant := 5;
FPE_FPU_NP_TRAP : constant := 6;
FPE_INTDIV_TRAP : constant := 2;
FPE_INTOVF_TRAP : constant := 1;
FPE_SUBRNG_TRAP : constant := 7;
ILL_ALIGN_FAULT : constant := 14;
ILL_FPOP_FAULT : constant := 24;
ILL_PRIVIN_FAULT : constant := 1;
-- ILL_RESAD_FAULT (unparsible)
-- ILL_RESOP_FAULT (unparsible)
T_ALIGNFLT : constant := 14;
T_ARITHTRAP : constant := 6;
T_BOUND : constant := 21;
T_BPTFLT : constant := 3;
T_DIVIDE : constant := 18;
T_DNA : constant := 22;
T_DOUBLEFLT : constant := 23;
T_FPOPFLT : constant := 24;
T_MCHK : constant := 28;
T_NMI : constant := 19;
T_OFLOW : constant := 20;
T_PAGEFLT : constant := 12;
T_PRIVINFLT : constant := 1;
T_PROTFLT : constant := 9;
T_RESERVED : constant := 30;
T_SEGNPFLT : constant := 26;
T_STKFLT : constant := 27;
T_TRCTRAP : constant := 10;
T_TSSFLT : constant := 25;
T_USER : constant := 256;
T_XMMFLT : constant := 29;
-- _MACHINE_TRAP_H_ (empty)
end C.machine.trap;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.machine.qtypes;
package C.machine.ucontext is
pragma Preelaborate;
type struct_mcontext;
type struct_mcontext is record
mc_onstack : aliased machine.qtypes.register_t;
mc_gs : aliased machine.qtypes.register_t;
mc_fs : aliased machine.qtypes.register_t;
mc_es : aliased machine.qtypes.register_t;
mc_ds : aliased machine.qtypes.register_t;
mc_edi : aliased machine.qtypes.register_t;
mc_esi : aliased machine.qtypes.register_t;
mc_ebp : aliased machine.qtypes.register_t;
mc_isp : aliased machine.qtypes.register_t;
mc_ebx : aliased machine.qtypes.register_t;
mc_edx : aliased machine.qtypes.register_t;
mc_ecx : aliased machine.qtypes.register_t;
mc_eax : aliased machine.qtypes.register_t;
mc_trapno : aliased machine.qtypes.register_t;
mc_err : aliased machine.qtypes.register_t;
mc_eip : aliased machine.qtypes.register_t;
mc_cs : aliased machine.qtypes.register_t;
mc_eflags : aliased machine.qtypes.register_t;
mc_esp : aliased machine.qtypes.register_t;
mc_ss : aliased machine.qtypes.register_t;
mc_len : aliased signed_int;
mc_fpformat : aliased signed_int;
mc_ownedfp : aliased signed_int;
mc_spare1 : aliased signed_int_array (0 .. 0);
mc_fpstate : aliased signed_int_array (0 .. 127);
mc_spare2 : aliased signed_int_array (0 .. 7);
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_mcontext);
subtype mcontext_t is struct_mcontext;
MC_FPFMT_387 : constant := 65537;
MC_FPFMT_NODEV : constant := 65536;
MC_FPFMT_XMM : constant := 65538;
MC_FPOWNED_FPU : constant := 131073;
MC_FPOWNED_NONE : constant := 131072;
MC_FPOWNED_PCB : constant := 131074;
end C.machine.ucontext;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.machine is
pragma Preelaborate;
end C.machine;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.stddef;
package C.malloc_np is
pragma Preelaborate;
function malloc_usable_size (ptr : void_const_ptr) return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, malloc_usable_size, "malloc_usable_size");
-- _MALLOC_NP_H_ (empty)
end C.malloc_np;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package body C.netdb is
function h_errno return signed_int is
return qqh_errno.all;
end h_errno;
end C.netdb;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.stddef;
with C.stdint;
with C.sys.socket;
package C.netdb is
pragma Preelaborate;
type struct_hostent;
type struct_hostent is record
h_name : aliased char_ptr;
h_aliases : aliased char_ptr_ptr;
h_addrtype : aliased signed_int;
h_length : aliased signed_int;
h_addr_list : aliased char_ptr_ptr;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_hostent);
type struct_hostent_ptr is access all struct_hostent;
for struct_hostent_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_hostent_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_hostent_ptr);
type struct_hostent_ptr_ptr is access all struct_hostent_ptr;
for struct_hostent_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_hostent_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_hostent_ptr_ptr);
type struct_netent;
type struct_netent is record
n_name : aliased char_ptr;
n_aliases : aliased char_ptr_ptr;
n_addrtype : aliased signed_int;
n_net : aliased stdint.uint32_t;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_netent);
type struct_netent_ptr is access all struct_netent;
for struct_netent_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_netent_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_netent_ptr);
type struct_netent_ptr_ptr is access all struct_netent_ptr;
for struct_netent_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_netent_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_netent_ptr_ptr);
type struct_servent;
type struct_servent is record
s_name : aliased char_ptr;
s_aliases : aliased char_ptr_ptr;
s_port : aliased signed_int;
s_proto : aliased char_ptr;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_servent);
type struct_servent_ptr is access all struct_servent;
for struct_servent_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_servent_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_servent_ptr);
type struct_servent_ptr_ptr is access all struct_servent_ptr;
for struct_servent_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_servent_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_servent_ptr_ptr);
type struct_protoent;
type struct_protoent is record
p_name : aliased char_ptr;
p_aliases : aliased char_ptr_ptr;
p_proto : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_protoent);
type struct_protoent_ptr is access all struct_protoent;
for struct_protoent_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_protoent_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_protoent_ptr);
type struct_protoent_ptr_ptr is access all struct_protoent_ptr;
for struct_protoent_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_protoent_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_protoent_ptr_ptr);
type struct_addrinfo;
type struct_addrinfo_ptr is access all struct_addrinfo;
for struct_addrinfo_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_addrinfo_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_addrinfo_ptr);
type struct_addrinfo_ptr_ptr is access all struct_addrinfo_ptr;
for struct_addrinfo_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_addrinfo_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_addrinfo_ptr_ptr);
type struct_addrinfo is record
ai_flags : aliased signed_int;
ai_family : aliased signed_int;
ai_socktype : aliased signed_int;
ai_protocol : aliased signed_int;
ai_addrlen : aliased sys.socket.socklen_t;
ai_canonname : aliased char_ptr;
ai_addr : aliased sys.socket.struct_sockaddr_ptr;
ai_next : aliased struct_addrinfo_ptr;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_addrinfo);
type struct_addrinfo_const_ptr is access constant struct_addrinfo;
for struct_addrinfo_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_addrinfo_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_addrinfo_const_ptr);
procedure endhostent;
pragma Import (C, endhostent, "endhostent");
procedure endnetent;
pragma Import (C, endnetent, "endnetent");
procedure endnetgrent;
pragma Import (C, endnetgrent, "endnetgrent");
procedure endprotoent;
pragma Import (C, endprotoent, "endprotoent");
procedure endservent;
pragma Import (C, endservent, "endservent");
procedure freehostent (a1 : access struct_hostent);
pragma Import (C, freehostent, "freehostent");
function gethostbyaddr (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : sys.socket.socklen_t;
a3 : signed_int) return struct_hostent_ptr;
pragma Import (C, gethostbyaddr, "gethostbyaddr");
function gethostbyaddr_r (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : sys.socket.socklen_t;
a3 : signed_int; a4 : access struct_hostent; a5 : access char;
a6 : stddef.size_t; a7 : access struct_hostent_ptr;
a8 : access signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, gethostbyaddr_r, "gethostbyaddr_r");
function gethostbyname (a1 : access constant char)
return struct_hostent_ptr;
pragma Import (C, gethostbyname, "gethostbyname");
function gethostbyname_r (a1 : access constant char;
a2 : access struct_hostent; a3 : access char; a4 : stddef.size_t;
a5 : access struct_hostent_ptr; a6 : access signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, gethostbyname_r, "gethostbyname_r");
function gethostbyname2 (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_int)
return struct_hostent_ptr;
pragma Import (C, gethostbyname2, "gethostbyname2");
function gethostbyname2_r (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : access struct_hostent; a4 : access char; a5 : stddef.size_t;
a6 : access struct_hostent_ptr; a7 : access signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, gethostbyname2_r, "gethostbyname2_r");
function gethostent return struct_hostent_ptr;
pragma Import (C, gethostent, "gethostent");
function gethostent_r (a1 : access struct_hostent; a2 : access char;
a3 : stddef.size_t; a4 : access struct_hostent_ptr;
a5 : access signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, gethostent_r, "gethostent_r");
function getipnodebyaddr (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t;
a3 : signed_int; a4 : access signed_int) return struct_hostent_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getipnodebyaddr, "getipnodebyaddr");
function getipnodebyname (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : signed_int; a4 : access signed_int) return struct_hostent_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getipnodebyname, "getipnodebyname");
function getnetbyaddr (a1 : stdint.uint32_t; a2 : signed_int)
return struct_netent_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getnetbyaddr, "getnetbyaddr");
function getnetbyaddr_r (a1 : stdint.uint32_t; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : access struct_netent; a4 : access char; a5 : stddef.size_t;
a6 : access struct_netent_ptr; a7 : access signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getnetbyaddr_r, "getnetbyaddr_r");
function getnetbyname (a1 : access constant char)
return struct_netent_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getnetbyname, "getnetbyname");
function getnetbyname_r (a1 : access constant char;
a2 : access struct_netent; a3 : access char; a4 : stddef.size_t;
a5 : access struct_netent_ptr; a6 : access signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getnetbyname_r, "getnetbyname_r");
function getnetent return struct_netent_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getnetent, "getnetent");
function getnetent_r (a1 : access struct_netent; a2 : access char;
a3 : stddef.size_t; a4 : access struct_netent_ptr;
a5 : access signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getnetent_r, "getnetent_r");
function getnetgrent (a1 : access char_ptr; a2 : access char_ptr;
a3 : access char_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getnetgrent, "getnetgrent");
function getprotobyname (a1 : access constant char)
return struct_protoent_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getprotobyname, "getprotobyname");
function getprotobyname_r (a1 : access constant char;
a2 : access struct_protoent; a3 : access char; a4 : stddef.size_t;
a5 : access struct_protoent_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getprotobyname_r, "getprotobyname_r");
function getprotobynumber (a1 : signed_int) return struct_protoent_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getprotobynumber, "getprotobynumber");
function getprotobynumber_r (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access struct_protoent;
a3 : access char; a4 : stddef.size_t; a5 : access struct_protoent_ptr)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getprotobynumber_r, "getprotobynumber_r");
function getprotoent return struct_protoent_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getprotoent, "getprotoent");
function getprotoent_r (a1 : access struct_protoent; a2 : access char;
a3 : stddef.size_t; a4 : access struct_protoent_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getprotoent_r, "getprotoent_r");
function getservbyname (a1 : access constant char;
a2 : access constant char) return struct_servent_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getservbyname, "getservbyname");
function getservbyname_r (a1 : access constant char;
a2 : access constant char; a3 : access struct_servent;
a4 : access char; a5 : stddef.size_t; a6 : access struct_servent_ptr)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getservbyname_r, "getservbyname_r");
function getservbyport (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access constant char)
return struct_servent_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getservbyport, "getservbyport");
function getservbyport_r (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : access struct_servent; a4 : access char; a5 : stddef.size_t;
a6 : access struct_servent_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getservbyport_r, "getservbyport_r");
function getservent return struct_servent_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getservent, "getservent");
function getservent_r (a1 : access struct_servent; a2 : access char;
a3 : stddef.size_t; a4 : access struct_servent_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getservent_r, "getservent_r");
procedure herror (a1 : access constant char);
pragma Import (C, herror, "herror");
function hstrerror (a1 : signed_int) return char_const_ptr;
pragma Import (C, hstrerror, "hstrerror");
function innetgr (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : access constant char; a4 : access constant char)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, innetgr, "innetgr");
procedure sethostent (a1 : signed_int);
pragma Import (C, sethostent, "sethostent");
procedure setnetent (a1 : signed_int);
pragma Import (C, setnetent, "setnetent");
procedure setprotoent (a1 : signed_int);
pragma Import (C, setprotoent, "setprotoent");
function getaddrinfo (a1 : access constant char;
a2 : access constant char; a3 : access constant struct_addrinfo;
a4 : access struct_addrinfo_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getaddrinfo, "getaddrinfo");
function getnameinfo (a1 : access constant sys.socket.struct_sockaddr;
a2 : sys.socket.socklen_t; a3 : access char; a4 : stddef.size_t;
a5 : access char; a6 : stddef.size_t; a7 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getnameinfo, "getnameinfo");
procedure freeaddrinfo (a1 : access struct_addrinfo);
pragma Import (C, freeaddrinfo, "freeaddrinfo");
function gai_strerror (a1 : signed_int) return char_const_ptr;
pragma Import (C, gai_strerror, "gai_strerror");
procedure setnetgrent (a1 : access constant char);
pragma Import (C, setnetgrent, "setnetgrent");
procedure setservent (a1 : signed_int);
pragma Import (C, setservent, "setservent");
function qqh_errno return signed_int_ptr;
pragma Import (C, qqh_errno, "__h_errno");
AI_ADDRCONFIG : constant := 1024;
AI_ALL : constant := 256;
AI_CANONNAME : constant := 2;
AI_DEFAULT : constant := 1536;
AI_MASK : constant := 1039;
AI_NUMERICHOST : constant := 4;
AI_NUMERICSERV : constant := 8;
AI_PASSIVE : constant := 1;
AI_V4MAPPED : constant := 2048;
AI_V4MAPPED_CFG : constant := 512;
EAI_AGAIN : constant := 2;
EAI_BADFLAGS : constant := 3;
EAI_BADHINTS : constant := 12;
EAI_FAIL : constant := 4;
EAI_FAMILY : constant := 5;
EAI_MAX : constant := 15;
EAI_MEMORY : constant := 6;
EAI_NONAME : constant := 8;
EAI_OVERFLOW : constant := 14;
EAI_PROTOCOL : constant := 13;
EAI_SERVICE : constant := 9;
EAI_SOCKTYPE : constant := 10;
EAI_SYSTEM : constant := 11;
HOST_NOT_FOUND : constant := 1;
NETDB_INTERNAL : constant := -1;
NETDB_SUCCESS : constant := 0;
NI_DGRAM : constant := 16;
NI_MAXHOST : constant := 1025;
NI_MAXSERV : constant := 32;
NI_NAMEREQD : constant := 4;
NI_NOFQDN : constant := 1;
NI_NUMERICHOST : constant := 2;
NI_NUMERICSERV : constant := 8;
NO_ADDRESS : constant := 4;
NO_DATA : constant := 4;
NO_RECOVERY : constant := 3;
SCOPE_DELIMITER : constant char := '%';
TRY_AGAIN : constant := 2;
-- _NETDB_H_ (empty)
PATH_HEQUIV : constant char_array (0 .. 16) := "/etc/hosts.equiv"
& char'Val (0);
PATH_HOSTS : constant char_array (0 .. 10) := "/etc/hosts" & char'Val (0);
PATH_NETWORKS : constant char_array (0 .. 13) := "/etc/networks"
& char'Val (0);
PATH_PROTOCOLS : constant char_array (0 .. 14) := "/etc/protocols"
& char'Val (0);
PATH_SERVICES : constant char_array (0 .. 13) := "/etc/services"
& char'Val (0);
-- h_addr (unparsible)
function h_errno return signed_int;
pragma Inline_Always (h_errno);
end C.netdb;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.stdint;
with C.sys.socket;
with C.sys.types;
package C.netinet.in_h is
pragma Preelaborate;
type struct_in_addr;
type struct_in_addr is record
s_addr : aliased sys.types.in_addr_t;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_in_addr);
type struct_in_addr_ptr is access all struct_in_addr;
for struct_in_addr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_in_addr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_in_addr_ptr);
type struct_sockaddr_in;
type struct_sockaddr_in is record
sin_len : aliased stdint.uint8_t;
sin_family : aliased sys.socket.sa_family_t;
sin_port : aliased sys.types.in_port_t;
sin_addr : aliased struct_in_addr;
sin_zero : aliased char_array (0 .. 7);
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_sockaddr_in);
function htonl (a1 : stdint.uint32_t) return stdint.uint32_t;
pragma Import (C, htonl, "htonl");
function htons (a1 : stdint.uint16_t) return stdint.uint16_t;
pragma Import (C, htons, "htons");
function ntohl (a1 : stdint.uint32_t) return stdint.uint32_t;
pragma Import (C, ntohl, "ntohl");
function ntohs (a1 : stdint.uint16_t) return stdint.uint16_t;
pragma Import (C, ntohs, "ntohs");
type struct_ip_mreq;
type struct_ip_mreq is record
imr_multiaddr : aliased struct_in_addr;
imr_interface : aliased struct_in_addr;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_ip_mreq);
type struct_ip_mreqn;
type struct_ip_mreqn is record
imr_multiaddr : aliased struct_in_addr;
imr_address : aliased struct_in_addr;
imr_ifindex : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_ip_mreqn);
type struct_ip_mreq_source;
type struct_ip_mreq_source is record
imr_multiaddr : aliased struct_in_addr;
imr_sourceaddr : aliased struct_in_addr;
imr_interface : aliased struct_in_addr;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_ip_mreq_source);
type struct_group_req;
type struct_group_req is record
gr_interface : aliased stdint.uint32_t;
gr_group : aliased sys.socket.struct_sockaddr_storage;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_group_req);
type struct_group_source_req;
type struct_group_source_req is record
gsr_interface : aliased stdint.uint32_t;
gsr_group : aliased sys.socket.struct_sockaddr_storage;
gsr_source : aliased sys.socket.struct_sockaddr_storage;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_group_source_req);
type struct_msfilterreq;
type struct_msfilterreq is record
msfr_ifindex : aliased stdint.uint32_t;
msfr_fmode : aliased stdint.uint32_t;
msfr_nsrcs : aliased stdint.uint32_t;
msfr_group : aliased sys.socket.struct_sockaddr_storage;
msfr_srcs : aliased sys.socket.struct_sockaddr_storage_ptr;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_msfilterreq);
function setipv4sourcefilter (a1 : signed_int; a2 : struct_in_addr;
a3 : struct_in_addr; a4 : stdint.uint32_t; a5 : stdint.uint32_t;
a6 : access struct_in_addr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setipv4sourcefilter, "setipv4sourcefilter");
function getipv4sourcefilter (a1 : signed_int; a2 : struct_in_addr;
a3 : struct_in_addr; a4 : access stdint.uint32_t;
a5 : access stdint.uint32_t; a6 : access struct_in_addr)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getipv4sourcefilter, "getipv4sourcefilter");
function setsourcefilter (a1 : signed_int; a2 : stdint.uint32_t;
a3 : access sys.socket.struct_sockaddr; a4 : sys.socket.socklen_t;
a5 : stdint.uint32_t; a6 : stdint.uint32_t;
a7 : access sys.socket.struct_sockaddr_storage) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setsourcefilter, "setsourcefilter");
function getsourcefilter (a1 : signed_int; a2 : stdint.uint32_t;
a3 : access sys.socket.struct_sockaddr; a4 : sys.socket.socklen_t;
a5 : access stdint.uint32_t; a6 : access stdint.uint32_t;
a7 : access sys.socket.struct_sockaddr_storage) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getsourcefilter, "getsourcefilter");
-- CTL_IPPROTO_NAMES (unparsible)
INADDR_ALLHOSTS_GROUP : constant := 3758096385;
INADDR_ALLMDNS_GROUP : constant := 3758096635;
INADDR_ALLRPTS_GROUP : constant := 3758096406;
INADDR_ALLRTRS_GROUP : constant := 3758096386;
INADDR_ANY : constant := 0;
INADDR_BROADCAST : constant := 4294967295;
INADDR_CARP_GROUP : constant := 3758096402;
INADDR_LOOPBACK : constant := 2130706433;
INADDR_MAX_LOCAL_GROUP : constant := 3758096639;
INADDR_NONE : constant := -1;
INADDR_PFSYNC_GROUP : constant := 3758096624;
INADDR_UNSPEC_GROUP : constant := 3758096384;
INET_ADDRSTRLEN : constant := 16;
-- IN_ANY_LOCAL (function macro)
-- IN_BADCLASS (function macro)
-- IN_CLASSA (function macro)
IN_CLASSA_HOST : constant := 16777215;
IN_CLASSA_MAX : constant := 128;
IN_CLASSA_NET : constant := -16777216;
IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT : constant := 24;
-- IN_CLASSB (function macro)
IN_CLASSB_HOST : constant := 65535;
IN_CLASSB_MAX : constant := 65536;
IN_CLASSB_NET : constant := -65536;
IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT : constant := 16;
-- IN_CLASSC (function macro)
IN_CLASSC_HOST : constant := 255;
IN_CLASSC_NET : constant := -256;
IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT : constant := 8;
-- IN_CLASSD (function macro)
IN_CLASSD_HOST : constant := 268435455;
IN_CLASSD_NET : constant := -268435456;
IN_CLASSD_NSHIFT : constant := 28;
-- IN_EXPERIMENTAL (function macro)
-- IN_LINKLOCAL (function macro)
-- IN_LOCAL_GROUP (function macro)
-- IN_LOOPBACK (function macro)
IN_LOOPBACKNET : constant := 127;
-- IN_MULTICAST (function macro)
-- IN_PRIVATE (function macro)
-- IN_ZERONET (function macro)
IPCTL_DEFTTL : constant := 3;
IPCTL_FASTFORWARDING : constant := 14;
IPCTL_FORWARDING : constant := 1;
IPCTL_GIF_TTL : constant := 16;
IPCTL_INTRQDROPS : constant := 11;
IPCTL_INTRQMAXLEN : constant := 10;
IPCTL_KEEPFAITH : constant := 15;
IPCTL_MAXID : constant := 17;
-- IPCTL_NAMES (unparsible)
IPCTL_RTEXPIRE : constant := 5;
IPCTL_RTMAXCACHE : constant := 7;
IPCTL_RTMINEXPIRE : constant := 6;
IPCTL_SENDREDIRECTS : constant := 2;
IPCTL_SOURCEROUTE : constant := 8;
IPCTL_STATS : constant := 12;
IPPORT_HIFIRSTAUTO : constant := 49152;
IPPORT_HILASTAUTO : constant := 65535;
IPPORT_MAX : constant := 65535;
IPPORT_RESERVED : constant := 1024;
IPPORT_RESERVEDSTART : constant := 600;
IPPROTO_3PC : constant := 34;
IPPROTO_ADFS : constant := 68;
IPPROTO_AH : constant := 51;
IPPROTO_AHIP : constant := 61;
IPPROTO_APES : constant := 99;
IPPROTO_ARGUS : constant := 13;
IPPROTO_AX25 : constant := 93;
IPPROTO_BHA : constant := 49;
IPPROTO_BLT : constant := 30;
IPPROTO_BRSATMON : constant := 76;
IPPROTO_CARP : constant := 112;
IPPROTO_CFTP : constant := 62;
IPPROTO_CHAOS : constant := 16;
IPPROTO_CMTP : constant := 38;
IPPROTO_CPHB : constant := 73;
IPPROTO_CPNX : constant := 72;
IPPROTO_DDP : constant := 37;
IPPROTO_DGP : constant := 86;
IPPROTO_DIVERT : constant := 258;
IPPROTO_DONE : constant := 257;
IPPROTO_DSTOPTS : constant := 60;
IPPROTO_EGP : constant := 8;
IPPROTO_EMCON : constant := 14;
IPPROTO_ENCAP : constant := 98;
IPPROTO_EON : constant := 80;
IPPROTO_ESP : constant := 50;
IPPROTO_ETHERIP : constant := 97;
IPPROTO_FRAGMENT : constant := 44;
IPPROTO_GGP : constant := 3;
IPPROTO_GMTP : constant := 100;
IPPROTO_GRE : constant := 47;
IPPROTO_HELLO : constant := 63;
IPPROTO_HMP : constant := 20;
IPPROTO_HOPOPTS : constant := 0;
IPPROTO_ICMP : constant := 1;
IPPROTO_ICMPV6 : constant := 58;
IPPROTO_IDP : constant := 22;
IPPROTO_IDPR : constant := 35;
IPPROTO_IDRP : constant := 45;
IPPROTO_IGMP : constant := 2;
IPPROTO_IGP : constant := 85;
IPPROTO_IGRP : constant := 88;
IPPROTO_IL : constant := 40;
IPPROTO_INLSP : constant := 52;
IPPROTO_INP : constant := 32;
IPPROTO_IP : constant := 0;
IPPROTO_IPCOMP : constant := 108;
IPPROTO_IPCV : constant := 71;
IPPROTO_IPEIP : constant := 94;
IPPROTO_IPIP : constant := 4;
IPPROTO_IPPC : constant := 67;
IPPROTO_IPV4 : constant := 4;
IPPROTO_IPV6 : constant := 41;
IPPROTO_IRTP : constant := 28;
IPPROTO_KRYPTOLAN : constant := 65;
IPPROTO_LARP : constant := 91;
IPPROTO_LEAF1 : constant := 25;
IPPROTO_LEAF2 : constant := 26;
IPPROTO_MAX : constant := 256;
IPPROTO_MAXID : constant := 52;
IPPROTO_MEAS : constant := 19;
IPPROTO_MHRP : constant := 48;
IPPROTO_MICP : constant := 95;
IPPROTO_MOBILE : constant := 55;
IPPROTO_MTP : constant := 92;
IPPROTO_MUX : constant := 18;
IPPROTO_ND : constant := 77;
IPPROTO_NHRP : constant := 54;
IPPROTO_NONE : constant := 59;
IPPROTO_NSP : constant := 31;
IPPROTO_NVPII : constant := 11;
IPPROTO_OLD_DIVERT : constant := 254;
IPPROTO_OSPFIGP : constant := 89;
IPPROTO_PFSYNC : constant := 240;
IPPROTO_PGM : constant := 113;
IPPROTO_PIGP : constant := 9;
IPPROTO_PIM : constant := 103;
IPPROTO_PRM : constant := 21;
IPPROTO_PUP : constant := 12;
IPPROTO_PVP : constant := 75;
IPPROTO_RAW : constant := 255;
IPPROTO_RCCMON : constant := 10;
IPPROTO_RDP : constant := 27;
IPPROTO_ROUTING : constant := 43;
IPPROTO_RSVP : constant := 46;
IPPROTO_RVD : constant := 66;
IPPROTO_SATEXPAK : constant := 64;
IPPROTO_SATMON : constant := 69;
IPPROTO_SCCSP : constant := 96;
IPPROTO_SCTP : constant := 132;
IPPROTO_SDRP : constant := 42;
IPPROTO_SEP : constant := 33;
IPPROTO_SKIP : constant := 57;
IPPROTO_SPACER : constant := 32767;
IPPROTO_SRPC : constant := 90;
IPPROTO_ST : constant := 7;
IPPROTO_SVMTP : constant := 82;
IPPROTO_SWIPE : constant := 53;
IPPROTO_TCF : constant := 87;
IPPROTO_TCP : constant := 6;
IPPROTO_TLSP : constant := 56;
IPPROTO_TP : constant := 29;
IPPROTO_TPXX : constant := 39;
IPPROTO_TRUNK1 : constant := 23;
IPPROTO_TRUNK2 : constant := 24;
IPPROTO_TTP : constant := 84;
IPPROTO_UDP : constant := 17;
IPPROTO_VINES : constant := 83;
IPPROTO_VISA : constant := 70;
IPPROTO_VMTP : constant := 81;
IPPROTO_WBEXPAK : constant := 79;
IPPROTO_WBMON : constant := 78;
IPPROTO_WSN : constant := 74;
IPPROTO_XNET : constant := 15;
IPPROTO_XTP : constant := 36;
IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP : constant := 12;
IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP : constant := 70;
IP_BLOCK_SOURCE : constant := 72;
IP_DONTFRAG : constant := 67;
IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP : constant := 13;
IP_DUMMYNET_CONFIGURE : constant := 60;
IP_DUMMYNET_DEL : constant := 61;
IP_DUMMYNET_FLUSH : constant := 62;
IP_DUMMYNET_GET : constant := 64;
IP_FAITH : constant := 22;
IP_FW_ADD : constant := 50;
IP_FW_DEL : constant := 51;
IP_FW_FLUSH : constant := 52;
IP_FW_GET : constant := 54;
IP_FW_NAT_CFG : constant := 56;
IP_FW_NAT_DEL : constant := 57;
IP_FW_NAT_GET_CONFIG : constant := 58;
IP_FW_NAT_GET_LOG : constant := 59;
IP_FW_RESETLOG : constant := 55;
IP_FW_TABLE_ADD : constant := 40;
IP_FW_TABLE_DEL : constant := 41;
IP_FW_TABLE_FLUSH : constant := 42;
IP_FW_TABLE_GETSIZE : constant := 43;
IP_FW_TABLE_LIST : constant := 44;
IP_FW_ZERO : constant := 53;
IP_HDRINCL : constant := 2;
IP_IPSEC_POLICY : constant := 21;
IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS : constant := 4095;
IP_MAX_SOURCE_FILTER : constant := 1024;
IP_MINTTL : constant := 66;
IP_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS : constant := 31;
IP_MSFILTER : constant := 74;
IP_MULTICAST_IF : constant := 9;
IP_MULTICAST_LOOP : constant := 11;
IP_MULTICAST_TTL : constant := 10;
IP_MULTICAST_VIF : constant := 14;
IP_ONESBCAST : constant := 23;
IP_OPTIONS : constant := 1;
IP_PORTRANGE : constant := 19;
IP_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT : constant := 0;
IP_PORTRANGE_HIGH : constant := 1;
IP_PORTRANGE_LOW : constant := 2;
IP_RECVDSTADDR : constant := 7;
IP_RECVIF : constant := 20;
IP_RECVOPTS : constant := 5;
IP_RECVRETOPTS : constant := 6;
IP_RECVTTL : constant := 65;
IP_RETOPTS : constant := 8;
IP_RSVP_OFF : constant := 16;
IP_RSVP_ON : constant := 15;
IP_RSVP_VIF_OFF : constant := 18;
IP_RSVP_VIF_ON : constant := 17;
IP_SENDSRCADDR : constant := 7;
IP_TOS : constant := 3;
IP_TTL : constant := 4;
IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE : constant := 73;
MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE : constant := 84;
MCAST_EXCLUDE : constant := 2;
MCAST_INCLUDE : constant := 1;
MCAST_JOIN_GROUP : constant := 80;
MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP : constant := 82;
MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP : constant := 81;
MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP : constant := 83;
MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE : constant := 85;
-- _NETINET_IN_H_ (empty)
end C.netinet.in_h;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.netinet is
pragma Preelaborate;
end C.netinet;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package body C.netinet6.in6 is
function s6_addr (Object : struct_in6_addr) return uint8_t_array16 is
return Object.u6_addr.u6_addr8;
end s6_addr;
end C.netinet6.in6;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.stddef;
with C.stdint;
with C.sys.socket;
with C.sys.types;
package C.netinet6.in6 is
pragma Preelaborate;
subtype uint8_t_array16 is stdint.uint8_t_array (0 .. 15);
type struct_in6_addr;
type union_4eacb0ee (Unchecked_Tag : unsigned_int := 0) is record
case Unchecked_Tag is
when 0 =>
u6_addr8 : stdint.uint8_t_array (0 .. 15);
when 1 =>
u6_addr16 : stdint.uint16_t_array (0 .. 7);
when others =>
u6_addr32 : stdint.uint32_t_array (0 .. 3);
end case;
end record;
pragma Unchecked_Union (union_4eacb0ee);
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, union_4eacb0ee);
type struct_in6_addr is record
u6_addr : aliased union_4eacb0ee;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_in6_addr);
type struct_in6_addr_const_ptr is access constant struct_in6_addr;
for struct_in6_addr_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_in6_addr_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_in6_addr_const_ptr);
type struct_in6_addr_ptr is access all struct_in6_addr;
for struct_in6_addr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_in6_addr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_in6_addr_ptr);
type struct_sockaddr_in6;
type struct_sockaddr_in6 is record
sin6_len : aliased stdint.uint8_t;
sin6_family : aliased sys.socket.sa_family_t;
sin6_port : aliased sys.types.in_port_t;
sin6_flowinfo : aliased stdint.uint32_t;
sin6_addr : aliased struct_in6_addr;
sin6_scope_id : aliased stdint.uint32_t;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_sockaddr_in6);
in6addr_any : aliased struct_in6_addr;
pragma Import (C, in6addr_any, "in6addr_any");
in6addr_loopback : aliased struct_in6_addr;
pragma Import (C, in6addr_loopback, "in6addr_loopback");
in6addr_nodelocal_allnodes : aliased struct_in6_addr;
pragma Import (C, in6addr_nodelocal_allnodes,
in6addr_linklocal_allnodes : aliased struct_in6_addr;
pragma Import (C, in6addr_linklocal_allnodes,
in6addr_linklocal_allrouters : aliased struct_in6_addr;
pragma Import (C, in6addr_linklocal_allrouters,
type struct_route_in6;
type struct_rtentry (<>) is limited private;
type struct_rtentry_ptr is access all struct_rtentry;
for struct_rtentry_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_rtentry_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_rtentry_ptr);
type struct_route_in6 is record
ro_rt : aliased struct_rtentry_ptr;
ro_dst : aliased struct_sockaddr_in6;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_route_in6);
type struct_ipv6_mreq;
type struct_ipv6_mreq is record
ipv6mr_multiaddr : aliased struct_in6_addr;
ipv6mr_interface : aliased unsigned_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_ipv6_mreq);
type struct_in6_pktinfo;
type struct_in6_pktinfo is record
ipi6_addr : aliased struct_in6_addr;
ipi6_ifindex : aliased unsigned_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_in6_pktinfo);
type struct_ip6_mtuinfo;
type struct_ip6_mtuinfo is record
ip6m_addr : aliased struct_sockaddr_in6;
ip6m_mtu : aliased stdint.uint32_t;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_ip6_mtuinfo);
function inet6_option_space (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, inet6_option_space, "inet6_option_space");
function inet6_option_init (a1 : void_ptr;
a2 : access sys.socket.struct_cmsghdr_ptr; a3 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, inet6_option_init, "inet6_option_init");
function inet6_option_append (a1 : access sys.socket.struct_cmsghdr;
a2 : access constant stdint.uint8_t; a3 : signed_int; a4 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, inet6_option_append, "inet6_option_append");
function inet6_option_alloc (a1 : access sys.socket.struct_cmsghdr;
a2 : signed_int; a3 : signed_int; a4 : signed_int)
return stdint.uint8_t_ptr;
pragma Import (C, inet6_option_alloc, "inet6_option_alloc");
function inet6_option_next (
a1 : access constant sys.socket.struct_cmsghdr;
a2 : access stdint.uint8_t_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, inet6_option_next, "inet6_option_next");
function inet6_option_find (
a1 : access constant sys.socket.struct_cmsghdr;
a2 : access stdint.uint8_t_ptr; a3 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, inet6_option_find, "inet6_option_find");
function inet6_rthdr_space (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int)
return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, inet6_rthdr_space, "inet6_rthdr_space");
function inet6_rthdr_init (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : signed_int)
return sys.socket.struct_cmsghdr_ptr;
pragma Import (C, inet6_rthdr_init, "inet6_rthdr_init");
function inet6_rthdr_add (a1 : access sys.socket.struct_cmsghdr;
a2 : access constant struct_in6_addr; a3 : unsigned_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, inet6_rthdr_add, "inet6_rthdr_add");
function inet6_rthdr_lasthop (a1 : access sys.socket.struct_cmsghdr;
a2 : unsigned_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, inet6_rthdr_lasthop, "inet6_rthdr_lasthop");
function inet6_rthdr_segments (
a1 : access constant sys.socket.struct_cmsghdr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, inet6_rthdr_segments, "inet6_rthdr_segments");
function inet6_rthdr_getaddr (a1 : access sys.socket.struct_cmsghdr;
a2 : signed_int) return struct_in6_addr_ptr;
pragma Import (C, inet6_rthdr_getaddr, "inet6_rthdr_getaddr");
function inet6_rthdr_getflags (
a1 : access constant sys.socket.struct_cmsghdr; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, inet6_rthdr_getflags, "inet6_rthdr_getflags");
function inet6_opt_init (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : sys.socket.socklen_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, inet6_opt_init, "inet6_opt_init");
function inet6_opt_append (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : sys.socket.socklen_t;
a3 : signed_int; a4 : stdint.uint8_t; a5 : sys.socket.socklen_t;
a6 : stdint.uint8_t; a7 : access void_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, inet6_opt_append, "inet6_opt_append");
function inet6_opt_finish (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : sys.socket.socklen_t;
a3 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, inet6_opt_finish, "inet6_opt_finish");
function inet6_opt_set_val (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : signed_int; a3 : void_ptr;
a4 : sys.socket.socklen_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, inet6_opt_set_val, "inet6_opt_set_val");
function inet6_opt_next (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : sys.socket.socklen_t;
a3 : signed_int; a4 : access stdint.uint8_t;
a5 : access sys.socket.socklen_t; a6 : access void_ptr)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, inet6_opt_next, "inet6_opt_next");
function inet6_opt_find (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : sys.socket.socklen_t;
a3 : signed_int; a4 : stdint.uint8_t; a5 : access sys.socket.socklen_t;
a6 : access void_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, inet6_opt_find, "inet6_opt_find");
function inet6_opt_get_val (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : signed_int; a3 : void_ptr;
a4 : sys.socket.socklen_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, inet6_opt_get_val, "inet6_opt_get_val");
function inet6_rth_space (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int)
return sys.socket.socklen_t;
pragma Import (C, inet6_rth_space, "inet6_rth_space");
function inet6_rth_init (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : sys.socket.socklen_t;
a3 : signed_int; a4 : signed_int) return void_ptr;
pragma Import (C, inet6_rth_init, "inet6_rth_init");
function inet6_rth_add (a1 : void_ptr;
a2 : access constant struct_in6_addr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, inet6_rth_add, "inet6_rth_add");
function inet6_rth_reverse (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : void_ptr)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, inet6_rth_reverse, "inet6_rth_reverse");
function inet6_rth_segments (a1 : void_const_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, inet6_rth_segments, "inet6_rth_segments");
function inet6_rth_getaddr (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : signed_int)
return struct_in6_addr_ptr;
pragma Import (C, inet6_rth_getaddr, "inet6_rth_getaddr");
ICMP6_FILTER : constant := 18;
ICMPV6CTL_ND6_ONLINKNSRFC4861 : constant := 47;
-- IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT (plase type with #pragma instance)
-- IN6ADDR_INTFACELOCAL_ALLNODES_INIT (plase type with #pragma instance)
-- IN6ADDR_LINKLOCAL_ALLNODES_INIT (plase type with #pragma instance)
-- IN6ADDR_LINKLOCAL_ALLROUTERS_INIT (plase type with #pragma instance)
-- IN6ADDR_LOOPBACK_INIT (plase type with #pragma instance)
-- IN6ADDR_NODELOCAL_ALLNODES_INIT (plase type with #pragma instance)
-- IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL (unparsible)
-- IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL (uninterpretable)
-- IN6_IS_ADDR_LOOPBACK (uninterpretable)
-- IN6_IS_ADDR_MC_GLOBAL (uninterpretable)
-- IN6_IS_ADDR_MC_LINKLOCAL (uninterpretable)
-- IN6_IS_ADDR_MC_NODELOCAL (uninterpretable)
-- IN6_IS_ADDR_MC_ORGLOCAL (uninterpretable)
-- IN6_IS_ADDR_MC_SITELOCAL (uninterpretable)
-- IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST (uninterpretable)
-- IN6_IS_ADDR_SITELOCAL (uninterpretable)
-- IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED (uninterpretable)
-- IN6_IS_ADDR_V4COMPAT (uninterpretable)
-- IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED (uninterpretable)
INET6_ADDRSTRLEN : constant := 46;
IPV6CTL_ACCEPT_RTADV : constant := 12;
IPV6CTL_ADDRCTLPOLICY : constant := 38;
IPV6CTL_AUTO_FLOWLABEL : constant := 17;
IPV6CTL_AUTO_LINKLOCAL : constant := 35;
IPV6CTL_DAD_COUNT : constant := 16;
IPV6CTL_DEFHLIM : constant := 3;
IPV6CTL_DEFMCASTHLIM : constant := 18;
IPV6CTL_FORWARDING : constant := 1;
IPV6CTL_FORWSRCRT : constant := 5;
IPV6CTL_GIF_HLIM : constant := 19;
IPV6CTL_HDRNESTLIMIT : constant := 15;
IPV6CTL_KAME_VERSION : constant := 20;
IPV6CTL_KEEPFAITH : constant := 13;
IPV6CTL_LOG_INTERVAL : constant := 14;
IPV6CTL_MAXFRAGS : constant := 41;
IPV6CTL_MAXID : constant := 48;
IPV6CTL_MCAST_PMTU : constant := 44;
IPV6CTL_MRTPROTO : constant := 8;
IPV6CTL_MRTSTATS : constant := 7;
IPV6CTL_PREFER_TEMPADDR : constant := 37;
IPV6CTL_RIP6STATS : constant := 36;
IPV6CTL_RR_PRUNE : constant := 22;
IPV6CTL_RTEXPIRE : constant := 25;
IPV6CTL_RTMAXCACHE : constant := 27;
IPV6CTL_RTMINEXPIRE : constant := 26;
IPV6CTL_SENDREDIRECTS : constant := 2;
IPV6CTL_SOURCECHECK : constant := 10;
IPV6CTL_STATS : constant := 6;
IPV6CTL_STEALTH : constant := 45;
IPV6CTL_TEMPPLTIME : constant := 33;
IPV6CTL_TEMPVLTIME : constant := 34;
IPV6CTL_USETEMPADDR : constant := 32;
IPV6CTL_USE_DEFAULTZONE : constant := 39;
IPV6CTL_USE_DEPRECATED : constant := 21;
IPV6CTL_V6ONLY : constant := 24;
IPV6PORT_ANONMAX : constant := 65535;
IPV6PORT_ANONMIN : constant := 49152;
IPV6PORT_RESERVED : constant := 1024;
IPV6PORT_RESERVEDMAX : constant := 1023;
IPV6PORT_RESERVEDMIN : constant := 600;
IPV6PROTO_MAXID : constant := 104;
IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL : constant := 59;
IPV6_BINDV6ONLY : constant := 27;
IPV6_CHECKSUM : constant := 26;
IPV6_DONTFRAG : constant := 62;
IPV6_DSTOPTS : constant := 50;
IPV6_FAITH : constant := 29;
IPV6_FW_ADD : constant := 30;
IPV6_FW_DEL : constant := 31;
IPV6_FW_FLUSH : constant := 32;
IPV6_FW_GET : constant := 34;
IPV6_FW_ZERO : constant := 33;
IPV6_HOPLIMIT : constant := 47;
IPV6_HOPOPTS : constant := 49;
IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY : constant := 28;
IPV6_JOIN_GROUP : constant := 12;
IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP : constant := 13;
IPV6_MSFILTER : constant := 74;
IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS : constant := 10;
IPV6_MULTICAST_IF : constant := 9;
IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP : constant := 11;
IPV6_NEXTHOP : constant := 48;
IPV6_PATHMTU : constant := 44;
IPV6_PKTINFO : constant := 46;
IPV6_PORTRANGE : constant := 14;
IPV6_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT : constant := 0;
IPV6_PORTRANGE_HIGH : constant := 1;
IPV6_PORTRANGE_LOW : constant := 2;
IPV6_PREFER_TEMPADDR : constant := 63;
IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS : constant := 40;
IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT : constant := 37;
IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS : constant := 39;
IPV6_RECVPATHMTU : constant := 43;
IPV6_RECVPKTINFO : constant := 36;
IPV6_RECVRTHDR : constant := 38;
IPV6_RECVTCLASS : constant := 57;
IPV6_RTHDR : constant := 51;
IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS : constant := 35;
IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE : constant := 0;
IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT : constant := 1;
IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0 : constant := 0;
IPV6_SOCKOPT_RESERVED1 : constant := 3;
IPV6_TCLASS : constant := 61;
IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS : constant := 4;
IPV6_USE_MIN_MTU : constant := 42;
IPV6_V6ONLY : constant := 27;
-- M_AUTHIPDGM (unparsible)
-- M_AUTHIPHDR (unparsible)
-- M_DECRYPTED (unparsible)
-- M_LOOP (unparsible)
-- SIN6_LEN (empty)
-- _NETINET6_IN6_H_ (empty)
-- __IPV6_ADDR_MC_SCOPE (uninterpretable)
IPV6_ADDR_SCOPE_GLOBAL : constant := 14;
IPV6_ADDR_SCOPE_LINKLOCAL : constant := 2;
IPV6_ADDR_SCOPE_NODELOCAL : constant := 1;
IPV6_ADDR_SCOPE_ORGLOCAL : constant := 8;
IPV6_ADDR_SCOPE_SITELOCAL : constant := 5;
KAME_VERSION : constant char_array (0 .. 7) := "FreeBSD" & char'Val (0);
-- __KAME__ (empty)
function s6_addr (Object : struct_in6_addr) return uint8_t_array16;
pragma Inline_Always (s6_addr);
type struct_rtentry is null record;
end C.netinet6.in6;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.netinet6 is
pragma Preelaborate;
end C.netinet6;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.sched;
with C.stddef;
with C.sys.qpthreadtypes;
with C.sys.qsigset;
with C.sys.timespec;
with C.sys.types;
package C.pthread is
pragma Preelaborate;
subtype struct_pthread is sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread;
subtype struct_pthread_attr is sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread_attr;
subtype struct_pthread_cond is sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread_cond;
subtype struct_pthread_cond_attr is
subtype struct_pthread_mutex is sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread_mutex;
subtype struct_pthread_mutex_attr is
subtype struct_pthread_once is sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread_once;
subtype struct_pthread_rwlock is sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread_rwlock;
subtype struct_pthread_rwlockattr is
subtype struct_pthread_barrier is
subtype struct_pthread_barrier_attr is
subtype struct_pthread_spinlock is
subtype pthread_t is sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_t;
subtype pthread_attr_t is sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t;
subtype pthread_mutex_t is sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutex_t;
subtype pthread_mutexattr_t is sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutexattr_t;
subtype pthread_cond_t is sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_cond_t;
subtype pthread_condattr_t is sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_condattr_t;
subtype pthread_key_t is sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_key_t;
subtype pthread_once_t is sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_once_t;
subtype pthread_rwlock_t is sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_rwlock_t;
subtype pthread_rwlockattr_t is sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_rwlockattr_t;
subtype pthread_barrier_t is sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_barrier_t;
subtype struct_pthread_barrierattr is
subtype pthread_barrierattr_t is sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_barrierattr_t;
subtype pthread_spinlock_t is sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_spinlock_t;
subtype pthread_addr_t is sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_addr_t;
subtype pthread_startroutine_t is
-- SYS_PTHREADTYPES_H renames sys.qpthreadtypes.SYS_PTHREADTYPES_H (empty)
type enum_pthread_mutextype;
type enum_pthread_mutextype is (PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK,
for enum_pthread_mutextype use (PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK => 1,
pragma Convention (C, enum_pthread_mutextype);
type access_e823f645 is access procedure;
pragma Convention (C, access_e823f645);
function pthread_atfork (a1 : access_e823f645; a2 : access_e823f645;
a3 : access_e823f645) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_atfork, "pthread_atfork");
function pthread_attr_destroy (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_destroy, "pthread_attr_destroy");
function pthread_attr_getstack (
a1 : access constant sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t;
a2 : access void_ptr; a3 : access stddef.size_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_getstack, "pthread_attr_getstack");
function pthread_attr_getstacksize (
a1 : access constant sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t;
a2 : access stddef.size_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_getstacksize, "pthread_attr_getstacksize");
function pthread_attr_getguardsize (
a1 : access constant sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t;
a2 : access stddef.size_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_getguardsize, "pthread_attr_getguardsize");
function pthread_attr_getstackaddr (
a1 : access constant sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t;
a2 : access void_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_getstackaddr, "pthread_attr_getstackaddr");
function pthread_attr_getdetachstate (
a1 : access constant sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t;
a2 : access signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_getdetachstate,
function pthread_attr_init (a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_init, "pthread_attr_init");
function pthread_attr_setstacksize (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t; a2 : stddef.size_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_setstacksize, "pthread_attr_setstacksize");
function pthread_attr_setguardsize (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t; a2 : stddef.size_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_setguardsize, "pthread_attr_setguardsize");
function pthread_attr_setstack (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t; a2 : void_ptr;
a3 : stddef.size_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_setstack, "pthread_attr_setstack");
function pthread_attr_setstackaddr (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t; a2 : void_ptr)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_setstackaddr, "pthread_attr_setstackaddr");
function pthread_attr_setdetachstate (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_setdetachstate,
function pthread_barrier_destroy (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_barrier_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_barrier_destroy, "pthread_barrier_destroy");
function pthread_barrier_init (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_barrier_t;
a2 : access constant sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_barrierattr_t;
a3 : unsigned_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_barrier_init, "pthread_barrier_init");
function pthread_barrier_wait (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_barrier_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_barrier_wait, "pthread_barrier_wait");
function pthread_barrierattr_destroy (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_barrierattr_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_barrierattr_destroy,
function pthread_barrierattr_getpshared (
a1 : access constant sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_barrierattr_t;
a2 : access signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_barrierattr_getpshared,
