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Created March 6, 2011 07:40
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Boyer-Moore String Search Algorithm
package body Boyer_Moore_Search is
function Table (Pattern : Array_Type) return Table_Type is
return Result : Table_Type (Pattern'Length - 1) do
-- Table 1
for I in Element_Type loop
Result.Occurrence (I) := -1;
end loop;
for I in Pattern'Range loop
Result.Occurrence (Pattern (I)) := Pattern'Last - I + 1;
end loop;
-- Table 2
for I in 0 .. Index_Type'Base'(Pattern'Length - 1) loop
Result.Shifts (I) := 2 * Pattern'Length - I + 1;
end loop;
--for I in Result.Shifts'Range loop Text_IO.Put (Result.Shifts (I)'Img);end loop;Text_IO.New_Line;
G : Shift_Table (0 .. Pattern'Length - 1);
J : Index_Type'Base := Pattern'Length;
S : Index_Type'Base;
for K in reverse 0 .. Index_Type'Base'(Pattern'Length - 1) loop
G (K) := J;
while J /= Pattern'Length and then Pattern (Pattern'First + J) /= Pattern (Pattern'First + K) loop
if Result.Shifts (J) > Pattern'Length - K then
Result.Shifts (J) := Pattern'Length - K;
end if;
J := G (J);
end loop;
J := J - 1;
end loop;
S := J;
for I in 0 .. Index_Type'Base'(Pattern'Length - 1) loop
if Result.Shifts (I) > Pattern'Length + S - I + 1 then
Result.Shifts (I) := Pattern'Length + S - I + 1;
end if;
if I >= S then
S := G (S);
end if;
end loop;
--for I in Result.Shifts'Range loop Text_IO.Put (Result.Shifts (I)'Img);end loop;Text_IO.New_Line;
end return;
end Table;
function Index (Source, Pattern : Array_Type; Table : Table_Type) return Index_Type'Base is
H : Index_Type'Base := Pattern'Length;
exit when H > Source'Length;
N : Index_Type'Base := Pattern'Length;
--Text_IO.Put_Line (H'Img & N'Img);
if N <= 0 then
return Source'First + H;
end if;
N := N - 1;
H := H - 1;
exit when Pattern (Pattern'First + N) /= Source (Source'First + H);
--Text_IO.Put_Line (H'Img & N'Img);
end loop;
H := H + Index_Type'Base'Max (Table.Shifts (N), Table.Occurrence (Source (Source'First + H)));
end loop;
return Source'First - 1;
end Index;
function Index (Source, Pattern : Array_Type) return Index_Type'Base is
return Index (Source, Pattern, Table (Pattern));
end Index;
end Boyer_Moore_Search;
type Index_Type is range <>;
type Element_Type is (<>);
type Array_Type is array (Index_Type range <>) of Element_Type;
package Boyer_Moore_Search is
pragma Pure;
type Occurrence_Table is array (Element_Type) of Index_Type'Base;
type Shift_Table is array (Index_Type'Base range <>) of Index_Type'Base;
type Table_Type (Pattern_Length_Minus_1 : Index_Type'Base) is limited record
Occurrence : Occurrence_Table;
Shifts : Shift_Table (0 .. Pattern_Length_Minus_1);
end record;
function Table (Pattern : Array_Type) return Table_Type;
function Index (Source, Pattern : Array_Type; Table : Table_Type) return Index_Type'Base;
function Index (Source, Pattern : Array_Type) return Index_Type'Base;
end Boyer_Moore_Search;
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