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Created December 19, 2020 11:43
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@MustInjected replace var:!

init injection

class DIFormInit {
  let i: Int
  init(i: Int) {
    self.i = i

must have by Optional

class DIFormProperty {
  var i: Int!

Must Injection

class DIFormMustHave {
  @MustInjected(file: #file, line: #line) 
  var i: Int
@propertyWrapper struct MustInjected<Value> {
private var _value: Value! = nil
let line: UInt
let file: StaticString
@available(*, unavailable)
init(wrappedValue: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Value) {
self._value = nil
line = #line
file = #file
var wrappedValue: Value {
mutating get {
precondition(_value != nil, "This property must be inject before access", file: file, line: line)
return _value
set {
precondition(_value == nil, "This property is actcully a Let property", file: file, line: line)
_value = newValue
extension MustInjected {
init(file: StaticString, line: UInt) {
self._value = nil
self.file = file
self.line = line
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