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Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
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BinaryReader for VBA
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "BinaryReader"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Compare Binary
Option Explicit
' * Reader class for binary data.
' * @author YU-TANG
' ******************************************************
#If VBA7 Then
Private Declare PtrSafe Function NetworkToHostLong Lib "Ws2_32.dll" Alias "ntohl" ( _
ByVal netlong As Long _
) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function NetworkToHostShort Lib "Ws2_32.dll" Alias "ntohs" ( _
ByVal netshort As Integer _
) As Integer
Private Declare Function NetworkToHostLong Lib "Ws2_32.dll" Alias "ntohl" ( _
ByVal netlong As Long _
) As Long
Private Declare Function NetworkToHostShort Lib "Ws2_32.dll" Alias "ntohs" ( _
ByVal netshort As Integer _
) As Integer
#End If
Private filePath As String
Private fileHandle As Integer
Private markpos As Long ' 1 ~ 2,147,483,647 (= 2^31-1)
' Event Procedures
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Call CloseFile
End Sub
' Public Procedures
' Open / Close
Public Function OpenFile(ByRef FileName As String) As BinaryReader
Call CloseFile
filePath = FileName
fileHandle = FreeFile()
Open filePath For Binary Access Read Lock Write As #fileHandle
Set OpenFile = Me
End Function
Public Function CloseFile() As BinaryReader
If fileHandle <> 0 Then
Close #fileHandle
End If
fileHandle = 0
markpos = 0
filePath = vbNullString
Set CloseFile = Me
End Function
' Pointer operations
Public Function Skip(ByVal offsetFromCurrentPositionInBytes As Long) As BinaryReader
Dim pos As Long: pos = Seek(fileHandle) ' 1 ~ 2,147,483,647 (= 2^31-1)
Seek #fileHandle, pos + offsetFromCurrentPositionInBytes
Set Skip = Me
End Function
' addressOffset must be 0 or higher
Public Function MoveTo(ByVal addressOffset As Long) As BinaryReader
Seek #fileHandle, addressOffset + 1 ' Seek() uses 1 origin. +1 to offset.
Set MoveTo = Me
End Function
Public Function mark() As BinaryReader
markpos = Seek(fileHandle)
Set mark = Me
End Function
' markpos の位置に移動します。
' -- markpos が無効(1 未満)の場合は、エラーを発生させず、単に無視されます。
Public Function Reset() As BinaryReader
If markpos < 1 Then Exit Function
Seek #fileHandle, markpos
Set Reset = Me
End Function
' markpos の位置を基準に、offsetFromCurrentPositionInBytes 分移動します。
' -- markpos が無効(1 未満)の場合は、エラーを発生させず、現在位置を基準に移動します。
Public Function ResetAndSkip(ByVal offsetFromCurrentPositionInBytes As Long) As BinaryReader
Dim pos As Long
If markpos < 1 Then
pos = Seek(fileHandle) ' 1 ~ 2,147,483,647 (= 2^31-1)
pos = markpos
End If
Seek #fileHandle, pos + offsetFromCurrentPositionInBytes
Set ResetAndSkip = Me
End Function
' ファイルの先頭にポインタを戻します。
Public Function Rewind() As BinaryReader
Seek #fileHandle, 1
Set Rewind = Me
End Function
' Read operations
Public Function Read(ByVal Length As Long) As Byte()
ReDim Read(Length - 1)
Get #fileHandle, , Read
End Function
' 文字列を読み込みます。
' -- 元データは OS 既定の文字エンコード(日本語 OS 上だと SJIS)を想定しています。
Public Function ReadString(ByVal charCount As Long) As String
If charCount = 0 Then Exit Function
ReadString = Space(charCount)
Get #fileHandle, , ReadString
End Function
' 文字列を読み込みます。
' -- 元データは OS 既定の文字エンコード(日本語 OS 上だと SJIS)を想定しています。
' -- 引数 byteCount には読み込み元のバイト数を指定します。
Public Function ReadStringInBytes(ByVal byteCount As Long) As String
If byteCount = 0 Then Exit Function
ReDim buff(byteCount - 1) As Byte
Get #fileHandle, , buff
ReadStringInBytes = StrConv(buff, vbUnicode)
End Function
' Unicode 文字列を読み込みます。
' -- サロゲート文字には対応していません。
' -- 引数 charCount には読み込み元の文字数を指定します。バイト数ではないので注意。
Public Function ReadUnicodeString(ByVal charCount As Long) As String
If charCount = 0 Then Exit Function
ReDim buff(charCount * 2 - 1) As Byte
Get #fileHandle, , buff
ReadUnicodeString = buff
End Function
' UTF-8 文字列を読み込みます。
' -- サロゲート文字には対応していません(読める場合もあるかもしれませんが、保証はしません)。
' -- 引数 charCount には読み込み元の文字数を指定します。バイト数ではないので注意。
Public Function ReadUTF8String(ByVal charCount As Long) As String
If charCount = 0 Then Exit Function
' UTF-8 はバイト長が不定なので、最大桁(一文字 6 バイト)を担保できるバッファを確保しておく
ReDim buff(charCount * 6 - 1) As Byte
Get #fileHandle, , buff
Dim strm As Object: Set strm = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
Dim ret As String
' write bytes to stream
strm.Type = 1 ' adTypeBinary
strm.Mode = 3 ' adModeReadWrite
strm.Write buff
' read string from stream
strm.Position = 0
strm.Type = 2 ' adTypeText
strm.Charset = "UTF-8"
ret = strm.ReadText
strm.Close: Set strm = Nothing
' return result
ReadUTF8String = Left(ret, charCount)
End Function
Public Function ReadInteger() As Integer
Get #fileHandle, , ReadInteger
End Function
' Read integer from Big-Endian byte order
Public Function ReadIntegerBE() As Integer
Get #fileHandle, , ReadIntegerBE
ReadIntegerBE = NetworkToHostShort(ReadIntegerBE)
End Function
Public Function ReadLong() As Long
Get #fileHandle, , ReadLong
End Function
' Read long from Big-Endian byte order
Public Function ReadLongBE() As Long
Get #fileHandle, , ReadLongBE
ReadLongBE = NetworkToHostLong(ReadLongBE)
End Function
' Information
Public Property Get FileName() As String
FileName = filePath
End Property
' return 0 ~
Public Property Get CurrentOffset() As Long
CurrentOffset = (Seek(fileHandle) - 1)
End Property
' return 0 ~
Public Property Get Handle() As Integer
Handle = fileHandle
End Property
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