function pthread_barrierattr_init (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_barrierattr_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_barrierattr_init, "pthread_barrierattr_init");
function pthread_barrierattr_setpshared (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_barrierattr_t; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_barrierattr_setpshared,
procedure pthread_cleanup_pop (a1 : signed_int);
pragma Import (C, pthread_cleanup_pop, "pthread_cleanup_pop");
type access_3bff1300 is access procedure (a1 : void_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, access_3bff1300);
procedure pthread_cleanup_push (a1 : access_3bff1300; a2 : void_ptr);
pragma Import (C, pthread_cleanup_push, "pthread_cleanup_push");
function pthread_condattr_destroy (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_condattr_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_condattr_destroy, "pthread_condattr_destroy");
function pthread_condattr_getclock (
a1 : access constant sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_condattr_t;
a2 : access sys.types.clockid_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_condattr_getclock, "pthread_condattr_getclock");
function pthread_condattr_getpshared (
a1 : access constant sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_condattr_t;
a2 : access signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_condattr_getpshared,
function pthread_condattr_init (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_condattr_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_condattr_init, "pthread_condattr_init");
function pthread_condattr_setclock (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_condattr_t;
a2 : sys.types.clockid_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_condattr_setclock, "pthread_condattr_setclock");
function pthread_condattr_setpshared (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_condattr_t; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_condattr_setpshared,
function pthread_cond_broadcast (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_cond_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_cond_broadcast, "pthread_cond_broadcast");
function pthread_cond_destroy (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_cond_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_cond_destroy, "pthread_cond_destroy");
function pthread_cond_init (a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_cond_t;
a2 : access constant sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_condattr_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_cond_init, "pthread_cond_init");
function pthread_cond_signal (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_cond_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_cond_signal, "pthread_cond_signal");
function pthread_cond_timedwait (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_cond_t;
a2 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutex_t;
a3 : access constant sys.timespec.struct_timespec) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_cond_timedwait, "pthread_cond_timedwait");
function pthread_cond_wait (a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_cond_t;
a2 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutex_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_cond_wait, "pthread_cond_wait");
type access_bee3a6d6 is access function (a1 : void_ptr) return void_ptr;
pragma Convention (C, access_bee3a6d6);
function pthread_create (a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_t;
a2 : access constant sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t;
a3 : access_bee3a6d6; a4 : void_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_create, "pthread_create");
function pthread_detach (a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_detach, "pthread_detach");
function pthread_equal (a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread;
a2 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_equal, "pthread_equal");
procedure pthread_exit (a1 : void_ptr);
pragma No_Return (pthread_exit);
pragma Import (C, pthread_exit, "pthread_exit");
function pthread_getspecific (a1 : sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_key_t)
return void_ptr;
pragma Import (C, pthread_getspecific, "pthread_getspecific");
function pthread_join (a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread;
a2 : access void_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_join, "pthread_join");
function pthread_key_create (a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_key_t;
a2 : access_3bff1300) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_key_create, "pthread_key_create");
function pthread_key_delete (a1 : sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_key_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_key_delete, "pthread_key_delete");
function pthread_kill (a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread;
a2 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_kill, "pthread_kill");
function pthread_mutexattr_init (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutexattr_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_mutexattr_init, "pthread_mutexattr_init");
function pthread_mutexattr_destroy (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutexattr_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_mutexattr_destroy, "pthread_mutexattr_destroy");
function pthread_mutexattr_getpshared (
a1 : access constant sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutexattr_t;
a2 : access signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_mutexattr_getpshared,
function pthread_mutexattr_gettype (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutexattr_t;
a2 : access signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_mutexattr_gettype, "pthread_mutexattr_gettype");
function pthread_mutexattr_settype (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutexattr_t; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_mutexattr_settype, "pthread_mutexattr_settype");
function pthread_mutexattr_setpshared (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutexattr_t; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_mutexattr_setpshared,
function pthread_mutex_destroy (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutex_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_mutex_destroy, "pthread_mutex_destroy");
function pthread_mutex_init (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutex_t;
a2 : access constant sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutexattr_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_mutex_init, "pthread_mutex_init");
function pthread_mutex_lock (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutex_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_mutex_lock, "pthread_mutex_lock");
function pthread_mutex_trylock (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutex_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_mutex_trylock, "pthread_mutex_trylock");
function pthread_mutex_timedlock (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutex_t;
a2 : access constant sys.timespec.struct_timespec) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_mutex_timedlock, "pthread_mutex_timedlock");
function pthread_mutex_unlock (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutex_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_mutex_unlock, "pthread_mutex_unlock");
function pthread_once (a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_once_t;
a2 : access_e823f645) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_once, "pthread_once");
function pthread_rwlock_destroy (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_rwlock_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_rwlock_destroy, "pthread_rwlock_destroy");
function pthread_rwlock_init (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_rwlock_t;
a2 : access constant sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_rwlockattr_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_rwlock_init, "pthread_rwlock_init");
function pthread_rwlock_rdlock (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_rwlock_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_rwlock_rdlock, "pthread_rwlock_rdlock");
function pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_rwlock_t;
a2 : access constant sys.timespec.struct_timespec) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock,
function pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_rwlock_t;
a2 : access constant sys.timespec.struct_timespec) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock,
function pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_rwlock_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock, "pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock");
function pthread_rwlock_trywrlock (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_rwlock_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_rwlock_trywrlock, "pthread_rwlock_trywrlock");
function pthread_rwlock_unlock (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_rwlock_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_rwlock_unlock, "pthread_rwlock_unlock");
function pthread_rwlock_wrlock (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_rwlock_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_rwlock_wrlock, "pthread_rwlock_wrlock");
function pthread_rwlockattr_init (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_rwlockattr_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_rwlockattr_init, "pthread_rwlockattr_init");
function pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared (
a1 : access constant sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_rwlockattr_t;
a2 : access signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared,
function pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_rwlockattr_t; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared,
function pthread_rwlockattr_destroy (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_rwlockattr_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_rwlockattr_destroy,
function pthread_self return sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_t;
pragma Import (C, pthread_self, "pthread_self");
function pthread_setspecific (a1 : sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_key_t;
a2 : void_const_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_setspecific, "pthread_setspecific");
function pthread_sigmask (a1 : signed_int;
a2 : access constant sys.qsigset.sigset_t;
a3 : access sys.qsigset.sigset_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_sigmask, "pthread_sigmask");
function pthread_spin_init (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_spinlock_t; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_spin_init, "pthread_spin_init");
function pthread_spin_destroy (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_spinlock_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_spin_destroy, "pthread_spin_destroy");
function pthread_spin_lock (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_spinlock_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_spin_lock, "pthread_spin_lock");
function pthread_spin_trylock (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_spinlock_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_spin_trylock, "pthread_spin_trylock");
function pthread_spin_unlock (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_spinlock_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_spin_unlock, "pthread_spin_unlock");
function pthread_cancel (a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_cancel, "pthread_cancel");
function pthread_setcancelstate (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_setcancelstate, "pthread_setcancelstate");
function pthread_setcanceltype (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_setcanceltype, "pthread_setcanceltype");
procedure pthread_testcancel;
pragma Import (C, pthread_testcancel, "pthread_testcancel");
function pthread_getprio (a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_getprio, "pthread_getprio");
function pthread_setprio (a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread;
a2 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_setprio, "pthread_setprio");
procedure pthread_yield;
pragma Import (C, pthread_yield, "pthread_yield");
function pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutexattr_t;
a2 : access signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling,
function pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutexattr_t; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling,
function pthread_mutex_getprioceiling (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutex_t; a2 : access signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_mutex_getprioceiling,
function pthread_mutex_setprioceiling (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutex_t; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : access signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_mutex_setprioceiling,
function pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutexattr_t;
a2 : access signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol,
function pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutexattr_t; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol,
function pthread_attr_getinheritsched (
a1 : access constant sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t;
a2 : access signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_getinheritsched,
function pthread_attr_getschedparam (
a1 : access constant sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t;
a2 : access sched.struct_sched_param) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_getschedparam,
function pthread_attr_getschedpolicy (
a1 : access constant sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t;
a2 : access signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_getschedpolicy,
function pthread_attr_getscope (
a1 : access constant sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t;
a2 : access signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_getscope, "pthread_attr_getscope");
function pthread_attr_setinheritsched (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_setinheritsched,
function pthread_attr_setschedparam (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t;
a2 : access constant sched.struct_sched_param) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_setschedparam,
function pthread_attr_setschedpolicy (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_setschedpolicy,
function pthread_attr_setscope (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_setscope, "pthread_attr_setscope");
function pthread_getschedparam (
pthread : access sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread;
a2 : access signed_int; a3 : access sched.struct_sched_param)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_getschedparam, "pthread_getschedparam");
function pthread_setschedparam (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : access constant sched.struct_sched_param) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_setschedparam, "pthread_setschedparam");
function pthread_getconcurrency return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_getconcurrency, "pthread_getconcurrency");
function pthread_setconcurrency (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_setconcurrency, "pthread_setconcurrency");
PTHREAD_ADAPTIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP : constant void_ptr := void_ptr (
System'To_Address (0));
PTHREAD_CANCELED : constant void_ptr := void_ptr (System'To_Address (1));
PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE : constant := 0;
PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER : constant sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_cond_t :=
PTHREAD_DETACHED : constant := 1;
PTHREAD_DONE_INIT : constant := 1;
PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED : constant := 4;
PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX : constant := 256;
PTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT : constant enum_pthread_mutextype :=
PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER : constant sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutex_t :=
PTHREAD_NEEDS_INIT : constant := 0;
PTHREAD_NOFLOAT : constant := 8;
PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT : constant sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread_once := (
state => 0, mutex => null);
PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT : constant := 1;
PTHREAD_PRIO_NONE : constant := 0;
PTHREAD_PRIO_PROTECT : constant := 2;
sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_rwlock_t := null;
PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS : constant := 0;
PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM : constant := 2;
PTHREAD_STACK_MIN : constant := 2048;
PTHREAD_THREADS_MAX : constant := 4294967295;
-- _PTHREAD_H_ (empty)
pthread_attr_default : constant void_ptr := void_ptr (System'To_Address (
pthread_condattr_default : constant void_ptr := void_ptr (
System'To_Address (0));
pthread_mutexattr_default : constant void_ptr := void_ptr (
System'To_Address (0));
end C.pthread;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.sys.qpthreadtypes;
with C.sys.timespec;
package C.pthread_np is
pragma Preelaborate;
type access_8cb8010f is access procedure (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread;
a2 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread);
pragma Convention (C, access_8cb8010f);
subtype pthread_switch_routine_t is access_8cb8010f;
function pthread_attr_setcreatesuspend_np (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_setcreatesuspend_np,
function pthread_attr_get_np (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread;
a2 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_attr_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_attr_get_np, "pthread_attr_get_np");
function pthread_main_np return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_main_np, "pthread_main_np");
function pthread_multi_np return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_multi_np, "pthread_multi_np");
function pthread_mutexattr_getkind_np (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread_mutex_attr)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_mutexattr_getkind_np,
function pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.pthread_mutexattr_t; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np,
procedure pthread_resume_all_np;
pragma Import (C, pthread_resume_all_np, "pthread_resume_all_np");
function pthread_resume_np (a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_resume_np, "pthread_resume_np");
procedure pthread_set_name_np (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread;
a2 : access constant char);
pragma Import (C, pthread_set_name_np, "pthread_set_name_np");
function pthread_single_np return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_single_np, "pthread_single_np");
procedure pthread_suspend_all_np;
pragma Import (C, pthread_suspend_all_np, "pthread_suspend_all_np");
function pthread_suspend_np (a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_suspend_np, "pthread_suspend_np");
function pthread_switch_add_np (a1 : pthread_switch_routine_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_switch_add_np, "pthread_switch_add_np");
function pthread_switch_delete_np (a1 : pthread_switch_routine_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_switch_delete_np, "pthread_switch_delete_np");
function pthread_timedjoin_np (
a1 : access sys.qpthreadtypes.struct_pthread; a2 : access void_ptr;
a3 : access constant sys.timespec.struct_timespec) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pthread_timedjoin_np, "pthread_timedjoin_np");
-- _PTHREAD_NP_H_ (empty)
end C.pthread_np;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.stddef;
with C.sys.types;
package C.pwd is
pragma Preelaborate;
type struct_passwd;
type struct_passwd is record
pw_name : aliased char_ptr;
pw_passwd : aliased char_ptr;
pw_uid : aliased sys.types.uid_t;
pw_gid : aliased sys.types.gid_t;
pw_change : aliased sys.types.time_t;
pw_class : aliased char_ptr;
pw_gecos : aliased char_ptr;
pw_dir : aliased char_ptr;
pw_shell : aliased char_ptr;
pw_expire : aliased sys.types.time_t;
pw_fields : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_passwd);
type struct_passwd_ptr is access all struct_passwd;
for struct_passwd_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_passwd_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_passwd_ptr);
type struct_passwd_ptr_ptr is access all struct_passwd_ptr;
for struct_passwd_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_passwd_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_passwd_ptr_ptr);
function getpwnam (a1 : access constant char) return struct_passwd_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getpwnam, "getpwnam");
function getpwuid (a1 : sys.types.uid_t) return struct_passwd_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getpwuid, "getpwuid");
procedure endpwent;
pragma Import (C, endpwent, "endpwent");
function getpwent return struct_passwd_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getpwent, "getpwent");
procedure setpwent;
pragma Import (C, setpwent, "setpwent");
function getpwnam_r (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access struct_passwd;
a3 : access char; a4 : stddef.size_t; a5 : access struct_passwd_ptr)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getpwnam_r, "getpwnam_r");
function getpwuid_r (a1 : sys.types.uid_t; a2 : access struct_passwd;
a3 : access char; a4 : stddef.size_t; a5 : access struct_passwd_ptr)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getpwuid_r, "getpwuid_r");
function getpwent_r (a1 : access struct_passwd; a2 : access char;
a3 : stddef.size_t; a4 : access struct_passwd_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getpwent_r, "getpwent_r");
function setpassent (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setpassent, "setpassent");
function user_from_uid (a1 : sys.types.uid_t; a2 : signed_int)
return char_const_ptr;
pragma Import (C, user_from_uid, "user_from_uid");
MASTERPASSWD : constant char_array (0 .. 13) := "master.passwd"
& char'Val (0);
MP_DB : constant char_array (0 .. 6) := "pwd.db" & char'Val (0);
PASSWD : constant char_array (0 .. 6) := "passwd" & char'Val (0);
PASSWORD_EFMT1 : constant char := '_';
PASSWORD_LEN : constant := 128;
PATH_MASTERPASSWD : constant char_array (0 .. 18) := "/etc/master.passwd"
& char'Val (0);
PATH_MP_DB : constant char_array (0 .. 11) := "/etc/pwd.db"
& char'Val (0);
PATH_PASSWD : constant char_array (0 .. 11) := "/etc/passwd"
& char'Val (0);
PATH_PWD : constant char_array (0 .. 4) := "/etc" & char'Val (0);
PATH_PWD_MKDB : constant char_array (0 .. 18) := "/usr/sbin/pwd_mkdb"
& char'Val (0);
PATH_SMP_DB : constant char_array (0 .. 12) := "/etc/spwd.db"
& char'Val (0);
PWD_CURRENT_VERSION : constant char := char'Val (4);
-- _PWD_H_ (empty)
PWD_VERSION_KEY : constant char_array (0 .. 8) := char'Val (255)
& "VERSION" & char'Val (0);
-- _PWF (function macro)
PWF_CHANGE : constant := 16;
PWF_CLASS : constant := 32;
PWF_DIR : constant := 128;
PWF_EXPIRE : constant := 512;
PWF_FILES : constant := 4096;
PWF_GECOS : constant := 64;
PWF_GID : constant := 8;
PWF_HESIOD : constant := 12288;
PWF_NAME : constant := 1;
PWF_NIS : constant := 8192;
PWF_PASSWD : constant := 2;
PWF_SHELL : constant := 256;
PWF_SOURCE : constant := 12288;
PWF_UID : constant := 4;
PW_KEYBYNAME : constant char := '1';
PW_KEYBYNUM : constant char := '2';
PW_KEYBYUID : constant char := '3';
PW_KEYYPBYNUM : constant char := '5';
PW_KEYYPENABLED : constant char := '4';
-- _PW_VERSIONED (function macro)
PW_VERSION_MASK : constant char := char'Val (240);
SMP_DB : constant char_array (0 .. 7) := "spwd.db" & char'Val (0);
end C.pwd;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.sys.qtypes;
package C.qctype is
pragma Preelaborate;
function qqqrunetype (a1 : sys.qtypes.ct_rune_t) return unsigned_long;
pragma Import (C, qqqrunetype, "___runetype");
function qqqtolower (a1 : sys.qtypes.ct_rune_t)
return sys.qtypes.ct_rune_t;
pragma Import (C, qqqtolower, "___tolower");
function qqqtoupper (a1 : sys.qtypes.ct_rune_t)
return sys.qtypes.ct_rune_t;
pragma Import (C, qqqtoupper, "___toupper");
mb_sb_limit : aliased signed_int;
pragma Import (C, mb_sb_limit, "__mb_sb_limit");
function maskrune (a1 : sys.qtypes.ct_rune_t; a2 : unsigned_long)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, maskrune, "__maskrune");
function sbmaskrune (a1 : sys.qtypes.ct_rune_t; a2 : unsigned_long)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sbmaskrune, "__sbmaskrune");
function istype (a1 : sys.qtypes.ct_rune_t; a2 : unsigned_long)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, istype, "__istype");
function sbistype (a1 : sys.qtypes.ct_rune_t; a2 : unsigned_long)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sbistype, "__sbistype");
function isctype (a1 : sys.qtypes.ct_rune_t; a2 : unsigned_long)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, isctype, "__isctype");
function qqtoupper (a1 : sys.qtypes.ct_rune_t)
return sys.qtypes.ct_rune_t;
pragma Import (C, qqtoupper, "__toupper");
function sbtoupper (a1 : sys.qtypes.ct_rune_t)
return sys.qtypes.ct_rune_t;
pragma Import (C, sbtoupper, "__sbtoupper");
function qqtolower (a1 : sys.qtypes.ct_rune_t)
return sys.qtypes.ct_rune_t;
pragma Import (C, qqtolower, "__tolower");
function sbtolower (a1 : sys.qtypes.ct_rune_t)
return sys.qtypes.ct_rune_t;
pragma Import (C, sbtolower, "__sbtolower");
function wcwidth (a1 : sys.qtypes.ct_rune_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, wcwidth, "__wcwidth");
CTYPE_A : constant := 256;
CTYPE_B : constant := 131072;
CTYPE_C : constant := 512;
CTYPE_D : constant := 1024;
CTYPE_G : constant := 2048;
CTYPE_I : constant := 524288;
CTYPE_L : constant := 4096;
CTYPE_P : constant := 8192;
CTYPE_Q : constant := 2097152;
CTYPE_R : constant := 262144;
CTYPE_S : constant := 16384;
CTYPE_SW0 : constant := 536870912;
CTYPE_SW1 : constant := 1073741824;
CTYPE_SW2 : constant := -2147483648;
CTYPE_SW3 : constant := -1073741824;
CTYPE_SWM : constant := -536870912;
CTYPE_SWS : constant := 30;
CTYPE_T : constant := 1048576;
CTYPE_U : constant := 32768;
CTYPE_X : constant := 65536;
-- __CTYPE_H_ (empty)
end C.qctype;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.sys.timespec;
with C.sys.types;
package C.sched is
pragma Preelaborate;
type struct_sched_param;
type struct_sched_param is record
sched_priority : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_sched_param);
type struct_sched_param_ptr is access all struct_sched_param;
for struct_sched_param_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_sched_param_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_sched_param_ptr);
type struct_sched_param_const_ptr is access constant struct_sched_param;
for struct_sched_param_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_sched_param_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_sched_param_const_ptr);
function sched_get_priority_max (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sched_get_priority_max, "sched_get_priority_max");
function sched_get_priority_min (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sched_get_priority_min, "sched_get_priority_min");
function sched_getparam (a1 : sys.types.pid_t;
a2 : access struct_sched_param) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sched_getparam, "sched_getparam");
function sched_getscheduler (a1 : sys.types.pid_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sched_getscheduler, "sched_getscheduler");
function sched_rr_get_interval (a1 : sys.types.pid_t;
a2 : access sys.timespec.struct_timespec) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sched_rr_get_interval, "sched_rr_get_interval");
function sched_setparam (a1 : sys.types.pid_t;
a2 : access constant struct_sched_param) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sched_setparam, "sched_setparam");
function sched_setscheduler (a1 : sys.types.pid_t; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : access constant struct_sched_param) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sched_setscheduler, "sched_setscheduler");
function sched_yield return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sched_yield, "sched_yield");
SCHED_FIFO : constant := 1;
SCHED_OTHER : constant := 2;
SCHED_RR : constant := 3;
-- _SCHED_H_ (empty)
end C.sched;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.sys.qtimeval;
with C.sys.qtypes;
with C.sys.select_h;
with C.sys.signal;
with C.sys.timespec;
limited with C.sys.ucontext;
package C.signal is
pragma Preelaborate;
subtype qqfd_mask_array32 is sys.select_h.qqfd_mask_array (0 .. 31);
subtype qqfd_mask is sys.select_h.qqfd_mask;
subtype fd_mask is sys.select_h.fd_mask;
subtype sigset_t is sys.select_h.sigset_t;
subtype struct_fd_set is sys.select_h.struct_fd_set;
subtype fd_set is sys.select_h.fd_set;
function pselect (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access sys.select_h.fd_set;
a3 : access sys.select_h.fd_set; a4 : access sys.select_h.fd_set;
a5 : access constant sys.timespec.struct_timespec;
a6 : access constant sys.select_h.sigset_t) return signed_int
renames sys.select_h.pselect;
function C_select (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access sys.select_h.fd_set;
a3 : access sys.select_h.fd_set; a4 : access sys.select_h.fd_set;
a5 : access sys.qtimeval.struct_timeval) return signed_int
renames sys.select_h.C_select;
-- FD_CLR renames sys.select_h.FD_CLR (uninterpretable)
-- FD_COPY renames sys.select_h.FD_COPY (function macro)
-- FD_ISSET renames sys.select_h.FD_ISSET (uninterpretable)
-- FD_SET renames sys.select_h.FD_SET (uninterpretable)
FD_SETSIZE : constant := sys.select_h.FD_SETSIZE;
-- FD_ZERO renames sys.select_h.FD_ZERO (function macro)
NFDBITS : constant := sys.select_h.NFDBITS;
qNFDBITS : constant := sys.select_h.qNFDBITS;
-- SELECT_DECLARED renames sys.select_h.SELECT_DECLARED (empty)
-- SIGSET_T_DECLARED renames sys.select_h.SIGSET_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- SYS_SELECT_H renames sys.select_h.SYS_SELECT_H (empty)
-- fdset_mask renames sys.select_h.fdset_mask (function macro)
-- howmany renames sys.select_h.howmany (function macro)
function fds_bits (Object : sys.select_h.struct_fd_set)
return qqfd_mask_array32 renames sys.select_h.fds_bits;
-- subtype sighandler_t is ... (function type)
subtype union_sigval is sys.signal.union_sigval;
subtype struct_siginfo is sys.signal.struct_siginfo;
subtype siginfo_t is sys.signal.siginfo_t;
subtype struct_sigaction is sys.signal.struct_sigaction;
subtype sig_t is sys.signal.sig_t;
-- subtype siginfohandler_t is ... (function type)
subtype struct_sigaltstack is sys.signal.struct_sigaltstack;
subtype stack_t is sys.signal.stack_t;
subtype struct_sigvec is sys.signal.struct_sigvec;
subtype struct_sigstack is sys.signal.struct_sigstack;
function signal (a1 : signed_int; a2 : sys.signal.sighandler_t_ptr)
return sys.signal.sighandler_t_ptr renames sys.signal.signal;
function BADSIG (Value : signed_int := -1)
return sys.signal.sighandler_t_ptr renames sys.signal.BADSIG;
BUS_ADRALN : constant := sys.signal.BUS_ADRALN;
BUS_ADRERR : constant := sys.signal.BUS_ADRERR;
BUS_OBJERR : constant := sys.signal.BUS_OBJERR;
CLD_CONTINUED : constant := sys.signal.CLD_CONTINUED;
CLD_DUMPED : constant := sys.signal.CLD_DUMPED;
CLD_EXITED : constant := sys.signal.CLD_EXITED;
CLD_KILLED : constant := sys.signal.CLD_KILLED;
CLD_STOPPED : constant := sys.signal.CLD_STOPPED;
CLD_TRAPPED : constant := sys.signal.CLD_TRAPPED;
FPE_FLTDIV : constant := sys.signal.FPE_FLTDIV;
FPE_FLTINV : constant := sys.signal.FPE_FLTINV;
FPE_FLTOVF : constant := sys.signal.FPE_FLTOVF;
FPE_FLTRES : constant := sys.signal.FPE_FLTRES;
FPE_FLTSUB : constant := sys.signal.FPE_FLTSUB;
FPE_FLTUND : constant := sys.signal.FPE_FLTUND;
FPE_INTDIV : constant := sys.signal.FPE_INTDIV;
FPE_INTOVF : constant := sys.signal.FPE_INTOVF;
ILL_BADSTK : constant := sys.signal.ILL_BADSTK;
ILL_COPROC : constant := sys.signal.ILL_COPROC;
ILL_ILLADR : constant := sys.signal.ILL_ILLADR;
ILL_ILLOPC : constant := sys.signal.ILL_ILLOPC;
ILL_ILLOPN : constant := sys.signal.ILL_ILLOPN;
ILL_ILLTRP : constant := sys.signal.ILL_ILLTRP;
ILL_PRVOPC : constant := sys.signal.ILL_PRVOPC;
ILL_PRVREG : constant := sys.signal.ILL_PRVREG;
MINSIGSTKSZ : constant := sys.signal.MINSIGSTKSZ;
NSIG : constant := sys.signal.NSIG;
POLL_ERR : constant := sys.signal.POLL_ERR;
POLL_HUP : constant := sys.signal.POLL_HUP;
POLL_IN : constant := sys.signal.POLL_IN;
POLL_MSG : constant := sys.signal.POLL_MSG;
POLL_OUT : constant := sys.signal.POLL_OUT;
POLL_PRI : constant := sys.signal.POLL_PRI;
SA_NOCLDSTOP : constant := sys.signal.SA_NOCLDSTOP;
SA_NOCLDWAIT : constant := sys.signal.SA_NOCLDWAIT;
SA_NODEFER : constant := sys.signal.SA_NODEFER;
SA_ONSTACK : constant := sys.signal.SA_ONSTACK;
SA_RESETHAND : constant := sys.signal.SA_RESETHAND;
SA_RESTART : constant := sys.signal.SA_RESTART;
SA_SIGINFO : constant := sys.signal.SA_SIGINFO;
SEGV_ACCERR : constant := sys.signal.SEGV_ACCERR;
SEGV_MAPERR : constant := sys.signal.SEGV_MAPERR;
SIGABRT : constant := sys.signal.SIGABRT;
SIGALRM : constant := sys.signal.SIGALRM;
SIGBUS : constant := sys.signal.SIGBUS;
SIGCHLD : constant := sys.signal.SIGCHLD;
SIGCONT : constant := sys.signal.SIGCONT;
SIGEMT : constant := sys.signal.SIGEMT;
SIGEV_KEVENT : constant := sys.signal.SIGEV_KEVENT;
SIGEV_NONE : constant := sys.signal.SIGEV_NONE;
SIGEV_SIGNAL : constant := sys.signal.SIGEV_SIGNAL;
SIGEV_THREAD : constant := sys.signal.SIGEV_THREAD;
SIGEV_THREAD_ID : constant := sys.signal.SIGEV_THREAD_ID;
SIGFPE : constant := sys.signal.SIGFPE;
SIGHUP : constant := sys.signal.SIGHUP;
SIGILL : constant := sys.signal.SIGILL;
SIGINFO : constant := sys.signal.SIGINFO;
SIGINT : constant := sys.signal.SIGINT;
SIGIO : constant := sys.signal.SIGIO;
SIGIOT : constant := sys.signal.SIGIOT;
SIGKILL : constant := sys.signal.SIGKILL;
SIGLWP : constant := sys.signal.SIGLWP;
SIGPIPE : constant := sys.signal.SIGPIPE;
SIGPROF : constant := sys.signal.SIGPROF;
SIGQUIT : constant := sys.signal.SIGQUIT;
SIGRTMAX : constant := sys.signal.SIGRTMAX;
SIGRTMIN : constant := sys.signal.SIGRTMIN;
SIGSEGV : constant := sys.signal.SIGSEGV;
SIGSTKSZ : constant := sys.signal.SIGSTKSZ;
SIGSTOP : constant := sys.signal.SIGSTOP;
SIGSYS : constant := sys.signal.SIGSYS;
SIGTERM : constant := sys.signal.SIGTERM;
SIGTHR : constant := sys.signal.SIGTHR;
SIGTRAP : constant := sys.signal.SIGTRAP;
SIGTSTP : constant := sys.signal.SIGTSTP;
SIGTTIN : constant := sys.signal.SIGTTIN;
SIGTTOU : constant := sys.signal.SIGTTOU;
SIGURG : constant := sys.signal.SIGURG;
SIGUSR1 : constant := sys.signal.SIGUSR1;
SIGUSR2 : constant := sys.signal.SIGUSR2;
SIGVTALRM : constant := sys.signal.SIGVTALRM;
SIGWINCH : constant := sys.signal.SIGWINCH;
SIGXCPU : constant := sys.signal.SIGXCPU;
SIGXFSZ : constant := sys.signal.SIGXFSZ;
SIG_BLOCK : constant := sys.signal.SIG_BLOCK;
SIG_DFL : sys.signal.sighandler_t_ptr renames sys.signal.SIG_DFL;
function SIG_ERR (Value : signed_int := -1)
return sys.signal.sighandler_t_ptr renames sys.signal.SIG_ERR;
function SIG_IGN (Value : signed_int := 1)
return sys.signal.sighandler_t_ptr renames sys.signal.SIG_IGN;
SIG_SETMASK : constant := sys.signal.SIG_SETMASK;
SIG_UNBLOCK : constant := sys.signal.SIG_UNBLOCK;
SI_ASYNCIO : constant := sys.signal.SI_ASYNCIO;
SI_MESGQ : constant := sys.signal.SI_MESGQ;
SI_NOINFO : constant := sys.signal.SI_NOINFO;
SI_QUEUE : constant := sys.signal.SI_QUEUE;
SI_TIMER : constant := sys.signal.SI_TIMER;
SI_UNDEFINED : constant := sys.signal.SI_UNDEFINED;
SI_USER : constant := sys.signal.SI_USER;
SS_DISABLE : constant := sys.signal.SS_DISABLE;
SS_ONSTACK : constant := sys.signal.SS_ONSTACK;
SV_INTERRUPT : constant := sys.signal.SV_INTERRUPT;
SV_NOCLDSTOP : constant := sys.signal.SV_NOCLDSTOP;
SV_NODEFER : constant := sys.signal.SV_NODEFER;
SV_ONSTACK : constant := sys.signal.SV_ONSTACK;
SV_RESETHAND : constant := sys.signal.SV_RESETHAND;
SV_SIGINFO : constant := sys.signal.SV_SIGINFO;
TRAP_BRKPT : constant := sys.signal.TRAP_BRKPT;
TRAP_TRACE : constant := sys.signal.TRAP_TRACE;
-- SYS_SIGNAL_H renames sys.signal.SYS_SIGNAL_H (empty)
-- sa_handler renames sys.signal.sa_handler (anonymous type)
-- sa_sigaction renames sys.signal.sa_sigaction (anonymous type)
function si_band (Object : sys.signal.struct_siginfo) return signed_long
renames sys.signal.si_band;
function si_mqd (Object : sys.signal.struct_siginfo) return signed_int
renames sys.signal.si_mqd;
function si_overrun (Object : sys.signal.struct_siginfo) return signed_int
renames sys.signal.si_overrun;
function si_timerid (Object : sys.signal.struct_siginfo) return signed_int
renames sys.signal.si_timerid;
function si_trapno (Object : sys.signal.struct_siginfo) return signed_int
renames sys.signal.si_trapno;
function sigev_notify_attributes (Object : sys.signal.struct_sigevent)
return void_ptr renames sys.signal.sigev_notify_attributes;
-- sigev_notify_function renames sys.signal.sigev_notif... (anonymous type)
function sigev_notify_kqueue (Object : sys.signal.struct_sigevent)
return signed_int renames sys.signal.sigev_notify_kqueue;
function sigev_notify_thread_id (Object : sys.signal.struct_sigevent)
return sys.qtypes.lwpid_t renames sys.signal.sigev_notify_thread_id;
-- sigmask renames sys.signal.sigmask (function macro)
function sigvec_sv_onstack (Object : sys.signal.struct_sigvec)
return signed_int renames sys.signal.sigvec_sv_onstack;
sys_signame : aliased char_const_ptr_array (0 .. 31);
pragma Import (C, sys_signame, "sys_signame");
sys_siglist : aliased char_const_ptr_array (0 .. 31);
pragma Import (C, sys_siglist, "sys_siglist");
sys_nsig : aliased signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sys_nsig, "sys_nsig");
function C_raise (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, C_raise, "raise");
function kill (a1 : sys.qtypes.pid_t; a2 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, kill, "kill");
function sigaction (a1 : signed_int;
a2 : access constant sys.signal.struct_sigaction;
a3 : access sys.signal.struct_sigaction) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sigaction, "sigaction");
function sigaddset (a1 : access sys.select_h.sigset_t; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sigaddset, "sigaddset");
function sigdelset (a1 : access sys.select_h.sigset_t; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sigdelset, "sigdelset");
function sigemptyset (a1 : access sys.select_h.sigset_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sigemptyset, "sigemptyset");
function sigfillset (a1 : access sys.select_h.sigset_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sigfillset, "sigfillset");
function sigismember (a1 : access constant sys.select_h.sigset_t;
a2 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sigismember, "sigismember");
function sigpending (a1 : access sys.select_h.sigset_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sigpending, "sigpending");
function sigprocmask (a1 : signed_int;
a2 : access constant sys.select_h.sigset_t;
a3 : access sys.select_h.sigset_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sigprocmask, "sigprocmask");
function sigsuspend (a1 : access constant sys.select_h.sigset_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sigsuspend, "sigsuspend");
function sigwait (a1 : access constant sys.select_h.sigset_t;
a2 : access signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sigwait, "sigwait");
function sigqueue (a1 : sys.qtypes.pid_t; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : sys.signal.union_sigval) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sigqueue, "sigqueue");
function sigtimedwait (a1 : access constant sys.select_h.sigset_t;
a2 : access sys.signal.siginfo_t;
a3 : access constant sys.timespec.struct_timespec) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sigtimedwait, "sigtimedwait");
function sigwaitinfo (a1 : access constant sys.select_h.sigset_t;
a2 : access sys.signal.siginfo_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sigwaitinfo, "sigwaitinfo");
function killpg (a1 : sys.qtypes.pid_t; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, killpg, "killpg");
function sigaltstack (a1 : access constant sys.signal.stack_t;
a2 : access sys.signal.stack_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sigaltstack, "sigaltstack");
function sigpause (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sigpause, "sigpause");
function siginterrupt (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, siginterrupt, "siginterrupt");
function sigblock (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sigblock, "sigblock");
-- subtype struct_ucontext is sys.ucontext.struct_ucontext;
type struct_ucontext_const_ptr is
access constant sys.ucontext.struct_ucontext;
for struct_ucontext_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_ucontext_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_ucontext_const_ptr);
type struct_ucontext_ptr is access all sys.ucontext.struct_ucontext;
for struct_ucontext_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_ucontext_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_ucontext_ptr);
function sigreturn (a1 : access constant sys.ucontext.struct_ucontext)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sigreturn, "sigreturn");
function sigsetmask (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sigsetmask, "sigsetmask");
function sigstack (a1 : access constant sys.signal.struct_sigstack;
a2 : access sys.signal.struct_sigstack) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sigstack, "sigstack");
function sigvec (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access sys.signal.struct_sigvec;
a3 : access sys.signal.struct_sigvec) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sigvec, "sigvec");
procedure psignal (a1 : unsigned_int; a2 : access constant char);
pragma Import (C, psignal, "psignal");
-- _SIGNAL_H_ (empty)
end C.signal;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.sys.qtypes;
package C.stddef is
pragma Preelaborate;
subtype ptrdiff_t is Standard.C.ptrdiff_t;
subtype size_t is Standard.C.size_t;
subtype size_t_ptr is Standard.C.size_t_ptr;
subtype rune_t is sys.qtypes.rune_t;
subtype wchar_t is Standard.C.wchar_t;
subtype wchar_t_ptr is Standard.C.wchar_t_ptr;
subtype wchar_t_ptr_ptr is Standard.C.wchar_t_ptr_ptr;
subtype wchar_t_const_ptr is Standard.C.wchar_t_const_ptr;
subtype wchar_t_const_ptr_ptr is Standard.C.wchar_t_const_ptr_ptr;
C_NULL : constant void_ptr := void_ptr (System'To_Address (0));
-- _ANSI_STDDEF_H (empty)
-- _BSD_PTRDIFF_T_ (empty)
-- _BSD_SIZE_T_ (empty)
-- _BSD_SIZE_T_DEFINED_ (empty)
-- _GCC_PTRDIFF_T (empty)
-- _GCC_SIZE_T (empty)
-- _GCC_WCHAR_T (empty)
-- _PTRDIFF_T (empty)
-- _PTRDIFF_T_ (empty)
-- _RUNE_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _SIZET_ (empty)
-- _SIZE_T (empty)
-- _SIZE_T_ (empty)
-- _SIZE_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _SIZE_T_DEFINED (empty)
-- _SIZE_T_DEFINED_ (empty)
-- _STDDEF_H (empty)
-- _STDDEF_H_ (empty)
-- _SYS_SIZE_T_H (empty)
-- _T_PTRDIFF (empty)
-- _T_PTRDIFF_ (empty)
-- _T_SIZE (empty)
-- _T_SIZE_ (empty)
-- _T_WCHAR (empty)
-- _T_WCHAR_ (empty)
-- _WCHAR_T (empty)
-- _WCHAR_T_ (empty)
-- _WCHAR_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _WCHAR_T_DEFINED (empty)
-- _WCHAR_T_DEFINED_ (empty)
-- _WCHAR_T_H (empty)
-- __INT_WCHAR_T_H (empty)
-- __PTRDIFF_T (empty)
-- __SIZE_T (empty)
-- __SIZE_T__ (empty)
-- __STDDEF_H__ (empty)
-- __WCHAR_T (empty)
-- __WCHAR_T__ (empty)
-- ___int_ptrdiff_t_h (empty)
-- ___int_size_t_h (empty)
-- ___int_wchar_t_h (empty)
-- __size_t__ (empty)
-- __wchar_t__ (empty)
-- offsetof (unparsible)
end C.stddef;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.machine.qtypes;
package C.stdint is
pragma Preelaborate;
-- _GCC_WRAP_STDINT_H (empty)
subtype int8_t is machine.qtypes.int8_t;
subtype int16_t is machine.qtypes.int16_t;
subtype int32_t is machine.qtypes.int32_t;
subtype int32_t_array is machine.qtypes.int32_t_array;
subtype int64_t is machine.qtypes.int64_t;
subtype uint8_t is machine.qtypes.uint8_t;
subtype uint8_t_array is machine.qtypes.uint8_t_array;
subtype uint8_t_const_ptr is machine.qtypes.uint8_t_const_ptr;
subtype uint8_t_ptr is machine.qtypes.uint8_t_ptr;
subtype uint8_t_ptr_ptr is machine.qtypes.uint8_t_ptr_ptr;
subtype uint16_t is machine.qtypes.uint16_t;
subtype uint16_t_array is machine.qtypes.uint16_t_array;
subtype uint32_t is machine.qtypes.uint32_t;
subtype uint32_t_ptr is machine.qtypes.uint32_t_ptr;
subtype uint32_t_array is machine.qtypes.uint32_t_array;
subtype uint64_t is machine.qtypes.uint64_t;
subtype uint64_t_array is machine.qtypes.uint64_t_array;
subtype int_least8_t is machine.qtypes.int_least8_t;
subtype int_least16_t is machine.qtypes.int_least16_t;
subtype int_least32_t is machine.qtypes.int_least32_t;
subtype int_least64_t is machine.qtypes.int_least64_t;
subtype uint_least8_t is machine.qtypes.uint_least8_t;
subtype uint_least16_t is machine.qtypes.uint_least16_t;
subtype uint_least32_t is machine.qtypes.uint_least32_t;
subtype uint_least64_t is machine.qtypes.uint_least64_t;
subtype int_fast8_t is machine.qtypes.int_fast8_t;
subtype int_fast16_t is machine.qtypes.int_fast16_t;
subtype int_fast32_t is machine.qtypes.int_fast32_t;
subtype int_fast64_t is machine.qtypes.int_fast64_t;
subtype uint_fast8_t is machine.qtypes.uint_fast8_t;
subtype uint_fast16_t is machine.qtypes.uint_fast16_t;
subtype uint_fast32_t is machine.qtypes.uint_fast32_t;
subtype uint_fast64_t is machine.qtypes.uint_fast64_t;
subtype intmax_t is machine.qtypes.intmax_t;
subtype uintmax_t is machine.qtypes.uintmax_t;
subtype intptr_t is machine.qtypes.intptr_t;
subtype uintptr_t is machine.qtypes.uintptr_t;
-- _INT16_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _INT32_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _INT64_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _INT8_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _SYS_STDINT_H_ (empty)
-- _UINT16_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _UINT32_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _UINT64_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _UINT8_T_DECLARED (empty)
end C.stdint;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package body C.stdio is
function sputc (c : signed_int; p : access FILE) return signed_int is
function Assign_ccb2eb41 return signed_int;
function Assign_ccb2eb41 return signed_int is
Left : signed_int renames p.w;
Left := Left - 1;
return Left;
end Assign_ccb2eb41;
if Assign_ccb2eb41 >= 0 or else (p.w >= p.lbfsize
and then char'Val (c) /= char'Val (10))
function Assign_da84616f return unsigned_char;
function Assign_74426e94 return unsigned_char_ptr;
function Assign_da84616f return unsigned_char is
Left : unsigned_char renames Assign_74426e94.all;
Left := unsigned_char'Mod (c);
return Left;
end Assign_da84616f;
function Assign_74426e94 return unsigned_char_ptr is
Left : unsigned_char_ptr renames p.p;
Previous : constant unsigned_char_ptr := Left;
Left := Cast (Cast (Left)
+ unsigned_char_ptr'Size / Standard'Storage_Unit);
return Previous;
end Assign_74426e94;
return signed_int (Assign_da84616f);
return swbuf (c, p);
end if;
end sputc;
end C.stdio;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
with C.machine.qtypes;
with C.stddef;
with C.sys.qtypes;
package C.stdio is
pragma Preelaborate;
function Cast is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (unsigned_char_ptr,
function Cast is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (ptrdiff_t,
subtype fpos_t is sys.qtypes.off_t;
subtype fpos_t_ptr is sys.qtypes.off_t_ptr;
subtype fpos_t_const_ptr is sys.qtypes.off_t_const_ptr;
subtype va_list is machine.qtypes.va_list;
type struct_sbuf;
type struct_sbuf is record
base : aliased unsigned_char_ptr;
size : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_sbuf);
type struct_sFILEX (<>) is limited private;
type struct_sFILEX_ptr is access all struct_sFILEX;
for struct_sFILEX_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_sFILEX_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_sFILEX_ptr);
type struct_sFILE;
type access_e4ba1440 is access function (a1 : void_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Convention (C, access_e4ba1440);
type access_2919a940 is access function (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : access char;
a3 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Convention (C, access_2919a940);
type access_1c3a4409 is access function (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : fpos_t;
a3 : signed_int) return fpos_t;
pragma Convention (C, access_1c3a4409);
type access_c2cb0cdb is access function (a1 : void_ptr;
a2 : access constant char; a3 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Convention (C, access_c2cb0cdb);
type struct_sFILE is record
p : aliased unsigned_char_ptr;
r : aliased signed_int;
w : aliased signed_int;
flags : aliased signed_short;
file : aliased signed_short;
bf : aliased struct_sbuf;
lbfsize : aliased signed_int;
cookie : aliased void_ptr;
close : aliased access_e4ba1440;
read : aliased access_2919a940;
seek : aliased access_1c3a4409;
