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Last active October 5, 2020 05:50
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A useful print helping debugging.
func dprint(_ objects:Any..., separator: String = " ", terminator: String = "\n",file:String = #file,line:Int = #line, function:String = #function){
print((file).split(separator: "/").last!,line.description + ":",function)
print("🦑 Debug info: \n\t", terminator: "")
for i in objects{
print(i, separator: "", terminator: separator)


dprint(<#any thing you want to print#>)

More custom printing

Create a Code Snippet, to avoid touch file, line and funcion. Maybe the xcode system will do this for you, maybe not.

dprint(<#T##items: Any...##Any#>, separator: <#T##String#>, terminator: <#T##String#>)
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