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Created March 6, 2011 07:18
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with Interfaces;
package body UTF_9 is
use type Interfaces.Unsigned_32;
function From_UTF_9 (Single_Character : UTF_9_String) return Wide_Wide_Character is
I : Natural := Single_Character'First;
nonet : Interfaces.Unsigned_32 := UTF_9_Character'Pos (Single_Character (I));
ucs4 : Interfaces.Unsigned_32 := nonet and 8#377#;
while (nonet and 8#400#) /= 0 loop
I := I + 1;
nonet := UTF_9_Character'Pos (Single_Character (I));
ucs4 := Interfaces.Shift_Left (ucs4, 8) or (nonet and 8#377#);
end loop;
return Wide_Wide_Character'Val (ucs4);
end From_UTF_9;
function To_UTF_9 (Single_Character : Wide_Wide_Character) return UTF_9_String is
ucs4 : constant Interfaces.Unsigned_32 := Wide_Wide_Character'Pos (Single_Character);
Result : UTF_9_String (1 .. 4);
I : Natural := 1;
if ucs4 > 8#400# then
if ucs4 > 8#200000# then
if ucs4 > 8#100000000# then
Result (I) := UTF_9_Character'Val
(8#400# or (Interfaces.Shift_Right (ucs4, 24) and 8#377#));
I := I + 1;
end if;
Result (I) := UTF_9_Character'Val
(8#400# or (Interfaces.Shift_Right (ucs4, 16) and 8#377#));
I := I + 1;
end if;
Result (I) := UTF_9_Character'Val
(8#400# or (Interfaces.Shift_Right (ucs4, 8) and 8#377#));
I := I + 1;
end if;
Result (I) := UTF_9_Character'Val (ucs4 and 8#377#);
return Result (1 .. I);
end To_UTF_9;
end UTF_9;
package UTF_9 is
type UTF_9_Character is new Wide_Wide_Character
range Wide_Wide_Character'Val (0) .. Wide_Wide_Character'Val (8#777#);
for UTF_9_Character'Size use 9;
type UTF_9_String is array (Positive range <>) of UTF_9_Character;
for UTF_9_String'Component_Size use 9;
pragma Pack (UTF_9_String);
function From_UTF_9 (Single_Character : UTF_9_String) return Wide_Wide_Character;
function To_UTF_9 (Single_Character : Wide_Wide_Character) return UTF_9_String;
end UTF_9;
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