write : aliased access_c2cb0cdb;
ub : aliased struct_sbuf;
extra : aliased struct_sFILEX_ptr;
ur : aliased signed_int;
ubuf : aliased unsigned_char_array (0 .. 2);
nbuf : aliased unsigned_char_array (0 .. 0);
lb : aliased struct_sbuf;
blksize : aliased signed_int;
offset : aliased fpos_t;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_sFILE);
type struct_sFILE_ptr is access all struct_sFILE;
for struct_sFILE_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_sFILE_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_sFILE_ptr);
subtype FILE is struct_sFILE;
subtype FILE_ptr is struct_sFILE_ptr;
stdinp : aliased FILE_ptr;
pragma Import (C, stdinp, "__stdinp");
stdoutp : aliased FILE_ptr;
pragma Import (C, stdoutp, "__stdoutp");
stderrp : aliased FILE_ptr;
pragma Import (C, stderrp, "__stderrp");
procedure clearerr (a1 : access FILE);
pragma Import (C, clearerr, "clearerr");
function fclose (a1 : access FILE) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fclose, "fclose");
function feof (a1 : access FILE) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, feof, "feof");
function ferror (a1 : access FILE) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, ferror, "ferror");
function fflush (a1 : access FILE) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fflush, "fflush");
function fgetc (a1 : access FILE) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fgetc, "fgetc");
function fgetpos (a1 : access FILE; a2 : access fpos_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fgetpos, "fgetpos");
function fgets (a1 : access char; a2 : signed_int; a3 : access FILE)
return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, fgets, "fgets");
function fopen (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char)
return FILE_ptr;
pragma Import (C, fopen, "fopen");
function fprintf (a1 : access FILE; a2 : access constant char)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fprintf, "fprintf");
function fputc (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access FILE) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fputc, "fputc");
function fputs (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access FILE)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fputs, "fputs");
function fread (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t; a3 : stddef.size_t;
a4 : access FILE) return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, fread, "fread");
function freopen (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : access FILE) return FILE_ptr;
pragma Import (C, freopen, "freopen");
function fscanf (a1 : access FILE; a2 : access constant char)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fscanf, "fscanf");
function fseek (a1 : access FILE; a2 : signed_long; a3 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fseek, "fseek");
function fsetpos (a1 : access FILE; a2 : access constant fpos_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fsetpos, "fsetpos");
function ftell (a1 : access FILE) return signed_long;
pragma Import (C, ftell, "ftell");
function fwrite (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t;
a3 : stddef.size_t; a4 : access FILE) return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, fwrite, "fwrite");
function getc (a1 : access FILE) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getc, "getc");
function getchar return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getchar, "getchar");
function gets (a1 : access char) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, gets, "gets");
procedure perror (a1 : access constant char);
pragma Import (C, perror, "perror");
function printf (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, printf, "printf");
function putc (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access FILE) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, putc, "putc");
function putchar (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, putchar, "putchar");
function puts (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, puts, "puts");
function remove (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, remove, "remove");
function rename (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, rename, "rename");
procedure rewind (a1 : access FILE);
pragma Import (C, rewind, "rewind");
function scanf (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, scanf, "scanf");
procedure setbuf (a1 : access FILE; a2 : access char);
pragma Import (C, setbuf, "setbuf");
function setvbuf (a1 : access FILE; a2 : access char; a3 : signed_int;
a4 : stddef.size_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setvbuf, "setvbuf");
function sprintf (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sprintf, "sprintf");
function sscanf (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sscanf, "sscanf");
function tmpfile return FILE_ptr;
pragma Import (C, tmpfile, "tmpfile");
function tmpnam (a1 : access char) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, tmpnam, "tmpnam");
function ungetc (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access FILE) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, ungetc, "ungetc");
function vfprintf (a1 : access FILE; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : machine.qtypes.va_list) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, vfprintf, "vfprintf");
function vprintf (a1 : access constant char; a2 : machine.qtypes.va_list)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, vprintf, "vprintf");
function vsprintf (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : machine.qtypes.va_list) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, vsprintf, "vsprintf");
function snprintf (a1 : access char; a2 : stddef.size_t;
a3 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, snprintf, "snprintf");
function vfscanf (a1 : access FILE; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : machine.qtypes.va_list) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, vfscanf, "vfscanf");
function vscanf (a1 : access constant char; a2 : machine.qtypes.va_list)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, vscanf, "vscanf");
function vsnprintf (a1 : access char; a2 : stddef.size_t;
a3 : access constant char; a4 : machine.qtypes.va_list)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, vsnprintf, "vsnprintf");
function vsscanf (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : machine.qtypes.va_list) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, vsscanf, "vsscanf");
function ctermid (a1 : access char) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, ctermid, "ctermid");
function fdopen (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access constant char)
return FILE_ptr;
pragma Import (C, fdopen, "fdopen");
function fileno (a1 : access FILE) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fileno, "fileno");
function pclose (a1 : access FILE) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pclose, "pclose");
function popen (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char)
return FILE_ptr;
pragma Import (C, popen, "popen");
function ftrylockfile (a1 : access FILE) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, ftrylockfile, "ftrylockfile");
procedure flockfile (a1 : access FILE);
pragma Import (C, flockfile, "flockfile");
procedure funlockfile (a1 : access FILE);
pragma Import (C, funlockfile, "funlockfile");
function getc_unlocked (a1 : access FILE) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getc_unlocked, "getc_unlocked");
function getchar_unlocked return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getchar_unlocked, "getchar_unlocked");
function putc_unlocked (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access FILE)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, putc_unlocked, "putc_unlocked");
function putchar_unlocked (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, putchar_unlocked, "putchar_unlocked");
procedure clearerr_unlocked (a1 : access FILE);
pragma Import (C, clearerr_unlocked, "clearerr_unlocked");
function feof_unlocked (a1 : access FILE) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, feof_unlocked, "feof_unlocked");
function ferror_unlocked (a1 : access FILE) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, ferror_unlocked, "ferror_unlocked");
function fileno_unlocked (a1 : access FILE) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fileno_unlocked, "fileno_unlocked");
function fseeko (a1 : access FILE; a2 : sys.qtypes.off_t; a3 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fseeko, "fseeko");
function ftello (a1 : access FILE) return sys.qtypes.off_t;
pragma Import (C, ftello, "ftello");
function getw (a1 : access FILE) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getw, "getw");
function putw (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access FILE) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, putw, "putw");
function tempnam (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char)
return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, tempnam, "tempnam");
function asprintf (a1 : access char_ptr; a2 : access constant char)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, asprintf, "asprintf");
function ctermid_r (a1 : access char) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, ctermid_r, "ctermid_r");
procedure fcloseall;
pragma Import (C, fcloseall, "fcloseall");
function fgetln (a1 : access FILE; a2 : access stddef.size_t)
return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, fgetln, "fgetln");
function fmtcheck (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char)
return char_const_ptr;
pragma Import (C, fmtcheck, "fmtcheck");
function fpurge (a1 : access FILE) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fpurge, "fpurge");
procedure setbuffer (a1 : access FILE; a2 : access char; a3 : signed_int);
pragma Import (C, setbuffer, "setbuffer");
function setlinebuf (a1 : access FILE) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setlinebuf, "setlinebuf");
function vasprintf (a1 : access char_ptr; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : machine.qtypes.va_list) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, vasprintf, "vasprintf");
sys_nerr : aliased signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sys_nerr, "sys_nerr");
sys_errlist : aliased char_const_ptr_array (size_t);
pragma Import (C, sys_errlist, "sys_errlist");
function funopen (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : access_2919a940;
a3 : access_c2cb0cdb; a4 : access_1c3a4409; a5 : access_e4ba1440)
return FILE_ptr;
pragma Import (C, funopen, "funopen");
function srget (a1 : access FILE) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, srget, "__srget");
function swbuf (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access FILE) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, swbuf, "__swbuf");
function sputc (c : signed_int; p : access FILE) return signed_int;
pragma Convention (C, sputc);
pragma Inline (sputc);
isthreaded : aliased signed_int;
pragma Import (C, isthreaded, "__isthreaded");
BUFSIZ : constant := 1024;
EOF : constant := -1;
FILENAME_MAX : constant := 1024;
FOPEN_MAX : constant := 20;
L_ctermid : constant := 1024;
L_cuserid : constant := 17;
L_tmpnam : constant := 1024;
P_tmpdir : constant char_array (0 .. 9) := "/var/tmp/" & char'Val (0);
TMP_MAX : constant := 308915776;
-- _FSTDIO (empty)
IOFBF : constant := 0;
IOLBF : constant := 1;
IONBF : constant := 2;
-- _STDIO_H_ (empty)
-- _VA_LIST_DECLARED (empty)
SALC : constant := 16384;
SAPP : constant := 256;
SEOF : constant := 32;
SERR : constant := 64;
SIGN : constant := 32768;
SLBF : constant := 1;
SMBF : constant := 128;
SMOD : constant := 8192;
SNBF : constant := 2;
SNPT : constant := 2048;
SOFF : constant := 4096;
SOPT : constant := 1024;
SRD : constant := 4;
SRW : constant := 16;
SSTR : constant := 512;
SWR : constant := 8;
-- __sclearerr (uninterpretable)
-- __sfeof (uninterpretable)
-- __sferror (uninterpretable)
-- __sfileno (uninterpretable)
-- __sgetc (uninterpretable)
-- fropen (function macro)
-- fwopen (function macro)
stderr : FILE_ptr renames stderrp;
stdin : FILE_ptr renames stdinp;
stdout : FILE_ptr renames stdoutp;
type struct_sFILEX is null record;
end C.stdio;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.machine.qtypes;
with C.stddef;
with C.sys.qtypes;
package C.stdlib is
pragma Preelaborate;
type struct_1a371161 is record
quot : aliased signed_int;
F_rem : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_1a371161);
subtype div_t is struct_1a371161;
type struct_296fc0b0 is record
quot : aliased signed_long;
F_rem : aliased signed_long;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_296fc0b0);
subtype ldiv_t is struct_296fc0b0;
qqmb_cur_max : aliased signed_int;
pragma Import (C, qqmb_cur_max, "__mb_cur_max");
type access_e823f645 is access procedure;
pragma Convention (C, access_e823f645);
procedure C_abort;
pragma No_Return (C_abort);
pragma Import (C, C_abort, "abort");
procedure abort2 (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : access void_ptr);
pragma No_Return (abort2);
pragma Import (C, abort2, "abort2");
function C_abs (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, C_abs, "abs");
function atexit (a1 : access_e823f645) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, atexit, "atexit");
function atof (a1 : access constant char) return double;
pragma Import (C, atof, "atof");
function atoi (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, atoi, "atoi");
function atol (a1 : access constant char) return signed_long;
pragma Import (C, atol, "atol");
type access_78cf2c20 is access function (a1 : void_const_ptr;
a2 : void_const_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Convention (C, access_78cf2c20);
function bsearch (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : void_const_ptr;
a3 : stddef.size_t; a4 : stddef.size_t; a5 : access_78cf2c20)
return void_ptr;
pragma Import (C, bsearch, "bsearch");
function calloc (a1 : stddef.size_t; a2 : stddef.size_t) return void_ptr;
pragma Import (C, calloc, "calloc");
function div (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int) return div_t;
pragma Import (C, div, "div");
procedure C_exit (a1 : signed_int);
pragma No_Return (C_exit);
pragma Import (C, C_exit, "exit");
procedure free (a1 : void_ptr);
pragma Import (C, free, "free");
function getenv (a1 : access constant char) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getenv, "getenv");
function labs (a1 : signed_long) return signed_long;
pragma Import (C, labs, "labs");
function ldiv (a1 : signed_long; a2 : signed_long) return ldiv_t;
pragma Import (C, ldiv, "ldiv");
function malloc (a1 : stddef.size_t) return void_ptr;
pragma Import (C, malloc, "malloc");
function mblen (a1 : access constant char; a2 : stddef.size_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, mblen, "mblen");
function mbstowcs (a1 : access stddef.wchar_t; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : stddef.size_t) return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, mbstowcs, "mbstowcs");
function mbtowc (a1 : access stddef.wchar_t; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : stddef.size_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, mbtowc, "mbtowc");
procedure qsort (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t; a3 : stddef.size_t;
a4 : access_78cf2c20);
pragma Import (C, qsort, "qsort");
function rand return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, rand, "rand");
function realloc (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t) return void_ptr;
pragma Import (C, realloc, "realloc");
procedure srand (a1 : unsigned_int);
pragma Import (C, srand, "srand");
function strtod (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access char_ptr)
return double;
pragma Import (C, strtod, "strtod");
function strtof (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access char_ptr)
return float;
pragma Import (C, strtof, "strtof");
function strtol (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access char_ptr;
a3 : signed_int) return signed_long;
pragma Import (C, strtol, "strtol");
function strtold (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access char_ptr)
return long_double;
pragma Import (C, strtold, "strtold");
function strtoul (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access char_ptr;
a3 : signed_int) return unsigned_long;
pragma Import (C, strtoul, "strtoul");
function C_system (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, C_system, "system");
function wctomb (a1 : access char; a2 : stddef.wchar_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, wctomb, "wctomb");
function wcstombs (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a3 : stddef.size_t) return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, wcstombs, "wcstombs");
type struct_8b049a4c is record
quot : aliased signed_long_long;
F_rem : aliased signed_long_long;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_8b049a4c);
subtype lldiv_t is struct_8b049a4c;
function atoll (a1 : access constant char) return signed_long_long;
pragma Import (C, atoll, "atoll");
function llabs (a1 : signed_long_long) return signed_long_long;
pragma Import (C, llabs, "llabs");
function lldiv (a1 : signed_long_long; a2 : signed_long_long)
return lldiv_t;
pragma Import (C, lldiv, "lldiv");
function strtoll (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access char_ptr;
a3 : signed_int) return signed_long_long;
pragma Import (C, strtoll, "strtoll");
function strtoull (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access char_ptr;
a3 : signed_int) return unsigned_long_long;
pragma Import (C, strtoull, "strtoull");
procedure C_qExit2 (a1 : signed_int);
pragma No_Return (C_qExit2);
pragma Import (C, C_qExit2, "_Exit");
function posix_memalign (a1 : access void_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t;
a3 : stddef.size_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, posix_memalign, "posix_memalign");
function rand_r (a1 : access unsigned_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, rand_r, "rand_r");
function setenv (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setenv, "setenv");
function unsetenv (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, unsetenv, "unsetenv");
function a64l (a1 : access constant char) return signed_long;
pragma Import (C, a64l, "a64l");
function drand48 return double;
pragma Import (C, drand48, "drand48");
function erand48 (a1 : access unsigned_short) return double;
pragma Import (C, erand48, "erand48");
function getsubopt (a1 : access char_ptr; a2 : access char_ptr;
a3 : access char_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getsubopt, "getsubopt");
function grantpt (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, grantpt, "grantpt");
function initstate (a1 : unsigned_long; a2 : access char;
a3 : signed_long) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, initstate, "initstate");
function jrand48 (a1 : access unsigned_short) return signed_long;
pragma Import (C, jrand48, "jrand48");
function l64a (a1 : signed_long) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, l64a, "l64a");
procedure lcong48 (a1 : access unsigned_short);
pragma Import (C, lcong48, "lcong48");
function lrand48 return signed_long;
pragma Import (C, lrand48, "lrand48");
function mrand48 return signed_long;
pragma Import (C, mrand48, "mrand48");
function nrand48 (a1 : access unsigned_short) return signed_long;
pragma Import (C, nrand48, "nrand48");
function posix_openpt (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, posix_openpt, "posix_openpt");
function ptsname (a1 : signed_int) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, ptsname, "ptsname");
function putenv (a1 : access char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, putenv, "putenv");
function random return signed_long;
pragma Import (C, random, "random");
function realpath (a1 : access constant char; resolved_path : access char)
return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, realpath, "realpath");
function seed48 (a1 : access unsigned_short) return unsigned_short_ptr;
pragma Import (C, seed48, "seed48");
function setstate (a1 : access char) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, setstate, "setstate");
procedure srand48 (a1 : signed_long);
pragma Import (C, srand48, "srand48");
procedure srandom (a1 : unsigned_long);
pragma Import (C, srandom, "srandom");
function unlockpt (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, unlockpt, "unlockpt");
malloc_options : aliased char_const_ptr;
pragma Import (C, malloc_options, "_malloc_options");
type access_43d9883b is access procedure (a1 : access constant char;
a2 : access constant char; a3 : access constant char;
a4 : access constant char);
pragma Convention (C, access_43d9883b);
malloc_message : aliased access_43d9883b;
pragma Import (C, malloc_message, "_malloc_message");
function arc4random return machine.qtypes.uint32_t;
pragma Import (C, arc4random, "arc4random");
procedure arc4random_addrandom (dat : access unsigned_char;
datlen : signed_int);
pragma Import (C, arc4random_addrandom, "arc4random_addrandom");
procedure arc4random_stir;
pragma Import (C, arc4random_stir, "arc4random_stir");
function getbsize (a1 : access signed_int; a2 : access signed_long)
return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getbsize, "getbsize");
function cgetcap (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : signed_int) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, cgetcap, "cgetcap");
function cgetclose return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, cgetclose, "cgetclose");
function cgetent (a1 : access char_ptr; a2 : access char_ptr;
a3 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, cgetent, "cgetent");
function cgetfirst (a1 : access char_ptr; a2 : access char_ptr)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, cgetfirst, "cgetfirst");
function cgetmatch (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, cgetmatch, "cgetmatch");
function cgetnext (a1 : access char_ptr; a2 : access char_ptr)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, cgetnext, "cgetnext");
function cgetnum (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : access signed_long) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, cgetnum, "cgetnum");
function cgetset (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, cgetset, "cgetset");
function cgetstr (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : access char_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, cgetstr, "cgetstr");
function cgetustr (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : access char_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, cgetustr, "cgetustr");
function daemon (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, daemon, "daemon");
function devname (a1 : sys.qtypes.dev_t; a2 : sys.qtypes.mode_t)
return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, devname, "devname");
function devname_r (a1 : sys.qtypes.dev_t; a2 : sys.qtypes.mode_t;
a3 : access char; a4 : signed_int) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, devname_r, "devname_r");
function getloadavg (a1 : access double; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getloadavg, "getloadavg");
function getprogname return char_const_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getprogname, "getprogname");
function heapsort (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t; a3 : stddef.size_t;
a4 : access_78cf2c20) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, heapsort, "heapsort");
function l64a_r (a1 : signed_long; a2 : access char; a3 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, l64a_r, "l64a_r");
function mergesort (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t; a3 : stddef.size_t;
a4 : access_78cf2c20) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, mergesort, "mergesort");
type access_d17b2c84 is access function (a1 : void_ptr;
a2 : void_const_ptr; a3 : void_const_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Convention (C, access_d17b2c84);
procedure qsort_r (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t; a3 : stddef.size_t;
a4 : void_ptr; a5 : access_d17b2c84);
pragma Import (C, qsort_r, "qsort_r");
function radixsort (a1 : access unsigned_char_const_ptr; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : access constant unsigned_char; a4 : unsigned_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, radixsort, "radixsort");
function reallocf (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t) return void_ptr;
pragma Import (C, reallocf, "reallocf");
function rpmatch (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, rpmatch, "rpmatch");
procedure setprogname (a1 : access constant char);
pragma Import (C, setprogname, "setprogname");
function sradixsort (a1 : access unsigned_char_const_ptr; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : access constant unsigned_char; a4 : unsigned_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sradixsort, "sradixsort");
procedure sranddev;
pragma Import (C, sranddev, "sranddev");
procedure srandomdev;
pragma Import (C, srandomdev, "srandomdev");
function strtonum (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_long_long;
a3 : signed_long_long; a4 : access char_const_ptr)
return signed_long_long;
pragma Import (C, strtonum, "strtonum");
function strtoq (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access char_ptr;
a3 : signed_int) return machine.qtypes.int64_t;
pragma Import (C, strtoq, "strtoq");
function strtouq (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access char_ptr;
a3 : signed_int) return machine.qtypes.uint64_t;
pragma Import (C, strtouq, "strtouq");
suboptarg : aliased char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, suboptarg, "suboptarg");
EXIT_FAILURE : constant := 1;
EXIT_SUCCESS : constant := 0;
MB_CUR_MAX : signed_int renames qqmb_cur_max;
RAND_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
-- _STDLIB_H_ (empty)
-- alloca (function macro)
end C.stdlib;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.stddef;
with C.sys.types;
package C.string is
pragma Preelaborate;
function memccpy (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : void_const_ptr; a3 : signed_int;
a4 : stddef.size_t) return void_ptr;
pragma Import (C, memccpy, "memccpy");
function memchr (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : signed_int; a3 : stddef.size_t)
return void_ptr;
pragma Import (C, memchr, "memchr");
function memrchr (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : stddef.size_t) return void_ptr;
pragma Import (C, memrchr, "memrchr");
function memcmp (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : void_const_ptr;
a3 : stddef.size_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, memcmp, "memcmp");
function memcpy (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : void_const_ptr; a3 : stddef.size_t)
return void_ptr;
pragma Import (C, memcpy, "memcpy");
function memmem (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t;
a3 : void_const_ptr; a4 : stddef.size_t) return void_ptr;
pragma Import (C, memmem, "memmem");
function memmove (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : void_const_ptr; a3 : stddef.size_t)
return void_ptr;
pragma Import (C, memmove, "memmove");
function memset (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : signed_int; a3 : stddef.size_t)
return void_ptr;
pragma Import (C, memset, "memset");
function stpcpy (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char)
return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, stpcpy, "stpcpy");
function strcasestr (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char)
return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, strcasestr, "strcasestr");
function strcat (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char)
return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, strcat, "strcat");
function strchr (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_int)
return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, strchr, "strchr");
function strcmp (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, strcmp, "strcmp");
function strcoll (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, strcoll, "strcoll");
function strcpy (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char)
return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, strcpy, "strcpy");
function strcspn (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char)
return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, strcspn, "strcspn");
function strdup (a1 : access constant char) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, strdup, "strdup");
function strerror (a1 : signed_int) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, strerror, "strerror");
function strerror_r (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access char;
a3 : stddef.size_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, strerror_r, "strerror_r");
function strlcat (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : stddef.size_t) return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, strlcat, "strlcat");
function strlcpy (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : stddef.size_t) return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, strlcpy, "strlcpy");
function strlen (a1 : access constant char) return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, strlen, "strlen");
procedure strmode (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access char);
pragma Import (C, strmode, "strmode");
function strncat (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : stddef.size_t) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, strncat, "strncat");
function strncmp (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : stddef.size_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, strncmp, "strncmp");
function strncpy (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : stddef.size_t) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, strncpy, "strncpy");
function strnstr (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : stddef.size_t) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, strnstr, "strnstr");
function strpbrk (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char)
return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, strpbrk, "strpbrk");
function strrchr (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_int)
return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, strrchr, "strrchr");
function strsep (a1 : access char_ptr; a2 : access constant char)
return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, strsep, "strsep");
function strsignal (a1 : signed_int) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, strsignal, "strsignal");
function strspn (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char)
return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, strspn, "strspn");
function strstr (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char)
return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, strstr, "strstr");
function strtok (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char)
return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, strtok, "strtok");
function strtok_r (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : access char_ptr) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, strtok_r, "strtok_r");
function strxfrm (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : stddef.size_t) return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, strxfrm, "strxfrm");
procedure swab (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : void_ptr;
a3 : sys.types.ssize_t);
pragma Import (C, swab, "swab");
-- _STRING_H_ (empty)
-- _SWAB_DECLARED (empty)
end C.string;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.stddef;
package C.strings is
pragma Preelaborate;
function bcmp (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : void_const_ptr;
a3 : stddef.size_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, bcmp, "bcmp");
procedure bcopy (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : void_ptr; a3 : stddef.size_t);
pragma Import (C, bcopy, "bcopy");
procedure bzero (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t);
pragma Import (C, bzero, "bzero");
function ffs (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, ffs, "ffs");
function ffsl (a1 : signed_long) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, ffsl, "ffsl");
function ffsll (a1 : signed_long_long) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, ffsll, "ffsll");
function fls (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fls, "fls");
function flsl (a1 : signed_long) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, flsl, "flsl");
function flsll (a1 : signed_long_long) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, flsll, "flsll");
function index (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_int)
return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, index, "index");
function rindex (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_int)
return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, rindex, "rindex");
function strcasecmp (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, strcasecmp, "strcasecmp");
function strncasecmp (a1 : access constant char;
a2 : access constant char; a3 : stddef.size_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, strncasecmp, "strncasecmp");
-- _STRINGS_H_ (empty)
end C.strings;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.sys.cdefs is
pragma Preelaborate;
-- _SYS_CDEFS_H_ (empty)
-- __BEGIN_DECLS (empty)
BSD_VISIBLE : constant := 1;
CC_INT_IS_32BIT : constant := 1;
qqCC_SUPPORTS_INLINE : constant := 1;
CC_SUPPORTS_VARADIC_XXX : constant := 1;
CC_SUPPORTS_WARNING : constant := 1;
CC_SUPPORTS_FUNC : constant := 1;
qqCC_SUPPORTSqqqINLINE : constant := 1;
qqCC_SUPPORTSqqqINLINEqq : constant := 1;
-- __CONCAT (unparsible)
-- __CONCAT1 (has # or ##)
-- __COPYRIGHT (unparsible)
-- __DECONST (function macro)
-- __DEQUALIFY (function macro)
-- __DEVOLATILE (function macro)
-- __END_DECLS (empty)
-- __FBSDID (unparsible)
GNUCLIKE_ASM : constant := 3;
GNUCLIKE_OFFSETOF : constant := 1;
GNUCLIKE_SECTION : constant := 1;
GNUCLIKE_TYPEOF : constant := 1;
-- __GNUC_PREREQ__ (function macro)
-- __IDSTRING (unparsible)
ISO_C_VISIBLE : constant := 1999;
-- __P (function macro)
POSIX_VISIBLE : constant := 200112;
-- __RCSID (unparsible)
-- __RCSID_SOURCE (unparsible)
-- __SCCSID (unparsible)
-- __STRING (has # or ##)
XSI_VISIBLE : constant := 600;
-- __XSTRING (function macro)
-- __aligned (parameterized declaration-specifiers)
-- __always_inline (attribute)
-- __dead2 (attribute)
-- __format_arg (parameterized declaration-specifiers)
-- __gnu89_inline (alias of extern inline)
-- __noinline (attribute)
-- __nonnull (parameterized declaration-specifiers)
-- __offsetof (unparsible)
-- __packed (attribute)
-- __predict_false (function macro)
-- __predict_true (function macro)
-- __printf0like (empty)
-- __printflike (parameterized declaration-specifiers)
-- __pure (attribute)
-- __pure2 (attribute)
-- __rangeof (unparsible)
-- __scanflike (parameterized declaration-specifiers)
-- __section (parameterized declaration-specifiers)
subtype signed is signed_int;
-- __strong_reference (has # or ##)
-- __sym_compat (has # or ##)
-- __sym_default (has # or ##)
-- __unused (attribute)
-- __used (attribute)
-- __volatile (alias of volatile)
-- __warn_references (has # or ##)
-- __weak_reference (has # or ##)
end C.sys.cdefs;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.machine.qtypes;
package C.sys.dirent is
pragma Preelaborate;
type struct_dirent;
type struct_dirent is record
d_ino : aliased machine.qtypes.uint32_t;
d_reclen : aliased machine.qtypes.uint16_t;
d_type : aliased machine.qtypes.uint8_t;
d_namlen : aliased machine.qtypes.uint8_t;
d_name : aliased char_array (0 .. 255);
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_dirent);
type struct_dirent_ptr is access all struct_dirent;
for struct_dirent_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_dirent_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_dirent_ptr);
type struct_dirent_ptr_ptr is access all struct_dirent_ptr;
for struct_dirent_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_dirent_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_dirent_ptr_ptr);
type struct_dirent_ptr_ptr_ptr is access all struct_dirent_ptr_ptr;
for struct_dirent_ptr_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_dirent_ptr_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_dirent_ptr_ptr_ptr);
-- DTTOIF (function macro)
DT_BLK : constant := 6;
DT_CHR : constant := 2;
DT_DIR : constant := 4;
DT_FIFO : constant := 1;
DT_LNK : constant := 10;
DT_REG : constant := 8;
DT_SOCK : constant := 12;
DT_UNKNOWN : constant := 0;
DT_WHT : constant := 14;
-- IFTODT (function macro)
MAXNAMLEN : constant := 255;
-- _GENERIC_DIRSIZ (uninterpretable)
-- _SYS_DIRENT_H_ (empty)
end C.sys.dirent;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.sys.elf is
pragma Preelaborate;
-- _SYS_ELF_H_ (empty)
end C.sys.elf;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.stdint;
with C.sys.elf_common;
package C.sys.elf32 is
pragma Preelaborate;
subtype Elf32_Addr is stdint.uint32_t;
subtype Elf32_Half is stdint.uint16_t;
subtype Elf32_Off is stdint.uint32_t;
subtype Elf32_Sword is stdint.int32_t;
subtype Elf32_Word is stdint.uint32_t;
subtype Elf32_Lword is stdint.uint64_t;
subtype Elf32_Hashelt is Elf32_Word;
subtype Elf32_Size is Elf32_Word;
subtype Elf32_Ssize is Elf32_Sword;
type struct_49fb0610 is record
e_ident : aliased unsigned_char_array (0 .. 15);
e_type : aliased Elf32_Half;
e_machine : aliased Elf32_Half;
e_version : aliased Elf32_Word;
e_entry : aliased Elf32_Addr;
e_phoff : aliased Elf32_Off;
e_shoff : aliased Elf32_Off;
e_flags : aliased Elf32_Word;
e_ehsize : aliased Elf32_Half;
e_phentsize : aliased Elf32_Half;
e_phnum : aliased Elf32_Half;
e_shentsize : aliased Elf32_Half;
e_shnum : aliased Elf32_Half;
e_shstrndx : aliased Elf32_Half;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_49fb0610);
subtype Elf32_Ehdr is struct_49fb0610;
type struct_c84b3177 is record
sh_name : aliased Elf32_Word;
sh_type : aliased Elf32_Word;
sh_flags : aliased Elf32_Word;
sh_addr : aliased Elf32_Addr;
sh_offset : aliased Elf32_Off;
sh_size : aliased Elf32_Word;
sh_link : aliased Elf32_Word;
sh_info : aliased Elf32_Word;
sh_addralign : aliased Elf32_Word;
sh_entsize : aliased Elf32_Word;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_c84b3177);
subtype Elf32_Shdr is struct_c84b3177;
type struct_5d6f9ca3 is record
p_type : aliased Elf32_Word;
p_offset : aliased Elf32_Off;
p_vaddr : aliased Elf32_Addr;
p_paddr : aliased Elf32_Addr;
p_filesz : aliased Elf32_Word;
p_memsz : aliased Elf32_Word;
p_flags : aliased Elf32_Word;
p_align : aliased Elf32_Word;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_5d6f9ca3);
type struct_5d6f9ca3_const_ptr is access constant struct_5d6f9ca3;
for struct_5d6f9ca3_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_5d6f9ca3_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_5d6f9ca3_const_ptr);
subtype Elf32_Phdr is struct_5d6f9ca3;
subtype Elf32_Phdr_const_ptr is struct_5d6f9ca3_const_ptr;
type union_b60c03a8 (Unchecked_Tag : unsigned_int := 0) is record
case Unchecked_Tag is
when 0 =>
d_val : Elf32_Word;
when others =>
d_ptr : Elf32_Addr;
end case;
end record;
pragma Unchecked_Union (union_b60c03a8);
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, union_b60c03a8);
type struct_68f25305 is record
d_tag : aliased Elf32_Sword;
d_un : aliased union_b60c03a8;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_68f25305);
subtype Elf32_Dyn is struct_68f25305;
type struct_e7f5462d is record
r_offset : aliased Elf32_Addr;
r_info : aliased Elf32_Word;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_e7f5462d);
subtype Elf32_Rel is struct_e7f5462d;
type struct_dd3b38ca is record
r_offset : aliased Elf32_Addr;
r_info : aliased Elf32_Word;
r_addend : aliased Elf32_Sword;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_dd3b38ca);
subtype Elf32_Rela is struct_dd3b38ca;
subtype Elf32_Nhdr is sys.elf_common.Elf_Note;
type struct_8e5e6895 is record
m_value : aliased Elf32_Lword;
m_info : aliased Elf32_Word;
m_poffset : aliased Elf32_Word;
m_repeat : aliased Elf32_Half;
m_stride : aliased Elf32_Half;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_8e5e6895);
subtype Elf32_Move is struct_8e5e6895;
type union_69ff9a3d (Unchecked_Tag : unsigned_int := 0) is record
case Unchecked_Tag is
when 0 =>
c_val : Elf32_Word;
when others =>
c_ptr : Elf32_Addr;
end case;
end record;
pragma Unchecked_Union (union_69ff9a3d);
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, union_69ff9a3d);
type struct_aebd08a5 is record
c_tag : aliased Elf32_Word;
c_un : aliased union_69ff9a3d;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_aebd08a5);
subtype Elf32_Cap is struct_aebd08a5;
type struct_65f28e1f is record
st_name : aliased Elf32_Word;
st_value : aliased Elf32_Addr;
st_size : aliased Elf32_Word;
st_info : aliased unsigned_char;
st_other : aliased unsigned_char;
st_shndx : aliased Elf32_Half;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_65f28e1f);
subtype Elf32_Sym is struct_65f28e1f;
type struct_b94b314f is record
vd_version : aliased Elf32_Half;
vd_flags : aliased Elf32_Half;
vd_ndx : aliased Elf32_Half;
vd_cnt : aliased Elf32_Half;
vd_hash : aliased Elf32_Word;
vd_aux : aliased Elf32_Word;
vd_next : aliased Elf32_Word;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_b94b314f);
subtype Elf32_Verdef is struct_b94b314f;
type struct_6f75be23 is record
vda_name : aliased Elf32_Word;
vda_next : aliased Elf32_Word;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_6f75be23);
subtype Elf32_Verdaux is struct_6f75be23;
type struct_6ce0ba7b is record
vn_version : aliased Elf32_Half;
vn_cnt : aliased Elf32_Half;
vn_file : aliased Elf32_Word;
vn_aux : aliased Elf32_Word;
vn_next : aliased Elf32_Word;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_6ce0ba7b);
subtype Elf32_Verneed is struct_6ce0ba7b;
type struct_16ff5eca is record
vna_hash : aliased Elf32_Word;
vna_flags : aliased Elf32_Half;
vna_other : aliased Elf32_Half;
vna_name : aliased Elf32_Word;
vna_next : aliased Elf32_Word;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_16ff5eca);
subtype Elf32_Vernaux is struct_16ff5eca;
subtype Elf32_Versym is Elf32_Half;
type struct_92e70b14 is record
si_boundto : aliased Elf32_Half;
si_flags : aliased Elf32_Half;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_92e70b14);
subtype Elf32_Syminfo is struct_92e70b14;
-- ELF32_M_INFO (function macro)
-- ELF32_M_SIZE (function macro)
-- ELF32_M_SYM (function macro)
-- ELF32_R_INFO (function macro)
-- ELF32_R_SYM (function macro)
-- ELF32_R_TYPE (function macro)
-- ELF32_ST_BIND (function macro)
-- ELF32_ST_INFO (function macro)
-- ELF32_ST_TYPE (function macro)
-- ELF32_ST_VISIBILITY (function macro)
SYS_ELF32_H : constant := 1;
end C.sys.elf32;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.stdint;
with C.sys.elf_common;
package C.sys.elf64 is
pragma Preelaborate;
subtype Elf64_Addr is stdint.uint64_t;
subtype Elf64_Half is stdint.uint16_t;
subtype Elf64_Off is stdint.uint64_t;
subtype Elf64_Sword is stdint.int32_t;
subtype Elf64_Sxword is stdint.int64_t;
subtype Elf64_Word is stdint.uint32_t;
subtype Elf64_Lword is stdint.uint64_t;
subtype Elf64_Xword is stdint.uint64_t;
subtype Elf64_Hashelt is Elf64_Word;
subtype Elf64_Size is Elf64_Xword;
subtype Elf64_Ssize is Elf64_Sxword;
type struct_632acc47 is record
e_ident : aliased unsigned_char_array (0 .. 15);
e_type : aliased Elf64_Half;
e_machine : aliased Elf64_Half;
e_version : aliased Elf64_Word;
e_entry : aliased Elf64_Addr;
e_phoff : aliased Elf64_Off;
e_shoff : aliased Elf64_Off;
e_flags : aliased Elf64_Word;
e_ehsize : aliased Elf64_Half;
e_phentsize : aliased Elf64_Half;
e_phnum : aliased Elf64_Half;
e_shentsize : aliased Elf64_Half;
e_shnum : aliased Elf64_Half;
e_shstrndx : aliased Elf64_Half;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_632acc47);
subtype Elf64_Ehdr is struct_632acc47;
type struct_c651f371 is record
sh_name : aliased Elf64_Word;
sh_type : aliased Elf64_Word;
sh_flags : aliased Elf64_Xword;
sh_addr : aliased Elf64_Addr;
sh_offset : aliased Elf64_Off;
sh_size : aliased Elf64_Xword;
sh_link : aliased Elf64_Word;
sh_info : aliased Elf64_Word;
sh_addralign : aliased Elf64_Xword;
sh_entsize : aliased Elf64_Xword;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_c651f371);
subtype Elf64_Shdr is struct_c651f371;
type struct_54ae5bcb is record
p_type : aliased Elf64_Word;
p_flags : aliased Elf64_Word;
p_offset : aliased Elf64_Off;
p_vaddr : aliased Elf64_Addr;
p_paddr : aliased Elf64_Addr;
p_filesz : aliased Elf64_Xword;
p_memsz : aliased Elf64_Xword;
p_align : aliased Elf64_Xword;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_54ae5bcb);
subtype Elf64_Phdr is struct_54ae5bcb;
type union_edac4842 (Unchecked_Tag : unsigned_int := 0) is record
case Unchecked_Tag is
when 0 =>
d_val : Elf64_Xword;
when others =>
d_ptr : Elf64_Addr;
end case;
end record;
pragma Unchecked_Union (union_edac4842);
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, union_edac4842);
type struct_1556979e is record
d_tag : aliased Elf64_Sxword;
d_un : aliased union_edac4842;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_1556979e);
subtype Elf64_Dyn is struct_1556979e;
type struct_6d0ae225 is record
r_offset : aliased Elf64_Addr;
r_info : aliased Elf64_Xword;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_6d0ae225);
subtype Elf64_Rel is struct_6d0ae225;
type struct_7908646f is record
r_offset : aliased Elf64_Addr;
r_info : aliased Elf64_Xword;
r_addend : aliased Elf64_Sxword;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_7908646f);
subtype Elf64_Rela is struct_7908646f;
subtype Elf64_Nhdr is sys.elf_common.Elf_Note;
type struct_77b03ad1 is record
m_value : aliased Elf64_Lword;
m_info : aliased Elf64_Xword;
m_poffset : aliased Elf64_Xword;
m_repeat : aliased Elf64_Half;
m_stride : aliased Elf64_Half;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_77b03ad1);
subtype Elf64_Move is struct_77b03ad1;
type union_5eb3032a (Unchecked_Tag : unsigned_int := 0) is record
case Unchecked_Tag is
when 0 =>
c_val : Elf64_Xword;
when others =>
c_ptr : Elf64_Addr;
end case;
end record;
pragma Unchecked_Union (union_5eb3032a);
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, union_5eb3032a);
type struct_6289ce62 is record
c_tag : aliased Elf64_Xword;
c_un : aliased union_5eb3032a;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_6289ce62);
subtype Elf64_Cap is struct_6289ce62;
type struct_23d54f59 is record
st_name : aliased Elf64_Word;
st_info : aliased unsigned_char;
st_other : aliased unsigned_char;
st_shndx : aliased Elf64_Half;
st_value : aliased Elf64_Addr;
st_size : aliased Elf64_Xword;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_23d54f59);
subtype Elf64_Sym is struct_23d54f59;
type struct_2dfc7fbc is record
vd_version : aliased Elf64_Half;
vd_flags : aliased Elf64_Half;
vd_ndx : aliased Elf64_Half;
vd_cnt : aliased Elf64_Half;
vd_hash : aliased Elf64_Word;
vd_aux : aliased Elf64_Word;
vd_next : aliased Elf64_Word;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_2dfc7fbc);
subtype Elf64_Verdef is struct_2dfc7fbc;
type struct_7ef33152 is record
vda_name : aliased Elf64_Word;
vda_next : aliased Elf64_Word;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_7ef33152);
subtype Elf64_Verdaux is struct_7ef33152;
type struct_00ef9938 is record
vn_version : aliased Elf64_Half;
vn_cnt : aliased Elf64_Half;
vn_file : aliased Elf64_Word;
vn_aux : aliased Elf64_Word;
vn_next : aliased Elf64_Word;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_00ef9938);
subtype Elf64_Verneed is struct_00ef9938;
type struct_916088d2 is record
vna_hash : aliased Elf64_Word;
vna_flags : aliased Elf64_Half;
vna_other : aliased Elf64_Half;
vna_name : aliased Elf64_Word;
vna_next : aliased Elf64_Word;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_916088d2);
subtype Elf64_Vernaux is struct_916088d2;
subtype Elf64_Versym is Elf64_Half;
type struct_79e08dac is record
si_boundto : aliased Elf64_Half;
si_flags : aliased Elf64_Half;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_79e08dac);
subtype Elf64_Syminfo is struct_79e08dac;
-- ELF64_M_INFO (function macro)
-- ELF64_M_SIZE (function macro)
-- ELF64_M_SYM (function macro)
-- ELF64_R_INFO (function macro)
-- ELF64_R_SYM (function macro)
-- ELF64_R_TYPE (function macro)
-- ELF64_R_TYPE_DATA (function macro)
-- ELF64_R_TYPE_ID (function macro)
-- ELF64_R_TYPE_INFO (function macro)
-- ELF64_ST_BIND (function macro)
-- ELF64_ST_INFO (function macro)
-- ELF64_ST_TYPE (function macro)
-- ELF64_ST_VISIBILITY (function macro)
SYS_ELF64_H : constant := 1;
end C.sys.elf64;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.sys.types;
package C.sys.elf_common is
pragma Preelaborate;
type struct_59df2b5a is record
n_namesz : aliased sys.types.u_int32_t;
n_descsz : aliased sys.types.u_int32_t;
n_type : aliased sys.types.u_int32_t;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_59df2b5a);
subtype Elf_Note is struct_59df2b5a;
CA_SUNW_HW_1 : constant := 1;
CA_SUNW_NULL : constant := 0;
CA_SUNW_SF_1 : constant := 2;
DF_BIND_NOW : constant := 8;
DF_ORIGIN : constant := 1;
DF_STATIC_TLS : constant := 16;
DF_SYMBOLIC : constant := 2;
DF_TEXTREL : constant := 4;
DT_ADDRRNGHI : constant := 1879047935;
DT_ADDRRNGLO : constant := 1879047680;
DT_AUDIT : constant := 1879047932;
DT_AUXILIARY : constant := 2147483645;
DT_BIND_NOW : constant := 24;
DT_CHECKSUM : constant := 1879047672;
DT_CONFIG : constant := 1879047930;
DT_DEBUG : constant := 21;
DT_DEPAUDIT : constant := 1879047931;
DT_DEPRECATED_SPARC_REGISTER : constant := 117440513;
DT_ENCODING : constant := 32;
DT_FEATURE_1 : constant := 1879047676;
DT_FILTER : constant := 2147483647;
DT_FINI : constant := 13;
DT_FINI_ARRAY : constant := 26;
DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ : constant := 28;
DT_FLAGS : constant := 30;
DT_FLAGS_1 : constant := 1879048187;
DT_HASH : constant := 4;
DT_HIOS : constant := 1879044096;
DT_HIPROC : constant := 2147483647;
DT_INIT : constant := 12;
DT_INIT_ARRAY : constant := 25;
DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ : constant := 27;
DT_JMPREL : constant := 23;
DT_LOOS : constant := 1610612749;
DT_LOPROC : constant := 1879048192;
DT_MAXPOSTAGS : constant := 34;
DT_MOVEENT : constant := 1879047674;
DT_MOVESZ : constant := 1879047675;
DT_MOVETAB : constant := 1879047934;
DT_NEEDED : constant := 1;
DT_NULL : constant := 0;
DT_PLTGOT : constant := 3;
DT_PLTPAD : constant := 1879047933;
DT_PLTPADSZ : constant := 1879047673;
DT_PLTREL : constant := 20;
DT_PLTRELSZ : constant := 2;
DT_POSFLAG_1 : constant := 1879047677;
DT_PREINIT_ARRAY : constant := 32;
DT_PREINIT_ARRAYSZ : constant := 33;
DT_REL : constant := 17;
DT_RELA : constant := 7;
DT_RELACOUNT : constant := 1879048185;
DT_RELAENT : constant := 9;
DT_RELASZ : constant := 8;
DT_RELCOUNT : constant := 1879048186;
DT_RELENT : constant := 19;
DT_RELSZ : constant := 18;
DT_RPATH : constant := 15;
DT_RUNPATH : constant := 29;
DT_SONAME : constant := 14;
DT_STRSZ : constant := 10;
DT_STRTAB : constant := 5;
DT_SUNW_AUXILIARY : constant := 1610612749;
DT_SUNW_CAP : constant := 1610612752;
DT_SUNW_FILTER : constant := 1610612751;
DT_SUNW_RTLDINF : constant := 1610612750;
DT_SYMBOLIC : constant := 16;
DT_SYMENT : constant := 11;
DT_SYMINENT : constant := 1879047679;
DT_SYMINFO : constant := 1879047935;
DT_SYMINSZ : constant := 1879047678;
DT_SYMTAB : constant := 6;
DT_TEXTREL : constant := 22;
DT_USED : constant := 2147483646;
DT_VALRNGHI : constant := 1879047679;
DT_VALRNGLO : constant := 1879047424;
DT_VERDEF : constant := 1879048188;
DT_VERDEFNUM : constant := 1879048189;
DT_VERNEED : constant := 1879048190;
DT_VERNEEDNUM : constant := 1879048191;
DT_VERSYM : constant := 1879048176;
EI_ABIVERSION : constant := 8;
EI_CLASS : constant := 4;
EI_DATA : constant := 5;
EI_MAG0 : constant := 0;
EI_MAG1 : constant := 1;
EI_MAG2 : constant := 2;
EI_MAG3 : constant := 3;
EI_NIDENT : constant := 16;
EI_OSABI : constant := 7;
EI_PAD : constant := 9;
EI_VERSION : constant := 6;
ELFCLASS32 : constant := 1;
ELFCLASS64 : constant := 2;
ELFCLASSNONE : constant := 0;
ELFDATA2LSB : constant := 1;
ELFDATA2MSB : constant := 2;
ELFDATANONE : constant := 0;
ELFMAG : constant char_array (0 .. 4) := char'Val (127) & "ELF"
& char'Val (0);
ELFMAG0 : constant := 127;
ELFMAG1 : constant char := 'E';
ELFMAG2 : constant char := 'L';
ELFMAG3 : constant char := 'F';
ELFOSABI_86OPEN : constant := 5;
ELFOSABI_AIX : constant := 7;
ELFOSABI_ARM : constant := 97;
ELFOSABI_FREEBSD : constant := 9;
ELFOSABI_HPUX : constant := 1;
ELFOSABI_HURD : constant := 4;
ELFOSABI_IRIX : constant := 8;
ELFOSABI_LINUX : constant := 3;
ELFOSABI_MODESTO : constant := 11;
ELFOSABI_MONTEREY : constant := 7;
ELFOSABI_NETBSD : constant := 2;
ELFOSABI_NONE : constant := 0;
ELFOSABI_NSK : constant := 14;
ELFOSABI_OPENBSD : constant := 12;
ELFOSABI_OPENVMS : constant := 13;
ELFOSABI_SOLARIS : constant := 6;
ELFOSABI_STANDALONE : constant := 255;
ELFOSABI_SYSV : constant := 0;
ELFOSABI_TRU64 : constant := 10;
EM_386 : constant := 3;
EM_486 : constant := 6;
EM_68HC12 : constant := 53;
EM_68K : constant := 4;
EM_860 : constant := 7;
EM_88K : constant := 5;
EM_960 : constant := 19;
EM_ALPHA : constant := 36902;
EM_ALPHA_STD : constant := 41;
EM_AMD64 : constant := 62;
EM_ARC : constant := 45;
EM_ARM : constant := 40;
EM_COLDFIRE : constant := 52;
EM_FR20 : constant := 37;
EM_H8S : constant := 48;
EM_H8_300 : constant := 46;
EM_H8_300H : constant := 47;
EM_H8_500 : constant := 49;
EM_IA_64 : constant := 50;
EM_M32 : constant := 1;
EM_ME16 : constant := 59;
EM_MIPS : constant := 8;
EM_MIPS_RS3_LE : constant := 10;
EM_MIPS_RS4_BE : constant := 10;
EM_MIPS_X : constant := 51;
EM_MMA : constant := 54;
EM_NCPU : constant := 56;
EM_NDR1 : constant := 57;
EM_NONE : constant := 0;
EM_PARISC : constant := 15;
EM_PCP : constant := 55;
EM_PPC : constant := 20;
EM_PPC64 : constant := 21;
EM_RCE : constant := 39;
EM_RH32 : constant := 38;
EM_S370 : constant := 9;
EM_S390 : constant := 22;
EM_SH : constant := 42;
EM_SPARC : constant := 2;
EM_SPARC32PLUS : constant := 18;
EM_SPARCV9 : constant := 43;
EM_ST100 : constant := 60;
EM_STARCORE : constant := 58;
EM_TINYJ : constant := 61;
EM_TRICORE : constant := 44;
EM_V800 : constant := 36;
EM_VPP500 : constant := 17;
EM_X86_64 : constant := 62;
ET_CORE : constant := 4;
ET_DYN : constant := 3;
ET_EXEC : constant := 2;
ET_HIOS : constant := 65279;
ET_HIPROC : constant := 65535;
ET_LOOS : constant := 65024;
ET_LOPROC : constant := 65280;
ET_NONE : constant := 0;
ET_REL : constant := 1;
EV_CURRENT : constant := 1;
EV_NONE : constant := 0;
-- IS_ELF (uninterpretable)
NT_FPREGSET : constant := 2;
NT_PRPSINFO : constant := 3;
NT_PRSTATUS : constant := 1;
OLD_EI_BRAND : constant := 8;
PF_MASKOS : constant := 267386880;
PF_MASKPROC : constant := -268435456;
PF_R : constant := 4;
PF_W : constant := 2;
PF_X : constant := 1;
PN_XNUM : constant := 65535;
PT_DYNAMIC : constant := 2;
PT_GNU_EH_FRAME : constant := 1685382480;
PT_HIOS : constant := 1879048191;
PT_HIPROC : constant := 2147483647;
PT_HISUNW : constant := 1879048191;
PT_INTERP : constant := 3;
PT_LOAD : constant := 1;
PT_LOOS : constant := 1610612736;
PT_LOPROC : constant := 1879048192;
PT_LOSUNW : constant := 1879048186;
PT_NOTE : constant := 4;
PT_NULL : constant := 0;
PT_PHDR : constant := 6;
PT_SHLIB : constant := 5;
PT_SUNWBSS : constant := 1879048186;
PT_SUNWCAP : constant := 1879048189;
PT_SUNWDTRACE : constant := 1879048188;
PT_SUNWSTACK : constant := 1879048187;
PT_SUNW_UNWIND : constant := 1684333904;
PT_TLS : constant := 7;
R_386_32 : constant := 1;
R_386_COPY : constant := 5;
R_386_GLOB_DAT : constant := 6;
R_386_GOT32 : constant := 3;
R_386_GOTOFF : constant := 9;
R_386_GOTPC : constant := 10;
R_386_JMP_SLOT : constant := 7;
R_386_NONE : constant := 0;
R_386_PC32 : constant := 2;
R_386_PLT32 : constant := 4;
R_386_RELATIVE : constant := 8;
R_386_TLS_DTPMOD32 : constant := 35;
R_386_TLS_DTPOFF32 : constant := 36;
R_386_TLS_GD : constant := 18;
R_386_TLS_GD_32 : constant := 24;
R_386_TLS_GD_CALL : constant := 26;
R_386_TLS_GD_POP : constant := 27;
R_386_TLS_GD_PUSH : constant := 25;
R_386_TLS_GOTIE : constant := 16;
R_386_TLS_IE : constant := 15;
R_386_TLS_IE_32 : constant := 33;
R_386_TLS_LDM : constant := 19;
R_386_TLS_LDM_32 : constant := 28;
R_386_TLS_LDM_CALL : constant := 30;
R_386_TLS_LDM_POP : constant := 31;
R_386_TLS_LDM_PUSH : constant := 29;
R_386_TLS_LDO_32 : constant := 32;
R_386_TLS_LE : constant := 17;
R_386_TLS_LE_32 : constant := 34;
R_386_TLS_TPOFF : constant := 14;
R_386_TLS_TPOFF32 : constant := 37;
R_ARM_ABS12 : constant := 6;
R_ARM_ABS16 : constant := 5;
R_ARM_ABS32 : constant := 2;
R_ARM_ABS8 : constant := 8;
R_ARM_AMP_VCALL9 : constant := 12;
R_ARM_COPY : constant := 20;
R_ARM_GLOB_DAT : constant := 21;
R_ARM_GNU_VTENTRY : constant := 100;
R_ARM_GNU_VTINHERIT : constant := 101;
R_ARM_GOT32 : constant := 26;
R_ARM_GOTOFF : constant := 24;
R_ARM_GOTPC : constant := 25;
R_ARM_JUMP_SLOT : constant := 22;
R_ARM_NONE : constant := 0;
R_ARM_PC13 : constant := 4;
R_ARM_PC24 : constant := 1;
R_ARM_PLT32 : constant := 27;
R_ARM_RABS32 : constant := 253;
R_ARM_RBASE : constant := 255;
R_ARM_REL32 : constant := 3;
R_ARM_RELATIVE : constant := 23;
R_ARM_RPC24 : constant := 254;
R_ARM_RREL32 : constant := 252;
R_ARM_RSBREL32 : constant := 250;
R_ARM_SBREL32 : constant := 9;
R_ARM_SWI24 : constant := 13;
R_ARM_THM_ABS5 : constant := 7;
R_ARM_THM_PC22 : constant := 10;
R_ARM_THM_PC8 : constant := 11;
R_ARM_THM_RPC22 : constant := 251;
R_ARM_THM_SWI8 : constant := 14;
R_ARM_THM_XPC22 : constant := 16;
R_ARM_XPC25 : constant := 15;
R_IA_64_DIR32LSB : constant := 37;
R_IA_64_DIR32MSB : constant := 36;
R_IA_64_DIR64LSB : constant := 39;
R_IA_64_DIR64MSB : constant := 38;
R_IA_64_DTPMOD64LSB : constant := 167;
R_IA_64_DTPMOD64MSB : constant := 166;
R_IA_64_DTPREL14 : constant := 177;
R_IA_64_DTPREL22 : constant := 178;
R_IA_64_DTPREL32LSB : constant := 181;
R_IA_64_DTPREL32MSB : constant := 180;
R_IA_64_DTPREL64I : constant := 179;
R_IA_64_DTPREL64LSB : constant := 183;
R_IA_64_DTPREL64MSB : constant := 182;
R_IA_64_FPTR32LSB : constant := 69;
R_IA_64_FPTR32MSB : constant := 68;
R_IA_64_FPTR64I : constant := 67;
R_IA_64_FPTR64LSB : constant := 71;
R_IA_64_FPTR64MSB : constant := 70;
R_IA_64_GPREL22 : constant := 42;
R_IA_64_GPREL32LSB : constant := 45;
R_IA_64_GPREL32MSB : constant := 44;
R_IA_64_GPREL64I : constant := 43;
R_IA_64_GPREL64LSB : constant := 47;
R_IA_64_GPREL64MSB : constant := 46;
R_IA_64_IMM14 : constant := 33;
R_IA_64_IMM22 : constant := 34;
R_IA_64_IMM64 : constant := 35;
R_IA_64_IPLTLSB : constant := 129;
R_IA_64_IPLTMSB : constant := 128;
R_IA_64_LDXMOV : constant := 135;
R_IA_64_LTOFF22 : constant := 50;
R_IA_64_LTOFF22X : constant := 134;
R_IA_64_LTOFF64I : constant := 51;
R_IA_64_LTOFF_DTPMOD22 : constant := 170;
R_IA_64_LTOFF_DTPREL22 : constant := 186;
R_IA_64_LTOFF_FPTR22 : constant := 82;
R_IA_64_LTOFF_FPTR32LSB : constant := 85;
R_IA_64_LTOFF_FPTR32MSB : constant := 84;
R_IA_64_LTOFF_FPTR64I : constant := 83;
R_IA_64_LTOFF_FPTR64LSB : constant := 87;
R_IA_64_LTOFF_FPTR64MSB : constant := 86;
R_IA_64_LTOFF_TPREL22 : constant := 154;
R_IA_64_LTV32LSB : constant := 117;
R_IA_64_LTV32MSB : constant := 116;
R_IA_64_LTV64LSB : constant := 119;
R_IA_64_LTV64MSB : constant := 118;
R_IA_64_NONE : constant := 0;
R_IA_64_PCREL21B : constant := 73;
R_IA_64_PCREL21BI : constant := 121;
R_IA_64_PCREL21F : constant := 75;
R_IA_64_PCREL21M : constant := 74;
R_IA_64_PCREL22 : constant := 122;
R_IA_64_PCREL32LSB : constant := 77;
R_IA_64_PCREL32MSB : constant := 76;
R_IA_64_PCREL60B : constant := 72;
R_IA_64_PCREL64I : constant := 123;
R_IA_64_PCREL64LSB : constant := 79;
R_IA_64_PCREL64MSB : constant := 78;
R_IA_64_PLTOFF22 : constant := 58;
R_IA_64_PLTOFF64I : constant := 59;
R_IA_64_PLTOFF64LSB : constant := 63;
R_IA_64_PLTOFF64MSB : constant := 62;
R_IA_64_REL32LSB : constant := 109;
R_IA_64_REL32MSB : constant := 108;
R_IA_64_REL64LSB : constant := 111;
R_IA_64_REL64MSB : constant := 110;
R_IA_64_SECREL32LSB : constant := 101;
R_IA_64_SECREL32MSB : constant := 100;
R_IA_64_SECREL64LSB : constant := 103;
R_IA_64_SECREL64MSB : constant := 102;
R_IA_64_SEGREL32LSB : constant := 93;
R_IA_64_SEGREL32MSB : constant := 92;
R_IA_64_SEGREL64LSB : constant := 95;
R_IA_64_SEGREL64MSB : constant := 94;
R_IA_64_SUB : constant := 133;
R_IA_64_TPREL14 : constant := 145;
R_IA_64_TPREL22 : constant := 146;
R_IA_64_TPREL64I : constant := 147;
R_IA_64_TPREL64LSB : constant := 151;
R_IA_64_TPREL64MSB : constant := 150;
R_PPC_ADDR14 : constant := 7;
R_PPC_ADDR14_BRNTAKEN : constant := 9;
R_PPC_ADDR14_BRTAKEN : constant := 8;
R_PPC_ADDR16 : constant := 3;
R_PPC_ADDR16_HA : constant := 6;
R_PPC_ADDR16_HI : constant := 5;
R_PPC_ADDR16_LO : constant := 4;
R_PPC_ADDR24 : constant := 2;
R_PPC_ADDR32 : constant := 1;
R_PPC_COPY : constant := 19;
R_PPC_DTPMOD32 : constant := 68;
R_PPC_DTPREL16 : constant := 74;
R_PPC_DTPREL16_HA : constant := 77;
R_PPC_DTPREL16_HI : constant := 76;
R_PPC_DTPREL16_LO : constant := 75;
R_PPC_DTPREL32 : constant := 78;
R_PPC_EMB_BIT_FLD : constant := 115;
R_PPC_EMB_MRKREF : constant := 110;
R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16 : constant := 102;
R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_HA : constant := 105;
R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_HI : constant := 104;
R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_LO : constant := 103;
R_PPC_EMB_NADDR32 : constant := 101;
R_PPC_EMB_RELSDA : constant := 116;
R_PPC_EMB_RELSEC16 : constant := 111;
R_PPC_EMB_RELST_HA : constant := 114;
R_PPC_EMB_RELST_HI : constant := 113;
R_PPC_EMB_RELST_LO : constant := 112;
R_PPC_EMB_SDA21 : constant := 109;
R_PPC_EMB_SDA2I16 : constant := 107;
R_PPC_EMB_SDA2REL : constant := 108;
R_PPC_EMB_SDAI16 : constant := 106;
R_PPC_GLOB_DAT : constant := 20;
R_PPC_GOT16 : constant := 14;
R_PPC_GOT16_HA : constant := 17;
R_PPC_GOT16_HI : constant := 16;
R_PPC_GOT16_LO : constant := 15;
R_PPC_GOT_TLSGD16 : constant := 79;
R_PPC_GOT_TLSGD16_HA : constant := 82;
R_PPC_GOT_TLSGD16_HI : constant := 81;
R_PPC_GOT_TLSGD16_LO : constant := 80;
R_PPC_GOT_TLSLD16 : constant := 83;
R_PPC_GOT_TLSLD16_HA : constant := 86;
R_PPC_GOT_TLSLD16_HI : constant := 85;
R_PPC_GOT_TLSLD16_LO : constant := 84;
R_PPC_GOT_TPREL16 : constant := 87;
R_PPC_GOT_TPREL16_HA : constant := 90;
R_PPC_GOT_TPREL16_HI : constant := 89;
R_PPC_GOT_TPREL16_LO : constant := 88;
R_PPC_JMP_SLOT : constant := 21;
R_PPC_LOCAL24PC : constant := 23;
R_PPC_NONE : constant := 0;
R_PPC_PLT16_HA : constant := 31;
R_PPC_PLT16_HI : constant := 30;
R_PPC_PLT16_LO : constant := 29;
R_PPC_PLT32 : constant := 27;
R_PPC_PLTREL24 : constant := 18;
R_PPC_PLTREL32 : constant := 28;
R_PPC_REL14 : constant := 11;
R_PPC_REL14_BRNTAKEN : constant := 13;
R_PPC_REL14_BRTAKEN : constant := 12;
R_PPC_REL24 : constant := 10;
R_PPC_REL32 : constant := 26;
R_PPC_RELATIVE : constant := 22;
R_PPC_SDAREL16 : constant := 32;
R_PPC_SECTOFF : constant := 33;
R_PPC_SECTOFF_HA : constant := 36;
R_PPC_SECTOFF_HI : constant := 35;
R_PPC_SECTOFF_LO : constant := 34;
R_PPC_TLS : constant := 67;
R_PPC_TPREL16 : constant := 69;
R_PPC_TPREL16_HA : constant := 72;
R_PPC_TPREL16_HI : constant := 71;
R_PPC_TPREL16_LO : constant := 70;
R_PPC_TPREL32 : constant := 73;
R_PPC_UADDR16 : constant := 25;
R_PPC_UADDR32 : constant := 24;
R_SPARC_10 : constant := 30;
R_SPARC_11 : constant := 31;
R_SPARC_13 : constant := 11;
R_SPARC_16 : constant := 2;
R_SPARC_22 : constant := 10;
R_SPARC_32 : constant := 3;
R_SPARC_5 : constant := 44;
R_SPARC_6 : constant := 45;
R_SPARC_64 : constant := 32;
R_SPARC_7 : constant := 43;
R_SPARC_8 : constant := 1;
R_SPARC_COPY : constant := 19;
R_SPARC_DISP16 : constant := 5;
R_SPARC_DISP32 : constant := 6;
R_SPARC_DISP64 : constant := 46;
R_SPARC_DISP8 : constant := 4;
R_SPARC_GLOB_DAT : constant := 20;
R_SPARC_GLOB_JMP : constant := 42;
R_SPARC_GOT10 : constant := 13;
R_SPARC_GOT13 : constant := 14;
R_SPARC_GOT22 : constant := 15;
R_SPARC_H44 : constant := 50;
R_SPARC_HH22 : constant := 34;
R_SPARC_HI22 : constant := 9;
R_SPARC_HIPLT22 : constant := 25;
R_SPARC_HIX22 : constant := 48;
R_SPARC_HM10 : constant := 35;
R_SPARC_JMP_SLOT : constant := 21;
R_SPARC_L44 : constant := 52;
R_SPARC_LM22 : constant := 36;
R_SPARC_LO10 : constant := 12;
R_SPARC_LOPLT10 : constant := 26;
R_SPARC_LOX10 : constant := 49;
R_SPARC_M44 : constant := 51;
R_SPARC_NONE : constant := 0;
R_SPARC_OLO10 : constant := 33;
R_SPARC_PC10 : constant := 16;
R_SPARC_PC22 : constant := 17;
R_SPARC_PCPLT10 : constant := 29;
R_SPARC_PCPLT22 : constant := 28;
R_SPARC_PCPLT32 : constant := 27;
R_SPARC_PC_HH22 : constant := 37;
R_SPARC_PC_HM10 : constant := 38;
R_SPARC_PC_LM22 : constant := 39;
R_SPARC_PLT32 : constant := 24;
R_SPARC_PLT64 : constant := 47;
R_SPARC_REGISTER : constant := 53;
R_SPARC_RELATIVE : constant := 22;
R_SPARC_TLS_DTPMOD32 : constant := 74;
R_SPARC_TLS_DTPMOD64 : constant := 75;
R_SPARC_TLS_DTPOFF32 : constant := 76;
R_SPARC_TLS_DTPOFF64 : constant := 77;
R_SPARC_TLS_GD_ADD : constant := 58;
R_SPARC_TLS_GD_CALL : constant := 59;
R_SPARC_TLS_GD_HI22 : constant := 56;
R_SPARC_TLS_GD_LO10 : constant := 57;
R_SPARC_TLS_IE_ADD : constant := 71;
R_SPARC_TLS_IE_HI22 : constant := 67;
R_SPARC_TLS_IE_LD : constant := 69;
R_SPARC_TLS_IE_LDX : constant := 70;
R_SPARC_TLS_IE_LO10 : constant := 68;
R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_ADD : constant := 62;
R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_CALL : constant := 63;
R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_HI22 : constant := 60;
R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_LO10 : constant := 61;
R_SPARC_TLS_LDO_ADD : constant := 66;
R_SPARC_TLS_LDO_HIX22 : constant := 64;
R_SPARC_TLS_LDO_LOX10 : constant := 65;
R_SPARC_TLS_LE_HIX22 : constant := 72;
R_SPARC_TLS_LE_LOX10 : constant := 73;
R_SPARC_TLS_TPOFF32 : constant := 78;
R_SPARC_TLS_TPOFF64 : constant := 79;
R_SPARC_UA16 : constant := 55;
R_SPARC_UA32 : constant := 23;
R_SPARC_UA64 : constant := 54;
R_SPARC_WDISP16 : constant := 40;
R_SPARC_WDISP19 : constant := 41;
R_SPARC_WDISP22 : constant := 8;
R_SPARC_WDISP30 : constant := 7;
R_SPARC_WPLT30 : constant := 18;
R_X86_64_16 : constant := 12;
R_X86_64_32 : constant := 10;
R_X86_64_32S : constant := 11;
R_X86_64_64 : constant := 1;
R_X86_64_8 : constant := 14;
R_X86_64_COPY : constant := 5;
R_X86_64_DTPMOD64 : constant := 16;
R_X86_64_DTPOFF32 : constant := 21;
R_X86_64_DTPOFF64 : constant := 17;
R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT : constant := 6;
R_X86_64_GOT32 : constant := 3;
R_X86_64_GOTPCREL : constant := 9;
R_X86_64_GOTTPOFF : constant := 22;
R_X86_64_JMP_SLOT : constant := 7;
R_X86_64_NONE : constant := 0;
R_X86_64_PC16 : constant := 13;
R_X86_64_PC32 : constant := 2;
R_X86_64_PC8 : constant := 15;
R_X86_64_PLT32 : constant := 4;
R_X86_64_RELATIVE : constant := 8;
R_X86_64_TLSGD : constant := 19;
R_X86_64_TLSLD : constant := 20;
R_X86_64_TPOFF32 : constant := 23;
R_X86_64_TPOFF64 : constant := 18;
SELFMAG : constant := 4;
SHF_ALLOC : constant := 2;
SHF_EXECINSTR : constant := 4;
SHF_GROUP : constant := 512;
SHF_INFO_LINK : constant := 64;
SHF_LINK_ORDER : constant := 128;
SHF_MASKOS : constant := 267386880;
SHF_MASKPROC : constant := -268435456;
SHF_MERGE : constant := 16;
SHF_OS_NONCONFORMING : constant := 256;
SHF_STRINGS : constant := 32;
SHF_TLS : constant := 1024;
SHF_WRITE : constant := 1;
SHN_ABS : constant := 65521;
SHN_COMMON : constant := 65522;
SHN_HIOS : constant := 65343;
SHN_HIPROC : constant := 65311;
SHN_HIRESERVE : constant := 65535;
SHN_LOOS : constant := 65312;
SHN_LOPROC : constant := 65280;
SHN_LORESERVE : constant := 65280;
SHN_UNDEF : constant := 0;
SHN_XINDEX : constant := 65535;
SHT_AMD64_UNWIND : constant := 1879048193;
SHT_DYNAMIC : constant := 6;
SHT_DYNSYM : constant := 11;
SHT_FINI_ARRAY : constant := 15;
SHT_GNU_verdef : constant := 1879048189;
SHT_GNU_verneed : constant := 1879048190;
SHT_GNU_versym : constant := 1879048191;
SHT_GROUP : constant := 17;
SHT_HASH : constant := 5;
SHT_HIOS : constant := 1879048191;
SHT_HIPROC : constant := 2147483647;
SHT_HISUNW : constant := 1879048191;
SHT_HIUSER : constant := -1;
SHT_INIT_ARRAY : constant := 14;
SHT_LOOS : constant := 1610612736;
SHT_LOPROC : constant := 1879048192;
SHT_LOSUNW : constant := 1879048180;
SHT_LOUSER : constant := -2147483648;
SHT_NOBITS : constant := 8;
SHT_NOTE : constant := 7;
SHT_NULL : constant := 0;
SHT_PREINIT_ARRAY : constant := 16;
SHT_PROGBITS : constant := 1;
SHT_REL : constant := 9;
SHT_RELA : constant := 4;
SHT_SHLIB : constant := 10;
SHT_STRTAB : constant := 3;
SHT_SUNW_ANNOTATE : constant := 1879048183;
SHT_SUNW_COMDAT : constant := 1879048187;
SHT_SUNW_DEBUG : constant := 1879048185;
SHT_SUNW_DEBUGSTR : constant := 1879048184;
SHT_SUNW_SIGNATURE : constant := 1879048182;
SHT_SUNW_cap : constant := 1879048181;
SHT_SUNW_dof : constant := 1879048180;
SHT_SUNW_move : constant := 1879048186;
SHT_SUNW_syminfo : constant := 1879048188;
SHT_SUNW_verdef : constant := 1879048189;
SHT_SUNW_verneed : constant := 1879048190;
SHT_SUNW_versym : constant := 1879048191;
SHT_SYMTAB : constant := 2;
SHT_SYMTAB_SHNDX : constant := 18;
STB_GLOBAL : constant := 1;
STB_HIOS : constant := 12;
STB_HIPROC : constant := 15;
STB_LOCAL : constant := 0;
STB_LOOS : constant := 10;
STB_LOPROC : constant := 13;
STB_WEAK : constant := 2;
STN_UNDEF : constant := 0;
STT_COMMON : constant := 5;
STT_FILE : constant := 4;
STT_FUNC : constant := 2;
STT_HIOS : constant := 12;
STT_HIPROC : constant := 15;
STT_LOOS : constant := 10;
STT_LOPROC : constant := 13;
STT_NOTYPE : constant := 0;
STT_NUM : constant := 7;
STT_OBJECT : constant := 1;
STT_SECTION : constant := 3;
STT_TLS : constant := 6;
STV_DEFAULT : constant := 0;
STV_ELIMINATE : constant := 6;
STV_EXPORTED : constant := 4;
STV_HIDDEN : constant := 2;
STV_INTERNAL : constant := 1;
STV_PROTECTED : constant := 3;
STV_SINGLETON : constant := 5;
SYMINFO_BT_EXTERN : constant := 65532;
SYMINFO_BT_LOWRESERVE : constant := 65280;
SYMINFO_BT_NONE : constant := 65533;
SYMINFO_BT_PARENT : constant := 65534;
SYMINFO_BT_SELF : constant := 65535;
SYMINFO_CURRENT : constant := 1;
SYMINFO_FLG_AUXILIARY : constant := 64;
SYMINFO_FLG_COPY : constant := 4;
SYMINFO_FLG_DIRECT : constant := 1;
SYMINFO_FLG_DIRECTBIND : constant := 16;
SYMINFO_FLG_FILTER : constant := 2;
SYMINFO_FLG_LAZYLOAD : constant := 8;
SYMINFO_FLG_PASSTHRU : constant := 2;
SYMINFO_NONE : constant := 0;
SYMINFO_NUM : constant := 2;
VER_DEF_CURRENT : constant := 1;
-- VER_DEF_IDX (function macro)
VER_FLG_BASE : constant := 1;
VER_FLG_WEAK : constant := 2;
-- VER_NDX (function macro)
VER_NDX_GIVEN : constant := 2;
VER_NDX_GLOBAL : constant := 1;
VER_NDX_HIDDEN : constant := 32768;
VER_NDX_LOCAL : constant := 0;
VER_NEED_CURRENT : constant := 1;
VER_NEED_HIDDEN : constant := 32768;
-- VER_NEED_IDX (function macro)
VER_NEED_WEAK : constant := 32768;
SYS_ELF_COMMON_H : constant := 1;
end C.sys.elf_common;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.sys.elf32;
package C.sys.elf_generic is
pragma Preelaborate;
subtype Elf_Addr is sys.elf32.Elf32_Addr;
subtype Elf_Half is sys.elf32.Elf32_Half;
subtype Elf_Off is sys.elf32.Elf32_Off;
subtype Elf_Sword is sys.elf32.Elf32_Sword;
subtype Elf_Word is sys.elf32.Elf32_Word;
subtype Elf_Ehdr is sys.elf32.Elf32_Ehdr;
subtype Elf_Shdr is sys.elf32.Elf32_Shdr;
subtype Elf_Phdr is sys.elf32.Elf32_Phdr;
subtype Elf_Phdr_const_ptr is sys.elf32.Elf32_Phdr_const_ptr;
subtype Elf_Dyn is sys.elf32.Elf32_Dyn;
subtype Elf_Rel is sys.elf32.Elf32_Rel;
subtype Elf_Rela is sys.elf32.Elf32_Rela;
subtype Elf_Sym is sys.elf32.Elf32_Sym;
subtype Elf_Verdef is sys.elf32.Elf32_Verdef;
subtype Elf_Verdaux is sys.elf32.Elf32_Verdaux;
subtype Elf_Verneed is sys.elf32.Elf32_Verneed;
subtype Elf_Vernaux is sys.elf32.Elf32_Vernaux;
subtype Elf_Versym is sys.elf32.Elf32_Versym;
subtype Elf_Hashelt is sys.elf32.Elf32_Hashelt;
subtype Elf_Size is sys.elf32.Elf32_Size;
subtype Elf_Ssize is sys.elf32.Elf32_Ssize;
ELF_CLASS : constant := 1;
ELF_DATA : constant := 1;
-- ELF_R_INFO (function macro)
-- ELF_R_SYM (function macro)
-- ELF_R_TYPE (function macro)
-- ELF_ST_BIND (function macro)
-- ELF_ST_INFO (function macro)
-- ELF_ST_TYPE (function macro)
SYS_ELF_GENERIC_H : constant := 1;
-- __ELFN (unparsible)
-- __ElfN (unparsible)
-- __ElfType (unparsible)
-- __elfN (unparsible)
end C.sys.elf_generic;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.fcntl;
with C.stddef;
with C.sys.types;
package C.sys.file is
pragma Preelaborate;
O_CLOEXEC : constant := fcntl.O_CLOEXEC;
subtype struct_flock is fcntl.struct_flock;
subtype struct_oflock is fcntl.struct_oflock;
function open (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int renames;
function open (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : sys.types.mode_t) return signed_int renames;
function creat (a1 : access constant char; a2 : sys.types.mode_t)
return signed_int renames fcntl.creat;
function fcntl (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int) return signed_int
renames Standard.C.fcntl.fcntl;
function fcntl (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int; a3 : signed_int)
return signed_int renames Standard.C.fcntl.fcntl;
function flock (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int) return signed_int
renames Standard.C.fcntl.flock;
FAPPEND : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.FAPPEND;
FASYNC : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.FASYNC;
FD_CLOEXEC : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC;
FFSYNC : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.FFSYNC;
FNDELAY : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.FNDELAY;
FNONBLOCK : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.FNONBLOCK;
FPOSIXSHM : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.FPOSIXSHM;
FREAD : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.FREAD;
FWRITE : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.FWRITE;
F_CANCEL : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.F_CANCEL;
F_DUP2FD : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.F_DUP2FD;
F_DUPFD : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.F_DUPFD;
F_GETFD : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.F_GETFD;
F_GETFL : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.F_GETFL;
F_GETLK : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.F_GETLK;
F_GETOWN : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.F_GETOWN;
F_OGETLK : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.F_OGETLK;
F_OSETLK : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.F_OSETLK;
F_OSETLKW : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.F_OSETLKW;
F_RDLCK : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.F_RDLCK;
F_SETFD : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.F_SETFD;
F_SETFL : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.F_SETFL;
F_SETLK : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.F_SETLK;
F_SETLKW : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.F_SETLKW;
F_SETLK_REMOTE : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.F_SETLK_REMOTE;
F_SETOWN : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.F_SETOWN;
F_UNLCK : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.F_UNLCK;
F_UNLCKSYS : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.F_UNLCKSYS;
F_WRLCK : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.F_WRLCK;
LOCK_EX : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.LOCK_EX;
LOCK_NB : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.LOCK_NB;
LOCK_SH : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.LOCK_SH;
LOCK_UN : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.LOCK_UN;
O_ACCMODE : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.O_ACCMODE;
O_APPEND : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.O_APPEND;
O_ASYNC : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.O_ASYNC;
O_CREAT : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.O_CREAT;
O_DIRECT : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.O_DIRECT;
O_EXCL : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.O_EXCL;
O_EXLOCK : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.O_EXLOCK;
O_FSYNC : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.O_FSYNC;
O_NDELAY : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.O_NDELAY;
O_NOCTTY : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.O_NOCTTY;
O_NOFOLLOW : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.O_NOFOLLOW;
O_NONBLOCK : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.O_NONBLOCK;
O_RDONLY : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.O_RDONLY;
O_RDWR : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.O_RDWR;
O_SHLOCK : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.O_SHLOCK;
O_SYNC : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.O_SYNC;
O_TRUNC : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.O_TRUNC;
O_WRONLY : constant := Standard.C.fcntl.O_WRONLY;
-- SYS_FCNTL_H renames Standard.C.fcntl.SYS_FCNTL_H (empty)
type struct_xfile;
type struct_xfile is record
xf_size : aliased stddef.size_t;
xf_pid : aliased sys.types.pid_t;
xf_uid : aliased sys.types.uid_t;
xf_fd : aliased signed_int;
xf_file : aliased void_ptr;
xf_type : aliased signed_short;
xf_count : aliased signed_int;
xf_msgcount : aliased signed_int;
xf_offset : aliased sys.types.off_t;
xf_data : aliased void_ptr;
xf_vnode : aliased void_ptr;
xf_flag : aliased sys.types.u_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_xfile);
DTYPE_CRYPTO : constant := 6;
DTYPE_FIFO : constant := 4;
DTYPE_KQUEUE : constant := 5;
DTYPE_MQUEUE : constant := 7;
DTYPE_PIPE : constant := 3;
DTYPE_SOCKET : constant := 2;
DTYPE_VNODE : constant := 1;
-- _SYS_FILE_H_ (empty)
end C.sys.file;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.sys.ioccom is
pragma Preelaborate;
function ioctl (a1 : signed_int; a2 : unsigned_long) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, ioctl, "ioctl");
-- IOCBASECMD (function macro)
-- IOCGROUP (function macro)
-- IOCPARM_LEN (function macro)
IOCPARM_MASK : constant := 8191;
IOCPARM_MAX : constant := 4096;
IOC_DIRMASK : constant := -536870912;
IOC_IN : constant := -2147483648;
IOC_INOUT : constant := -1073741824;
IOC_OUT : constant := 1073741824;
IOC_VOID : constant := 536870912;
-- _IO (function macro)
-- _IOC (function macro)
-- _IOR (function macro)
-- _IOW (function macro)
-- _IOWINT (function macro)
-- _IOWR (function macro)
-- _SYS_IOCCOM_H_ (empty)
end C.sys.ioccom;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.sys.limits is
pragma Preelaborate;
CHAR_BIT : constant := 8;
CHAR_MAX : constant := 127;
CHAR_MIN : constant := -128;
GID_MAX : constant := 4294967295;
INT_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
INT_MIN : constant := -2147483648;
LLONG_MAX : constant := 9223372036854775807;
LLONG_MIN : constant := -9223372036854775808;
LONG_BIT : constant := 32;
LONG_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
LONG_MIN : constant := -2147483648;
MQ_PRIO_MAX : constant := 64;
OFF_MAX : constant := 9223372036854775807;
OFF_MIN : constant := -9223372036854775808;
QUAD_MAX : constant := 9223372036854775807;
QUAD_MIN : constant := -9223372036854775808;
SCHAR_MAX : constant := 127;
SCHAR_MIN : constant := -128;
SHRT_MAX : constant := 32767;
SHRT_MIN : constant := -32768;
SIZE_T_MAX : constant := 4294967295;
SSIZE_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
UCHAR_MAX : constant := 255;
UID_MAX : constant := 4294967295;
UINT_MAX : constant := 4294967295;
ULLONG_MAX : constant := 18446744073709551615;
ULONG_MAX : constant := 4294967295;
UQUAD_MAX : constant := 18446744073709551615;
USHRT_MAX : constant := 65535;
WORD_BIT : constant := 32;
-- _SYS_LIMITS_H_ (empty)
end C.sys.limits;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.stddef;
with C.sys.types;
package C.sys.mman is
pragma Preelaborate;
subtype u_char is sys.types.u_char;
subtype u_short is sys.types.u_short;
subtype u_int is sys.types.u_int;
subtype u_long is sys.types.u_long;
subtype ushort is sys.types.ushort;
subtype uint is sys.types.uint;
subtype u_int8_t is sys.types.u_int8_t;
subtype u_int16_t is sys.types.u_int16_t;
subtype u_int32_t is sys.types.u_int32_t;
subtype u_int64_t is sys.types.u_int64_t;
subtype u_quad_t is sys.types.u_quad_t;
subtype quad_t is sys.types.quad_t;
subtype qaddr_t is sys.types.qaddr_t;
subtype caddr_t is sys.types.caddr_t;
subtype c_caddr_t is sys.types.c_caddr_t;
subtype v_caddr_t is sys.types.v_caddr_t;
subtype blksize_t is sys.types.blksize_t;
subtype cpuwhich_t is sys.types.cpuwhich_t;
subtype cpulevel_t is sys.types.cpulevel_t;
subtype cpusetid_t is sys.types.cpusetid_t;
subtype blkcnt_t is sys.types.blkcnt_t;
subtype clock_t is sys.types.clock_t;
subtype clockid_t is sys.types.clockid_t;
subtype cpumask_t is sys.types.cpumask_t;
subtype critical_t is sys.types.critical_t;
subtype daddr_t is sys.types.daddr_t;
subtype dev_t is sys.types.dev_t;
subtype fflags_t is sys.types.fflags_t;
subtype fixpt_t is sys.types.fixpt_t;
subtype fsblkcnt_t is sys.types.fsblkcnt_t;
subtype fsfilcnt_t is sys.types.fsfilcnt_t;
subtype gid_t is sys.types.gid_t;
subtype in_addr_t is sys.types.in_addr_t;
subtype in_port_t is sys.types.in_port_t;
subtype id_t is sys.types.id_t;
subtype ino_t is sys.types.ino_t;
subtype key_t is sys.types.key_t;
subtype lwpid_t is sys.types.lwpid_t;
subtype mode_t is sys.types.mode_t;
subtype nlink_t is sys.types.nlink_t;
subtype off_t is sys.types.off_t;
subtype pid_t is sys.types.pid_t;
subtype register_t is sys.types.register_t;
subtype rlim_t is sys.types.rlim_t;
subtype segsz_t is sys.types.segsz_t;
subtype ssize_t is sys.types.ssize_t;
subtype suseconds_t is sys.types.suseconds_t;
subtype time_t is sys.types.time_t;
subtype timer_t is sys.types.timer_t;
subtype mqd_t is sys.types.mqd_t;
subtype u_register_t is sys.types.u_register_t;
subtype uid_t is sys.types.uid_t;
subtype useconds_t is sys.types.useconds_t;
subtype vm_offset_t is sys.types.vm_offset_t;
subtype vm_ooffset_t is sys.types.vm_ooffset_t;
subtype vm_paddr_t is sys.types.vm_paddr_t;
subtype vm_pindex_t is sys.types.vm_pindex_t;
subtype vm_size_t is sys.types.vm_size_t;
function ftruncate (a1 : signed_int; a2 : sys.types.off_t)
return signed_int renames sys.types.ftruncate;
function lseek (a1 : signed_int; a2 : sys.types.off_t; a3 : signed_int)
return sys.types.off_t renames sys.types.lseek;
function mmap (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t; a3 : signed_int;
a4 : signed_int; a5 : signed_int; a6 : sys.types.off_t) return void_ptr
renames sys.types.mmap;
function truncate (a1 : access constant char; a2 : sys.types.off_t)
return signed_int renames sys.types.truncate;
-- BLKCNT_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.BLKCNT_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- BLKSIZE_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.BLKSIZE_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- CLOCKID_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.CLOCKID_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- CLOCK_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.CLOCK_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- DEV_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.DEV_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- FFLAGS_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.FFLAGS_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- FSBLKCNT_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.FSBLKCNT_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- GID_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.GID_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- ID_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.ID_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- INO_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.INO_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- IN_ADDR_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.IN_ADDR_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- IN_PORT_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.IN_PORT_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- KEY_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.KEY_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- LSEEK_DECLARED renames sys.types.LSEEK_DECLARED (empty)
-- LWPID_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.LWPID_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- MMAP_DECLARED renames sys.types.MMAP_DECLARED (empty)
-- MODE_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.MODE_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- MQD_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.MQD_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- NLINK_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.NLINK_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- OFF_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.OFF_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- PID_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.PID_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- RLIM_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.RLIM_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- SSIZE_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.SSIZE_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- SYS_TYPES_H renames sys.types.SYS_TYPES_H (empty)
-- TIMER_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.TIMER_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- TIME_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.TIME_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- TRUNCATE_DECLARED renames sys.types.TRUNCATE_DECLARED (empty)
-- UID_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.UID_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- USECONDS_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.USECONDS_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- major renames sys.types.major (function macro)
-- makedev renames sys.types.makedev (function macro)
-- minor renames sys.types.minor (function macro)
function madvise (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t; a3 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, madvise, "madvise");
function mincore (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t;
a3 : access char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, mincore, "mincore");
function minherit (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t; a3 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, minherit, "minherit");
function mlock (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, mlock, "mlock");
function mprotect (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t;
a3 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, mprotect, "mprotect");
function msync (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t; a3 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, msync, "msync");
function munlock (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, munlock, "munlock");
function munmap (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, munmap, "munmap");
function posix_madvise (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t;
a3 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, posix_madvise, "posix_madvise");
function mlockall (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, mlockall, "mlockall");
function munlockall return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, munlockall, "munlockall");
function shm_open (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : sys.types.mode_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, shm_open, "shm_open");
function shm_unlink (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, shm_unlink, "shm_unlink");
INHERIT_COPY : constant := 1;
INHERIT_NONE : constant := 2;
INHERIT_SHARE : constant := 0;
MADV_AUTOSYNC : constant := 7;
MADV_CORE : constant := 9;
MADV_DONTNEED : constant := 4;
MADV_FREE : constant := 5;
MADV_NOCORE : constant := 8;
MADV_NORMAL : constant := 0;
MADV_NOSYNC : constant := 6;
MADV_PROTECT : constant := 10;
MADV_RANDOM : constant := 1;
MADV_SEQUENTIAL : constant := 2;
MADV_WILLNEED : constant := 3;
MAP_ANON : constant := 4096;
MAP_COPY : constant := 2;
MAP_FAILED : constant void_ptr := void_ptr (System'To_Address (-1));
MAP_FILE : constant := 0;
MAP_FIXED : constant := 16;
MAP_HASSEMAPHORE : constant := 512;
MAP_NOCORE : constant := 131072;
MAP_NORESERVE : constant := 64;
MAP_NOSYNC : constant := 2048;
MAP_PRIVATE : constant := 2;
MAP_RENAME : constant := 32;
MAP_RESERVED0080 : constant := 128;
MAP_RESERVED0100 : constant := 256;
MAP_SHARED : constant := 1;
MAP_STACK : constant := 1024;
MCL_CURRENT : constant := 1;
MCL_FUTURE : constant := 2;
MINCORE_INCORE : constant := 1;
MINCORE_MODIFIED : constant := 4;
MINCORE_MODIFIED_OTHER : constant := 16;
MINCORE_REFERENCED : constant := 2;
MS_ASYNC : constant := 1;
MS_INVALIDATE : constant := 2;
MS_SYNC : constant := 0;
POSIX_MADV_DONTNEED : constant := 4;
POSIX_MADV_NORMAL : constant := 0;
POSIX_MADV_RANDOM : constant := 1;
POSIX_MADV_SEQUENTIAL : constant := 2;
POSIX_MADV_WILLNEED : constant := 3;
PROT_EXEC : constant := 4;
PROT_NONE : constant := 0;
PROT_READ : constant := 1;
PROT_WRITE : constant := 2;
qMADV_DONTNEED : constant := 4;
qMADV_NORMAL : constant := 0;
qMADV_RANDOM : constant := 1;
qMADV_SEQUENTIAL : constant := 2;
qMADV_WILLNEED : constant := 3;
-- _SYS_MMAN_H_ (empty)
end C.sys.mman;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.stddef;
with C.stdint;
with C.sys.qiovec;
with C.sys.socket;
with C.sys.stat;
with C.sys.types;
with C.sys.ucred;
package C.sys.mount is
pragma Preelaborate;
type struct_fsid;
type struct_fsid is record
val : aliased stdint.int32_t_array (0 .. 1);
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_fsid);
subtype fsid_t is struct_fsid;
type struct_fid;
type struct_fid is record
fid_len : aliased sys.types.u_short;
fid_reserved : aliased sys.types.u_short;
fid_data : aliased char_array (0 .. 15);
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_fid);
type struct_statfs;
type struct_statfs is record
f_version : aliased stdint.uint32_t;
f_type : aliased stdint.uint32_t;
f_flags : aliased stdint.uint64_t;
f_bsize : aliased stdint.uint64_t;
f_iosize : aliased stdint.uint64_t;
f_blocks : aliased stdint.uint64_t;
f_bfree : aliased stdint.uint64_t;
f_bavail : aliased stdint.int64_t;
f_files : aliased stdint.uint64_t;
f_ffree : aliased stdint.int64_t;
f_syncwrites : aliased stdint.uint64_t;
f_asyncwrites : aliased stdint.uint64_t;
f_syncreads : aliased stdint.uint64_t;
f_asyncreads : aliased stdint.uint64_t;
f_spare : aliased stdint.uint64_t_array (0 .. 9);
f_namemax : aliased stdint.uint32_t;
f_owner : aliased sys.types.uid_t;
f_fsid : aliased fsid_t;
f_charspare : aliased char_array (0 .. 79);
f_fstypename : aliased char_array (0 .. 15);
f_mntfromname : aliased char_array (0 .. 87);
f_mntonname : aliased char_array (0 .. 87);
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_statfs);
type struct_statfs_ptr is access all struct_statfs;
for struct_statfs_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_statfs_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_statfs_ptr);
type struct_statfs_ptr_ptr is access all struct_statfs_ptr;
for struct_statfs_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_statfs_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_statfs_ptr_ptr);
type struct_fhandle;
type struct_fhandle is record
fh_fsid : aliased fsid_t;
fh_fid : aliased struct_fid;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_fhandle);
type struct_fhandle_const_ptr is access constant struct_fhandle;
for struct_fhandle_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_fhandle_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_fhandle_const_ptr);
type struct_fhandle_ptr is access all struct_fhandle;
for struct_fhandle_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_fhandle_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_fhandle_ptr);
subtype fhandle_t is struct_fhandle;
subtype fhandle_t_ptr is struct_fhandle_ptr;
type struct_export_args;
type struct_export_args is record
ex_flags : aliased signed_int;
ex_root : aliased sys.types.uid_t;
ex_anon : aliased sys.ucred.struct_xucred;
ex_addr : aliased sys.socket.struct_sockaddr_ptr;
ex_addrlen : aliased sys.types.u_char;
ex_mask : aliased sys.socket.struct_sockaddr_ptr;
ex_masklen : aliased sys.types.u_char;
ex_indexfile : aliased char_ptr;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_export_args);
type struct_nfs_public;
type struct_mount (<>) is limited private;
type struct_mount_ptr is access all struct_mount;
for struct_mount_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_mount_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_mount_ptr);
type struct_nfs_public is record
np_valid : aliased signed_int;
np_handle : aliased fhandle_t;
np_mount : aliased struct_mount_ptr;
np_index : aliased char_ptr;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_nfs_public);
type struct_vfsconf;
type struct_vfsconf_ptr is access all struct_vfsconf;
for struct_vfsconf_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_vfsconf_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_vfsconf_ptr);
type struct_vfsconf_ptr_ptr is access all struct_vfsconf_ptr;
for struct_vfsconf_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_vfsconf_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_vfsconf_ptr_ptr);
type struct_vfsops (<>) is limited private;
type struct_vfsops_ptr is access all struct_vfsops;
for struct_vfsops_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_vfsops_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_vfsops_ptr);
type struct_vfsoptdecl (<>) is limited private;
type struct_vfsoptdecl_ptr is access all struct_vfsoptdecl;
for struct_vfsoptdecl_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_vfsoptdecl_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_vfsoptdecl_ptr);
type struct_10521353 is record
tqe_next : aliased struct_vfsconf_ptr;
tqe_prev : aliased struct_vfsconf_ptr_ptr;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_10521353);
type struct_vfsconf is record
vfc_version : aliased sys.types.u_int;
vfc_name : aliased char_array (0 .. 15);
vfc_vfsops : aliased struct_vfsops_ptr;
vfc_typenum : aliased signed_int;
vfc_refcount : aliased signed_int;
vfc_flags : aliased signed_int;
vfc_opts : aliased struct_vfsoptdecl_ptr;
vfc_list : aliased struct_10521353;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_vfsconf);
type struct_xvfsconf;
type struct_xvfsconf is record
vfc_vfsops : aliased struct_vfsops_ptr;
vfc_name : aliased char_array (0 .. 15);
vfc_typenum : aliased signed_int;
vfc_refcount : aliased signed_int;
vfc_flags : aliased signed_int;
vfc_next : aliased struct_vfsconf_ptr;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_xvfsconf);
type struct_xvfsconf_ptr is access all struct_xvfsconf;
for struct_xvfsconf_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_xvfsconf_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_xvfsconf_ptr);
type struct_ovfsconf;
type struct_ovfsconf is record
vfc_vfsops : aliased void_ptr;
vfc_name : aliased char_array (0 .. 31);
vfc_index : aliased signed_int;
vfc_refcount : aliased signed_int;
vfc_flags : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_ovfsconf);
subtype fsctlop_t is stdint.uint32_t;
type struct_vfsidctl;
type struct_vfsidctl is record
vc_vers : aliased signed_int;
vc_fsid : aliased fsid_t;
vc_fstypename : aliased char_array (0 .. 15);
vc_op : aliased fsctlop_t;
vc_ptr : aliased void_ptr;
vc_len : aliased stddef.size_t;
vc_spare : aliased sys.types.u_int32_t_array (0 .. 11);
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_vfsidctl);
type struct_vfsquery;
type struct_vfsquery is record
vq_flags : aliased sys.types.u_int32_t;
vq_spare : aliased sys.types.u_int32_t_array (0 .. 30);
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_vfsquery);
type struct_uio (<>) is limited private;
function fhopen (a1 : access constant struct_fhandle; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fhopen, "fhopen");
function fhstat (a1 : access constant struct_fhandle;
a2 : access sys.stat.struct_stat) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fhstat, "fhstat");
function fhstatfs (a1 : access constant struct_fhandle;
a2 : access struct_statfs) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fhstatfs, "fhstatfs");
function fstatfs (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access struct_statfs)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fstatfs, "fstatfs");
function getfh (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access fhandle_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getfh, "getfh");
function getfsstat (a1 : access struct_statfs; a2 : signed_long;
a3 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getfsstat, "getfsstat");
function getmntinfo (a1 : access struct_statfs_ptr; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getmntinfo, "getmntinfo");
function lgetfh (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access fhandle_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, lgetfh, "lgetfh");
function mount (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : signed_int; a4 : void_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, mount, "mount");
function nmount (a1 : access sys.qiovec.struct_iovec; a2 : unsigned_int;
a3 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, nmount, "nmount");
function statfs (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access struct_statfs)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, statfs, "statfs");
function unmount (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, unmount, "unmount");
function getvfsbyname (a1 : access constant char;
a2 : access struct_xvfsconf) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getvfsbyname, "getvfsbyname");
MAXFIDSZ : constant := 16;
MFSNAMELEN : constant := 16;
MNAMELEN : constant := 88;
MNTK_ASYNC : constant := 2;
MNTK_LOOKUP_SHARED : constant := 1073741824;
MNTK_MPSAFE : constant := 536870912;
MNTK_MWAIT : constant := 33554432;
MNTK_NOINSMNTQ : constant := 8;
MNTK_NOKNOTE : constant := -2147483648;
MNTK_SOFTDEP : constant := 4;
MNTK_SUSPEND : constant := 134217728;
MNTK_SUSPEND2 : constant := 67108864;
MNTK_SUSPENDED : constant := 268435456;
MNTK_UNMOUNT : constant := 16777216;
MNTK_UNMOUNTF : constant := 1;
MNT_ACLS : constant := 134217728;
MNT_ASYNC : constant := 64;
MNT_BYFSID : constant := 134217728;
MNT_CMDFLAGS : constant := 151977984;
MNT_DEFEXPORTED : constant := 512;
MNT_DELEXPORT : constant := 131072;
MNT_EXKERB : constant := 2048;
MNT_EXPORTANON : constant := 1024;
MNT_EXPORTED : constant := 256;
MNT_EXPUBLIC : constant := 536870912;
MNT_EXRDONLY : constant := 128;
MNT_FORCE : constant := 524288;
MNT_GJOURNAL : constant := 33554432;
MNT_IGNORE : constant := 8388608;
MNT_LAZY : constant := 3;
MNT_LOCAL : constant := 4096;
MNT_MULTILABEL : constant := 67108864;
MNT_NOATIME : constant := 268435456;
MNT_NOCLUSTERR : constant := 1073741824;
MNT_NOCLUSTERW : constant := -2147483648;
MNT_NOEXEC : constant := 4;
MNT_NOSUID : constant := 8;
MNT_NOSYMFOLLOW : constant := 4194304;
MNT_NOWAIT : constant := 2;
MNT_QUOTA : constant := 8192;
MNT_RDONLY : constant := 1;
MNT_RELOAD : constant := 262144;
MNT_ROOTFS : constant := 16384;
MNT_SNAPSHOT : constant := 16777216;
MNT_SOFTDEP : constant := 2097152;
MNT_SPARE_0x00000010 : constant := 16;
MNT_SUIDDIR : constant := 1048576;
MNT_SUSPEND : constant := 4;
MNT_SYNCHRONOUS : constant := 2;
MNT_UNION : constant := 32;
MNT_UPDATE : constant := 65536;
MNT_UPDATEMASK : constant := -657424274;
MNT_USER : constant := 32768;
MNT_VISFLAGMASK : constant := -17760273;
MNT_WAIT : constant := 1;
STATFS_VERSION : constant := 537068824;
VFCF_JAIL : constant := 4194304;
VFCF_LOOPBACK : constant := 1048576;
VFCF_NETWORK : constant := 131072;
VFCF_READONLY : constant := 262144;
VFCF_STATIC : constant := 65536;
VFCF_SYNTHETIC : constant := 524288;
VFCF_UNICODE : constant := 2097152;
VFS_CONF : constant := 2;
VFS_CTL_NOLOCKS : constant := 65539;
VFS_CTL_QUERY : constant := 65537;
VFS_CTL_TIMEO : constant := 65538;
VFS_CTL_VERS1 : constant := 1;
VFS_GENERIC : constant := 0;
VFS_MAXTYPENUM : constant := 1;
VFS_VFSCONF : constant := 0;
VQ_ASSIST : constant := 64;
VQ_DEAD : constant := 32;
VQ_FLAG0100 : constant := 256;
VQ_FLAG0200 : constant := 512;
VQ_FLAG0400 : constant := 1024;
VQ_FLAG0800 : constant := 2048;
VQ_FLAG1000 : constant := 4096;
VQ_FLAG2000 : constant := 8192;
VQ_FLAG4000 : constant := 16384;
VQ_FLAG8000 : constant := 32768;
VQ_LOWDISK : constant := 4;
VQ_MOUNT : constant := 8;
VQ_NEEDAUTH : constant := 2;
VQ_NOTRESP : constant := 1;
VQ_NOTRESPLOCK : constant := 128;
VQ_UNMOUNT : constant := 16;
-- _SYS_MOUNT_H_ (empty)
type struct_mount is null record;
type struct_vfsops is null record;
type struct_vfsoptdecl is null record;
type struct_uio is null record;
end C.sys.mount;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.sys.param is
pragma Preelaborate;
BKVAMASK : constant := 16383;
BKVASIZE : constant := 16384;
BLKDEV_IOSIZE : constant := 4096;
BSD : constant := 199506;
BSD4_3 : constant := 1;
BSD4_4 : constant := 1;
CBLOCK : constant := 128;
CBQSIZE : constant := 16;
-- CBSIZE (unparsible)
CMASK : constant := 18;
CROUND : constant := 127;
DEV_BSHIFT : constant := 9;
DEV_BSIZE : constant := 512;
DFLTPHYS : constant := 65536;
FSCALE : constant := 2048;
FSHIFT : constant := 11;
-- MAX (function macro)
MAXBSIZE : constant := 65536;
MAXCOMLEN : constant := 19;
MAXDUMPPGS : constant := 16;
MAXHOSTNAMELEN : constant := 256;
MAXINTERP : constant := 32;
MAXLOGNAME : constant := 17;
MAXPATHLEN : constant := 1024;
MAXPHYS : constant := 131072;
MAXSYMLINKS : constant := 32;
MAXUPRC : constant := 40;
MCLBYTES : constant := 2048;
MCLSHIFT : constant := 11;
-- MIN (function macro)
MJUM16BYTES : constant := 16384;
MJUM9BYTES : constant := 9216;
MJUMPAGESIZE : constant := 4096;
MSIZE : constant := 256;
NBBY : constant := 8;
NBPW : constant := 4;
NCARGS : constant := 262144;
NGROUPS : constant := 16;
NODEV : constant := 4294967295;
NOFILE : constant := 64;
NOGROUP : constant := 65535;
NZERO : constant := 0;
PCATCH : constant := 256;
PDROP : constant := 512;
PRIMASK : constant := 255;
SPECNAMELEN : constant := 63;
-- _SYS_PARAM_H_ (empty)
FreeBSD_version : constant := 701000;
-- btoc (function macro)
-- btodb (function macro)
-- clrbit (function macro)
-- ctob (function macro)
-- ctodb (function macro)
-- dbtob (function macro)
-- dbtoc (function macro)
-- howmany (function macro)
-- isclr (function macro)
-- isset (function macro)
-- powerof2 (function macro)
-- rounddown (function macro)
-- roundup (function macro)
-- roundup2 (function macro)
-- setbit (function macro)
end C.sys.param;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.stddef;
package C.sys.qiovec is
pragma Preelaborate;
type struct_iovec;
type struct_iovec is record
iov_base : aliased void_ptr;
iov_len : aliased stddef.size_t;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_iovec);
type struct_iovec_const_ptr is access constant struct_iovec;
for struct_iovec_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_iovec_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_iovec_const_ptr);
type struct_iovec_ptr is access all struct_iovec;
for struct_iovec_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_iovec_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_iovec_ptr);
-- _SYS__IOVEC_H_ (empty)
end C.sys.qiovec;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.sys.qpthreadtypes is
pragma Preelaborate;
type struct_pthread (<>) is limited private;
type struct_pthread_ptr is access all struct_pthread;
for struct_pthread_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_ptr);
type struct_pthread_ptr_ptr is access all struct_pthread_ptr;
for struct_pthread_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_ptr_ptr);
type struct_pthread_attr (<>) is limited private;
type struct_pthread_attr_ptr is access all struct_pthread_attr;
for struct_pthread_attr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_attr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_attr_ptr);
type struct_pthread_attr_ptr_ptr is access all struct_pthread_attr_ptr;
for struct_pthread_attr_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_attr_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_attr_ptr_ptr);
type struct_pthread_attr_ptr_const_ptr is
access constant struct_pthread_attr_ptr;
for struct_pthread_attr_ptr_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_attr_ptr_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_attr_ptr_const_ptr);
type struct_pthread_cond (<>) is limited private;
type struct_pthread_cond_ptr is access all struct_pthread_cond;
for struct_pthread_cond_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_cond_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_cond_ptr);
type struct_pthread_cond_ptr_ptr is access all struct_pthread_cond_ptr;
for struct_pthread_cond_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_cond_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_cond_ptr_ptr);
type struct_pthread_cond_attr (<>) is limited private;
type struct_pthread_cond_attr_ptr is access all struct_pthread_cond_attr;
for struct_pthread_cond_attr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_cond_attr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_cond_attr_ptr);
type struct_pthread_cond_attr_ptr_ptr is
access all struct_pthread_cond_attr_ptr;
for struct_pthread_cond_attr_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_cond_attr_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_cond_attr_ptr_ptr);
type struct_pthread_cond_attr_ptr_const_ptr is
access constant struct_pthread_cond_attr_ptr;
for struct_pthread_cond_attr_ptr_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_cond_attr_ptr_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_cond_attr_ptr_const_ptr);
type struct_pthread_mutex (<>) is limited private;
type struct_pthread_mutex_ptr is access all struct_pthread_mutex;
for struct_pthread_mutex_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_mutex_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_mutex_ptr);
type struct_pthread_mutex_ptr_ptr is access all struct_pthread_mutex_ptr;
for struct_pthread_mutex_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_mutex_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_mutex_ptr_ptr);
type struct_pthread_mutex_attr (<>) is limited private;
type struct_pthread_mutex_attr_ptr is
access all struct_pthread_mutex_attr;
for struct_pthread_mutex_attr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_mutex_attr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_mutex_attr_ptr);
type struct_pthread_mutex_attr_ptr_ptr is
access all struct_pthread_mutex_attr_ptr;
for struct_pthread_mutex_attr_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_mutex_attr_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_mutex_attr_ptr_ptr);
type struct_pthread_mutex_attr_ptr_const_ptr is
access constant struct_pthread_mutex_attr_ptr;
for struct_pthread_mutex_attr_ptr_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_mutex_attr_ptr_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_mutex_attr_ptr_const_ptr);
type struct_pthread_once;
type struct_pthread_once_ptr is access all struct_pthread_once;
for struct_pthread_once_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_once_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_once_ptr);
type struct_pthread_rwlock (<>) is limited private;
type struct_pthread_rwlock_ptr is access all struct_pthread_rwlock;
for struct_pthread_rwlock_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_rwlock_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_rwlock_ptr);
type struct_pthread_rwlock_ptr_ptr is
access all struct_pthread_rwlock_ptr;
for struct_pthread_rwlock_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_rwlock_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_rwlock_ptr_ptr);
type struct_pthread_rwlockattr (<>) is limited private;
type struct_pthread_rwlockattr_ptr is
access all struct_pthread_rwlockattr;
for struct_pthread_rwlockattr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_rwlockattr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_rwlockattr_ptr);
type struct_pthread_rwlockattr_ptr_const_ptr is
access constant struct_pthread_rwlockattr_ptr;
for struct_pthread_rwlockattr_ptr_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_rwlockattr_ptr_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_rwlockattr_ptr_const_ptr);
type struct_pthread_rwlockattr_ptr_ptr is
access all struct_pthread_rwlockattr_ptr;
for struct_pthread_rwlockattr_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_rwlockattr_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_rwlockattr_ptr_ptr);
type struct_pthread_barrier (<>) is limited private;
type struct_pthread_barrier_ptr is access all struct_pthread_barrier;
for struct_pthread_barrier_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_barrier_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_barrier_ptr);
type struct_pthread_barrier_ptr_ptr is
access all struct_pthread_barrier_ptr;
for struct_pthread_barrier_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_barrier_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_barrier_ptr_ptr);
type struct_pthread_barrier_attr (<>) is limited private;
type struct_pthread_spinlock (<>) is limited private;
type struct_pthread_spinlock_ptr is access all struct_pthread_spinlock;
for struct_pthread_spinlock_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_spinlock_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_spinlock_ptr);
type struct_pthread_spinlock_ptr_ptr is
access all struct_pthread_spinlock_ptr;
for struct_pthread_spinlock_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_spinlock_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_spinlock_ptr_ptr);
subtype pthread_t is struct_pthread_ptr;
subtype pthread_t_ptr is struct_pthread_ptr_ptr;
subtype pthread_attr_t is struct_pthread_attr_ptr;
subtype pthread_attr_t_ptr is struct_pthread_attr_ptr_ptr;
subtype pthread_attr_t_const_ptr is struct_pthread_attr_ptr_const_ptr;
subtype pthread_mutex_t is struct_pthread_mutex_ptr;
subtype pthread_mutex_t_ptr is struct_pthread_mutex_ptr_ptr;
subtype pthread_mutexattr_t is struct_pthread_mutex_attr_ptr;
subtype pthread_mutexattr_t_ptr is struct_pthread_mutex_attr_ptr_ptr;
subtype pthread_mutexattr_t_const_ptr is
subtype pthread_cond_t is struct_pthread_cond_ptr;
subtype pthread_cond_t_ptr is struct_pthread_cond_ptr_ptr;
subtype pthread_condattr_t is struct_pthread_cond_attr_ptr;
subtype pthread_condattr_t_ptr is struct_pthread_cond_attr_ptr_ptr;
subtype pthread_condattr_t_const_ptr is
subtype pthread_key_t is signed_int;
subtype pthread_key_t_ptr is signed_int_ptr;
subtype pthread_once_t is struct_pthread_once;
subtype pthread_once_t_ptr is struct_pthread_once_ptr;
subtype pthread_rwlock_t is struct_pthread_rwlock_ptr;
subtype pthread_rwlock_t_ptr is struct_pthread_rwlock_ptr_ptr;
subtype pthread_rwlockattr_t is struct_pthread_rwlockattr_ptr;
subtype pthread_rwlockattr_t_const_ptr is
subtype pthread_rwlockattr_t_ptr is struct_pthread_rwlockattr_ptr_ptr;
subtype pthread_barrier_t is struct_pthread_barrier_ptr;
subtype pthread_barrier_t_ptr is struct_pthread_barrier_ptr_ptr;
type struct_pthread_barrierattr (<>) is limited private;
type struct_pthread_barrierattr_ptr is
access all struct_pthread_barrierattr;
for struct_pthread_barrierattr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_barrierattr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_barrierattr_ptr);
type struct_pthread_barrierattr_ptr_const_ptr is
access constant struct_pthread_barrierattr_ptr;
for struct_pthread_barrierattr_ptr_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_barrierattr_ptr_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_barrierattr_ptr_const_ptr);
type struct_pthread_barrierattr_ptr_ptr is
access all struct_pthread_barrierattr_ptr;
for struct_pthread_barrierattr_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_pthread_barrierattr_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_pthread_barrierattr_ptr_ptr);
subtype pthread_barrierattr_t is struct_pthread_barrierattr_ptr;
subtype pthread_barrierattr_t_const_ptr is
subtype pthread_barrierattr_t_ptr is struct_pthread_barrierattr_ptr_ptr;
subtype pthread_spinlock_t is struct_pthread_spinlock_ptr;
subtype pthread_spinlock_t_ptr is struct_pthread_spinlock_ptr_ptr;
subtype pthread_addr_t is void_ptr;
type access_7edaf6f9 is access function (a1 : void_ptr) return void_ptr;
pragma Convention (C, access_7edaf6f9);
subtype pthread_startroutine_t is access_7edaf6f9;
type struct_pthread_once is record
state : aliased signed_int;
mutex : aliased pthread_mutex_t;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_pthread_once);
-- _SYS__PTHREADTYPES_H_ (empty)
type struct_pthread is null record;
type struct_pthread_attr is null record;
type struct_pthread_cond is null record;
type struct_pthread_cond_attr is null record;
type struct_pthread_mutex is null record;
type struct_pthread_mutex_attr is null record;
type struct_pthread_rwlock is null record;
type struct_pthread_rwlockattr is null record;
type struct_pthread_barrier is null record;
type struct_pthread_barrier_attr is null record;
type struct_pthread_spinlock is null record;
type struct_pthread_barrierattr is null record;
end C.sys.qpthreadtypes;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.machine.qtypes;
package C.sys.qsigset is
pragma Preelaborate;
type struct_sigset;
type struct_sigset is record
bits : aliased machine.qtypes.uint32_t_array (0 .. 3);
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_sigset);
type struct_sigset_const_ptr is access constant struct_sigset;
for struct_sigset_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_sigset_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_sigset_const_ptr);
type struct_sigset_ptr is access all struct_sigset;
for struct_sigset_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_sigset_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_sigset_ptr);
subtype sigset_t is struct_sigset;
subtype sigset_t_const_ptr is struct_sigset_const_ptr;
subtype sigset_t_ptr is struct_sigset_ptr;
-- _SIG_BIT (function macro)
-- _SIG_IDX (function macro)
SIG_MAXSIG : constant := 128;
-- _SIG_VALID (function macro)
-- _SIG_WORD (function macro)
SIG_WORDS : constant := 4;
-- _SYS__SIGSET_H_ (empty)
end C.sys.qsigset;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.sys.types;
package C.sys.qtimeval is
pragma Preelaborate;
type struct_timeval;
type struct_timeval is record
tv_sec : aliased sys.types.time_t;
tv_usec : aliased sys.types.suseconds_t;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_timeval);
type struct_timeval_ptr is access all struct_timeval;
for struct_timeval_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_timeval_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_timeval_ptr);
type struct_timeval_const_ptr is access constant struct_timeval;
for struct_timeval_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_timeval_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_timeval_const_ptr);
-- _SYS__TIMEVAL_H_ (empty)
end C.sys.qtimeval;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.machine.qtypes;
package C.sys.qtypes is
pragma Preelaborate;
subtype blksize_t is machine.qtypes.uint32_t;
subtype blkcnt_t is machine.qtypes.int64_t;
subtype clockid_t is machine.qtypes.int32_t;
subtype clockid_t_ptr is machine.qtypes.int32_t_ptr;
subtype fflags_t is machine.qtypes.uint32_t;
subtype fsblkcnt_t is machine.qtypes.uint64_t;
subtype fsfilcnt_t is machine.qtypes.uint64_t;
subtype gid_t is machine.qtypes.uint32_t;
subtype gid_t_array is machine.qtypes.uint32_t_array;
subtype gid_t_ptr is machine.qtypes.uint32_t_ptr;
subtype gid_t_const_ptr is machine.qtypes.uint32_t_const_ptr;
subtype id_t is machine.qtypes.int64_t;
subtype ino_t is machine.qtypes.uint32_t;
subtype key_t is signed_long;
subtype lwpid_t is machine.qtypes.int32_t;
subtype mode_t is machine.qtypes.uint16_t;
subtype nl_item is signed_int;
subtype nlink_t is machine.qtypes.uint16_t;
subtype off_t is machine.qtypes.int64_t;
subtype off_t_ptr is machine.qtypes.int64_t_ptr;
subtype off_t_const_ptr is machine.qtypes.int64_t_const_ptr;
subtype pid_t is machine.qtypes.int32_t;
subtype rlim_t is machine.qtypes.int64_t;
subtype sa_family_t is machine.qtypes.uint8_t;
subtype socklen_t is machine.qtypes.uint32_t;
subtype socklen_t_ptr is machine.qtypes.uint32_t_ptr;
subtype suseconds_t is signed_long;
type struct_timer (<>) is limited private;
type struct_timer_ptr is access all struct_timer;
for struct_timer_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_timer_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_timer_ptr);
type struct_timer_ptr_ptr is access all struct_timer_ptr;
for struct_timer_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_timer_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_timer_ptr_ptr);
subtype timer_t is struct_timer_ptr;
subtype timer_t_ptr is struct_timer_ptr_ptr;
type struct_mq (<>) is limited private;
type struct_mq_ptr is access all struct_mq;
for struct_mq_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_mq_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_mq_ptr);
subtype mqd_t is struct_mq_ptr;
subtype uid_t is machine.qtypes.uint32_t;
subtype uid_t_ptr is machine.qtypes.uint32_t_ptr;
subtype uid_t_const_ptr is machine.qtypes.uint32_t_const_ptr;
subtype useconds_t is unsigned_int;
subtype cpuwhich_t is signed_int;
subtype cpulevel_t is signed_int;
subtype cpusetid_t is signed_int;
subtype ct_rune_t is signed_int;
subtype rune_t is ct_rune_t;
subtype wchar_t is Standard.C.wchar_t;
subtype wint_t is ct_rune_t;
subtype dev_t is machine.qtypes.uint32_t;
subtype fixpt_t is machine.qtypes.uint32_t;
subtype fixpt_t_array is machine.qtypes.uint32_t_array;
type union_670d1835 (Unchecked_Tag : unsigned_int := 0) is record
case Unchecked_Tag is
when 0 =>
mbstate8 : char_array (0 .. 127);
when others =>
mbstateL : machine.qtypes.int64_t;
end case;
end record;
pragma Unchecked_Union (union_670d1835);
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, union_670d1835);
type union_670d1835_ptr is access all union_670d1835;
for union_670d1835_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (union_670d1835_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, union_670d1835_ptr);
type union_670d1835_const_ptr is access constant union_670d1835;
for union_670d1835_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (union_670d1835_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, union_670d1835_const_ptr);
subtype mbstate_t is union_670d1835;
subtype mbstate_t_ptr is union_670d1835_ptr;
subtype mbstate_t_const_ptr is union_670d1835_const_ptr;
-- _SYS__TYPES_H_ (empty)
type struct_timer is null record;
type struct_mq is null record;
end C.sys.qtypes;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.sys.queue is
pragma Preelaborate;
-- LIST_EMPTY (unparsible)
-- LIST_ENTRY (unparsible)
-- LIST_FIRST (unparsible)
-- LIST_FOREACH (unparsible)
-- LIST_FOREACH_SAFE (unparsible)
-- LIST_HEAD (unparsible)
-- LIST_INIT (unparsible)
-- LIST_INSERT_AFTER (unparsible)
-- LIST_INSERT_BEFORE (unparsible)
-- LIST_INSERT_HEAD (unparsible)
-- LIST_NEXT (unparsible)
-- LIST_REMOVE (unparsible)
-- QMD_TRACE_ELEM (empty)
-- QMD_TRACE_HEAD (empty)
-- SLIST_EMPTY (unparsible)
-- SLIST_ENTRY (unparsible)
-- SLIST_FIRST (unparsible)
-- SLIST_FOREACH (unparsible)
-- SLIST_FOREACH_SAFE (unparsible)
-- SLIST_HEAD (unparsible)
-- SLIST_INIT (unparsible)
-- SLIST_INSERT_AFTER (unparsible)
-- SLIST_INSERT_HEAD (unparsible)
-- SLIST_NEXT (unparsible)
-- SLIST_REMOVE (unparsible)
-- SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD (unparsible)
-- STAILQ_CONCAT (unparsible)
-- STAILQ_EMPTY (unparsible)
-- STAILQ_ENTRY (unparsible)
-- STAILQ_FIRST (unparsible)
-- STAILQ_FOREACH (unparsible)
-- STAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE (unparsible)
-- STAILQ_HEAD (unparsible)
-- STAILQ_INIT (unparsible)
-- STAILQ_INSERT_AFTER (unparsible)
-- STAILQ_INSERT_HEAD (unparsible)
-- STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL (unparsible)
-- STAILQ_LAST (unparsible)
-- STAILQ_NEXT (unparsible)
-- STAILQ_REMOVE (unparsible)
-- STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD (unparsible)
-- TAILQ_CONCAT (unparsible)
-- TAILQ_EMPTY (unparsible)
-- TAILQ_ENTRY (unparsible)
-- TAILQ_FIRST (unparsible)
-- TAILQ_FOREACH (unparsible)
-- TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE (unparsible)
-- TAILQ_HEAD (unparsible)
-- TAILQ_INIT (unparsible)
-- TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER (unparsible)
-- TAILQ_INSERT_BEFORE (unparsible)
-- TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD (unparsible)
-- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL (unparsible)
-- TAILQ_LAST (unparsible)
-- TAILQ_NEXT (unparsible)
-- TAILQ_PREV (unparsible)
-- TAILQ_REMOVE (unparsible)
-- TRACEBUF (empty)
-- TRASHIT (empty)
-- _SYS_QUEUE_H_ (empty)
end C.sys.queue;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package body C.sys.resource is
function ru_first (Object : struct_rusage) return signed_long is
return Object.ru_ixrss;
end ru_first;
function ru_last (Object : struct_rusage) return signed_long is
return Object.ru_nivcsw;
end ru_last;
end C.sys.resource;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.machine.qtypes;
with C.sys.qtimeval;
with C.sys.qtypes;
with C.sys.types;
package C.sys.resource is
pragma Preelaborate;
type struct_rusage;
type struct_rusage is record
ru_utime : aliased sys.qtimeval.struct_timeval;
ru_stime : aliased sys.qtimeval.struct_timeval;
ru_maxrss : aliased signed_long;
ru_ixrss : aliased signed_long;
ru_idrss : aliased signed_long;
ru_isrss : aliased signed_long;
ru_minflt : aliased signed_long;
ru_majflt : aliased signed_long;
ru_nswap : aliased signed_long;
ru_inblock : aliased signed_long;
ru_oublock : aliased signed_long;
ru_msgsnd : aliased signed_long;
ru_msgrcv : aliased signed_long;
ru_nsignals : aliased signed_long;
ru_nvcsw : aliased signed_long;
ru_nivcsw : aliased signed_long;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_rusage);
type struct_rusage_ptr is access all struct_rusage;
for struct_rusage_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_rusage_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_rusage_ptr);
type struct_rlimit;
type struct_rlimit is record
rlim_cur : aliased sys.types.rlim_t;
rlim_max : aliased sys.types.rlim_t;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_rlimit);
type struct_rlimit_ptr is access all struct_rlimit;
for struct_rlimit_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_rlimit_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_rlimit_ptr);
type struct_rlimit_const_ptr is access constant struct_rlimit;
for struct_rlimit_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_rlimit_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_rlimit_const_ptr);
type struct_orlimit;
type struct_orlimit is record
rlim_cur : aliased machine.qtypes.int32_t;
rlim_max : aliased machine.qtypes.int32_t;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_orlimit);
type struct_loadavg;
type struct_loadavg is record
ldavg : aliased sys.qtypes.fixpt_t_array (0 .. 2);
fscale : aliased signed_long;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_loadavg);
function getpriority (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getpriority, "getpriority");
function getrlimit (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access struct_rlimit)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getrlimit, "getrlimit");
function getrusage (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access struct_rusage)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getrusage, "getrusage");
function setpriority (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int; a3 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setpriority, "setpriority");
function setrlimit (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access constant struct_rlimit)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setrlimit, "setrlimit");
CPUSTATES : constant := 5;
CP_IDLE : constant := 4;
CP_INTR : constant := 3;
CP_NICE : constant := 1;
CP_SYS : constant := 2;
CP_USER : constant := 0;
PRIO_MAX : constant := 20;
PRIO_MIN : constant := -20;
PRIO_PGRP : constant := 1;
PRIO_PROCESS : constant := 0;
PRIO_USER : constant := 2;
RLIMIT_AS : constant := 10;
RLIMIT_CORE : constant := 4;
RLIMIT_CPU : constant := 0;
RLIMIT_DATA : constant := 2;
RLIMIT_FSIZE : constant := 1;
RLIMIT_MEMLOCK : constant := 6;
RLIMIT_NOFILE : constant := 8;
RLIMIT_NPROC : constant := 7;
RLIMIT_RSS : constant := 5;
RLIMIT_SBSIZE : constant := 9;
RLIMIT_STACK : constant := 3;
RLIMIT_VMEM : constant := 10;
RLIM_INFINITY : constant := 9223372036854775807;
RLIM_NLIMITS : constant := 11;
RUSAGE_CHILDREN : constant := -1;
RUSAGE_SELF : constant := 0;
-- _SYS_RESOURCE_H_ (empty)
function ru_first (Object : struct_rusage) return signed_long;
pragma Inline_Always (ru_first);
function ru_last (Object : struct_rusage) return signed_long;
pragma Inline_Always (ru_last);
end C.sys.resource;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package body C.sys.select_h is
function fds_bits (Object : struct_fd_set) return qqfd_mask_array32 is
return Object.fds_bits;
end fds_bits;
end C.sys.select_h;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.sys.qsigset;
with C.sys.qtimeval;
with C.sys.timespec;
package C.sys.select_h is
pragma Preelaborate;
subtype qqfd_mask is unsigned_long;
subtype qqfd_mask_array is unsigned_long_array;
subtype qqfd_mask_array32 is qqfd_mask_array (0 .. 31);
subtype qqfd_mask_ptr is unsigned_long_ptr;
subtype fd_mask is qqfd_mask;
subtype sigset_t is sys.qsigset.sigset_t;
subtype sigset_t_const_ptr is sys.qsigset.sigset_t_const_ptr;
subtype sigset_t_ptr is sys.qsigset.sigset_t_ptr;
type struct_fd_set;
type struct_fd_set is record
fds_bits : aliased qqfd_mask_array (0 .. 31);
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_fd_set);
type struct_fd_set_ptr is access all struct_fd_set;
for struct_fd_set_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_fd_set_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_fd_set_ptr);
subtype fd_set is struct_fd_set;
subtype fd_set_ptr is struct_fd_set_ptr;
function pselect (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access fd_set; a3 : access fd_set;
a4 : access fd_set; a5 : access constant sys.timespec.struct_timespec;
a6 : access constant sigset_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pselect, "pselect");
function C_select (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access fd_set;
a3 : access fd_set; a4 : access fd_set;
a5 : access sys.qtimeval.struct_timeval) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, C_select, "select");
-- FD_CLR (uninterpretable)
-- FD_COPY (function macro)
-- FD_ISSET (uninterpretable)
-- FD_SET (uninterpretable)
FD_SETSIZE : constant := 1024;
-- FD_ZERO (function macro)
NFDBITS : constant := 32;
qNFDBITS : constant := 32;
-- _SYS_SELECT_H_ (empty)
-- __fdset_mask (function macro)
-- _howmany (function macro)
function fds_bits (Object : struct_fd_set) return qqfd_mask_array32;
pragma Inline_Always (fds_bits);
end C.sys.select_h;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package body C.sys.signal is
function sa_handler (Object : struct_sigaction) return access_2411f975 is
return Object.sigaction_u.sa_handler;
end sa_handler;
function sa_sigaction (Object : struct_sigaction)
return access_f893693e is
return Object.sigaction_u.sa_sigaction;
end sa_sigaction;
function si_band (Object : struct_siginfo) return signed_long is
end si_band;
function si_mqd (Object : struct_siginfo) return signed_int is
return Object.reason.mesgq.mqd;
end si_mqd;
function si_overrun (Object : struct_siginfo) return signed_int is
return Object.reason.timer.overrun;
end si_overrun;
function si_timerid (Object : struct_siginfo) return signed_int is
return Object.reason.timer.timerid;
end si_timerid;
function si_trapno (Object : struct_siginfo) return signed_int is
return Object.reason.fault.trapno;
end si_trapno;
function sigev_notify_attributes (Object : struct_sigevent)
return void_ptr is
return Object.sigev_un.sigev_thread.attribute;
end sigev_notify_attributes;
function sigev_notify_function (Object : struct_sigevent)
return access_aafe64d8 is
return Object.sigev_un.sigev_thread.F_function;
end sigev_notify_function;
function sigev_notify_kqueue (Object : struct_sigevent)
return signed_int is
return Object.sigev_signo;
end sigev_notify_kqueue;
function sigev_notify_thread_id (Object : struct_sigevent)
return sys.qtypes.lwpid_t is
return Object.sigev_un.threadid;
end sigev_notify_thread_id;
function sigvec_sv_onstack (Object : struct_sigvec) return signed_int is
return Object.sv_flags;
end sigvec_sv_onstack;
end C.sys.signal;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
with C.machine.qtypes;
with C.sys.qtypes;
with C.sys.select_h;
package C.sys.signal is
pragma Preelaborate;
type struct_sigevent;
type access_2411f975 is access procedure (a1 : signed_int);
pragma Convention (C, access_2411f975);
-- subtype __sighandler_t is ... (function type)
subtype sighandler_t_ptr is access_2411f975;
function Cast is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (signed_int,
type union_sigval;
type union_sigval (Unchecked_Tag : unsigned_int := 0) is record
case Unchecked_Tag is
when 0 =>
sival_int : signed_int;
when 1 =>
sival_ptr : void_ptr;
when 2 =>
sigval_int : signed_int;
when others =>
sigval_ptr : void_ptr;
end case;
end record;
pragma Unchecked_Union (union_sigval);
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, union_sigval);
type access_aafe64d8 is access procedure (a1 : union_sigval);
pragma Convention (C, access_aafe64d8);
type struct_a91e7e12 is record
F_function : aliased access_aafe64d8;
attribute : aliased void_ptr;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_a91e7e12);
type union_cf3f83ea (Unchecked_Tag : unsigned_int := 0) is record
case Unchecked_Tag is
when 0 =>
threadid : sys.qtypes.lwpid_t;
when 1 =>
sigev_thread : struct_a91e7e12;
when others =>
spare : signed_long_array (0 .. 7);
end case;
end record;
pragma Unchecked_Union (union_cf3f83ea);
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, union_cf3f83ea);
type struct_sigevent is record
sigev_notify : aliased signed_int;
sigev_signo : aliased signed_int;
sigev_value : aliased union_sigval;
sigev_un : aliased union_cf3f83ea;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_sigevent);
type struct_siginfo;
type struct_1c81fdb6 is record
trapno : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_1c81fdb6);
type struct_b2ae7bbe is record
timerid : aliased signed_int;
overrun : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_b2ae7bbe);
type struct_2db166a9 is record
mqd : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_2db166a9);
type struct_f5629094 is record
band : aliased signed_long;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_f5629094);
type struct_c71a5b2c is record
spare1 : aliased signed_long;
spare2 : aliased signed_int_array (0 .. 6);
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_c71a5b2c);
type union_c625b3ca (Unchecked_Tag : unsigned_int := 0) is record
case Unchecked_Tag is
when 0 =>
fault : struct_1c81fdb6;
when 1 =>
timer : struct_b2ae7bbe;
when 2 =>
mesgq : struct_2db166a9;
when 3 =>
poll : struct_f5629094;
when others =>
spare : struct_c71a5b2c;
end case;
end record;
pragma Unchecked_Union (union_c625b3ca);
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, union_c625b3ca);
type struct_siginfo is record
si_signo : aliased signed_int;
si_errno : aliased signed_int;
si_code : aliased signed_int;
si_pid : aliased sys.qtypes.pid_t;
si_uid : aliased sys.qtypes.uid_t;
si_status : aliased signed_int;
si_addr : aliased void_ptr;
si_value : aliased union_sigval;
reason : aliased union_c625b3ca;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_siginfo);
type struct_siginfo_ptr is access all struct_siginfo;
for struct_siginfo_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_siginfo_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_siginfo_ptr);
subtype siginfo_t is struct_siginfo;
subtype siginfo_t_ptr is struct_siginfo_ptr;
type struct_sigaction;
type access_f893693e is access procedure (a1 : signed_int;
a2 : access struct_siginfo; a3 : void_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, access_f893693e);
type union_1e49e7d3 (Unchecked_Tag : unsigned_int := 0) is record
case Unchecked_Tag is
when 0 =>
sa_handler : access_2411f975;
when others =>
sa_sigaction : access_f893693e;
end case;
end record;
pragma Unchecked_Union (union_1e49e7d3);
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, union_1e49e7d3);
type struct_sigaction is record
sigaction_u : aliased union_1e49e7d3;
sa_flags : aliased signed_int;
sa_mask : aliased sys.select_h.sigset_t;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_sigaction);
type struct_sigaction_const_ptr is access constant struct_sigaction;
for struct_sigaction_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_sigaction_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_sigaction_const_ptr);
type struct_sigaction_ptr is access all struct_sigaction;
for struct_sigaction_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_sigaction_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_sigaction_ptr);
subtype sig_t is sighandler_t_ptr;
-- subtype __siginfohandler_t is ... (function type)
type struct_sigaltstack;
type struct_sigaltstack is record
ss_sp : aliased char_ptr;
ss_size : aliased machine.qtypes.size_t;
ss_flags : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_sigaltstack);
type struct_sigaltstack_const_ptr is access constant struct_sigaltstack;
for struct_sigaltstack_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_sigaltstack_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_sigaltstack_const_ptr);
type struct_sigaltstack_ptr is access all struct_sigaltstack;
for struct_sigaltstack_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_sigaltstack_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_sigaltstack_ptr);
subtype stack_t is struct_sigaltstack;
subtype stack_t_const_ptr is struct_sigaltstack_const_ptr;
subtype stack_t_ptr is struct_sigaltstack_ptr;
type struct_sigvec;
type struct_sigvec is record
sv_handler : aliased sighandler_t_ptr;
sv_mask : aliased signed_int;
sv_flags : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_sigvec);
type struct_sigvec_ptr is access all struct_sigvec;
for struct_sigvec_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_sigvec_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_sigvec_ptr);
type struct_sigstack;
type struct_sigstack is record
ss_sp : aliased char_ptr;
ss_onstack : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_sigstack);
type struct_sigstack_const_ptr is access constant struct_sigstack;
for struct_sigstack_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_sigstack_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_sigstack_const_ptr);
type struct_sigstack_ptr is access all struct_sigstack;
for struct_sigstack_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_sigstack_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_sigstack_ptr);
function signal (a1 : signed_int; a2 : sighandler_t_ptr)
return sighandler_t_ptr;
pragma Import (C, signal, "signal");
function BADSIG (Value : signed_int := -1) return sighandler_t_ptr
renames Cast;
BUS_ADRALN : constant := 1;
BUS_ADRERR : constant := 2;
BUS_OBJERR : constant := 3;
CLD_CONTINUED : constant := 6;
CLD_DUMPED : constant := 3;
CLD_EXITED : constant := 1;
CLD_KILLED : constant := 2;
CLD_STOPPED : constant := 5;
CLD_TRAPPED : constant := 4;
FPE_FLTDIV : constant := 3;
FPE_FLTINV : constant := 7;
FPE_FLTOVF : constant := 4;
FPE_FLTRES : constant := 6;
FPE_FLTSUB : constant := 8;
FPE_FLTUND : constant := 5;
FPE_INTDIV : constant := 2;
FPE_INTOVF : constant := 1;
ILL_BADSTK : constant := 8;
ILL_COPROC : constant := 7;
ILL_ILLADR : constant := 3;
ILL_ILLOPC : constant := 1;
ILL_ILLOPN : constant := 2;
ILL_ILLTRP : constant := 4;
ILL_PRVOPC : constant := 5;
ILL_PRVREG : constant := 6;
MINSIGSTKSZ : constant := 2048;
NSIG : constant := 32;
POLL_ERR : constant := 4;
POLL_HUP : constant := 4;
POLL_IN : constant := 1;
POLL_MSG : constant := 3;
POLL_OUT : constant := 2;
POLL_PRI : constant := 5;
SA_NOCLDSTOP : constant := 8;
SA_NOCLDWAIT : constant := 32;
SA_NODEFER : constant := 16;
SA_ONSTACK : constant := 1;
SA_RESETHAND : constant := 4;
SA_RESTART : constant := 2;
SA_SIGINFO : constant := 64;
SEGV_ACCERR : constant := 2;
SEGV_MAPERR : constant := 1;
SIGABRT : constant := 6;
SIGALRM : constant := 14;
SIGBUS : constant := 10;
SIGCHLD : constant := 20;
SIGCONT : constant := 19;
SIGEMT : constant := 7;
SIGEV_KEVENT : constant := 3;
SIGEV_NONE : constant := 0;
SIGEV_SIGNAL : constant := 1;
SIGEV_THREAD : constant := 2;
SIGEV_THREAD_ID : constant := 4;
SIGFPE : constant := 8;
SIGHUP : constant := 1;
SIGILL : constant := 4;
SIGINFO : constant := 29;
SIGINT : constant := 2;
SIGIO : constant := 23;
SIGIOT : constant := 6;
SIGKILL : constant := 9;
SIGLWP : constant := 32;
SIGPIPE : constant := 13;
SIGPROF : constant := 27;
SIGQUIT : constant := 3;
SIGRTMAX : constant := 126;
SIGRTMIN : constant := 65;
SIGSEGV : constant := 11;
SIGSTKSZ : constant := 34816;
SIGSTOP : constant := 17;
SIGSYS : constant := 12;
SIGTERM : constant := 15;
SIGTHR : constant := 32;
SIGTRAP : constant := 5;
SIGTSTP : constant := 18;
SIGTTIN : constant := 21;
SIGTTOU : constant := 22;
SIGURG : constant := 16;
SIGUSR1 : constant := 30;
SIGUSR2 : constant := 31;
SIGVTALRM : constant := 26;
SIGWINCH : constant := 28;
SIGXCPU : constant := 24;
SIGXFSZ : constant := 25;
SIG_BLOCK : constant := 1;
SIG_DFL : constant sighandler_t_ptr := null;
function SIG_ERR (Value : signed_int := -1) return sighandler_t_ptr
renames Cast;
function SIG_IGN (Value : signed_int := 1) return sighandler_t_ptr
renames Cast;
SIG_SETMASK : constant := 3;
SIG_UNBLOCK : constant := 2;
SI_ASYNCIO : constant := 65540;
SI_MESGQ : constant := 65541;
SI_NOINFO : constant := 0;
SI_QUEUE : constant := 65538;
SI_TIMER : constant := 65539;
SI_UNDEFINED : constant := 0;
SI_USER : constant := 65537;
SS_DISABLE : constant := 4;
SS_ONSTACK : constant := 1;
SV_INTERRUPT : constant := 2;
SV_NOCLDSTOP : constant := 8;
SV_NODEFER : constant := 16;
SV_ONSTACK : constant := 1;
SV_RESETHAND : constant := 4;
SV_SIGINFO : constant := 64;
TRAP_BRKPT : constant := 1;
TRAP_TRACE : constant := 2;
-- _SYS_SIGNAL_H_ (empty)
function sa_handler (Object : struct_sigaction) return access_2411f975;
pragma Inline_Always (sa_handler);
function sa_sigaction (Object : struct_sigaction) return access_f893693e;
pragma Inline_Always (sa_sigaction);
function si_band (Object : struct_siginfo) return signed_long;
pragma Inline_Always (si_band);
function si_mqd (Object : struct_siginfo) return signed_int;
pragma Inline_Always (si_mqd);
function si_overrun (Object : struct_siginfo) return signed_int;
pragma Inline_Always (si_overrun);
function si_timerid (Object : struct_siginfo) return signed_int;
pragma Inline_Always (si_timerid);
function si_trapno (Object : struct_siginfo) return signed_int;
pragma Inline_Always (si_trapno);
function sigev_notify_attributes (Object : struct_sigevent)
return void_ptr;
pragma Inline_Always (sigev_notify_attributes);
function sigev_notify_function (Object : struct_sigevent)
return access_aafe64d8;
pragma Inline_Always (sigev_notify_function);
function sigev_notify_kqueue (Object : struct_sigevent) return signed_int;
pragma Inline_Always (sigev_notify_kqueue);
function sigev_notify_thread_id (Object : struct_sigevent)
return sys.qtypes.lwpid_t;
pragma Inline_Always (sigev_notify_thread_id);
-- sigmask (function macro)
function sigvec_sv_onstack (Object : struct_sigvec) return signed_int;
pragma Inline_Always (sigvec_sv_onstack);
end C.sys.signal;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.machine.qtypes;
with C.stddef;
with C.sys.qiovec;
with C.sys.qtypes;
with C.sys.types;
package C.sys.socket is
pragma Preelaborate;
subtype sa_family_t is sys.qtypes.sa_family_t;
subtype socklen_t is sys.qtypes.socklen_t;
subtype socklen_t_ptr is sys.qtypes.socklen_t_ptr;
type struct_linger;
type struct_linger is record
l_onoff : aliased signed_int;
l_linger : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_linger);
type struct_accept_filter_arg;
type struct_accept_filter_arg is record
af_name : aliased char_array (0 .. 15);
af_arg : aliased char_array (0 .. 239);
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_accept_filter_arg);
type struct_sockaddr;
type struct_sockaddr is record
sa_len : aliased unsigned_char;
sa_family : aliased sa_family_t;
sa_data : aliased char_array (0 .. 13);
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_sockaddr);
type struct_sockaddr_ptr is access all struct_sockaddr;
for struct_sockaddr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_sockaddr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_sockaddr_ptr);
type struct_sockaddr_const_ptr is access constant struct_sockaddr;
for struct_sockaddr_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_sockaddr_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_sockaddr_const_ptr);
type struct_sockproto;
type struct_sockproto is record
sp_family : aliased unsigned_short;
sp_protocol : aliased unsigned_short;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_sockproto);
type struct_sockaddr_storage;
type struct_sockaddr_storage is record
ss_len : aliased unsigned_char;
ss_family : aliased sa_family_t;
ss_pad1 : aliased char_array (0 .. 5);
ss_align : aliased machine.qtypes.int64_t;
ss_pad2 : aliased char_array (0 .. 111);
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_sockaddr_storage);
type struct_sockaddr_storage_ptr is access all struct_sockaddr_storage;
for struct_sockaddr_storage_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_sockaddr_storage_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_sockaddr_storage_ptr);
type struct_msghdr;
type struct_msghdr is record
msg_name : aliased void_ptr;
msg_namelen : aliased socklen_t;
msg_iov : aliased sys.qiovec.struct_iovec_ptr;
msg_iovlen : aliased signed_int;
msg_control : aliased void_ptr;
msg_controllen : aliased socklen_t;
msg_flags : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_msghdr);
type struct_msghdr_ptr is access all struct_msghdr;
for struct_msghdr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_msghdr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_msghdr_ptr);
type struct_msghdr_const_ptr is access constant struct_msghdr;
for struct_msghdr_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_msghdr_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_msghdr_const_ptr);
type struct_cmsghdr;
type struct_cmsghdr is record
cmsg_len : aliased socklen_t;
cmsg_level : aliased signed_int;
cmsg_type : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_cmsghdr);
type struct_cmsghdr_ptr is access all struct_cmsghdr;
for struct_cmsghdr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_cmsghdr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_cmsghdr_ptr);
type struct_cmsghdr_ptr_ptr is access all struct_cmsghdr_ptr;
for struct_cmsghdr_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_cmsghdr_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_cmsghdr_ptr_ptr);
type struct_cmsghdr_const_ptr is access constant struct_cmsghdr;
for struct_cmsghdr_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_cmsghdr_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_cmsghdr_const_ptr);
type struct_cmsgcred;
type struct_cmsgcred is record
cmcred_pid : aliased sys.types.pid_t;
cmcred_uid : aliased sys.types.uid_t;
cmcred_euid : aliased sys.types.uid_t;
cmcred_gid : aliased sys.types.gid_t;
cmcred_ngroups : aliased signed_short;
cmcred_groups : aliased sys.types.gid_t_array (0 .. 15);
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_cmsgcred);
type struct_sockcred;
type struct_sockcred is record
sc_uid : aliased sys.types.uid_t;
sc_euid : aliased sys.types.uid_t;
sc_gid : aliased sys.types.gid_t;
sc_egid : aliased sys.types.gid_t;
sc_ngroups : aliased signed_int;
sc_groups : aliased sys.types.gid_t_array (0 .. 0);
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_sockcred);
type struct_osockaddr;
type struct_osockaddr is record
sa_family : aliased unsigned_short;
sa_data : aliased char_array (0 .. 13);
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_osockaddr);
type struct_omsghdr;
type struct_omsghdr is record
msg_name : aliased char_ptr;
msg_namelen : aliased signed_int;
msg_iov : aliased sys.qiovec.struct_iovec_ptr;
msg_iovlen : aliased signed_int;
msg_accrights : aliased char_ptr;
msg_accrightslen : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_omsghdr);
type struct_sf_hdtr;
type struct_sf_hdtr is record
headers : aliased sys.qiovec.struct_iovec_ptr;
hdr_cnt : aliased signed_int;
trailers : aliased sys.qiovec.struct_iovec_ptr;
trl_cnt : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_sf_hdtr);
type struct_sf_hdtr_ptr is access all struct_sf_hdtr;
for struct_sf_hdtr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_sf_hdtr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_sf_hdtr_ptr);
function C_accept (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access struct_sockaddr;
a3 : access socklen_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, C_accept, "accept");
function bind (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access constant struct_sockaddr;
a3 : socklen_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, bind, "bind");
function connect (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access constant struct_sockaddr;
a3 : socklen_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, connect, "connect");
function getpeername (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access struct_sockaddr;
a3 : access socklen_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getpeername, "getpeername");
function getsockname (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access struct_sockaddr;
a3 : access socklen_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getsockname, "getsockname");
function getsockopt (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int; a3 : signed_int;
a4 : void_ptr; a5 : access socklen_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getsockopt, "getsockopt");
function listen (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, listen, "listen");
function recv (a1 : signed_int; a2 : void_ptr; a3 : stddef.size_t;
a4 : signed_int) return sys.types.ssize_t;
pragma Import (C, recv, "recv");
function recvfrom (a1 : signed_int; a2 : void_ptr; a3 : stddef.size_t;
a4 : signed_int; a5 : access struct_sockaddr; a6 : access socklen_t)
return sys.types.ssize_t;
pragma Import (C, recvfrom, "recvfrom");
function recvmsg (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access struct_msghdr;
a3 : signed_int) return sys.types.ssize_t;
pragma Import (C, recvmsg, "recvmsg");
function send (a1 : signed_int; a2 : void_const_ptr; a3 : stddef.size_t;
a4 : signed_int) return sys.types.ssize_t;
pragma Import (C, send, "send");
function sendto (a1 : signed_int; a2 : void_const_ptr; a3 : stddef.size_t;
a4 : signed_int; a5 : access constant struct_sockaddr; a6 : socklen_t)
return sys.types.ssize_t;
pragma Import (C, sendto, "sendto");
function sendmsg (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access constant struct_msghdr;
a3 : signed_int) return sys.types.ssize_t;
pragma Import (C, sendmsg, "sendmsg");
function sendfile (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int; a3 : sys.types.off_t;
a4 : stddef.size_t; a5 : access struct_sf_hdtr;
a6 : access sys.types.off_t; a7 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sendfile, "sendfile");
function setsockopt (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int; a3 : signed_int;
a4 : void_const_ptr; a5 : socklen_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setsockopt, "setsockopt");
function shutdown (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, shutdown, "shutdown");
function sockatmark (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sockatmark, "sockatmark");
function socket (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int; a3 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, socket, "socket");
function socketpair (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int; a3 : signed_int;
a4 : access signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, socketpair, "socketpair");
AF_APPLETALK : constant := 16;
AF_ARP : constant := 35;
AF_ATM : constant := 30;
AF_BLUETOOTH : constant := 36;
AF_CCITT : constant := 10;
AF_CHAOS : constant := 5;
AF_CNT : constant := 21;
AF_COIP : constant := 20;
AF_DATAKIT : constant := 9;
AF_DECnet : constant := 12;
AF_DLI : constant := 13;
AF_E164 : constant := 26;
AF_ECMA : constant := 8;
AF_HYLINK : constant := 15;
AF_IEEE80211 : constant := 37;
AF_IMPLINK : constant := 3;
AF_INET : constant := 2;
AF_INET6 : constant := 28;
AF_IPX : constant := 23;
AF_ISDN : constant := 26;
AF_ISO : constant := 7;
AF_LAT : constant := 14;
AF_LINK : constant := 18;
AF_LOCAL : constant := 1;
AF_MAX : constant := 38;
AF_NATM : constant := 29;
AF_NETBIOS : constant := 6;
AF_NETGRAPH : constant := 32;
AF_OSI : constant := 7;
AF_PUP : constant := 4;
AF_ROUTE : constant := 17;
AF_SCLUSTER : constant := 34;
AF_SIP : constant := 24;
AF_SLOW : constant := 33;
AF_SNA : constant := 11;
AF_UNIX : constant := 1;
AF_UNSPEC : constant := 0;
AF_VENDOR00 : constant := 39;
AF_VENDOR01 : constant := 41;
AF_VENDOR02 : constant := 43;
AF_VENDOR03 : constant := 45;
AF_VENDOR04 : constant := 47;
AF_VENDOR05 : constant := 49;
AF_VENDOR06 : constant := 51;
AF_VENDOR07 : constant := 53;
AF_VENDOR08 : constant := 55;
AF_VENDOR09 : constant := 57;
AF_VENDOR10 : constant := 59;
AF_VENDOR11 : constant := 61;
AF_VENDOR12 : constant := 63;
AF_VENDOR13 : constant := 65;
AF_VENDOR14 : constant := 67;
AF_VENDOR15 : constant := 69;
AF_VENDOR16 : constant := 71;
AF_VENDOR17 : constant := 73;
AF_VENDOR18 : constant := 75;
AF_VENDOR19 : constant := 77;
AF_VENDOR20 : constant := 79;
AF_VENDOR21 : constant := 81;
AF_VENDOR22 : constant := 83;
AF_VENDOR23 : constant := 85;
AF_VENDOR24 : constant := 87;
AF_VENDOR25 : constant := 89;
AF_VENDOR26 : constant := 91;
AF_VENDOR27 : constant := 93;
AF_VENDOR28 : constant := 95;
AF_VENDOR29 : constant := 97;
AF_VENDOR30 : constant := 99;
AF_VENDOR31 : constant := 101;
AF_VENDOR32 : constant := 103;
AF_VENDOR33 : constant := 105;
AF_VENDOR34 : constant := 107;
AF_VENDOR35 : constant := 109;
AF_VENDOR36 : constant := 111;
AF_VENDOR37 : constant := 113;
AF_VENDOR38 : constant := 115;
AF_VENDOR39 : constant := 117;
AF_VENDOR40 : constant := 119;
AF_VENDOR41 : constant := 121;
AF_VENDOR42 : constant := 123;
AF_VENDOR43 : constant := 125;
AF_VENDOR44 : constant := 127;
AF_VENDOR45 : constant := 129;
AF_VENDOR46 : constant := 131;
AF_VENDOR47 : constant := 133;
CMGROUP_MAX : constant := 16;
-- CMSG_DATA (function macro)
-- CMSG_FIRSTHDR (uninterpretable)
-- CMSG_LEN (function macro)
-- CMSG_NXTHDR (uninterpretable)
-- CMSG_SPACE (function macro)
-- CTL_NET_NAMES (unparsible)
-- CTL_NET_RT_NAMES (unparsible)
MSG_COMPAT : constant := 32768;
MSG_CTRUNC : constant := 32;
MSG_DONTROUTE : constant := 4;
MSG_DONTWAIT : constant := 128;
MSG_EOF : constant := 256;
MSG_EOR : constant := 8;
MSG_NBIO : constant := 16384;
MSG_NOSIGNAL : constant := 131072;
MSG_NOTIFICATION : constant := 8192;
MSG_OOB : constant := 1;
MSG_PEEK : constant := 2;
MSG_TRUNC : constant := 16;
MSG_WAITALL : constant := 64;
NET_MAXID : constant := 38;
NET_RT_DUMP : constant := 1;
NET_RT_FLAGS : constant := 2;
NET_RT_IFLIST : constant := 3;
NET_RT_IFMALIST : constant := 4;
NET_RT_MAXID : constant := 5;
PF_APPLETALK : constant := 16;
PF_ARP : constant := 35;
PF_ATM : constant := 30;
PF_BLUETOOTH : constant := 36;
PF_CCITT : constant := 10;
PF_CHAOS : constant := 5;
PF_CNT : constant := 21;
PF_COIP : constant := 20;
PF_DATAKIT : constant := 9;
PF_DECnet : constant := 12;
PF_DLI : constant := 13;
PF_ECMA : constant := 8;
PF_HYLINK : constant := 15;
PF_IMPLINK : constant := 3;
PF_INET : constant := 2;
PF_INET6 : constant := 28;
PF_IPX : constant := 23;
PF_ISDN : constant := 26;
PF_ISO : constant := 7;
PF_KEY : constant := 27;
PF_LAT : constant := 14;
PF_LINK : constant := 18;
PF_LOCAL : constant := 1;
PF_MAX : constant := 38;
PF_NATM : constant := 29;
PF_NETBIOS : constant := 6;
PF_NETGRAPH : constant := 32;
PF_OSI : constant := 7;
PF_PIP : constant := 25;
PF_PUP : constant := 4;
PF_ROUTE : constant := 17;
PF_RTIP : constant := 22;
PF_SCLUSTER : constant := 34;
PF_SIP : constant := 24;
PF_SLOW : constant := 33;
PF_SNA : constant := 11;
PF_UNIX : constant := 1;
PF_UNSPEC : constant := 0;
PF_XTP : constant := 19;
PRU_FLUSH_RD : constant := 0;
PRU_FLUSH_RDWR : constant := 2;
PRU_FLUSH_WR : constant := 1;
SCM_BINTIME : constant := 4;
SCM_CREDS : constant := 3;
SCM_RIGHTS : constant := 1;
SCM_TIMESTAMP : constant := 2;
SF_MNOWAIT : constant := 2;
SF_NODISKIO : constant := 1;
SHUT_RD : constant := 0;
SHUT_RDWR : constant := 2;
SHUT_WR : constant := 1;
-- SOCKCREDSIZE (function macro)
SOCK_DGRAM : constant := 2;
SOCK_MAXADDRLEN : constant := 255;
SOCK_RAW : constant := 3;
SOCK_RDM : constant := 4;
SOCK_SEQPACKET : constant := 5;
SOCK_STREAM : constant := 1;
SOL_SOCKET : constant := 65535;
SOMAXCONN : constant := 128;
SO_ACCEPTCONN : constant := 2;
SO_ACCEPTFILTER : constant := 4096;
SO_BINTIME : constant := 8192;
SO_BROADCAST : constant := 32;
SO_DEBUG : constant := 1;
SO_DONTROUTE : constant := 16;
SO_ERROR : constant := 4103;
SO_KEEPALIVE : constant := 8;
SO_LABEL : constant := 4105;
SO_LINGER : constant := 128;
SO_LISTENINCQLEN : constant := 4115;
SO_LISTENQLEN : constant := 4114;
SO_LISTENQLIMIT : constant := 4113;
SO_NOSIGPIPE : constant := 2048;
SO_NO_DDP : constant := 32768;
SO_NO_OFFLOAD : constant := 16384;
SO_OOBINLINE : constant := 256;
SO_PEERLABEL : constant := 4112;
SO_RCVBUF : constant := 4098;
SO_RCVLOWAT : constant := 4100;
SO_RCVTIMEO : constant := 4102;
SO_REUSEADDR : constant := 4;
SO_REUSEPORT : constant := 512;
SO_SETFIB : constant := 4116;
SO_SNDBUF : constant := 4097;
SO_SNDLOWAT : constant := 4099;
SO_SNDTIMEO : constant := 4101;
SO_TIMESTAMP : constant := 1024;
SO_TYPE : constant := 4104;
SO_USELOOPBACK : constant := 64;
SS_ALIGNSIZE : constant := 8;
SS_MAXSIZE : constant := 128;
SS_PAD1SIZE : constant := 6;
SS_PAD2SIZE : constant := 112;
-- _SYS_SOCKET_H_ (empty)
pseudo_AF_HDRCMPLT : constant := 31;
pseudo_AF_KEY : constant := 27;
pseudo_AF_PIP : constant := 25;
pseudo_AF_RTIP : constant := 22;
pseudo_AF_XTP : constant := 19;
end C.sys.socket;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package body C.sys.stat is
function st_birthtime (Object : struct_nstat) return sys.types.time_t is
return Object.st_birthtimespec.tv_sec;
end st_birthtime;
end C.sys.stat;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.machine.qtypes;
with C.sys.qtypes;
with C.sys.timespec;
with C.sys.types;
package C.sys.stat is
pragma Preelaborate;
type struct_ostat;
type struct_ostat is record
st_dev : aliased machine.qtypes.uint16_t;
st_ino : aliased sys.types.ino_t;
st_mode : aliased sys.types.mode_t;
st_nlink : aliased sys.types.nlink_t;
st_uid : aliased machine.qtypes.uint16_t;
st_gid : aliased machine.qtypes.uint16_t;
st_rdev : aliased machine.qtypes.uint16_t;
st_size : aliased machine.qtypes.int32_t;
st_atim : aliased sys.timespec.struct_timespec;
st_mtim : aliased sys.timespec.struct_timespec;
st_ctim : aliased sys.timespec.struct_timespec;
st_blksize : aliased machine.qtypes.int32_t;
st_blocks : aliased machine.qtypes.int32_t;
st_flags : aliased sys.types.fflags_t;
st_gen : aliased machine.qtypes.uint32_t;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_ostat);
type struct_stat;
type struct_stat is record
st_dev : aliased sys.qtypes.dev_t;
st_ino : aliased sys.types.ino_t;
st_mode : aliased sys.types.mode_t;
st_nlink : aliased sys.types.nlink_t;
st_uid : aliased sys.types.uid_t;
st_gid : aliased sys.types.gid_t;
st_rdev : aliased sys.qtypes.dev_t;
st_atim : aliased sys.timespec.struct_timespec;
st_mtim : aliased sys.timespec.struct_timespec;
st_ctim : aliased sys.timespec.struct_timespec;
st_size : aliased sys.types.off_t;
st_blocks : aliased sys.types.blkcnt_t;
st_blksize : aliased sys.types.blksize_t;
st_flags : aliased sys.types.fflags_t;
st_gen : aliased machine.qtypes.uint32_t;
st_lspare : aliased machine.qtypes.int32_t;
st_birthtimespec : aliased sys.timespec.struct_timespec;
anonymous_1 : unsigned_int range 0 .. 4294967295;
anonymous_2 : unsigned_int range 0 .. 4294967295;
end record;
for struct_stat use record
st_dev at 0 range 0 .. 31;
st_ino at 0 range 32 .. 63;
st_mode at 0 range 64 .. 79;
st_nlink at 0 range 80 .. 95;
st_uid at 0 range 96 .. 127;
st_gid at 0 range 128 .. 159;
st_rdev at 0 range 160 .. 191;
st_atim at 0 range 192 .. 255;
st_mtim at 0 range 256 .. 319;
st_ctim at 0 range 320 .. 383;
st_size at 0 range 384 .. 447;
st_blocks at 0 range 448 .. 511;
st_blksize at 0 range 512 .. 543;
st_flags at 0 range 544 .. 575;
st_gen at 0 range 576 .. 607;
st_lspare at 0 range 608 .. 639;
st_birthtimespec at 0 range 640 .. 703;
anonymous_1 at 0 range 704 .. 735;
anonymous_2 at 0 range 736 .. 767;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_stat);
type struct_stat_ptr is access all struct_stat;
for struct_stat_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_stat_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_stat_ptr);
type struct_nstat;
type struct_nstat is record
st_dev : aliased sys.qtypes.dev_t;
st_ino : aliased sys.types.ino_t;
st_mode : aliased machine.qtypes.uint32_t;
st_nlink : aliased machine.qtypes.uint32_t;
st_uid : aliased sys.types.uid_t;
st_gid : aliased sys.types.gid_t;
st_rdev : aliased sys.qtypes.dev_t;
st_atim : aliased sys.timespec.struct_timespec;
st_mtim : aliased sys.timespec.struct_timespec;
st_ctim : aliased sys.timespec.struct_timespec;
st_size : aliased sys.types.off_t;
st_blocks : aliased sys.types.blkcnt_t;
st_blksize : aliased sys.types.blksize_t;
st_flags : aliased sys.types.fflags_t;
st_gen : aliased machine.qtypes.uint32_t;
st_birthtimespec : aliased sys.timespec.struct_timespec;
anonymous_1 : unsigned_int range 0 .. 4294967295;
anonymous_2 : unsigned_int range 0 .. 4294967295;
end record;
for struct_nstat use record
st_dev at 0 range 0 .. 31;
st_ino at 0 range 32 .. 63;
st_mode at 0 range 64 .. 95;
st_nlink at 0 range 96 .. 127;
st_uid at 0 range 128 .. 159;
st_gid at 0 range 160 .. 191;
st_rdev at 0 range 192 .. 223;
st_atim at 0 range 224 .. 287;
st_mtim at 0 range 288 .. 351;
st_ctim at 0 range 352 .. 415;
st_size at 0 range 448 .. 511;
st_blocks at 0 range 512 .. 575;
st_blksize at 0 range 576 .. 607;
st_flags at 0 range 608 .. 639;
st_gen at 0 range 640 .. 671;
st_birthtimespec at 0 range 672 .. 735;
anonymous_1 at 0 range 736 .. 767;
anonymous_2 at 0 range 768 .. 799;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_nstat);
function chflags (a1 : access constant char; a2 : unsigned_long)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, chflags, "chflags");
function chmod (a1 : access constant char; a2 : sys.types.mode_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, chmod, "chmod");
function fchflags (a1 : signed_int; a2 : unsigned_long) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fchflags, "fchflags");
function fchmod (a1 : signed_int; a2 : sys.types.mode_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fchmod, "fchmod");
function fstat (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access struct_stat)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fstat, "fstat");
function lchflags (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, lchflags, "lchflags");
function lchmod (a1 : access constant char; a2 : sys.types.mode_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, lchmod, "lchmod");
function lstat (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access struct_stat)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, lstat, "lstat");
function mkdir (a1 : access constant char; a2 : sys.types.mode_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, mkdir, "mkdir");
function mkfifo (a1 : access constant char; a2 : sys.types.mode_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, mkfifo, "mkfifo");
function stat (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access struct_stat)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, stat, "stat");
function umask (a1 : sys.types.mode_t) return sys.types.mode_t;
pragma Import (C, umask, "umask");
ACCESSPERMS : constant := 511;
ALLPERMS : constant := 4095;
DEFFILEMODE : constant := 438;
SF_APPEND : constant := 262144;
SF_ARCHIVED : constant := 65536;
SF_IMMUTABLE : constant := 131072;
SF_NOUNLINK : constant := 1048576;
SF_SETTABLE : constant := -65536;
SF_SNAPSHOT : constant := 2097152;
S_BLKSIZE : constant := 512;
S_IEXEC : constant := 64;
S_IFBLK : constant := 24576;
S_IFCHR : constant := 8192;
S_IFDIR : constant := 16384;
S_IFIFO : constant := 4096;
S_IFLNK : constant := 40960;
S_IFMT : constant := 61440;
S_IFREG : constant := 32768;
S_IFSOCK : constant := 49152;
S_IFWHT : constant := 57344;
S_IREAD : constant := 256;
S_IRGRP : constant := 32;
S_IROTH : constant := 4;
S_IRUSR : constant := 256;
S_IRWXG : constant := 56;
S_IRWXO : constant := 7;
S_IRWXU : constant := 448;
-- S_ISBLK (function macro)
-- S_ISCHR (function macro)
-- S_ISDIR (function macro)
-- S_ISFIFO (function macro)
S_ISGID : constant := 1024;
-- S_ISLNK (function macro)
-- S_ISREG (function macro)
-- S_ISSOCK (function macro)
S_ISTXT : constant := 512;
S_ISUID : constant := 2048;
S_ISVTX : constant := 512;
-- S_ISWHT (function macro)
S_IWGRP : constant := 16;
S_IWOTH : constant := 2;
S_IWRITE : constant := 128;
S_IWUSR : constant := 128;
S_IXGRP : constant := 8;
S_IXOTH : constant := 1;
S_IXUSR : constant := 64;
UF_APPEND : constant := 4;
UF_IMMUTABLE : constant := 2;
UF_NODUMP : constant := 1;
UF_NOUNLINK : constant := 16;
UF_OPAQUE : constant := 8;
UF_SETTABLE : constant := 65535;
-- _SYS_STAT_H_ (empty)
function st_birthtime (Object : struct_nstat) return sys.types.time_t;
pragma Inline_Always (st_birthtime);
end C.sys.stat;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.sys.syscall is
pragma Preelaborate;
SYS_MAXSYSCALL : constant := 489;
SYS_acl_aclcheck_fd : constant := 354;
SYS_acl_aclcheck_file : constant := 353;
SYS_acl_aclcheck_link : constant := 428;
SYS_acl_delete_fd : constant := 352;
SYS_acl_delete_file : constant := 351;
SYS_acl_delete_link : constant := 427;
SYS_acl_get_fd : constant := 349;
SYS_acl_get_file : constant := 347;
SYS_acl_get_link : constant := 425;
SYS_acl_set_fd : constant := 350;
SYS_acl_set_file : constant := 348;
SYS_acl_set_link : constant := 426;
SYS_getcwd : constant := 326;
SYS_mac_execve : constant := 415;
SYS_mac_get_fd : constant := 386;
SYS_mac_get_file : constant := 387;
SYS_mac_get_link : constant := 410;
SYS_mac_get_pid : constant := 409;
SYS_mac_get_proc : constant := 384;
SYS_mac_set_fd : constant := 388;
SYS_mac_set_file : constant := 389;
SYS_mac_set_link : constant := 411;
SYS_mac_set_proc : constant := 385;
SYS_semctl : constant := 220;
SYS_setugid : constant := 374;
SYSqqqsyscall : constant := 198;
SYS_sysctl : constant := 202;
SYS_umtx_lock : constant := 434;
SYS_umtx_op : constant := 454;
SYS_umtx_unlock : constant := 435;
SYS_abort2 : constant := 463;
SYS_accept : constant := 30;
SYS_access : constant := 33;
SYS_acct : constant := 51;
SYS_adjtime : constant := 140;
SYS_aio_cancel : constant := 316;
SYS_aio_error : constant := 317;
SYS_aio_fsync : constant := 465;
SYS_aio_read : constant := 255;
SYS_aio_return : constant := 314;
SYS_aio_suspend : constant := 315;
SYS_aio_waitcomplete : constant := 359;
SYS_aio_write : constant := 256;
SYS_audit : constant := 445;
SYS_auditctl : constant := 453;
SYS_auditon : constant := 446;
SYS_bind : constant := 104;
SYS_break : constant := 17;
SYS_chdir : constant := 12;
SYS_chflags : constant := 34;
SYS_chmod : constant := 15;
SYS_chown : constant := 16;
SYS_chroot : constant := 61;
SYS_clock_getres : constant := 234;
SYS_clock_gettime : constant := 232;
SYS_clock_settime : constant := 233;
SYS_close : constant := 6;
SYS_connect : constant := 98;
SYS_cpuset : constant := 484;
SYS_cpuset_getaffinity : constant := 487;
SYS_cpuset_getid : constant := 486;
SYS_cpuset_setaffinity : constant := 488;
SYS_cpuset_setid : constant := 485;
SYS_dup : constant := 41;
SYS_dup2 : constant := 90;
SYS_eaccess : constant := 376;
SYS_execve : constant := 59;
SYS_exit : constant := 1;
SYS_extattr_delete_fd : constant := 373;
SYS_extattr_delete_file : constant := 358;
SYS_extattr_delete_link : constant := 414;
SYS_extattr_get_fd : constant := 372;
SYS_extattr_get_file : constant := 357;
SYS_extattr_get_link : constant := 413;
SYS_extattr_list_fd : constant := 437;
SYS_extattr_list_file : constant := 438;
SYS_extattr_list_link : constant := 439;
SYS_extattr_set_fd : constant := 371;
SYS_extattr_set_file : constant := 356;
SYS_extattr_set_link : constant := 412;
SYS_extattrctl : constant := 355;
SYS_fchdir : constant := 13;
SYS_fchflags : constant := 35;
SYS_fchmod : constant := 124;
SYS_fchown : constant := 123;
SYS_fcntl : constant := 92;
SYS_fhopen : constant := 298;
SYS_fhstat : constant := 299;
SYS_fhstatfs : constant := 398;
SYS_flock : constant := 131;
SYS_fork : constant := 2;
SYS_fpathconf : constant := 192;
SYS_freebsd4_fhstatfs : constant := 297;
SYS_freebsd4_fstatfs : constant := 158;
SYS_freebsd4_getfsstat : constant := 18;
SYS_freebsd4_sendfile : constant := 336;
SYS_freebsd4_sigaction : constant := 342;
SYS_freebsd4_sigreturn : constant := 344;
SYS_freebsd4_statfs : constant := 157;
SYS_freebsd6_ftruncate : constant := 201;
SYS_freebsd6_lseek : constant := 199;
SYS_freebsd6_mmap : constant := 197;
SYS_freebsd6_pread : constant := 173;
SYS_freebsd6_pwrite : constant := 174;
SYS_freebsd6_truncate : constant := 200;
SYS_fstat : constant := 189;
SYS_fstatfs : constant := 397;
SYS_fsync : constant := 95;
SYS_ftruncate : constant := 480;
SYS_futimes : constant := 206;
SYS_getaudit : constant := 449;
SYS_getaudit_addr : constant := 451;
SYS_getauid : constant := 447;
SYS_getcontext : constant := 421;
SYS_getdents : constant := 272;
SYS_getdirentries : constant := 196;
SYS_getdomainname : constant := 162;
SYS_getdtablesize : constant := 89;
SYS_getegid : constant := 43;
SYS_geteuid : constant := 25;
SYS_getfh : constant := 161;
SYS_getfsstat : constant := 395;
SYS_getgid : constant := 47;
SYS_getgroups : constant := 79;
SYS_getitimer : constant := 86;
SYS_getlogin : constant := 49;
SYS_getpeername : constant := 31;
SYS_getpgid : constant := 207;
SYS_getpgrp : constant := 81;
SYS_getpid : constant := 20;
SYS_getppid : constant := 39;
SYS_getpriority : constant := 100;
SYS_getresgid : constant := 361;
SYS_getresuid : constant := 360;
SYS_getrlimit : constant := 194;
SYS_getrusage : constant := 117;
SYS_getsid : constant := 310;
SYS_getsockname : constant := 32;
SYS_getsockopt : constant := 118;
SYS_gettimeofday : constant := 116;
SYS_getuid : constant := 24;
SYS_ioctl : constant := 54;
SYS_issetugid : constant := 253;
SYS_jail : constant := 338;
SYS_jail_attach : constant := 436;
SYS_kenv : constant := 390;
SYS_kevent : constant := 363;
SYS_kill : constant := 37;
SYS_kldfind : constant := 306;
SYS_kldfirstmod : constant := 309;
SYS_kldload : constant := 304;
SYS_kldnext : constant := 307;
SYS_kldstat : constant := 308;
SYS_kldsym : constant := 337;
SYS_kldunload : constant := 305;
SYS_kldunloadf : constant := 444;
SYS_kmq_notify : constant := 461;
SYS_kmq_open : constant := 457;
SYS_kmq_setattr : constant := 458;
SYS_kmq_timedreceive : constant := 459;
SYS_kmq_timedsend : constant := 460;
SYS_kmq_unlink : constant := 462;
SYS_kqueue : constant := 362;
SYS_kse_create : constant := 381;
SYS_kse_exit : constant := 379;
SYS_kse_release : constant := 383;
SYS_kse_switchin : constant := 440;
SYS_kse_thr_interrupt : constant := 382;
SYS_kse_wakeup : constant := 380;
SYS_ksem_close : constant := 400;
SYS_ksem_destroy : constant := 408;
SYS_ksem_getvalue : constant := 407;
SYS_ksem_init : constant := 404;
SYS_ksem_open : constant := 405;
SYS_ksem_post : constant := 401;
SYS_ksem_timedwait : constant := 441;
SYS_ksem_trywait : constant := 403;
SYS_ksem_unlink : constant := 406;
SYS_ksem_wait : constant := 402;
SYS_ktimer_create : constant := 235;
SYS_ktimer_delete : constant := 236;
SYS_ktimer_getoverrun : constant := 239;
SYS_ktimer_gettime : constant := 238;
SYS_ktimer_settime : constant := 237;
SYS_ktrace : constant := 45;
SYS_lchflags : constant := 391;
SYS_lchmod : constant := 274;
SYS_lchown : constant := 254;
SYS_lgetfh : constant := 160;
SYS_link : constant := 9;
SYS_lio_listio : constant := 257;
SYS_listen : constant := 106;
SYS_lseek : constant := 478;
SYS_lstat : constant := 190;
SYS_lutimes : constant := 276;
SYS_mac_syscall : constant := 394;
SYS_madvise : constant := 75;
SYS_mincore : constant := 78;
SYS_minherit : constant := 250;
SYS_mkdir : constant := 136;
SYS_mkfifo : constant := 132;
SYS_mknod : constant := 14;
SYS_mlock : constant := 203;
SYS_mlockall : constant := 324;
SYS_mmap : constant := 477;
SYS_modfind : constant := 303;
SYS_modfnext : constant := 302;
SYS_modnext : constant := 300;
SYS_modstat : constant := 301;
SYS_mount : constant := 21;
SYS_mprotect : constant := 74;
SYS_msgctl : constant := 224;
SYS_msgget : constant := 225;
SYS_msgrcv : constant := 227;
SYS_msgsnd : constant := 226;
SYS_msgsys : constant := 170;
SYS_msync : constant := 65;
SYS_munlock : constant := 204;
SYS_munlockall : constant := 325;
SYS_munmap : constant := 73;
SYS_nanosleep : constant := 240;
SYS_netbsd_lchown : constant := 275;
SYS_netbsd_msync : constant := 277;
SYS_nfsclnt : constant := 375;
SYS_nfssvc : constant := 155;
SYS_nfstat : constant := 279;
SYS_nlm_syscall : constant := 154;
SYS_nlstat : constant := 280;
SYS_nmount : constant := 378;
SYS_nstat : constant := 278;
SYS_ntp_adjtime : constant := 176;
SYS_ntp_gettime : constant := 248;
SYS_oaio_read : constant := 318;
SYS_oaio_write : constant := 319;
SYS_olio_listio : constant := 320;
SYS_open : constant := 5;
SYS_openbsd_poll : constant := 252;
SYS_pathconf : constant := 191;
SYS_pipe : constant := 42;
SYS_poll : constant := 209;
SYS_pread : constant := 475;
SYS_preadv : constant := 289;
SYS_profil : constant := 44;
SYS_ptrace : constant := 26;
SYS_pwrite : constant := 476;
SYS_pwritev : constant := 290;
SYS_quotactl : constant := 148;
SYS_read : constant := 3;
SYS_readlink : constant := 58;
SYS_readv : constant := 120;
SYS_reboot : constant := 55;
SYS_recvfrom : constant := 29;
SYS_recvmsg : constant := 27;
SYS_rename : constant := 128;
SYS_revoke : constant := 56;
SYS_rfork : constant := 251;
SYS_rmdir : constant := 137;
SYS_rtprio : constant := 166;
SYS_rtprio_thread : constant := 466;
SYS_sbrk : constant := 69;
SYS_sched_get_priority_max : constant := 332;
SYS_sched_get_priority_min : constant := 333;
SYS_sched_getparam : constant := 328;
SYS_sched_getscheduler : constant := 330;
SYS_sched_rr_get_interval : constant := 334;
SYS_sched_setparam : constant := 327;
SYS_sched_setscheduler : constant := 329;
SYS_sched_yield : constant := 331;
SYS_sctp_generic_recvmsg : constant := 474;
SYS_sctp_generic_sendmsg : constant := 472;
SYS_sctp_generic_sendmsg_iov : constant := 473;
SYS_sctp_peeloff : constant := 471;
SYS_select : constant := 93;
SYS_semget : constant := 221;
SYS_semop : constant := 222;
SYS_semsys : constant := 169;
SYS_sendfile : constant := 393;
SYS_sendmsg : constant := 28;
SYS_sendto : constant := 133;
SYS_setaudit : constant := 450;
SYS_setaudit_addr : constant := 452;
SYS_setauid : constant := 448;
SYS_setcontext : constant := 422;
SYS_setdomainname : constant := 163;
SYS_setegid : constant := 182;
SYS_seteuid : constant := 183;
SYS_setfib : constant := 175;
SYS_setgid : constant := 181;
SYS_setgroups : constant := 80;
SYS_setitimer : constant := 83;
SYS_setlogin : constant := 50;
SYS_setpgid : constant := 82;
SYS_setpriority : constant := 96;
SYS_setregid : constant := 127;
SYS_setresgid : constant := 312;
SYS_setresuid : constant := 311;
SYS_setreuid : constant := 126;
SYS_setrlimit : constant := 195;
SYS_setsid : constant := 147;
SYS_setsockopt : constant := 105;
SYS_settimeofday : constant := 122;
SYS_setuid : constant := 23;
SYS_shmat : constant := 228;
SYS_shmctl : constant := 229;
SYS_shmdt : constant := 230;
SYS_shmget : constant := 231;
SYS_shmsys : constant := 171;
SYS_shutdown : constant := 134;
SYS_sigaction : constant := 416;
SYS_sigaltstack : constant := 53;
SYS_sigpending : constant := 343;
SYS_sigprocmask : constant := 340;
SYS_sigqueue : constant := 456;
SYS_sigreturn : constant := 417;
SYS_sigsuspend : constant := 341;
SYS_sigtimedwait : constant := 345;
SYS_sigwait : constant := 429;
SYS_sigwaitinfo : constant := 346;
SYS_socket : constant := 97;
SYS_socketpair : constant := 135;
SYS_sstk : constant := 70;
SYS_stat : constant := 188;
SYS_statfs : constant := 396;
SYS_swapcontext : constant := 423;
SYS_swapoff : constant := 424;
SYS_swapon : constant := 85;
SYS_symlink : constant := 57;
SYS_sync : constant := 36;
SYS_sysarch : constant := 165;
SYS_syscall : constant := 0;
SYS_thr_create : constant := 430;
SYS_thr_exit : constant := 431;
SYS_thr_kill : constant := 433;
SYS_thr_kill2 : constant := 481;
SYS_thr_new : constant := 455;
SYS_thr_self : constant := 432;
SYS_thr_set_name : constant := 464;
SYS_thr_suspend : constant := 442;
SYS_thr_wake : constant := 443;
SYS_truncate : constant := 479;
SYS_umask : constant := 60;
SYS_uname : constant := 164;
SYS_undelete : constant := 205;
SYS_unlink : constant := 10;
SYS_unmount : constant := 22;
SYS_utimes : constant := 138;
SYS_utrace : constant := 335;
SYS_uuidgen : constant := 392;
SYS_vadvise : constant := 72;
SYS_vfork : constant := 66;
SYS_wait4 : constant := 7;
SYS_write : constant := 4;
SYS_writev : constant := 121;
SYS_yield : constant := 321;
end C.sys.syscall;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.stddef;
with C.sys.types;
package C.sys.sysctl is
pragma Preelaborate;
type struct_thread (<>) is limited private;
type struct_ctlname;
type struct_ctlname is record
ctl_name : aliased char_ptr;
ctl_type : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_ctlname);
function sysctl (a1 : access signed_int; a2 : sys.types.u_int;
a3 : void_ptr; a4 : access stddef.size_t; a5 : void_ptr;
a6 : stddef.size_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sysctl, "sysctl");
function sysctlbyname (a1 : access constant char; a2 : void_ptr;
a3 : access stddef.size_t; a4 : void_ptr; a5 : stddef.size_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sysctlbyname, "sysctlbyname");
function sysctlnametomib (a1 : access constant char;
a2 : access signed_int; a3 : access stddef.size_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sysctlnametomib, "sysctlnametomib");
CTLFLAG_ANYBODY : constant := 268435456;
CTLFLAG_DYN : constant := 33554432;
CTLFLAG_NOLOCK : constant := 536870912;
CTLFLAG_PRISON : constant := 67108864;
CTLFLAG_RD : constant := -2147483648;
CTLFLAG_RDTUN : constant := -2146959360;
CTLFLAG_RW : constant := -1073741824;
CTLFLAG_SECURE : constant := 134217728;
CTLFLAG_SECURE1 : constant := 134217728;
CTLFLAG_SECURE2 : constant := 135266304;
CTLFLAG_SECURE3 : constant := 136314880;
CTLFLAG_SKIP : constant := 16777216;
CTLFLAG_TUN : constant := 524288;
CTLFLAG_WR : constant := 1073741824;
CTLMASK_SECURE : constant := 15728640;
CTLSHIFT_SECURE : constant := 20;
CTLTYPE : constant := 15;
CTLTYPE_INT : constant := 2;
CTLTYPE_LONG : constant := 7;
CTLTYPE_NODE : constant := 1;
CTLTYPE_OPAQUE : constant := 5;
CTLTYPE_QUAD : constant := 4;
CTLTYPE_STRING : constant := 3;
CTLTYPE_STRUCT : constant := 5;
CTLTYPE_UINT : constant := 6;
CTLTYPE_ULONG : constant := 8;
CTL_AUTO_START : constant := 256;
CTL_DEBUG : constant := 5;
CTL_HW : constant := 6;
-- CTL_HW_NAMES (unparsible)
CTL_KERN : constant := 1;
-- CTL_KERN_NAMES (unparsible)
CTL_MACHDEP : constant := 7;
CTL_MAXID : constant := 10;
CTL_MAXNAME : constant := 24;
-- CTL_NAMES (unparsible)
CTL_NET : constant := 4;
CTL_P1003_1B : constant := 9;
CTL_P1003_1B_AIO_LISTIO_MAX : constant := 15;
CTL_P1003_1B_AIO_MAX : constant := 16;
CTL_P1003_1B_AIO_PRIO_DELTA_MAX : constant := 17;
CTL_P1003_1B_ASYNCHRONOUS_IO : constant := 1;
CTL_P1003_1B_DELAYTIMER_MAX : constant := 18;
CTL_P1003_1B_FSYNC : constant := 11;
CTL_P1003_1B_MAPPED_FILES : constant := 2;
CTL_P1003_1B_MAXID : constant := 26;
CTL_P1003_1B_MEMLOCK : constant := 3;
CTL_P1003_1B_MEMLOCK_RANGE : constant := 4;
CTL_P1003_1B_MEMORY_PROTECTION : constant := 5;
CTL_P1003_1B_MESSAGE_PASSING : constant := 6;
CTL_P1003_1B_MQ_OPEN_MAX : constant := 19;
-- CTL_P1003_1B_NAMES (unparsible)
CTL_P1003_1B_PAGESIZE : constant := 20;
CTL_P1003_1B_PRIORITIZED_IO : constant := 7;
CTL_P1003_1B_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING : constant := 8;
CTL_P1003_1B_REALTIME_SIGNALS : constant := 9;
CTL_P1003_1B_RTSIG_MAX : constant := 21;
CTL_P1003_1B_SEMAPHORES : constant := 10;
CTL_P1003_1B_SEM_NSEMS_MAX : constant := 22;
CTL_P1003_1B_SEM_VALUE_MAX : constant := 23;
CTL_P1003_1B_SHARED_MEMORY_OBJECTS : constant := 12;
CTL_P1003_1B_SIGQUEUE_MAX : constant := 24;
CTL_P1003_1B_SYNCHRONIZED_IO : constant := 13;
CTL_P1003_1B_TIMERS : constant := 14;
CTL_P1003_1B_TIMER_MAX : constant := 25;
CTL_UNSPEC : constant := 0;
CTL_USER : constant := 8;
-- CTL_USER_NAMES (unparsible)
CTL_VFS : constant := 3;
-- CTL_VFS_NAMES (unparsible)
CTL_VM : constant := 2;
HW_BYTEORDER : constant := 4;
HW_DISKNAMES : constant := 8;
HW_DISKSTATS : constant := 9;
HW_FLOATINGPT : constant := 10;
HW_MACHINE : constant := 1;
HW_MACHINE_ARCH : constant := 11;
HW_MAXID : constant := 13;
HW_MODEL : constant := 2;
HW_NCPU : constant := 3;
HW_PAGESIZE : constant := 7;
HW_PHYSMEM : constant := 5;
HW_REALMEM : constant := 12;
HW_USERMEM : constant := 6;
KERN_ARGMAX : constant := 8;
KERN_ARND : constant := 37;
KERN_BOOTFILE : constant := 26;
KERN_BOOTTIME : constant := 21;
KERN_CLOCKRATE : constant := 12;
KERN_DUMMY : constant := 31;
KERN_DUMPDEV : constant := 29;
KERN_FILE : constant := 15;
KERN_HOSTID : constant := 11;
KERN_HOSTNAME : constant := 10;
KERN_HOSTUUID : constant := 36;
KERN_IOV_MAX : constant := 35;
KERN_IPC : constant := 30;
KERN_JOB_CONTROL : constant := 19;
KERN_LOGSIGEXIT : constant := 34;
KERN_MAXFILES : constant := 7;
KERN_MAXFILESPERPROC : constant := 27;
KERN_MAXID : constant := 38;
KERN_MAXPROC : constant := 6;
KERN_MAXPROCPERUID : constant := 28;
KERN_MAXVNODES : constant := 5;
KERN_NGROUPS : constant := 18;
KERN_NISDOMAINNAME : constant := 22;
KERN_NTP_PLL : constant := 25;
KERN_OSRELDATE : constant := 24;
KERN_OSRELEASE : constant := 2;
KERN_OSREV : constant := 3;
KERN_OSTYPE : constant := 1;
KERN_POSIX1 : constant := 17;
KERN_PROC : constant := 14;
KERN_PROC_ALL : constant := 0;
KERN_PROC_ARGS : constant := 7;
KERN_PROC_FILEDESC : constant := 33;
KERN_PROC_GID : constant := 11;
KERN_PROC_INC_THREAD : constant := 16;
KERN_PROC_KSTACK : constant := 15;
KERN_PROC_OFILEDESC : constant := 14;
KERN_PROC_OVMMAP : constant := 13;
KERN_PROC_PATHNAME : constant := 12;
KERN_PROC_PGRP : constant := 2;
KERN_PROC_PID : constant := 1;
KERN_PROC_PROC : constant := 8;
KERN_PROC_RGID : constant := 10;
KERN_PROC_RUID : constant := 6;
KERN_PROC_SESSION : constant := 3;
KERN_PROC_SV_NAME : constant := 9;
KERN_PROC_TTY : constant := 4;
KERN_PROC_UID : constant := 5;
KERN_PROC_VMMAP : constant := 32;
KERN_PROF : constant := 16;
KERN_PS_STRINGS : constant := 32;
KERN_SAVED_IDS : constant := 20;
KERN_SECURELVL : constant := 9;
KERN_UPDATEINTERVAL : constant := 23;
KERN_USRSTACK : constant := 33;
KERN_VERSION : constant := 4;
KERN_VNODE : constant := 13;
KIPC_MAXSOCKBUF : constant := 1;
KIPC_MAX_DATALEN : constant := 7;
KIPC_MAX_HDR : constant := 6;
KIPC_MAX_LINKHDR : constant := 4;
KIPC_MAX_PROTOHDR : constant := 5;
KIPC_SOCKBUF_WASTE : constant := 2;
KIPC_SOMAXCONN : constant := 3;
OID_AUTO : constant := -1;
USER_BC_BASE_MAX : constant := 2;
USER_BC_DIM_MAX : constant := 3;
USER_BC_SCALE_MAX : constant := 4;
USER_BC_STRING_MAX : constant := 5;
USER_COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX : constant := 6;
USER_CS_PATH : constant := 1;
USER_EXPR_NEST_MAX : constant := 7;
USER_LINE_MAX : constant := 8;
USER_MAXID : constant := 21;
USER_POSIX2_CHAR_TERM : constant := 13;
USER_POSIX2_C_BIND : constant := 11;
USER_POSIX2_C_DEV : constant := 12;
USER_POSIX2_FORT_DEV : constant := 14;
USER_POSIX2_FORT_RUN : constant := 15;
USER_POSIX2_LOCALEDEF : constant := 16;
USER_POSIX2_SW_DEV : constant := 17;
USER_POSIX2_UPE : constant := 18;
USER_POSIX2_VERSION : constant := 10;
USER_RE_DUP_MAX : constant := 9;
USER_STREAM_MAX : constant := 19;
USER_TZNAME_MAX : constant := 20;
-- _SYS_SYSCTL_H_ (empty)
type struct_thread is null record;
end C.sys.sysctl;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.sys.syslimits is
pragma Preelaborate;
ARG_MAX : constant := 262144;
CHILD_MAX : constant := 40;
IOV_MAX : constant := 1024;
LINK_MAX : constant := 32767;
MAX_CANON : constant := 255;
MAX_INPUT : constant := 255;
NAME_MAX : constant := 255;
NGROUPS_MAX : constant := 16;
OPEN_MAX : constant := 64;
PATH_MAX : constant := 1024;
PIPE_BUF : constant := 512;
-- _SYS_SYSLIMITS_H_ (empty)
end C.sys.syslimits;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package body C.sys.time is
procedure bintime_addx (bt : access struct_bintime; x : stdint.uint64_t)
u : stdint.uint64_t;
u := bt.frac;
Left : stdint.uint64_t renames bt.frac;
Left := Left + x;
if u > bt.frac then
Left : sys.types.time_t renames bt.sec;
Left := Left + 1;
end if;
end bintime_addx;
procedure bintime_add (bt : access struct_bintime;
bt2 : access constant struct_bintime) is
u : stdint.uint64_t;
u := bt.frac;
Left : stdint.uint64_t renames bt.frac;
Left := Left + bt2.frac;
if u > bt.frac then
Left : sys.types.time_t renames bt.sec;
Left := Left + 1;
end if;
Left : sys.types.time_t renames bt.sec;
Left := Left + bt2.sec;
end bintime_add;
procedure bintime_sub (bt : access struct_bintime;
bt2 : access constant struct_bintime) is
u : stdint.uint64_t;
u := bt.frac;
Left : stdint.uint64_t renames bt.frac;
Left := Left - bt2.frac;
if u < bt.frac then
Left : sys.types.time_t renames bt.sec;
Left := Left - 1;
end if;
Left : sys.types.time_t renames bt.sec;
Left := Left - bt2.sec;
end bintime_sub;
procedure bintime2timespec (bt : access constant struct_bintime;
ts : access sys.timespec.struct_timespec) is
ts.tv_sec := bt.sec;
ts.tv_nsec := signed_long (unsigned_long_long'(Shift_Right (1000000000
* unsigned_long_long (stdint.uint32_t (
stdint.uint64_t'(Shift_Right (bt.frac, 32)))), 32)));
end bintime2timespec;
procedure timespec2bintime (
ts : access constant sys.timespec.struct_timespec;
bt : access struct_bintime) is
bt.sec := ts.tv_sec;
bt.frac := unsigned_long_long'Mod (ts.tv_nsec) * 18446744073;
end timespec2bintime;
procedure bintime2timeval (bt : access constant struct_bintime;
tv : access sys.qtimeval.struct_timeval) is
tv.tv_sec := bt.sec;
tv.tv_usec := sys.types.suseconds_t (unsigned_long_long'(Shift_Right (
1000000 * unsigned_long_long (stdint.uint32_t (
stdint.uint64_t'(Shift_Right (bt.frac, 32)))), 32)));
end bintime2timeval;
procedure timeval2bintime (
tv : access constant sys.qtimeval.struct_timeval;
bt : access struct_bintime) is
bt.sec := tv.tv_sec;
bt.frac := unsigned_long_long'Mod (tv.tv_usec) * 18446744073709;
end timeval2bintime;
end C.sys.time;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.stdint;
with C.sys.qtimeval;
with C.sys.timespec;
with C.sys.types;
package C.sys.time is
pragma Preelaborate;
subtype struct_timeval is sys.qtimeval.struct_timeval;
-- SYS_TIMEVAL_H renames sys.qtimeval.SYS_TIMEVAL_H (empty)
type struct_timezone;
type struct_timezone is record
tz_minuteswest : aliased signed_int;
tz_dsttime : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_timezone);
type struct_timezone_ptr is access all struct_timezone;
for struct_timezone_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_timezone_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_timezone_ptr);
type struct_timezone_const_ptr is access constant struct_timezone;
for struct_timezone_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_timezone_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_timezone_const_ptr);
type struct_bintime;
type struct_bintime is record
sec : aliased sys.types.time_t;
frac : aliased stdint.uint64_t;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_bintime);
type struct_bintime_ptr is access all struct_bintime;
for struct_bintime_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_bintime_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_bintime_ptr);
type struct_bintime_const_ptr is access constant struct_bintime;
for struct_bintime_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_bintime_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_bintime_const_ptr);
procedure bintime_addx (bt : access struct_bintime; x : stdint.uint64_t);
pragma Convention (C, bintime_addx);
pragma Inline (bintime_addx);
procedure bintime_add (bt : access struct_bintime;
bt2 : access constant struct_bintime);
pragma Convention (C, bintime_add);
pragma Inline (bintime_add);
procedure bintime_sub (bt : access struct_bintime;
bt2 : access constant struct_bintime);
pragma Convention (C, bintime_sub);
pragma Inline (bintime_sub);
procedure bintime2timespec (bt : access constant struct_bintime;
ts : access sys.timespec.struct_timespec);
pragma Convention (C, bintime2timespec);
pragma Inline (bintime2timespec);
procedure timespec2bintime (
ts : access constant sys.timespec.struct_timespec;
bt : access struct_bintime);
pragma Convention (C, timespec2bintime);
pragma Inline (timespec2bintime);
procedure bintime2timeval (bt : access constant struct_bintime;
tv : access sys.qtimeval.struct_timeval);
pragma Convention (C, bintime2timeval);
pragma Inline (bintime2timeval);
procedure timeval2bintime (
tv : access constant sys.qtimeval.struct_timeval;
bt : access struct_bintime);
pragma Convention (C, timeval2bintime);
pragma Inline (timeval2bintime);
type struct_itimerval;
type struct_itimerval is record
it_interval : aliased sys.qtimeval.struct_timeval;
it_value : aliased sys.qtimeval.struct_timeval;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_itimerval);
type struct_itimerval_ptr is access all struct_itimerval;
for struct_itimerval_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_itimerval_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_itimerval_ptr);
type struct_itimerval_const_ptr is access constant struct_itimerval;
for struct_itimerval_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_itimerval_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_itimerval_const_ptr);
type struct_clockinfo;
type struct_clockinfo is record
hz : aliased signed_int;
tick : aliased signed_int;
spare : aliased signed_int;
stathz : aliased signed_int;
profhz : aliased signed_int;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_clockinfo);
function adjtime (a1 : access constant sys.qtimeval.struct_timeval;
a2 : access sys.qtimeval.struct_timeval) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, adjtime, "adjtime");
function futimes (a1 : signed_int;
a2 : access constant sys.qtimeval.struct_timeval) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, futimes, "futimes");
function getitimer (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access struct_itimerval)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getitimer, "getitimer");
function gettimeofday (a1 : access sys.qtimeval.struct_timeval;
a2 : access struct_timezone) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, gettimeofday, "gettimeofday");
function lutimes (a1 : access constant char;
a2 : access constant sys.qtimeval.struct_timeval) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, lutimes, "lutimes");
function setitimer (a1 : signed_int;
a2 : access constant struct_itimerval; a3 : access struct_itimerval)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setitimer, "setitimer");
function settimeofday (a1 : access constant sys.qtimeval.struct_timeval;
a2 : access constant struct_timezone) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, settimeofday, "settimeofday");
function utimes (a1 : access constant char;
a2 : access constant sys.qtimeval.struct_timeval) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, utimes, "utimes");
DST_AUST : constant := 2;
DST_CAN : constant := 6;
DST_EET : constant := 5;
DST_MET : constant := 4;
DST_NONE : constant := 0;
DST_USA : constant := 1;
DST_WET : constant := 3;
ITIMER_PROF : constant := 2;
ITIMER_REAL : constant := 0;
ITIMER_VIRTUAL : constant := 1;
-- _SYS_TIME_H_ (empty)
-- timeradd (uninterpretable)
-- timerclear (uninterpretable)
-- timercmp (unparsible)
-- timerisset (uninterpretable)
-- timersub (uninterpretable)
end C.sys.time;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.sys.types;
package C.sys.timespec is
pragma Preelaborate;
type struct_timespec;
type struct_timespec is record
tv_sec : aliased sys.types.time_t;
tv_nsec : aliased signed_long;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_timespec);
type struct_timespec_const_ptr is access constant struct_timespec;
for struct_timespec_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_timespec_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_timespec_const_ptr);
type struct_timespec_ptr is access all struct_timespec;
for struct_timespec_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_timespec_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_timespec_ptr);
type struct_itimerspec;
type struct_itimerspec is record
it_interval : aliased struct_timespec;
it_value : aliased struct_timespec;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_itimerspec);
type struct_itimerspec_ptr is access all struct_itimerspec;
for struct_itimerspec_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_itimerspec_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_itimerspec_ptr);
type struct_itimerspec_const_ptr is access constant struct_itimerspec;
for struct_itimerspec_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_itimerspec_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_itimerspec_const_ptr);
-- TIMESPEC_TO_TIMEVAL (uninterpretable)
-- TIMEVAL_TO_TIMESPEC (uninterpretable)
-- _SYS_TIMESPEC_H_ (empty)
end C.sys.timespec;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.sys.ttycom is
pragma Preelaborate;
type struct_winsize;
type struct_winsize is record
ws_row : aliased unsigned_short;
ws_col : aliased unsigned_short;
ws_xpixel : aliased unsigned_short;
ws_ypixel : aliased unsigned_short;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_winsize);
H4DISC : constant := 7;
NETGRAPHDISC : constant := 6;
PPPDISC : constant := 5;
SLIPDISC : constant := 4;
TIOCCBRK : constant := 536900730;
TIOCCDTR : constant := 536900728;
TIOCCONS : constant := 2147775586;
TIOCDRAIN : constant := 536900702;
TIOCEXCL : constant := 536900621;
TIOCEXT : constant := 2147775584;
TIOCFLUSH : constant := 2147775504;
TIOCGDRAINWAIT : constant := 1074033750;
TIOCGETA : constant := 1076655123;
TIOCGETD : constant := 1074033690;
TIOCGPGRP : constant := 1074033783;
TIOCGPTN : constant := 1074033679;
TIOCGWINSZ : constant := 1074295912;
TIOCMBIC : constant := 2147775595;
TIOCMBIS : constant := 2147775596;
TIOCMGDTRWAIT : constant := 1074033754;
TIOCMGET : constant := 1074033770;
TIOCMSDTRWAIT : constant := 2147775579;
TIOCMSET : constant := 2147775597;
TIOCM_CAR : constant := 64;
TIOCM_CD : constant := 64;
TIOCM_CTS : constant := 32;
TIOCM_DCD : constant := 64;
TIOCM_DSR : constant := 256;
TIOCM_DTR : constant := 2;
TIOCM_LE : constant := 1;
TIOCM_RI : constant := 128;
TIOCM_RNG : constant := 128;
TIOCM_RTS : constant := 4;
TIOCM_SR : constant := 16;
TIOCM_ST : constant := 8;
TIOCNOTTY : constant := 536900721;
TIOCNXCL : constant := 536900622;
TIOCOUTQ : constant := 1074033779;
TIOCPKT : constant := 2147775600;
TIOCPKT_DATA : constant := 0;
TIOCPKT_DOSTOP : constant := 32;
TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD : constant := 1;
TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE : constant := 2;
TIOCPKT_IOCTL : constant := 64;
TIOCPKT_NOSTOP : constant := 16;
TIOCPKT_START : constant := 8;
TIOCPKT_STOP : constant := 4;
TIOCSBRK : constant := 536900731;
TIOCSCTTY : constant := 536900705;
TIOCSDRAINWAIT : constant := 2147775575;
TIOCSDTR : constant := 536900729;
TIOCSETA : constant := 2150396948;
TIOCSETAF : constant := 2150396950;
TIOCSETAW : constant := 2150396949;
TIOCSETD : constant := 2147775515;
TIOCSIG : constant := 537162847;
TIOCSPGRP : constant := 2147775606;
TIOCSTART : constant := 536900718;
TIOCSTAT : constant := 536900709;
TIOCSTI : constant := 2147578994;
TIOCSTOP : constant := 536900719;
TIOCSWINSZ : constant := 2148037735;
TIOCTIMESTAMP : constant := 1074295897;
TIOCUCNTL : constant := 2147775590;
TTYDISC : constant := 0;
-- UIOCCMD (function macro)
-- _SYS_TTYCOM_H_ (empty)
end C.sys.ttycom;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.sys.ttydefaults is
pragma Preelaborate;
CBRK : constant := 255;
CDISCARD : constant := 15;
CDSUSP : constant := 25;
CEOF : constant := 4;
CEOL : constant := 255;
CEOT : constant := 4;
CERASE : constant := 127;
CERASE2 : constant := 8;
CFLUSH : constant := 15;
CINTR : constant := 3;
CKILL : constant := 21;
CLNEXT : constant := 22;
CMIN : constant := 1;
CQUIT : constant := 28;
CREPRINT : constant := 18;
CRPRNT : constant := 18;
CSTART : constant := 17;
CSTATUS : constant := 20;
CSTOP : constant := 19;
CSUSP : constant := 26;
CTIME : constant := 0;
-- CTRL (function macro)
CWERASE : constant := 23;
TTYDEF_CFLAG : constant := 19200;
TTYDEF_IFLAG : constant := 11010;
TTYDEF_LFLAG : constant := 1483;
TTYDEF_LFLAG_ECHO : constant := 1483;
TTYDEF_LFLAG_NOECHO : constant := 1408;
TTYDEF_OFLAG : constant := 3;
TTYDEF_SPEED : constant := 9600;
-- _SYS_TTYDEFAULTS_H_ (empty)
end C.sys.ttydefaults;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.machine.qtypes;
with C.stddef;
with C.sys.qtypes;
package C.sys.types is
pragma Preelaborate;
subtype u_char is unsigned_char;
subtype u_short is unsigned_short;
subtype u_int is unsigned_int;
subtype u_long is unsigned_long;
subtype u_long_ptr is unsigned_long_ptr;
subtype ushort is unsigned_short;
subtype uint is unsigned_int;
subtype u_int8_t is machine.qtypes.uint8_t;
subtype u_int16_t is machine.qtypes.uint16_t;
subtype u_int32_t is machine.qtypes.uint32_t;
subtype u_int32_t_array is machine.qtypes.uint32_t_array;
subtype u_int64_t is machine.qtypes.uint64_t;
subtype u_quad_t is machine.qtypes.uint64_t;
subtype quad_t is machine.qtypes.int64_t;
subtype quad_t_ptr is machine.qtypes.int64_t_ptr;
subtype qaddr_t is quad_t_ptr;
subtype caddr_t is char_ptr;
subtype c_caddr_t is char_const_ptr;
subtype v_caddr_t is char_volatile_ptr;
subtype blksize_t is sys.qtypes.blksize_t;
subtype cpuwhich_t is sys.qtypes.cpuwhich_t;
subtype cpulevel_t is sys.qtypes.cpulevel_t;
subtype cpusetid_t is sys.qtypes.cpusetid_t;
subtype blkcnt_t is sys.qtypes.blkcnt_t;
subtype clock_t is machine.qtypes.clock_t;
subtype clockid_t is sys.qtypes.clockid_t;
subtype clockid_t_ptr is sys.qtypes.clockid_t_ptr;
subtype cpumask_t is machine.qtypes.cpumask_t;
subtype critical_t is machine.qtypes.critical_t;
subtype daddr_t is machine.qtypes.int64_t;
subtype dev_t is sys.qtypes.dev_t;
subtype fflags_t is sys.qtypes.fflags_t;
subtype fixpt_t is sys.qtypes.fixpt_t;
subtype fsblkcnt_t is sys.qtypes.fsblkcnt_t;
subtype fsfilcnt_t is sys.qtypes.fsfilcnt_t;
subtype gid_t is sys.qtypes.gid_t;
subtype gid_t_array is sys.qtypes.gid_t_array;
subtype gid_t_ptr is sys.qtypes.gid_t_ptr;
subtype gid_t_const_ptr is sys.qtypes.gid_t_const_ptr;
subtype in_addr_t is machine.qtypes.uint32_t;
subtype in_port_t is machine.qtypes.uint16_t;
subtype id_t is sys.qtypes.id_t;
subtype ino_t is sys.qtypes.ino_t;
subtype key_t is sys.qtypes.key_t;
subtype lwpid_t is sys.qtypes.lwpid_t;
subtype mode_t is sys.qtypes.mode_t;
subtype nlink_t is sys.qtypes.nlink_t;
subtype off_t is sys.qtypes.off_t;
subtype off_t_ptr is sys.qtypes.off_t_ptr;
subtype pid_t is sys.qtypes.pid_t;
subtype register_t is machine.qtypes.register_t;
subtype rlim_t is sys.qtypes.rlim_t;
subtype segsz_t is machine.qtypes.segsz_t;
subtype ssize_t is machine.qtypes.ssize_t;
subtype suseconds_t is sys.qtypes.suseconds_t;
subtype time_t is machine.qtypes.time_t;
subtype time_t_const_ptr is machine.qtypes.time_t_const_ptr;
subtype time_t_ptr is machine.qtypes.time_t_ptr;
subtype timer_t is sys.qtypes.timer_t;
subtype timer_t_ptr is sys.qtypes.timer_t_ptr;
subtype mqd_t is sys.qtypes.mqd_t;
subtype u_register_t is machine.qtypes.u_register_t;
subtype uid_t is sys.qtypes.uid_t;
subtype uid_t_ptr is sys.qtypes.uid_t_ptr;
subtype uid_t_const_ptr is sys.qtypes.uid_t_const_ptr;
subtype useconds_t is sys.qtypes.useconds_t;
subtype vm_offset_t is machine.qtypes.vm_offset_t;
subtype vm_ooffset_t is machine.qtypes.vm_ooffset_t;
subtype vm_paddr_t is machine.qtypes.vm_paddr_t;
subtype vm_pindex_t is machine.qtypes.vm_pindex_t;
subtype vm_size_t is machine.qtypes.vm_size_t;
-- #include <sys/_sigset.h>
-- #include <sys/_timeval.h>
-- #include <sys/timespec.h>
-- #include <sys/select.h>
function ftruncate (a1 : signed_int; a2 : off_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, ftruncate, "ftruncate");
function lseek (a1 : signed_int; a2 : off_t; a3 : signed_int)
return off_t;
pragma Import (C, lseek, "lseek");
function mmap (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t; a3 : signed_int;
a4 : signed_int; a5 : signed_int; a6 : off_t) return void_ptr;
pragma Import (C, mmap, "mmap");
function truncate (a1 : access constant char; a2 : off_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, truncate, "truncate");
-- _CLOCK_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _DEV_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _GID_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _ID_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _INO_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _IN_ADDR_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _IN_PORT_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _KEY_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _LSEEK_DECLARED (empty)
-- _LWPID_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _MMAP_DECLARED (empty)
-- _MODE_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _MQD_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _NLINK_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _OFF_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _PID_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _RLIM_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _SSIZE_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _SYS_TYPES_H_ (empty)
-- _TIMER_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _TIME_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- _UID_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- major (function macro)
-- makedev (function macro)
-- minor (function macro)
end C.sys.types;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.machine.ucontext;
with C.signal;
with C.sys.select_h;
with C.sys.signal;
package C.sys.ucontext is
pragma Preelaborate;
type struct_ucontext;
type struct_ucontext is record
uc_sigmask : aliased sys.select_h.sigset_t;
uc_mcontext : aliased machine.ucontext.mcontext_t;
uc_link : aliased Standard.C.signal.struct_ucontext_ptr;
uc_stack : aliased sys.signal.stack_t;
uc_flags : aliased signed_int;
spare : aliased signed_int_array (0 .. 3);
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_ucontext);
type struct_ucontext_ptr is access all struct_ucontext;
for struct_ucontext_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_ucontext_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_ucontext_ptr);
type struct_ucontext_const_ptr is access constant struct_ucontext;
for struct_ucontext_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_ucontext_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_ucontext_const_ptr);
subtype ucontext_t is struct_ucontext;
subtype ucontext_t_ptr is struct_ucontext_ptr;
subtype ucontext_t_const_ptr is struct_ucontext_const_ptr;
function getcontext (a1 : access ucontext_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getcontext, "getcontext");
function setcontext (a1 : access constant ucontext_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setcontext, "setcontext");
type access_e823f645 is access procedure;
pragma Convention (C, access_e823f645);
procedure makecontext (a1 : access ucontext_t; a2 : access_e823f645;
a3 : signed_int);
pragma Import (C, makecontext, "makecontext");
function signalcontext (a1 : access ucontext_t; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : sys.signal.sighandler_t_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, signalcontext, "signalcontext");
function swapcontext (a1 : access ucontext_t;
a2 : access constant ucontext_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, swapcontext, "swapcontext");
UCF_SWAPPED : constant := 1;
-- _SYS_UCONTEXT_H_ (empty)
end C.sys.ucontext;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.sys.types;
package C.sys.ucred is
pragma Preelaborate;
type struct_xucred;
type struct_xucred is record
cr_version : aliased sys.types.u_int;
cr_uid : aliased sys.types.uid_t;
cr_ngroups : aliased signed_short;
cr_groups : aliased sys.types.gid_t_array (0 .. 15);
cr_unused1 : aliased void_ptr;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_xucred);
XUCRED_VERSION : constant := 0;
-- _SYS_UCRED_H_ (empty)
-- cr_gid (unparsible)
end C.sys.ucred;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.sys.qiovec;
with C.sys.types;
package C.sys.uio is
pragma Preelaborate;
subtype struct_iovec is sys.qiovec.struct_iovec;
-- SYS_IOVEC_H renames sys.qiovec.SYS_IOVEC_H (empty)
type enum_uio_rw;
type enum_uio_rw is (UIO_READ, UIO_WRITE);
for enum_uio_rw use (UIO_READ => 0, UIO_WRITE => 1);
pragma Convention (C, enum_uio_rw);
type enum_uio_seg;
for enum_uio_seg use (UIO_USERSPACE => 0, UIO_SYSSPACE => 1,
pragma Convention (C, enum_uio_seg);
function readv (a1 : signed_int;
a2 : access constant sys.qiovec.struct_iovec; a3 : signed_int)
return sys.types.ssize_t;
pragma Import (C, readv, "readv");
function writev (a1 : signed_int;
a2 : access constant sys.qiovec.struct_iovec; a3 : signed_int)
return sys.types.ssize_t;
pragma Import (C, writev, "writev");
function preadv (a1 : signed_int;
a2 : access constant sys.qiovec.struct_iovec; a3 : signed_int;
a4 : sys.types.off_t) return sys.types.ssize_t;
pragma Import (C, preadv, "preadv");
function pwritev (a1 : signed_int;
a2 : access constant sys.qiovec.struct_iovec; a3 : signed_int;
a4 : sys.types.off_t) return sys.types.ssize_t;
pragma Import (C, pwritev, "pwritev");
-- _SYS_UIO_H_ (empty)
end C.sys.uio;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.sys.unistd is
pragma Preelaborate;
F_OK : constant := 0;
L_INCR : constant := 1;
L_SET : constant := 0;
L_XTND : constant := 2;
RFCENVG : constant := 2048;
RFCFDG : constant := 4096;
RFCNAMEG : constant := 1024;
RFENVG : constant := 2;
RFFDG : constant := 4;
RFHIGHPID : constant := 262144;
RFKERNELONLY : constant := 2147876864;
RFLINUXTHPN : constant := 65536;
RFMEM : constant := 32;
RFNAMEG : constant := 1;
RFNOTEG : constant := 8;
RFNOWAIT : constant := 64;
RFPPWAIT : constant := 2147483648;
RFPROC : constant := 16;
RFSIGSHARE : constant := 16384;
RFSTOPPED : constant := 131072;
RFTHREAD : constant := 8192;
R_OK : constant := 4;
SEEK_CUR : constant := 1;
SEEK_DATA : constant := 3;
SEEK_END : constant := 2;
SEEK_HOLE : constant := 4;
SEEK_SET : constant := 0;
W_OK : constant := 2;
X_OK : constant := 1;
PC_ACL_EXTENDED : constant := 59;
PC_ACL_PATH_MAX : constant := 60;
PC_ALLOC_SIZE_MIN : constant := 10;
PC_ASYNC_IO : constant := 53;
PC_CAP_PRESENT : constant := 61;
PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED : constant := 7;
PC_FILESIZEBITS : constant := 12;
PC_INF_PRESENT : constant := 62;
PC_LINK_MAX : constant := 1;
PC_MAC_PRESENT : constant := 63;
PC_MAX_CANON : constant := 2;
PC_MAX_INPUT : constant := 3;
PC_MIN_HOLE_SIZE : constant := 21;
PC_NAME_MAX : constant := 4;
PC_NO_TRUNC : constant := 8;
PC_PATH_MAX : constant := 5;
PC_PIPE_BUF : constant := 6;
PC_PRIO_IO : constant := 54;
PC_REC_INCR_XFER_SIZE : constant := 14;
PC_REC_MAX_XFER_SIZE : constant := 15;
PC_REC_MIN_XFER_SIZE : constant := 16;
PC_REC_XFER_ALIGN : constant := 17;
PC_SYMLINK_MAX : constant := 18;
PC_SYNC_IO : constant := 55;
PC_VDISABLE : constant := 9;
POSIX_ADVISORY_INFO : constant := -1;
POSIX_ASYNCHRONOUS_IO : constant := 0;
POSIX_CLOCK_SELECTION : constant := -1;
POSIX_CPUTIME : constant := -1;
POSIX_FSYNC : constant := 200112;
POSIX_IPV6 : constant := 0;
POSIX_JOB_CONTROL : constant := 1;
POSIX_MAPPED_FILES : constant := 200112;
POSIX_MEMLOCK : constant := -1;
POSIX_MEMLOCK_RANGE : constant := 200112;
POSIX_MEMORY_PROTECTION : constant := 200112;
POSIX_MESSAGE_PASSING : constant := 200112;
POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK : constant := 200112;
POSIX_NO_TRUNC : constant := 1;
POSIX_PRIORITIZED_IO : constant := -1;
POSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING : constant := 200112;
POSIX_RAW_SOCKETS : constant := 200112;
POSIX_REALTIME_SIGNALS : constant := 200112;
POSIX_SEMAPHORES : constant := -1;
POSIX_SHARED_MEMORY_OBJECTS : constant := 200112;
POSIX_SPORADIC_SERVER : constant := -1;
POSIX_SYNCHRONIZED_IO : constant := -1;
POSIX_TIMEOUTS : constant := 200112;
POSIX_TIMERS : constant := 200112;
POSIX_VDISABLE : constant := 255;
POSIX_VERSION : constant := 200112;
-- _SYS_UNISTD_H_ (empty)
XOPEN_SHM : constant := 1;
XOPEN_STREAMS : constant := -1;
end C.sys.unistd;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.sys.resource;
with C.sys.types;
package C.sys.wait is
pragma Preelaborate;
function wait (a1 : access signed_int) return sys.types.pid_t;
pragma Import (C, wait, "wait");
function waitpid (a1 : sys.types.pid_t; a2 : access signed_int;
a3 : signed_int) return sys.types.pid_t;
pragma Import (C, waitpid, "waitpid");
function wait3 (a1 : access signed_int; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : access sys.resource.struct_rusage) return sys.types.pid_t;
pragma Import (C, wait3, "wait3");
function wait4 (a1 : sys.types.pid_t; a2 : access signed_int;
a3 : signed_int; a4 : access sys.resource.struct_rusage)
return sys.types.pid_t;
pragma Import (C, wait4, "wait4");
WAIT_ANY : constant := -1;
WAIT_MYPGRP : constant := 0;
WCONTINUED : constant := 4;
-- WCOREDUMP (function macro)
WCOREFLAG : constant := 128;
-- WEXITSTATUS (function macro)
-- WIFCONTINUED (function macro)
-- WIFEXITED (function macro)
-- WIFSIGNALED (function macro)
-- WIFSTOPPED (function macro)
WLINUXCLONE : constant := -2147483648;
WNOHANG : constant := 1;
WNOWAIT : constant := 8;
WSTOPPED : constant := 2;
-- WSTOPSIG (function macro)
-- WTERMSIG (function macro)
WUNTRACED : constant := 2;
-- W_EXITCODE (function macro)
-- W_STOPCODE (function macro)
-- _SYS_WAIT_H_ (empty)
-- _WSTATUS (function macro)
qWSTOPPED : constant := 127;
-- _W_INT (function macro)
end C.sys.wait;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.sys is
pragma Preelaborate;
end C.sys;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.termios is
pragma Preelaborate;
subtype tcflag_t is unsigned_int;
subtype cc_t is unsigned_char;
subtype cc_t_array is unsigned_char_array;
subtype speed_t is unsigned_int;
type struct_termios;
type struct_termios is record
c_iflag : aliased tcflag_t;
c_oflag : aliased tcflag_t;
c_cflag : aliased tcflag_t;
c_lflag : aliased tcflag_t;
c_cc : aliased cc_t_array (0 .. 19);
c_ispeed : aliased speed_t;
c_ospeed : aliased speed_t;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_termios);
type struct_termios_const_ptr is access constant struct_termios;
for struct_termios_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_termios_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_termios_const_ptr);
type struct_termios_ptr is access all struct_termios;
for struct_termios_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_termios_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_termios_ptr);
function cfgetispeed (a1 : access constant struct_termios) return speed_t;
pragma Import (C, cfgetispeed, "cfgetispeed");
function cfgetospeed (a1 : access constant struct_termios) return speed_t;
pragma Import (C, cfgetospeed, "cfgetospeed");
function cfsetispeed (a1 : access struct_termios; a2 : speed_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, cfsetispeed, "cfsetispeed");
function cfsetospeed (a1 : access struct_termios; a2 : speed_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, cfsetospeed, "cfsetospeed");
function tcgetattr (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access struct_termios)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, tcgetattr, "tcgetattr");
function tcsetattr (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : access constant struct_termios) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, tcsetattr, "tcsetattr");
function tcdrain (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, tcdrain, "tcdrain");
function tcflow (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, tcflow, "tcflow");
function tcflush (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, tcflush, "tcflush");
function tcsendbreak (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, tcsendbreak, "tcsendbreak");
procedure cfmakeraw (a1 : access struct_termios);
pragma Import (C, cfmakeraw, "cfmakeraw");
function cfsetspeed (a1 : access struct_termios; a2 : speed_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, cfsetspeed, "cfsetspeed");
ALTWERASE : constant := 512;
B0 : constant := 0;
B110 : constant := 110;
B115200 : constant := 115200;
B1200 : constant := 1200;
B134 : constant := 134;
B14400 : constant := 14400;
B150 : constant := 150;
B1800 : constant := 1800;
B19200 : constant := 19200;
B200 : constant := 200;
B230400 : constant := 230400;
B2400 : constant := 2400;
B28800 : constant := 28800;
B300 : constant := 300;
B38400 : constant := 38400;
B460800 : constant := 460800;
B4800 : constant := 4800;
B50 : constant := 50;
B57600 : constant := 57600;
B600 : constant := 600;
B7200 : constant := 7200;
B75 : constant := 75;
B76800 : constant := 76800;
B921600 : constant := 921600;
B9600 : constant := 9600;
BRKINT : constant := 2;
CCAR_OFLOW : constant := 1048576;
-- CCEQ (function macro)
CCTS_OFLOW : constant := 65536;
CDSR_OFLOW : constant := 524288;
CDTR_IFLOW : constant := 262144;
CIGNORE : constant := 1;
CLOCAL : constant := 32768;
CREAD : constant := 2048;
CRTSCTS : constant := 196608;
CRTS_IFLOW : constant := 131072;
CS5 : constant := 0;
CS6 : constant := 256;
CS7 : constant := 512;
CS8 : constant := 768;
CSIZE : constant := 768;
CSTOPB : constant := 1024;
ECHO : constant := 8;
ECHOCTL : constant := 64;
ECHOE : constant := 2;
ECHOK : constant := 4;
ECHOKE : constant := 1;
ECHONL : constant := 16;
ECHOPRT : constant := 32;
EXTA : constant := 19200;
EXTB : constant := 38400;
EXTPROC : constant := 2048;
FLUSHO : constant := 8388608;
HUPCL : constant := 16384;
ICANON : constant := 256;
ICRNL : constant := 256;
IEXTEN : constant := 1024;
IGNBRK : constant := 1;
IGNCR : constant := 128;
IGNPAR : constant := 4;
IMAXBEL : constant := 8192;
INLCR : constant := 64;
INPCK : constant := 16;
ISIG : constant := 128;
ISTRIP : constant := 32;
IXANY : constant := 2048;
IXOFF : constant := 1024;
IXON : constant := 512;
MDMBUF : constant := 1048576;
NCCS : constant := 20;
NOFLSH : constant := -2147483648;
NOKERNINFO : constant := 33554432;
OCRNL : constant := 16;
ONLCR : constant := 2;
ONLRET : constant := 64;
ONOCR : constant := 32;
ONOEOT : constant := 8;
OPOST : constant := 1;
OXTABS : constant := 4;
PARENB : constant := 4096;
PARMRK : constant := 8;
PARODD : constant := 8192;
PENDIN : constant := 536870912;
TCIFLUSH : constant := 1;
TCIOFF : constant := 3;
TCIOFLUSH : constant := 3;
TCION : constant := 4;
TCOFLUSH : constant := 2;
TCOOFF : constant := 1;
TCOON : constant := 2;
TCSADRAIN : constant := 1;
TCSAFLUSH : constant := 2;
TCSANOW : constant := 0;
TCSASOFT : constant := 16;
TOSTOP : constant := 4194304;
VDISCARD : constant := 15;
VDSUSP : constant := 11;
VEOF : constant := 0;
VEOL : constant := 1;
VEOL2 : constant := 2;
VERASE : constant := 3;
VERASE2 : constant := 7;
VINTR : constant := 8;
VKILL : constant := 5;
VLNEXT : constant := 14;
VMIN : constant := 16;
VQUIT : constant := 9;
VREPRINT : constant := 6;
VSTART : constant := 12;
VSTATUS : constant := 18;
VSTOP : constant := 13;
VSUSP : constant := 10;
VTIME : constant := 17;
VWERASE : constant := 4;
-- _SYS_TERMIOS_H_ (empty)
end C.termios;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.stddef;
with C.sys.qtypes;
limited with C.sys.signal;
with C.sys.timespec;
with C.sys.types;
package C.time is
pragma Preelaborate;
subtype struct_timespec is sys.timespec.struct_timespec;
subtype struct_itimerspec is sys.timespec.struct_itimerspec;
-- TIMESPEC_TO_TIMEVAL renames sys.timespec.TIMESPEC_T... (uninterpretable)
-- TIMEVAL_TO_TIMESPEC renames sys.timespec.TIMEVAL_TO... (uninterpretable)
-- SYS_TIMESPEC_H renames sys.timespec.SYS_TIMESPEC_H (empty)
type struct_tm;
type struct_tm is record
tm_sec : aliased signed_int;
tm_min : aliased signed_int;
tm_hour : aliased signed_int;
tm_mday : aliased signed_int;
tm_mon : aliased signed_int;
tm_year : aliased signed_int;
tm_wday : aliased signed_int;
tm_yday : aliased signed_int;
tm_isdst : aliased signed_int;
tm_gmtoff : aliased signed_long;
tm_zone : aliased char_ptr;
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_tm);
type struct_tm_const_ptr is access constant struct_tm;
for struct_tm_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_tm_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_tm_const_ptr);
type struct_tm_ptr is access all struct_tm;
for struct_tm_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_tm_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_tm_ptr);
tzname : aliased char_ptr_array (size_t);
pragma Import (C, tzname, "tzname");
function asctime (a1 : access constant struct_tm) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, asctime, "asctime");
function clock return sys.types.clock_t;
pragma Import (C, clock, "clock");
function ctime (a1 : access constant sys.types.time_t) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, ctime, "ctime");
function difftime (a1 : sys.types.time_t; a2 : sys.types.time_t)
return double;
pragma Import (C, difftime, "difftime");
function gmtime (a1 : access constant sys.types.time_t)
return struct_tm_ptr;
pragma Import (C, gmtime, "gmtime");
function localtime (a1 : access constant sys.types.time_t)
return struct_tm_ptr;
pragma Import (C, localtime, "localtime");
function mktime (a1 : access struct_tm) return sys.types.time_t;
pragma Import (C, mktime, "mktime");
function strftime (a1 : access char; a2 : stddef.size_t;
a3 : access constant char; a4 : access constant struct_tm)
return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, strftime, "strftime");
function time (a1 : access sys.types.time_t) return sys.types.time_t;
pragma Import (C, time, "time");
-- subtype struct_sigevent is sys.signal.struct_sigevent;
type struct_sigevent_ptr is access all sys.signal.struct_sigevent;
for struct_sigevent_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_sigevent_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_sigevent_ptr);
function timer_create (a1 : sys.types.clockid_t;
a2 : access sys.signal.struct_sigevent; a3 : access sys.types.timer_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, timer_create, "timer_create");
function timer_delete (a1 : access sys.qtypes.struct_timer)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, timer_delete, "timer_delete");
function timer_gettime (a1 : access sys.qtypes.struct_timer;
a2 : access sys.timespec.struct_itimerspec) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, timer_gettime, "timer_gettime");
function timer_getoverrun (a1 : access sys.qtypes.struct_timer)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, timer_getoverrun, "timer_getoverrun");
function timer_settime (a1 : access sys.qtypes.struct_timer;
a2 : signed_int; a3 : access constant sys.timespec.struct_itimerspec;
a4 : access sys.timespec.struct_itimerspec) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, timer_settime, "timer_settime");
procedure tzset;
pragma Import (C, tzset, "tzset");
function clock_getres (a1 : sys.types.clockid_t;
a2 : access sys.timespec.struct_timespec) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, clock_getres, "clock_getres");
function clock_gettime (a1 : sys.types.clockid_t;
a2 : access sys.timespec.struct_timespec) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, clock_gettime, "clock_gettime");
function clock_settime (a1 : sys.types.clockid_t;
a2 : access constant sys.timespec.struct_timespec) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, clock_settime, "clock_settime");
function nanosleep (a1 : access constant sys.timespec.struct_timespec;
a2 : access sys.timespec.struct_timespec) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, nanosleep, "nanosleep");
function asctime_r (a1 : access constant struct_tm; a2 : access char)
return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, asctime_r, "asctime_r");
function ctime_r (a1 : access constant sys.types.time_t; a2 : access char)
return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, ctime_r, "ctime_r");
function gmtime_r (a1 : access constant sys.types.time_t;
a2 : access struct_tm) return struct_tm_ptr;
pragma Import (C, gmtime_r, "gmtime_r");
function localtime_r (a1 : access constant sys.types.time_t;
a2 : access struct_tm) return struct_tm_ptr;
pragma Import (C, localtime_r, "localtime_r");
function strptime (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : access struct_tm) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, strptime, "strptime");
function timezone (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, timezone, "timezone");
procedure tzsetwall;
pragma Import (C, tzsetwall, "tzsetwall");
function timelocal (a1 : access struct_tm) return sys.types.time_t;
pragma Import (C, timelocal, "timelocal");
function timegm (a1 : access struct_tm) return sys.types.time_t;
pragma Import (C, timegm, "timegm");
CLK_TCK : constant := 128;
CLOCKS_PER_SEC : constant := 128;
CLOCK_MONOTONIC : constant := 4;
CLOCK_MONOTONIC_FAST : constant := 12;
CLOCK_PROF : constant := 2;
CLOCK_REALTIME : constant := 0;
CLOCK_REALTIME_FAST : constant := 10;
CLOCK_SECOND : constant := 13;
CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID : constant := 14;
CLOCK_UPTIME : constant := 5;
CLOCK_UPTIME_FAST : constant := 8;
CLOCK_UPTIME_PRECISE : constant := 7;
CLOCK_VIRTUAL : constant := 1;
TIMER_ABSTIME : constant := 1;
TIMER_RELTIME : constant := 0;
-- _TIME_H_ (empty)
end C.time;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.stddef;
with C.stdint;
with C.sys.types;
with C.sys.unistd;
package C.unistd is
pragma Preelaborate;
subtype u_char is sys.types.u_char;
subtype u_short is sys.types.u_short;
subtype u_int is sys.types.u_int;
subtype u_long is sys.types.u_long;
subtype ushort is sys.types.ushort;
subtype uint is sys.types.uint;
subtype u_int8_t is sys.types.u_int8_t;
subtype u_int16_t is sys.types.u_int16_t;
subtype u_int32_t is sys.types.u_int32_t;
subtype u_int64_t is sys.types.u_int64_t;
subtype u_quad_t is sys.types.u_quad_t;
subtype quad_t is sys.types.quad_t;
subtype qaddr_t is sys.types.qaddr_t;
subtype caddr_t is sys.types.caddr_t;
subtype c_caddr_t is sys.types.c_caddr_t;
subtype v_caddr_t is sys.types.v_caddr_t;
subtype blksize_t is sys.types.blksize_t;
subtype cpuwhich_t is sys.types.cpuwhich_t;
subtype cpulevel_t is sys.types.cpulevel_t;
subtype cpusetid_t is sys.types.cpusetid_t;
subtype blkcnt_t is sys.types.blkcnt_t;
subtype clock_t is sys.types.clock_t;
subtype clockid_t is sys.types.clockid_t;
subtype cpumask_t is sys.types.cpumask_t;
subtype critical_t is sys.types.critical_t;
subtype daddr_t is sys.types.daddr_t;
subtype dev_t is sys.types.dev_t;
subtype fflags_t is sys.types.fflags_t;
subtype fixpt_t is sys.types.fixpt_t;
subtype fsblkcnt_t is sys.types.fsblkcnt_t;
subtype fsfilcnt_t is sys.types.fsfilcnt_t;
subtype gid_t is sys.types.gid_t;
subtype in_addr_t is sys.types.in_addr_t;
subtype in_port_t is sys.types.in_port_t;
subtype id_t is sys.types.id_t;
subtype ino_t is sys.types.ino_t;
subtype key_t is sys.types.key_t;
subtype lwpid_t is sys.types.lwpid_t;
subtype mode_t is sys.types.mode_t;
subtype nlink_t is sys.types.nlink_t;
subtype off_t is sys.types.off_t;
subtype pid_t is sys.types.pid_t;
subtype register_t is sys.types.register_t;
subtype rlim_t is sys.types.rlim_t;
subtype segsz_t is sys.types.segsz_t;
subtype ssize_t is sys.types.ssize_t;
subtype suseconds_t is sys.types.suseconds_t;
subtype time_t is sys.types.time_t;
subtype timer_t is sys.types.timer_t;
subtype mqd_t is sys.types.mqd_t;
subtype u_register_t is sys.types.u_register_t;
subtype uid_t is sys.types.uid_t;
subtype useconds_t is sys.types.useconds_t;
subtype vm_offset_t is sys.types.vm_offset_t;
subtype vm_ooffset_t is sys.types.vm_ooffset_t;
subtype vm_paddr_t is sys.types.vm_paddr_t;
subtype vm_pindex_t is sys.types.vm_pindex_t;
subtype vm_size_t is sys.types.vm_size_t;
function ftruncate (a1 : signed_int; a2 : sys.types.off_t)
return signed_int renames sys.types.ftruncate;
function lseek (a1 : signed_int; a2 : sys.types.off_t; a3 : signed_int)
return sys.types.off_t renames sys.types.lseek;
function mmap (a1 : void_ptr; a2 : stddef.size_t; a3 : signed_int;
a4 : signed_int; a5 : signed_int; a6 : sys.types.off_t) return void_ptr
renames sys.types.mmap;
function truncate (a1 : access constant char; a2 : sys.types.off_t)
return signed_int renames sys.types.truncate;
-- BLKCNT_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.BLKCNT_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- BLKSIZE_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.BLKSIZE_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- CLOCKID_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.CLOCKID_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- CLOCK_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.CLOCK_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- DEV_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.DEV_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- FFLAGS_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.FFLAGS_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- FSBLKCNT_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.FSBLKCNT_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- GID_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.GID_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- ID_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.ID_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- INO_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.INO_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- IN_ADDR_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.IN_ADDR_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- IN_PORT_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.IN_PORT_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- KEY_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.KEY_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- LSEEK_DECLARED renames sys.types.LSEEK_DECLARED (empty)
-- LWPID_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.LWPID_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- MMAP_DECLARED renames sys.types.MMAP_DECLARED (empty)
-- MODE_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.MODE_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- MQD_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.MQD_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- NLINK_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.NLINK_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- OFF_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.OFF_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- PID_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.PID_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- RLIM_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.RLIM_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- SSIZE_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.SSIZE_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- SYS_TYPES_H renames sys.types.SYS_TYPES_H (empty)
-- TIMER_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.TIMER_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- TIME_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.TIME_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- TRUNCATE_DECLARED renames sys.types.TRUNCATE_DECLARED (empty)
-- UID_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.UID_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- USECONDS_T_DECLARED renames sys.types.USECONDS_T_DECLARED (empty)
-- major renames sys.types.major (function macro)
-- makedev renames sys.types.makedev (function macro)
-- minor renames sys.types.minor (function macro)
F_OK : constant := sys.unistd.F_OK;
L_INCR : constant := sys.unistd.L_INCR;
L_SET : constant := sys.unistd.L_SET;
L_XTND : constant := sys.unistd.L_XTND;
RFCENVG : constant := sys.unistd.RFCENVG;
RFCFDG : constant := sys.unistd.RFCFDG;
RFCNAMEG : constant := sys.unistd.RFCNAMEG;
RFENVG : constant := sys.unistd.RFENVG;
RFFDG : constant := sys.unistd.RFFDG;
RFHIGHPID : constant := sys.unistd.RFHIGHPID;
RFKERNELONLY : constant := sys.unistd.RFKERNELONLY;
RFLINUXTHPN : constant := sys.unistd.RFLINUXTHPN;
RFMEM : constant := sys.unistd.RFMEM;
RFNAMEG : constant := sys.unistd.RFNAMEG;
RFNOTEG : constant := sys.unistd.RFNOTEG;
RFNOWAIT : constant := sys.unistd.RFNOWAIT;
RFPPWAIT : constant := sys.unistd.RFPPWAIT;
RFPROC : constant := sys.unistd.RFPROC;
RFSIGSHARE : constant := sys.unistd.RFSIGSHARE;
RFSTOPPED : constant := sys.unistd.RFSTOPPED;
RFTHREAD : constant := sys.unistd.RFTHREAD;
R_OK : constant := sys.unistd.R_OK;
SEEK_CUR : constant := sys.unistd.SEEK_CUR;
SEEK_DATA : constant := sys.unistd.SEEK_DATA;
SEEK_END : constant := sys.unistd.SEEK_END;
SEEK_HOLE : constant := sys.unistd.SEEK_HOLE;
SEEK_SET : constant := sys.unistd.SEEK_SET;
W_OK : constant := sys.unistd.W_OK;
X_OK : constant := sys.unistd.X_OK;
PC_ACL_EXTENDED : constant := sys.unistd.PC_ACL_EXTENDED;
PC_ACL_PATH_MAX : constant := sys.unistd.PC_ACL_PATH_MAX;
PC_ALLOC_SIZE_MIN : constant := sys.unistd.PC_ALLOC_SIZE_MIN;
PC_ASYNC_IO : constant := sys.unistd.PC_ASYNC_IO;
PC_CAP_PRESENT : constant := sys.unistd.PC_CAP_PRESENT;
PC_FILESIZEBITS : constant := sys.unistd.PC_FILESIZEBITS;
PC_INF_PRESENT : constant := sys.unistd.PC_INF_PRESENT;
PC_LINK_MAX : constant := sys.unistd.PC_LINK_MAX;
PC_MAC_PRESENT : constant := sys.unistd.PC_MAC_PRESENT;
PC_MAX_CANON : constant := sys.unistd.PC_MAX_CANON;
PC_MAX_INPUT : constant := sys.unistd.PC_MAX_INPUT;
PC_MIN_HOLE_SIZE : constant := sys.unistd.PC_MIN_HOLE_SIZE;
PC_NAME_MAX : constant := sys.unistd.PC_NAME_MAX;
PC_NO_TRUNC : constant := sys.unistd.PC_NO_TRUNC;
PC_PATH_MAX : constant := sys.unistd.PC_PATH_MAX;
PC_PIPE_BUF : constant := sys.unistd.PC_PIPE_BUF;
PC_PRIO_IO : constant := sys.unistd.PC_PRIO_IO;
PC_REC_INCR_XFER_SIZE : constant := sys.unistd.PC_REC_INCR_XFER_SIZE;
PC_REC_MAX_XFER_SIZE : constant := sys.unistd.PC_REC_MAX_XFER_SIZE;
PC_REC_MIN_XFER_SIZE : constant := sys.unistd.PC_REC_MIN_XFER_SIZE;
PC_REC_XFER_ALIGN : constant := sys.unistd.PC_REC_XFER_ALIGN;
PC_SYMLINK_MAX : constant := sys.unistd.PC_SYMLINK_MAX;
PC_SYNC_IO : constant := sys.unistd.PC_SYNC_IO;
PC_VDISABLE : constant := sys.unistd.PC_VDISABLE;
POSIX_CPUTIME : constant := sys.unistd.POSIX_CPUTIME;
POSIX_FSYNC : constant := sys.unistd.POSIX_FSYNC;
POSIX_IPV6 : constant := sys.unistd.POSIX_IPV6;
POSIX_JOB_CONTROL : constant := sys.unistd.POSIX_JOB_CONTROL;
POSIX_MEMLOCK : constant := sys.unistd.POSIX_MEMLOCK;
POSIX_NO_TRUNC : constant := sys.unistd.POSIX_NO_TRUNC;
POSIX_RAW_SOCKETS : constant := sys.unistd.POSIX_RAW_SOCKETS;
POSIX_TIMEOUTS : constant := sys.unistd.POSIX_TIMEOUTS;
POSIX_TIMERS : constant := sys.unistd.POSIX_TIMERS;
POSIX_VDISABLE : constant := sys.unistd.POSIX_VDISABLE;
POSIX_VERSION : constant := sys.unistd.POSIX_VERSION;
-- SYS_UNISTD_H renames sys.unistd.SYS_UNISTD_H (empty)
XOPEN_SHM : constant := sys.unistd.XOPEN_SHM;
XOPEN_STREAMS : constant := sys.unistd.XOPEN_STREAMS;
procedure C_qexit (a1 : signed_int);
pragma No_Return (C_qexit);
pragma Import (C, C_qexit, "_exit");
function C_access (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, C_access, "access");
function alarm (a1 : unsigned_int) return unsigned_int;
pragma Import (C, alarm, "alarm");
function chdir (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, chdir, "chdir");
function chown (a1 : access constant char; a2 : sys.types.uid_t;
a3 : sys.types.gid_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, chown, "chown");
function close (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, close, "close");
function dup (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, dup, "dup");
function dup2 (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, dup2, "dup2");
function eaccess (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, eaccess, "eaccess");
function execl (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, execl, "execl");
function execle (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, execle, "execle");
function execlp (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, execlp, "execlp");
function execv (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access char_ptr)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, execv, "execv");
function execve (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access char_ptr;
a3 : access char_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, execve, "execve");
function execvp (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access char_ptr)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, execvp, "execvp");
function fork return sys.types.pid_t;
pragma Import (C, fork, "fork");
function fpathconf (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int) return signed_long;
pragma Import (C, fpathconf, "fpathconf");
function getcwd (a1 : access char; a2 : stddef.size_t) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getcwd, "getcwd");
function getegid return sys.types.gid_t;
pragma Import (C, getegid, "getegid");
function geteuid return sys.types.uid_t;
pragma Import (C, geteuid, "geteuid");
function getgid return sys.types.gid_t;
pragma Import (C, getgid, "getgid");
function getgroups (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access sys.types.gid_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getgroups, "getgroups");
function getlogin return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getlogin, "getlogin");
function getpgrp return sys.types.pid_t;
pragma Import (C, getpgrp, "getpgrp");
function getpid return sys.types.pid_t;
pragma Import (C, getpid, "getpid");
function getppid return sys.types.pid_t;
pragma Import (C, getppid, "getppid");
function getuid return sys.types.uid_t;
pragma Import (C, getuid, "getuid");
function isatty (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, isatty, "isatty");
function link (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, link, "link");
function pathconf (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_long;
pragma Import (C, pathconf, "pathconf");
function pause return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pause, "pause");
function pipe (a1 : access signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, pipe, "pipe");
function read (a1 : signed_int; a2 : void_ptr; a3 : stddef.size_t)
return sys.types.ssize_t;
pragma Import (C, read, "read");
function rmdir (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, rmdir, "rmdir");
function setgid (a1 : sys.types.gid_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setgid, "setgid");
function setpgid (a1 : sys.types.pid_t; a2 : sys.types.pid_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setpgid, "setpgid");
procedure setproctitle (fmt : access constant char);
pragma Import (C, setproctitle, "setproctitle");
function setsid return sys.types.pid_t;
pragma Import (C, setsid, "setsid");
function setuid (a1 : sys.types.uid_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setuid, "setuid");
function sleep (a1 : unsigned_int) return unsigned_int;
pragma Import (C, sleep, "sleep");
function sysconf (a1 : signed_int) return signed_long;
pragma Import (C, sysconf, "sysconf");
function tcgetpgrp (a1 : signed_int) return sys.types.pid_t;
pragma Import (C, tcgetpgrp, "tcgetpgrp");
function tcsetpgrp (a1 : signed_int; a2 : sys.types.pid_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, tcsetpgrp, "tcsetpgrp");
function ttyname (a1 : signed_int) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, ttyname, "ttyname");
function ttyname_r (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access char; a3 : stddef.size_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, ttyname_r, "ttyname_r");
function unlink (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, unlink, "unlink");
function write (a1 : signed_int; a2 : void_const_ptr; a3 : stddef.size_t)
return sys.types.ssize_t;
pragma Import (C, write, "write");
function confstr (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access char; a3 : stddef.size_t)
return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, confstr, "confstr");
function getopt (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access char_ptr;
a3 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getopt, "getopt");
optarg : aliased char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, optarg, "optarg");
optind : aliased signed_int;
pragma Import (C, optind, "optind");
opterr : aliased signed_int;
pragma Import (C, opterr, "opterr");
optopt : aliased signed_int;
pragma Import (C, optopt, "optopt");
function fsync (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fsync, "fsync");
function getlogin_r (a1 : access char; a2 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getlogin_r, "getlogin_r");
function fchown (a1 : signed_int; a2 : sys.types.uid_t;
a3 : sys.types.gid_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fchown, "fchown");
function readlink (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access char;
a3 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, readlink, "readlink");
function gethostname (a1 : access char; a2 : stddef.size_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, gethostname, "gethostname");
function setegid (a1 : sys.types.gid_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setegid, "setegid");
function seteuid (a1 : sys.types.uid_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, seteuid, "seteuid");
function symlink (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, symlink, "symlink");
function crypt (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char)
return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, crypt, "crypt");
function encrypt (a1 : access char; a2 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, encrypt, "encrypt");
function fchdir (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fchdir, "fchdir");
function gethostid return signed_long;
pragma Import (C, gethostid, "gethostid");
function getpgid (pid : sys.types.pid_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getpgid, "getpgid");
function getsid (pid : sys.types.pid_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getsid, "getsid");
function getwd (a1 : access char) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getwd, "getwd");
function lchown (a1 : access constant char; a2 : sys.types.uid_t;
a3 : sys.types.gid_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, lchown, "lchown");
function lockf (a1 : signed_int; a2 : signed_int; a3 : sys.types.off_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, lockf, "lockf");
function nice (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, nice, "nice");
function pread (a1 : signed_int; a2 : void_ptr; a3 : stddef.size_t;
a4 : sys.types.off_t) return sys.types.ssize_t;
pragma Import (C, pread, "pread");
function pwrite (a1 : signed_int; a2 : void_const_ptr; a3 : stddef.size_t;
a4 : sys.types.off_t) return sys.types.ssize_t;
pragma Import (C, pwrite, "pwrite");
function setpgrp (pid : sys.types.pid_t; pgrp : sys.types.pid_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setpgrp, "setpgrp");
function setregid (a1 : sys.types.gid_t; a2 : sys.types.gid_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setregid, "setregid");
function setreuid (a1 : sys.types.uid_t; a2 : sys.types.uid_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setreuid, "setreuid");
procedure sync;
pragma Import (C, sync, "sync");
function ualarm (a1 : sys.types.useconds_t; a2 : sys.types.useconds_t)
return sys.types.useconds_t;
pragma Import (C, ualarm, "ualarm");
function usleep (a1 : sys.types.useconds_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, usleep, "usleep");
function vfork return sys.types.pid_t;
pragma Import (C, vfork, "vfork");
function brk (a1 : void_const_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, brk, "brk");
function chroot (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, chroot, "chroot");
function getdtablesize return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getdtablesize, "getdtablesize");
function getpagesize return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getpagesize, "getpagesize");
function getpass (a1 : access constant char) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getpass, "getpass");
function sbrk (a1 : stdint.intptr_t) return void_ptr;
pragma Import (C, sbrk, "sbrk");
function acct (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, acct, "acct");
function async_daemon return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, async_daemon, "async_daemon");
function check_utility_compat (a1 : access constant char)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, check_utility_compat, "check_utility_compat");
function crypt_get_format return char_const_ptr;
pragma Import (C, crypt_get_format, "crypt_get_format");
function crypt_set_format (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, crypt_set_format, "crypt_set_format");
function des_cipher (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access char;
a3 : signed_long; a4 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, des_cipher, "des_cipher");
function des_setkey (key : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, des_setkey, "des_setkey");
procedure endusershell;
pragma Import (C, endusershell, "endusershell");
function exect (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access char_ptr;
a3 : access char_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, exect, "exect");
function execvP2 (a1 : access constant char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : access char_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, execvP2, "execvP");
function fflagstostr (a1 : sys.types.u_long) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, fflagstostr, "fflagstostr");
function getdomainname (a1 : access char; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getdomainname, "getdomainname");
function getgrouplist (a1 : access constant char; a2 : sys.types.gid_t;
a3 : access sys.types.gid_t; a4 : access signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getgrouplist, "getgrouplist");
function getmode (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : sys.types.mode_t)
return sys.types.mode_t;
pragma Import (C, getmode, "getmode");
function getpeereid (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access sys.types.uid_t;
a3 : access sys.types.gid_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getpeereid, "getpeereid");
function getresgid (a1 : access sys.types.gid_t;
a2 : access sys.types.gid_t; a3 : access sys.types.gid_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getresgid, "getresgid");
function getresuid (a1 : access sys.types.uid_t;
a2 : access sys.types.uid_t; a3 : access sys.types.uid_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, getresuid, "getresuid");
function getusershell return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, getusershell, "getusershell");
function initgroups (a1 : access constant char; a2 : sys.types.gid_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, initgroups, "initgroups");
function iruserok (a1 : unsigned_long; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : access constant char; a4 : access constant char)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, iruserok, "iruserok");
function iruserok_sa (a1 : void_const_ptr; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : signed_int; a4 : access constant char; a5 : access constant char)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, iruserok_sa, "iruserok_sa");
function issetugid return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, issetugid, "issetugid");
function mkdtemp (a1 : access char) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, mkdtemp, "mkdtemp");
function mknod (a1 : access constant char; a2 : sys.types.mode_t;
a3 : sys.types.dev_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, mknod, "mknod");
function mkstemp (a1 : access char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, mkstemp, "mkstemp");
function mkstemps (a1 : access char; a2 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, mkstemps, "mkstemps");
function mktemp (a1 : access char) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, mktemp, "mktemp");
function nfssvc (a1 : signed_int; a2 : void_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, nfssvc, "nfssvc");
function profil (a1 : access char; a2 : stddef.size_t;
a3 : sys.types.vm_offset_t; a4 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, profil, "profil");
function rcmd (a1 : access char_ptr; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : access constant char; a4 : access constant char;
a5 : access constant char; a6 : access signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, rcmd, "rcmd");
function rcmd_af (a1 : access char_ptr; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : access constant char; a4 : access constant char;
a5 : access constant char; a6 : access signed_int; a7 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, rcmd_af, "rcmd_af");
function rcmdsh (a1 : access char_ptr; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : access constant char; a4 : access constant char;
a5 : access constant char; a6 : access constant char)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, rcmdsh, "rcmdsh");
function re_comp (a1 : access constant char) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (C, re_comp, "re_comp");
function re_exec (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, re_exec, "re_exec");
function reboot (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, reboot, "reboot");
function revoke (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, revoke, "revoke");
function rfork (a1 : signed_int) return sys.types.pid_t;
pragma Import (C, rfork, "rfork");
type access_98964fae is access function (a1 : void_ptr) return signed_int;
pragma Convention (C, access_98964fae);
function rfork_thread (a1 : signed_int; a2 : void_ptr;
a3 : access_98964fae; a4 : void_ptr) return sys.types.pid_t;
pragma Import (C, rfork_thread, "rfork_thread");
function rresvport (a1 : access signed_int) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, rresvport, "rresvport");
function rresvport_af (a1 : access signed_int; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, rresvport_af, "rresvport_af");
function ruserok (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : access constant char; a4 : access constant char)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, ruserok, "ruserok");
function setdomainname (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setdomainname, "setdomainname");
function setgroups (a1 : signed_int; a2 : access constant sys.types.gid_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setgroups, "setgroups");
procedure sethostid (a1 : signed_long);
pragma Import (C, sethostid, "sethostid");
function sethostname (a1 : access constant char; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, sethostname, "sethostname");
function setkey (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setkey, "setkey");
function setlogin (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setlogin, "setlogin");
function setmode (a1 : access constant char) return void_ptr;
pragma Import (C, setmode, "setmode");
function setresgid (a1 : sys.types.gid_t; a2 : sys.types.gid_t;
a3 : sys.types.gid_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setresgid, "setresgid");
function setresuid (a1 : sys.types.uid_t; a2 : sys.types.uid_t;
a3 : sys.types.uid_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setresuid, "setresuid");
function setrgid (a1 : sys.types.gid_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setrgid, "setrgid");
function setruid (a1 : sys.types.uid_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, setruid, "setruid");
procedure setusershell;
pragma Import (C, setusershell, "setusershell");
function strtofflags (a1 : access char_ptr; a2 : access sys.types.u_long;
a3 : access sys.types.u_long) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, strtofflags, "strtofflags");
function swapon (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, swapon, "swapon");
function swapoff (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, swapoff, "swapoff");
function syscall (a1 : signed_int) return signed_int;
function syscall (a1 : signed_int; a2 : void_ptr; a3 : unsigned_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, syscall, "syscall");
function qqsyscall (a1 : sys.types.quad_t) return sys.types.off_t;
pragma Import (C, qqsyscall, "__syscall");
function ttyslot return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, ttyslot, "ttyslot");
function undelete (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, undelete, "undelete");
function unwhiteout (a1 : access constant char) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, unwhiteout, "unwhiteout");
function valloc (a1 : stddef.size_t) return void_ptr;
pragma Import (C, valloc, "valloc");
optreset : aliased signed_int;
pragma Import (C, optreset, "optreset");
F_LOCK : constant := 1;
F_TEST : constant := 3;
F_TLOCK : constant := 2;
F_ULOCK : constant := 0;
STDERR_FILENO : constant := 2;
STDIN_FILENO : constant := 0;
STDOUT_FILENO : constant := 1;
CS_PATH : constant := 1;
CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_CFLAGS : constant := 2;
CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_LDFLAGS : constant := 3;
CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_LIBS : constant := 4;
CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG_CFLAGS : constant := 5;
CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG_LDFLAGS : constant := 6;
CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG_LIBS : constant := 7;
CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_CFLAGS : constant := 8;
CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_LDFLAGS : constant := 9;
CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_LIBS : constant := 10;
CS_POSIX_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LIBS : constant := 13;
-- _MKNOD_DECLARED (empty)
POSIX2_CHAR_TERM : constant := 1;
POSIX2_C_BIND : constant := 200112;
POSIX2_C_DEV : constant := -1;
POSIX2_FORT_DEV : constant := -1;
POSIX2_FORT_RUN : constant := 200112;
POSIX2_LOCALEDEF : constant := -1;
POSIX2_PBS : constant := -1;
POSIX2_PBS_ACCOUNTING : constant := -1;
POSIX2_PBS_CHECKPOINT : constant := -1;
POSIX2_PBS_LOCATE : constant := -1;
POSIX2_PBS_MESSAGE : constant := -1;
POSIX2_PBS_TRACK : constant := -1;
POSIX2_SW_DEV : constant := -1;
POSIX2_UPE : constant := 200112;
POSIX2_VERSION : constant := 199212;
POSIX_BARRIERS : constant := 200112;
POSIX_READER_WRITER_LOCKS : constant := 200112;
POSIX_REGEXP : constant := 1;
POSIX_SHELL : constant := 1;
POSIX_SPAWN : constant := -1;
POSIX_SPIN_LOCKS : constant := 200112;
POSIX_THREADS : constant := 200112;
POSIX_THREAD_ATTR_STACKADDR : constant := 200112;
POSIX_THREAD_ATTR_STACKSIZE : constant := 200112;
POSIX_THREAD_CPUTIME : constant := 200112;
POSIX_THREAD_PRIO_INHERIT : constant := 200112;
POSIX_THREAD_PRIO_PROTECT : constant := 200112;
POSIX_TRACE : constant := -1;
POSIX_TRACE_EVENT_FILTER : constant := -1;
POSIX_TRACE_INHERIT : constant := -1;
POSIX_TRACE_LOG : constant := -1;
SC_2_CHAR_TERM : constant := 20;
SC_2_C_BIND : constant := 18;
SC_2_C_DEV : constant := 19;
SC_2_FORT_DEV : constant := 21;
SC_2_FORT_RUN : constant := 22;
SC_2_LOCALEDEF : constant := 23;
SC_2_PBS : constant := 59;
SC_2_PBS_ACCOUNTING : constant := 60;
SC_2_PBS_CHECKPOINT : constant := 61;
SC_2_PBS_LOCATE : constant := 62;
SC_2_PBS_MESSAGE : constant := 63;
SC_2_PBS_TRACK : constant := 64;
SC_2_SW_DEV : constant := 24;
SC_2_UPE : constant := 25;
SC_2_VERSION : constant := 17;
SC_ADVISORY_INFO : constant := 65;
SC_AIO_LISTIO_MAX : constant := 42;
SC_AIO_MAX : constant := 43;
SC_AIO_PRIO_DELTA_MAX : constant := 44;
SC_ARG_MAX : constant := 1;
SC_ASYNCHRONOUS_IO : constant := 28;
SC_ATEXIT_MAX : constant := 107;
SC_BARRIERS : constant := 66;
SC_BC_BASE_MAX : constant := 9;
SC_BC_DIM_MAX : constant := 10;
SC_BC_SCALE_MAX : constant := 11;
SC_BC_STRING_MAX : constant := 12;
SC_CHILD_MAX : constant := 2;
SC_CLK_TCK : constant := 3;
SC_CLOCK_SELECTION : constant := 67;
SC_COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX : constant := 13;
SC_CPUTIME : constant := 68;
SC_DELAYTIMER_MAX : constant := 45;
SC_EXPR_NEST_MAX : constant := 14;
SC_FILE_LOCKING : constant := 69;
SC_FSYNC : constant := 38;
SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX : constant := 70;
SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX : constant := 71;
SC_HOST_NAME_MAX : constant := 72;
SC_IOV_MAX : constant := 56;
SC_IPV6 : constant := 118;
SC_JOB_CONTROL : constant := 6;
SC_LINE_MAX : constant := 15;
SC_LOGIN_NAME_MAX : constant := 73;
SC_MAPPED_FILES : constant := 29;
SC_MEMLOCK : constant := 30;
SC_MEMLOCK_RANGE : constant := 31;
SC_MEMORY_PROTECTION : constant := 32;
SC_MESSAGE_PASSING : constant := 33;
SC_MONOTONIC_CLOCK : constant := 74;
SC_MQ_OPEN_MAX : constant := 46;
SC_MQ_PRIO_MAX : constant := 75;
SC_NGROUPS_MAX : constant := 4;
SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF : constant := 57;
SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN : constant := 58;
SC_OPEN_MAX : constant := 5;
SC_PAGESIZE : constant := 47;
SC_PAGE_SIZE : constant := 47;
SC_PHYS_PAGES : constant := 121;
SC_PRIORITIZED_IO : constant := 34;
SC_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING : constant := 35;
SC_RAW_SOCKETS : constant := 119;
SC_READER_WRITER_LOCKS : constant := 76;
SC_REALTIME_SIGNALS : constant := 36;
SC_REGEXP : constant := 77;
SC_RE_DUP_MAX : constant := 16;
SC_RTSIG_MAX : constant := 48;
SC_SAVED_IDS : constant := 7;
SC_SEMAPHORES : constant := 37;
SC_SEM_NSEMS_MAX : constant := 49;
SC_SEM_VALUE_MAX : constant := 50;
SC_SHARED_MEMORY_OBJECTS : constant := 39;
SC_SHELL : constant := 78;
SC_SIGQUEUE_MAX : constant := 51;
SC_SPAWN : constant := 79;
SC_SPIN_LOCKS : constant := 80;
SC_SPORADIC_SERVER : constant := 81;
SC_STREAM_MAX : constant := 26;
SC_SYMLOOP_MAX : constant := 120;
SC_SYNCHRONIZED_IO : constant := 40;
SC_THREADS : constant := 96;
SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKADDR : constant := 82;
SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKSIZE : constant := 83;
SC_THREAD_CPUTIME : constant := 84;
SC_THREAD_KEYS_MAX : constant := 86;
SC_THREAD_PRIO_INHERIT : constant := 87;
SC_THREAD_PRIO_PROTECT : constant := 88;
SC_THREAD_PROCESS_SHARED : constant := 90;
SC_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS : constant := 91;
SC_THREAD_STACK_MIN : constant := 93;
SC_THREAD_THREADS_MAX : constant := 94;
SC_TIMEOUTS : constant := 95;
SC_TIMERS : constant := 41;
SC_TIMER_MAX : constant := 52;
SC_TRACE : constant := 97;
SC_TRACE_EVENT_FILTER : constant := 98;
SC_TRACE_INHERIT : constant := 99;
SC_TRACE_LOG : constant := 100;
SC_TTY_NAME_MAX : constant := 101;
SC_TYPED_MEMORY_OBJECTS : constant := 102;
SC_TZNAME_MAX : constant := 27;
SC_V6_ILP32_OFF32 : constant := 103;
SC_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG : constant := 104;
SC_V6_LP64_OFF64 : constant := 105;
SC_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG : constant := 106;
SC_VERSION : constant := 8;
SC_XOPEN_CRYPT : constant := 108;
SC_XOPEN_ENH_I18N : constant := 109;
SC_XOPEN_LEGACY : constant := 110;
SC_XOPEN_REALTIME : constant := 111;
SC_XOPEN_REALTIME_THREADS : constant := 112;
SC_XOPEN_SHM : constant := 113;
SC_XOPEN_STREAMS : constant := 114;
SC_XOPEN_UNIX : constant := 115;
SC_XOPEN_VERSION : constant := 116;
SC_XOPEN_XCU_VERSION : constant := 117;
-- _UNISTD_H_ (empty)
V6_ILP32_OFF32 : constant := -1;
V6_ILP32_OFFBIG : constant := 0;
V6_LP64_OFF64 : constant := 0;
V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG : constant := -1;
XOPEN_CRYPT : constant := -1;
XOPEN_ENH_I18N : constant := -1;
XOPEN_LEGACY : constant := -1;
XOPEN_REALTIME : constant := -1;
XOPEN_REALTIME_THREADS : constant := -1;
XOPEN_UNIX : constant := -1;
end C.unistd;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
package C.unwind is
pragma Preelaborate;
subtype Unwind_Word is unsigned_int;
subtype Unwind_Sword is signed_int;
subtype Unwind_Ptr is unsigned_int;
subtype Unwind_Internal_Ptr is unsigned_int;
subtype Unwind_Exception_Class is unsigned_long_long;
for enum_9bb3dc19 use (URC_NO_REASON => 0,
pragma Convention (C, enum_9bb3dc19);
subtype Unwind_Reason_Code is enum_9bb3dc19;
type struct_Unwind_Exception;
type struct_Unwind_Exception_ptr is access all struct_Unwind_Exception;
for struct_Unwind_Exception_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_Unwind_Exception_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_Unwind_Exception_ptr);
type access_6caaf606 is access procedure (a1 : Unwind_Reason_Code;
a2 : access struct_Unwind_Exception);
pragma Convention (C, access_6caaf606);
subtype Unwind_Exception_Cleanup_Fn is access_6caaf606;
type struct_Unwind_Exception is record
exception_class : aliased Unwind_Exception_Class;
exception_cleanup : aliased Unwind_Exception_Cleanup_Fn;
private_1 : aliased Unwind_Word;
private_2 : aliased Unwind_Word;
end record;
for struct_Unwind_Exception'Alignment use Standard'Maximum_Alignment;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, struct_Unwind_Exception);
subtype Unwind_Action is signed_int;
type struct_Unwind_Context (<>) is limited private;
type struct_Unwind_Context_ptr is access all struct_Unwind_Context;
for struct_Unwind_Context_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_Unwind_Context_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_Unwind_Context_ptr);
function Unwind_RaiseException (a1 : access struct_Unwind_Exception)
return Unwind_Reason_Code;
pragma Import (C, Unwind_RaiseException, "_Unwind_RaiseException");
type access_35b8c872 is access function (a1 : signed_int;
a2 : Unwind_Action; a3 : Unwind_Exception_Class;
a4 : access struct_Unwind_Exception; a5 : access struct_Unwind_Context;
a6 : void_ptr) return Unwind_Reason_Code;
pragma Convention (C, access_35b8c872);
subtype Unwind_Stop_Fn is access_35b8c872;
function Unwind_ForcedUnwind (a1 : access struct_Unwind_Exception;
a2 : Unwind_Stop_Fn; a3 : void_ptr) return Unwind_Reason_Code;
pragma Import (C, Unwind_ForcedUnwind, "_Unwind_ForcedUnwind");
procedure Unwind_DeleteException (a1 : access struct_Unwind_Exception);
pragma Import (C, Unwind_DeleteException, "_Unwind_DeleteException");
procedure Unwind_Resume (a1 : access struct_Unwind_Exception);
pragma Import (C, Unwind_Resume, "_Unwind_Resume");
function Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow (a1 : access struct_Unwind_Exception)
return Unwind_Reason_Code;
pragma Import (C, Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow, "_Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow");
type access_3aae1aed is access function (
a1 : access struct_Unwind_Context; a2 : void_ptr)
return Unwind_Reason_Code;
pragma Convention (C, access_3aae1aed);
subtype Unwind_Trace_Fn is access_3aae1aed;
function Unwind_Backtrace (a1 : Unwind_Trace_Fn; a2 : void_ptr)
return Unwind_Reason_Code;
pragma Import (C, Unwind_Backtrace, "_Unwind_Backtrace");
function Unwind_GetGR (a1 : access struct_Unwind_Context; a2 : signed_int)
return Unwind_Word;
pragma Import (C, Unwind_GetGR, "_Unwind_GetGR");
procedure Unwind_SetGR (a1 : access struct_Unwind_Context;
a2 : signed_int; a3 : Unwind_Word);
pragma Import (C, Unwind_SetGR, "_Unwind_SetGR");
function Unwind_GetIP (a1 : access struct_Unwind_Context)
return Unwind_Ptr;
pragma Import (C, Unwind_GetIP, "_Unwind_GetIP");
function Unwind_GetIPInfo (a1 : access struct_Unwind_Context;
a2 : access signed_int) return Unwind_Ptr;
pragma Import (C, Unwind_GetIPInfo, "_Unwind_GetIPInfo");
procedure Unwind_SetIP (a1 : access struct_Unwind_Context;
a2 : Unwind_Ptr);
pragma Import (C, Unwind_SetIP, "_Unwind_SetIP");
function Unwind_GetCFA (a1 : access struct_Unwind_Context)
return Unwind_Word;
pragma Import (C, Unwind_GetCFA, "_Unwind_GetCFA");
function Unwind_GetLanguageSpecificData (
a1 : access struct_Unwind_Context) return void_ptr;
pragma Import (C, Unwind_GetLanguageSpecificData,
function Unwind_GetRegionStart (a1 : access struct_Unwind_Context)
return Unwind_Ptr;
pragma Import (C, Unwind_GetRegionStart, "_Unwind_GetRegionStart");
type access_7c76ab37 is access function (a1 : signed_int;
a2 : Unwind_Action; a3 : Unwind_Exception_Class;
a4 : access struct_Unwind_Exception; a5 : access struct_Unwind_Context)
return Unwind_Reason_Code;
pragma Convention (C, access_7c76ab37);
subtype Unwind_Personality_Fn is access_7c76ab37;
type struct_SjLj_Function_Context (<>) is limited private;
type struct_SjLj_Function_Context_ptr is
access all struct_SjLj_Function_Context;
for struct_SjLj_Function_Context_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (struct_SjLj_Function_Context_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, struct_SjLj_Function_Context_ptr);
procedure Unwind_SjLj_Register (a1 : access struct_SjLj_Function_Context);
pragma Import (C, Unwind_SjLj_Register, "_Unwind_SjLj_Register");
procedure Unwind_SjLj_Unregister (
a1 : access struct_SjLj_Function_Context);
pragma Import (C, Unwind_SjLj_Unregister, "_Unwind_SjLj_Unregister");
function Unwind_SjLj_RaiseException (a1 : access struct_Unwind_Exception)
return Unwind_Reason_Code;
pragma Import (C, Unwind_SjLj_RaiseException,
function Unwind_SjLj_ForcedUnwind (a1 : access struct_Unwind_Exception;
a2 : Unwind_Stop_Fn; a3 : void_ptr) return Unwind_Reason_Code;
pragma Import (C, Unwind_SjLj_ForcedUnwind, "_Unwind_SjLj_ForcedUnwind");
procedure Unwind_SjLj_Resume (a1 : access struct_Unwind_Exception);
pragma Import (C, Unwind_SjLj_Resume, "_Unwind_SjLj_Resume");
function Unwind_SjLj_Resume_or_Rethrow (
a1 : access struct_Unwind_Exception) return Unwind_Reason_Code;
pragma Import (C, Unwind_SjLj_Resume_or_Rethrow,
function Unwind_GetDataRelBase (a1 : access struct_Unwind_Context)
return Unwind_Ptr;
pragma Import (C, Unwind_GetDataRelBase, "_Unwind_GetDataRelBase");
function Unwind_GetTextRelBase (a1 : access struct_Unwind_Context)
return Unwind_Ptr;
pragma Import (C, Unwind_GetTextRelBase, "_Unwind_GetTextRelBase");
function Unwind_FindEnclosingFunction (pc : void_ptr) return void_ptr;
pragma Import (C, Unwind_FindEnclosingFunction,
subtype sleb128_t is signed_long;
subtype uleb128_t is unsigned_long;
UA_CLEANUP_PHASE : constant := 2;
UA_END_OF_STACK : constant := 16;
UA_FORCE_UNWIND : constant := 8;
UA_HANDLER_FRAME : constant := 4;
UA_SEARCH_PHASE : constant := 1;
-- _UNWIND_H (empty)
type struct_Unwind_Context is null record;
type struct_SjLj_Function_Context is null record;
end C.unwind;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with C.machine.qtypes;
with C.stddef;
with C.stdio;
with C.sys.qtypes;
with C.time;
package C.wchar is
pragma Preelaborate;
subtype mbstate_t is sys.qtypes.mbstate_t;
subtype mbstate_t_ptr is sys.qtypes.mbstate_t_ptr;
subtype mbstate_t_const_ptr is sys.qtypes.mbstate_t_const_ptr;
subtype wint_t is sys.qtypes.wint_t;
function btowc (a1 : signed_int) return wint_t;
pragma Import (C, btowc, "btowc");
function fgetwc (a1 : access stdio.struct_sFILE) return wint_t;
pragma Import (C, fgetwc, "fgetwc");
function fgetws (a1 : access stddef.wchar_t; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : access stdio.struct_sFILE) return stddef.wchar_t_ptr;
pragma Import (C, fgetws, "fgetws");
function fputwc (a1 : stddef.wchar_t; a2 : access stdio.struct_sFILE)
return wint_t;
pragma Import (C, fputwc, "fputwc");
function fputws (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access stdio.struct_sFILE) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fputws, "fputws");
function fwide (a1 : access stdio.struct_sFILE; a2 : signed_int)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fwide, "fwide");
function fwprintf (a1 : access stdio.struct_sFILE;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fwprintf, "fwprintf");
function fwscanf (a1 : access stdio.struct_sFILE;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, fwscanf, "fwscanf");
function getwc (a1 : access stdio.struct_sFILE) return wint_t;
pragma Import (C, getwc, "getwc");
function getwchar return wint_t;
pragma Import (C, getwchar, "getwchar");
function mbrlen (a1 : access constant char; a2 : stddef.size_t;
a3 : access mbstate_t) return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, mbrlen, "mbrlen");
function mbrtowc (a1 : access stddef.wchar_t; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : stddef.size_t; a4 : access mbstate_t) return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, mbrtowc, "mbrtowc");
function mbsinit (a1 : access constant mbstate_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, mbsinit, "mbsinit");
function mbsrtowcs (a1 : access stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access char_const_ptr; a3 : stddef.size_t; a4 : access mbstate_t)
return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, mbsrtowcs, "mbsrtowcs");
function putwc (a1 : stddef.wchar_t; a2 : access stdio.struct_sFILE)
return wint_t;
pragma Import (C, putwc, "putwc");
function putwchar (a1 : stddef.wchar_t) return wint_t;
pragma Import (C, putwchar, "putwchar");
function swprintf (a1 : access stddef.wchar_t; n : stddef.size_t;
a3 : access constant stddef.wchar_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, swprintf, "swprintf");
function swscanf (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, swscanf, "swscanf");
function ungetwc (a1 : wint_t; a2 : access stdio.struct_sFILE)
return wint_t;
pragma Import (C, ungetwc, "ungetwc");
function vfwprintf (a1 : access stdio.struct_sFILE;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t; a3 : machine.qtypes.va_list)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, vfwprintf, "vfwprintf");
function vswprintf (a1 : access stddef.wchar_t; n : stddef.size_t;
a3 : access constant stddef.wchar_t; a4 : machine.qtypes.va_list)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, vswprintf, "vswprintf");
function vwprintf (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : machine.qtypes.va_list) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, vwprintf, "vwprintf");
function wcrtomb (a1 : access char; a2 : stddef.wchar_t;
a3 : access mbstate_t) return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, wcrtomb, "wcrtomb");
function wcscat (a1 : access stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t) return stddef.wchar_t_ptr;
pragma Import (C, wcscat, "wcscat");
function wcschr (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t; a2 : stddef.wchar_t)
return stddef.wchar_t_ptr;
pragma Import (C, wcschr, "wcschr");
function wcscmp (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, wcscmp, "wcscmp");
function wcscoll (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, wcscoll, "wcscoll");
function wcscpy (a1 : access stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t) return stddef.wchar_t_ptr;
pragma Import (C, wcscpy, "wcscpy");
function wcscspn (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t) return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, wcscspn, "wcscspn");
function wcsftime (a1 : access stddef.wchar_t; a2 : stddef.size_t;
a3 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a4 : access constant time.struct_tm) return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, wcsftime, "wcsftime");
function wcslen (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t)
return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, wcslen, "wcslen");
function wcsncat (a1 : access stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t; a3 : stddef.size_t)
return stddef.wchar_t_ptr;
pragma Import (C, wcsncat, "wcsncat");
function wcsncmp (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t; a3 : stddef.size_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, wcsncmp, "wcsncmp");
function wcsncpy (a1 : access stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t; a3 : stddef.size_t)
return stddef.wchar_t_ptr;
pragma Import (C, wcsncpy, "wcsncpy");
function wcspbrk (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t) return stddef.wchar_t_ptr;
pragma Import (C, wcspbrk, "wcspbrk");
function wcsrchr (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : stddef.wchar_t) return stddef.wchar_t_ptr;
pragma Import (C, wcsrchr, "wcsrchr");
function wcsrtombs (a1 : access char;
a2 : access stddef.wchar_t_const_ptr; a3 : stddef.size_t;
a4 : access mbstate_t) return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, wcsrtombs, "wcsrtombs");
function wcsspn (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t) return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, wcsspn, "wcsspn");
function wcsstr (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t) return stddef.wchar_t_ptr;
pragma Import (C, wcsstr, "wcsstr");
function wcsxfrm (a1 : access stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t; a3 : stddef.size_t)
return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, wcsxfrm, "wcsxfrm");
function wctob (a1 : wint_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, wctob, "wctob");
function wcstod (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access stddef.wchar_t_ptr) return double;
pragma Import (C, wcstod, "wcstod");
function wcstok (a1 : access stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t; a3 : access stddef.wchar_t_ptr)
return stddef.wchar_t_ptr;
pragma Import (C, wcstok, "wcstok");
function wcstol (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access stddef.wchar_t_ptr; a3 : signed_int) return signed_long;
pragma Import (C, wcstol, "wcstol");
function wcstoul (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access stddef.wchar_t_ptr; a3 : signed_int) return unsigned_long;
pragma Import (C, wcstoul, "wcstoul");
function wmemchr (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : stddef.wchar_t; a3 : stddef.size_t) return stddef.wchar_t_ptr;
pragma Import (C, wmemchr, "wmemchr");
function wmemcmp (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t; a3 : stddef.size_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, wmemcmp, "wmemcmp");
function wmemcpy (a1 : access stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t; a3 : stddef.size_t)
return stddef.wchar_t_ptr;
pragma Import (C, wmemcpy, "wmemcpy");
function wmemmove (a1 : access stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t; a3 : stddef.size_t)
return stddef.wchar_t_ptr;
pragma Import (C, wmemmove, "wmemmove");
function wmemset (a1 : access stddef.wchar_t; a2 : stddef.wchar_t;
a3 : stddef.size_t) return stddef.wchar_t_ptr;
pragma Import (C, wmemset, "wmemset");
function wprintf (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, wprintf, "wprintf");
function wscanf (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, wscanf, "wscanf");
function vfwscanf (a1 : access stdio.struct_sFILE;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t; a3 : machine.qtypes.va_list)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, vfwscanf, "vfwscanf");
function vswscanf (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t; a3 : machine.qtypes.va_list)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, vswscanf, "vswscanf");
function vwscanf (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : machine.qtypes.va_list) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, vwscanf, "vwscanf");
function wcstof (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access stddef.wchar_t_ptr) return float;
pragma Import (C, wcstof, "wcstof");
function wcstold (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access stddef.wchar_t_ptr) return long_double;
pragma Import (C, wcstold, "wcstold");
function wcstoll (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access stddef.wchar_t_ptr; a3 : signed_int)
return signed_long_long;
pragma Import (C, wcstoll, "wcstoll");
function wcstoull (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access stddef.wchar_t_ptr; a3 : signed_int)
return unsigned_long_long;
pragma Import (C, wcstoull, "wcstoull");
function wcswidth (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : stddef.size_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, wcswidth, "wcswidth");
function wcwidth (a1 : stddef.wchar_t) return signed_int;
pragma Import (C, wcwidth, "wcwidth");
function fgetwln (a1 : access stdio.struct_sFILE;
a2 : access stddef.size_t) return stddef.wchar_t_ptr;
pragma Import (C, fgetwln, "fgetwln");
function mbsnrtowcs (a1 : access stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access char_const_ptr; a3 : stddef.size_t; a4 : stddef.size_t;
a5 : access mbstate_t) return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, mbsnrtowcs, "mbsnrtowcs");
function wcsdup (a1 : access constant stddef.wchar_t)
return stddef.wchar_t_ptr;
pragma Import (C, wcsdup, "wcsdup");
function wcsnrtombs (a1 : access char;
a2 : access stddef.wchar_t_const_ptr; a3 : stddef.size_t;
a4 : stddef.size_t; a5 : access mbstate_t) return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, wcsnrtombs, "wcsnrtombs");
function wcslcat (a1 : access stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t; a3 : stddef.size_t)
return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, wcslcat, "wcslcat");
function wcslcpy (a1 : access stddef.wchar_t;
a2 : access constant stddef.wchar_t; a3 : stddef.size_t)
return stddef.size_t;
pragma Import (C, wcslcpy, "wcslcpy");
WEOF : constant := -1;
-- _WCHAR_H_ (empty)
-- _WINT_T_DECLARED (empty)
REQUIRE_wchar_t_array : constant wchar_t_array (0 .. 0) :=
(0 => wchar_t'Val (0));
end C.wchar;
-- This file is translated by "headmaster" version 0.26-a54347a (devel).
-- The original C header's license should be applied to this file.
-- All conditional-directives are expanded for the exclusive use of your
-- environment, it is not recommended to commit this file to any repository.
with System;
package C is
pragma Preelaborate;
use type System.Address;
-- type void (<>) is limited private;
type bool is new Boolean;
pragma Convention (C, bool);
type signed_char is new Short_Short_Integer;
pragma Convention (C, signed_char);
type unsigned_char is mod 2 ** signed_char'Size;
pragma Convention (C, unsigned_char);
type signed_short is new Short_Integer;
pragma Convention (C, signed_short);
type unsigned_short is mod 2 ** signed_short'Size;
pragma Convention (C, unsigned_short);
type signed_int is new Integer;
pragma Convention (C, signed_int);
type unsigned_int is mod 2 ** signed_int'Size;
pragma Convention (C, unsigned_int);
type signed_long is new Long_Integer;
pragma Convention (C, signed_long);
type unsigned_long is mod 2 ** signed_long'Size;
pragma Convention (C, unsigned_long);
type signed_long_long is new Long_Long_Integer;
pragma Convention (C, signed_long_long);
type unsigned_long_long is mod 2 ** signed_long_long'Size;
pragma Convention (C, unsigned_long_long);
type float is new Standard.Float;
pragma Convention (C, float);
type double is new Long_Float;
pragma Convention (C, double);
type long_double is new Long_Long_Float;
pragma Convention (C, long_double);
-- type decimal32 is ...
-- type decimal64 is ...
-- type decimal128 is ...
type float_imaginary is new float;
pragma Convention (C, float_imaginary);
type double_imaginary is new double;
pragma Convention (C, double_imaginary);
type long_double_imaginary is new long_double;
pragma Convention (C, long_double_imaginary);
type float_complex is record
Re, Im : float'Base;
end record;
pragma Complex_Representation (float_complex);
pragma Convention (C, float_complex);
type double_complex is record
Re, Im : double'Base;
end record;
pragma Complex_Representation (double_complex);
pragma Convention (C, double_complex);
type long_double_complex is record
Re, Im : long_double'Base;
end record;
pragma Complex_Representation (long_double_complex);
pragma Convention (C, long_double_complex);
type char is new Character;
subtype builtin_va_list is System.Address;
type ptrdiff_t is new signed_int;
type size_t is new unsigned_int;
type wchar_t is new signed_int;
subtype void_ptr is System.Address;
type void_ptr_ptr is access all void_ptr;
for void_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (void_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, void_ptr_ptr);
subtype void_const_ptr is System.Address;
-- type void_volatile is new void;
subtype void_volatile_const_ptr is System.Address;
subtype void_volatile_ptr is System.Address;
type unsigned_char_ptr is access all unsigned_char;
for unsigned_char_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (unsigned_char_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, unsigned_char_ptr);
type unsigned_char_const_ptr is access constant unsigned_char;
for unsigned_char_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (unsigned_char_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, unsigned_char_const_ptr);
type unsigned_char_const_ptr_ptr is access all unsigned_char_const_ptr;
for unsigned_char_const_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (unsigned_char_const_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, unsigned_char_const_ptr_ptr);
type unsigned_char_array is array (size_t range <>) of
aliased unsigned_char;
pragma Convention (C, unsigned_char_array);
type unsigned_char_ptr_ptr is access all unsigned_char_ptr;
for unsigned_char_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (unsigned_char_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, unsigned_char_ptr_ptr);
type unsigned_short_array is array (size_t range <>) of
aliased unsigned_short;
pragma Convention (C, unsigned_short_array);
type unsigned_short_ptr is access all unsigned_short;
for unsigned_short_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (unsigned_short_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, unsigned_short_ptr);
type signed_int_ptr is access all signed_int;
for signed_int_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (signed_int_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, signed_int_ptr);
type signed_int_const_ptr is access constant signed_int;
for signed_int_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (signed_int_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, signed_int_const_ptr);
type signed_int_array is array (size_t range <>) of aliased signed_int;
pragma Convention (C, signed_int_array);
type signed_int_ptr_ptr is access all signed_int_ptr;
for signed_int_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (signed_int_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, signed_int_ptr_ptr);
type signed_int_const_ptr_ptr is access all signed_int_const_ptr;
for signed_int_const_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (signed_int_const_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, signed_int_const_ptr_ptr);
type unsigned_int_array is array (size_t range <>) of
aliased unsigned_int;
pragma Convention (C, unsigned_int_array);
type unsigned_int_ptr is access all unsigned_int;
for unsigned_int_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (unsigned_int_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, unsigned_int_ptr);
type unsigned_int_const_ptr is access constant unsigned_int;
for unsigned_int_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (unsigned_int_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, unsigned_int_const_ptr);
type signed_long_array is array (size_t range <>) of aliased signed_long;
pragma Convention (C, signed_long_array);
type signed_long_ptr is access all signed_long;
for signed_long_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (signed_long_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, signed_long_ptr);
type unsigned_long_array is array (size_t range <>) of
aliased unsigned_long;
pragma Convention (C, unsigned_long_array);
type unsigned_long_ptr is access all unsigned_long;
for unsigned_long_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (unsigned_long_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, unsigned_long_ptr);
type signed_long_long_ptr is access all signed_long_long;
for signed_long_long_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (signed_long_long_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, signed_long_long_ptr);
type signed_long_long_const_ptr is access constant signed_long_long;
for signed_long_long_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (signed_long_long_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, signed_long_long_const_ptr);
type unsigned_long_long_array is array (size_t range <>) of
aliased unsigned_long_long;
pragma Convention (C, unsigned_long_long_array);
type double_array is array (size_t range <>) of aliased double;
pragma Convention (C, double_array);
type double_ptr is access all double;
for double_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (double_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, double_ptr);
type char_ptr is access all char;
for char_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (char_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, char_ptr);
type char_ptr_array is array (size_t range <>) of aliased char_ptr;
pragma Convention (C, char_ptr_array);
type char_ptr_ptr is access all char_ptr;
for char_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (char_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, char_ptr_ptr);
type char_const_ptr is access constant char;
for char_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (char_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, char_const_ptr);
type char_const_ptr_array is array (size_t range <>) of
aliased char_const_ptr;
pragma Convention (C, char_const_ptr_array);
type char_const_ptr_ptr is access all char_const_ptr;
for char_const_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (char_const_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, char_const_ptr_ptr);
type char_array is array (size_t range <>) of aliased char;
pragma Convention (C, char_array);
type char_volatile is new char;
pragma Volatile (char_volatile);
type char_volatile_ptr is access all char_volatile;
for char_volatile_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (char_volatile_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, char_volatile_ptr);
type size_t_ptr is access all size_t;
for size_t_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (size_t_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, size_t_ptr);
type wchar_t_ptr is access all wchar_t;
for wchar_t_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (wchar_t_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, wchar_t_ptr);
type wchar_t_ptr_ptr is access all wchar_t_ptr;
for wchar_t_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (wchar_t_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, wchar_t_ptr_ptr);
type wchar_t_const_ptr is access constant wchar_t;
for wchar_t_const_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (wchar_t_const_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, wchar_t_const_ptr);
type wchar_t_const_ptr_ptr is access all wchar_t_const_ptr;
for wchar_t_const_ptr_ptr'Storage_Size use 0;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (wchar_t_const_ptr_ptr);
pragma Convention (C, wchar_t_const_ptr_ptr);
type wchar_t_array is array (size_t range <>) of aliased wchar_t;
pragma Convention (C, wchar_t_array);
function Shift_Left (Left : signed_char; Right : Natural)
return signed_char;
function Shift_Right_Arithmetic (Left : signed_char; Right : Natural)
return signed_char;
function Shift_Left (Left : unsigned_char; Right : Natural)
return unsigned_char;
function Shift_Right (Left : unsigned_char; Right : Natural)
return unsigned_char;
function Shift_Left (Left : signed_short; Right : Natural)
return signed_short;
function Shift_Right_Arithmetic (Left : signed_short; Right : Natural)
return signed_short;
function Shift_Left (Left : unsigned_short; Right : Natural)
return unsigned_short;
function Shift_Right (Left : unsigned_short; Right : Natural)
return unsigned_short;
function Shift_Left (Left : signed_int; Right : Natural)
return signed_int;
function Shift_Right_Arithmetic (Left : signed_int; Right : Natural)
return signed_int;
function Shift_Left (Left : unsigned_int; Right : Natural)
return unsigned_int;
function Shift_Right (Left : unsigned_int; Right : Natural)
return unsigned_int;
function Shift_Left (Left : signed_long; Right : Natural)
return signed_long;
function Shift_Right_Arithmetic (Left : signed_long; Right : Natural)
return signed_long;
function Shift_Left (Left : unsigned_long; Right : Natural)
return unsigned_long;
function Shift_Right (Left : unsigned_long; Right : Natural)
return unsigned_long;
function Shift_Left (Left : signed_long_long; Right : Natural)
return signed_long_long;
function Shift_Right_Arithmetic (Left : signed_long_long; Right : Natural)
return signed_long_long;
function Shift_Left (Left : unsigned_long_long; Right : Natural)
return unsigned_long_long;
function Shift_Right (Left : unsigned_long_long; Right : Natural)
return unsigned_long_long;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Left);
pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Right);
pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Right_Arithmetic);
ATOMIC_ACQUIRE : constant := 2;
ATOMIC_ACQ_REL : constant := 4;
ATOMIC_CONSUME : constant := 1;
ATOMIC_RELAXED : constant := 0;
ATOMIC_RELEASE : constant := 3;
ATOMIC_SEQ_CST : constant := 5;
BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT : constant := 16;
BYTE_ORDER : constant := 1234;
subtype CHAR16_TYPE is unsigned_short;
subtype CHAR32_TYPE is unsigned_int;
CHAR_BIT : constant := 8;
DBL_DECIMAL_DIG : constant := 17;
-- __DBL_DENORM_MIN__ (unparsible)
DBL_DIG : constant := 15;
DBL_EPSILON : constant double := double'(16#0.10000000000000#e-12);
DBL_HAS_DENORM : constant := 1;
DBL_HAS_INFINITY : constant := 1;
DBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN : constant := 1;
DBL_MANT_DIG : constant := 53;
DBL_MAX_10_EXP : constant := 308;
DBL_MAX_EXP : constant := 1024;
DBL_MAX : constant double := double'(16#0.fffffffffffff8#e+256);
DBL_MIN_10_EXP : constant := -307;
DBL_MIN_EXP : constant := -1021;
DBL_MIN : constant double := double'(16#0.40000000000000#e-255);
DEC128_EPSILON : constant := 16#0.5313a5dee87d70#e-27;
DEC128_MANT_DIG : constant := 34;
DEC128_MAX_EXP : constant := 6145;
DEC128_MAX : constant := 16#2.60174245211d8#e+5103;
DEC128_MIN_EXP : constant := -6142;
DEC128_MIN : constant := 16#0.2a19563e0ae98c#e-5101;
DEC128_SUBNORMAL_MIN : constant := 16#0.da9721e80eee58#e-5129;
DEC32_EPSILON : constant := 16#0.10c6f7a0b5ed8d#e-4;
DEC32_MANT_DIG : constant := 7;
DEC32_MAX_EXP : constant := 97;
DEC32_MAX : constant := 16#4.ae824f9718454#e+80;
DEC32_MIN_EXP : constant := -94;
DEC32_MIN : constant := 16#0.155c2076bf9a55#e-78;
DEC32_SUBNORMAL_MIN : constant := 16#0.1665bf1d3e6a8c#e-83;
DEC64_EPSILON : constant := 16#0.480ebe7b9d5858#e-12;
DEC64_MANT_DIG : constant := 16;
DEC64_MAX_EXP : constant := 385;
DEC64_MAX : constant := 16#7.afbadea6d5b64#e+319;
DEC64_MIN_EXP : constant := -382;
DEC64_MIN : constant := 16#0.d0289ce2dd61c8#e-318;
DEC64_SUBNORMAL_MIN : constant := 16#0.3a97693b0a901c#e-330;
DECIMAL_DIG : constant := 17;
DEC_EVAL_METHOD : constant := 2;
defined_ELF : constant := 1;
FINITE_MATH_ONLY : constant := 0;
FLOAT_WORD_ORDER : constant := 1234;
FLT_DECIMAL_DIG : constant := 9;
FLT_DENORM_MIN : constant := 16#0.80000000000000#e-37;
FLT_DIG : constant := 6;
FLT_EPSILON : constant := 16#0.20000000000000#e-5;
FLT_EVAL_METHOD : constant := 2;
FLT_HAS_DENORM : constant := 1;
FLT_HAS_INFINITY : constant := 1;
FLT_HAS_QUIET_NAN : constant := 1;
FLT_MANT_DIG : constant := 24;
FLT_MAX_10_EXP : constant := 38;
FLT_MAX_EXP : constant := 128;
FLT_MAX : constant := 16#0.ffffff00000000#e+32;
FLT_MIN_10_EXP : constant := -37;
FLT_MIN_EXP : constant := -125;
FLT_MIN : constant := 16#0.40000000000000#e-31;
FLT_RADIX : constant := 2;
FreeBSD : constant := 7;
GCC_ATOMIC_BOOL_LOCK_FREE : constant := 2;
GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR16_T_LOCK_FREE : constant := 2;
GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR32_T_LOCK_FREE : constant := 2;
GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR_LOCK_FREE : constant := 2;
GCC_ATOMIC_INT_LOCK_FREE : constant := 2;
GCC_ATOMIC_LONG_LOCK_FREE : constant := 2;
GCC_HAVE_DWARF2_CFI_ASM : constant := 1;
GNUC_GNU_INLINE : constant := 1;
GNUC_MINOR : constant := 7;
GNUC_PATCHLEVEL : constant := 2;
GNUC : constant := 4;
GXX_ABI_VERSION : constant := 1002;
-- __INT16_C (function macro)
INT16_MAX : constant := 32767;
subtype INT16_TYPE is signed_short;
-- __INT32_C (function macro)
INT32_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
subtype INT32_TYPE is signed_int;
-- __INT64_C (has # or ##)
INT64_MAX : constant := 9223372036854775807;
subtype INT64_TYPE is signed_long_long;
-- __INT8_C (function macro)
INT8_MAX : constant := 127;
subtype INT8_TYPE is signed_char;
-- __INTMAX_C (has # or ##)
INTMAX_MAX : constant := 9223372036854775807;
subtype INTMAX_TYPE is signed_long_long;
INTPTR_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
subtype INTPTR_TYPE is signed_int;
INT_FAST16_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
subtype INT_FAST16_TYPE is signed_int;
INT_FAST32_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
subtype INT_FAST32_TYPE is signed_int;
INT_FAST64_MAX : constant := 9223372036854775807;
subtype INT_FAST64_TYPE is signed_long_long;
INT_FAST8_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
subtype INT_FAST8_TYPE is signed_int;
INT_LEAST16_MAX : constant := 32767;
subtype INT_LEAST16_TYPE is signed_short;
INT_LEAST32_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
subtype INT_LEAST32_TYPE is signed_int;
INT_LEAST64_MAX : constant := 9223372036854775807;
subtype INT_LEAST64_TYPE is signed_long_long;
INT_LEAST8_MAX : constant := 127;
subtype INT_LEAST8_TYPE is signed_char;
INT_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
KPRINTF_ATTRIBUTE : constant := 1;
LDBL_DENORM_MIN : constant := 16#0.40000000000000#e-4108;
LDBL_DIG : constant := 15;
LDBL_EPSILON : constant := 16#0.10000000000000#e-12;
LDBL_HAS_DENORM : constant := 1;
LDBL_HAS_INFINITY : constant := 1;
LDBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN : constant := 1;
LDBL_MANT_DIG : constant := 53;
LDBL_MAX_10_EXP : constant := 4932;
LDBL_MAX_EXP : constant := 16384;
LDBL_MAX : constant := 16#0.fffffffffffff0#e+4096;
LDBL_MIN_10_EXP : constant := -4931;
LDBL_MIN_EXP : constant := -16381;
LDBL_MIN : constant := 16#0.40000000000000#e-4095;
LONG_LONG_MAX : constant := 9223372036854775807;
LONG_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
MMX : constant := 1;
NO_INLINE : constant := 1;
ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN : constant := 4321;
ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN : constant := 1234;
ORDER_PDP_ENDIAN : constant := 3412;
PTRDIFF_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
subtype PTRDIFF_TYPE is signed_int;
-- __REGISTER_PREFIX__ (empty)
SCHAR_MAX : constant := 127;
SHRT_MAX : constant := 32767;
SIG_ATOMIC_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
SIG_ATOMIC_MIN : constant := -2147483648;
subtype SIG_ATOMIC_TYPE is signed_int;
SIZEOF_DOUBLE : constant := 8;
SIZEOF_FLOAT : constant := 4;
SIZEOF_INT : constant := 4;
SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE : constant := 12;
SIZEOF_LONG_LONG : constant := 8;
SIZEOF_LONG : constant := 4;
SIZEOF_POINTER : constant := 4;
SIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T : constant := 4;
SIZEOF_SHORT : constant := 2;
SIZEOF_SIZE_T : constant := 4;
SIZEOF_WCHAR_T : constant := 4;
SIZEOF_WINT_T : constant := 4;
SIZE_MAX : constant := 4294967295;
subtype SIZE_TYPE is unsigned_int;
SSE2 : constant := 1;
SSE : constant := 1;
STDC_HOSTED : constant := 1;
-- __UINT16_C (function macro)
UINT16_MAX : constant := 65535;
subtype UINT16_TYPE is unsigned_short;
-- __UINT32_C (has # or ##)
UINT32_MAX : constant := 4294967295;
subtype UINT32_TYPE is unsigned_int;
-- __UINT64_C (has # or ##)
UINT64_MAX : constant := 18446744073709551615;
subtype UINT64_TYPE is unsigned_long_long;
-- __UINT8_C (function macro)
UINT8_MAX : constant := 255;
subtype UINT8_TYPE is unsigned_char;
-- __UINTMAX_C (has # or ##)
UINTMAX_MAX : constant := 18446744073709551615;
subtype UINTMAX_TYPE is unsigned_long_long;
UINTPTR_MAX : constant := 4294967295;
subtype UINTPTR_TYPE is unsigned_int;
UINT_FAST16_MAX : constant := 4294967295;
subtype UINT_FAST16_TYPE is unsigned_int;
UINT_FAST32_MAX : constant := 4294967295;
subtype UINT_FAST32_TYPE is unsigned_int;
UINT_FAST64_MAX : constant := 18446744073709551615;
subtype UINT_FAST64_TYPE is unsigned_long_long;
UINT_FAST8_MAX : constant := 4294967295;
subtype UINT_FAST8_TYPE is unsigned_int;
UINT_LEAST16_MAX : constant := 65535;
subtype UINT_LEAST16_TYPE is unsigned_short;
UINT_LEAST32_MAX : constant := 4294967295;
subtype UINT_LEAST32_TYPE is unsigned_int;
UINT_LEAST64_MAX : constant := 18446744073709551615;
subtype UINT_LEAST64_TYPE is unsigned_long_long;
UINT_LEAST8_MAX : constant := 255;
subtype UINT_LEAST8_TYPE is unsigned_char;
-- __USER_LABEL_PREFIX__ (empty)
VERSION : constant char_array (0 .. 5) := "4.7.2" & char'Val (0);
WCHAR_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
WCHAR_MIN : constant := -2147483648;
subtype WCHAR_TYPE is signed_int;
WINT_MAX : constant := 2147483647;
WINT_MIN : constant := -2147483648;
subtype WINT_TYPE is signed_int;
qqi386 : constant := 1;
qqi386qq : constant := 1;
qqi686 : constant := 1;
qqi686qq : constant := 1;
qqpentiumpro : constant := 1;
qqpentiumproqq : constant := 1;
qqunix : constant := 1;
qqunixqq : constant := 1;
defined_i386 : constant := 1;
unix : constant := 1;
function builtin_alloca (a1 : size_t) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_alloca, "__builtin_alloca");
function builtin_bswap32 (a1 : unsigned_int) return unsigned_int;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_bswap32, "__builtin_bswap32");
function builtin_bswap64 (a1 : unsigned_long_long)
return unsigned_long_long;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_bswap64, "__builtin_bswap64");
procedure builtin_bzero (a1 : access char; a2 : size_t);
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_bzero, "__builtin_bzero");
function builtin_extract_return_addr (a1 : access char) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_extract_return_addr,
function builtin_fabsf (a1 : float) return float;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_fabsf, "__builtin_fabsf");
function builtin_fabs (a1 : double) return double;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_fabs, "__builtin_fabs");
function builtin_fabsl (a1 : long_double) return long_double;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_fabsl, "__builtin_fabsl");
function builtin_flt_rounds return signed_int;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_flt_rounds, "__builtin_flt_rounds");
function builtin_frame_address (a1 : unsigned_int) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_frame_address,
function builtin_huge_valf return float;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_huge_valf, "__builtin_huge_valf");
function builtin_huge_val return double;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_huge_val, "__builtin_huge_val");
function builtin_huge_vall return long_double;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_huge_vall, "__builtin_huge_vall");
function builtin_inff return float;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_inff, "__builtin_inff");
function builtin_inf return double;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_inf, "__builtin_inf");
function builtin_infl return long_double;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_infl, "__builtin_infl");
function builtin_llabs (a1 : signed_long_long) return signed_long_long;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_llabs, "__builtin_llabs");
function builtin_memcmp (a1 : access char; a2 : access char; a3 : size_t)
return signed_int;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_memcmp, "__builtin_memcmp");
function builtin_memset (a1 : access char; a2 : signed_int; a3 : size_t)
return char_ptr;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_memset, "__builtin_memset");
function builtin_memcpy_chk (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : size_t; a4 : size_t) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_memcpy_chk, "__builtin___memcpy_chk");
function builtin_memmove_chk (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : size_t; a4 : size_t) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_memmove_chk, "__builtin___memmove_chk");
function builtin_memset_chk (a1 : access char; a2 : signed_int;
a3 : size_t; a4 : size_t) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_memset_chk, "__builtin___memset_chk");
function builtin_nanf (a1 : access constant char) return float;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_nanf, "__builtin_nanf");
function builtin_nan (a1 : access constant char) return double;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_nan, "__builtin_nan");
function builtin_nanl (a1 : access constant char) return long_double;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_nanl, "__builtin_nanl");
function builtin_return_address (a1 : unsigned_int) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_return_address,
function builtin_stpcpy_chk (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : size_t) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_stpcpy_chk, "__builtin___stpcpy_chk");
function builtin_stpncpy_chk (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : size_t; a4 : size_t) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_stpncpy_chk, "__builtin___stpncpy_chk");
function builtin_strcat_chk (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : size_t) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_strcat_chk, "__builtin___strcat_chk");
function builtin_strcpy_chk (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : size_t) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_strcpy_chk, "__builtin___strcpy_chk");
function builtin_strncat_chk (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : size_t; a4 : size_t) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_strncat_chk, "__builtin___strncat_chk");
function builtin_strncpy_chk (a1 : access char; a2 : access constant char;
a3 : size_t; a4 : size_t) return char_ptr;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, builtin_strncpy_chk, "__builtin___strncpy_chk");
end C;
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