/* :name=Activate source text :description=Activate source text on the Editor with keyboard shortcut |
* |
* The workaround by script for RFE #821: |
* Showing cursor on the original segment |
* http://sourceforge.net/p/omegat/feature-requests/821/ |
* |
* @author Yu Tang |
* @author Kos Ivantsov |
* @date 2016-10-24 |
* @version 1.1.1 |
*/ |
// ******************* |
//******************** |
// for the source text field in the editor |
FONT_BOLD = true // or false |
READ_ONLY = true // or false |
// for the target text field in the create glossary dialog |
SELECT_ALL = false // or true |
CARET_AT_THE_END = true // or false (at the beginning) |
@Field final int TRIGGER_KEY = KeyEvent.VK_F4 // see https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/awt/event/KeyEvent.html for full list |
// ***************************************************** |
// ***************************************************** |
import groovy.transform.Field |
import org.omegat.core.data.ProjectProperties |
import org.omegat.gui.glossary.GlossaryEntry |
import org.omegat.gui.glossary.GlossaryReaderTSV |
import org.omegat.util.Log |
import org.omegat.util.StringUtil |
import javax.swing.JTextPane |
import java.awt.Component |
import java.awt.ComponentOrientation |
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent |
import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter |
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent |
import java.awt.event.KeyListener |
import java.awt.event.WindowFocusListener |
import java.awt.Font |
import java.awt.Point |
import java.awt.Rectangle |
import java.awt.Toolkit |
import java.awt.event.InputEvent |
import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder |
import javax.swing.JDialog |
import javax.swing.JEditorPane |
import javax.swing.JRootPane |
import javax.swing.JViewport |
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities |
import org.omegat.core.Core |
import org.omegat.core.CoreEvents |
import org.omegat.core.events.IProjectEventListener |
import org.omegat.core.events.IProjectEventListener.PROJECT_CHANGE_TYPE |
import org.omegat.core.search.SearchMode |
import org.omegat.gui.dialogs.CreateGlossaryEntry |
import org.omegat.gui.editor.SegmentBuilder |
import org.omegat.gui.search.SearchWindowController |
import org.omegat.util.gui.StaticUIUtils |
import org.omegat.util.gui.Styles |
import org.omegat.util.gui.UIThreadsUtil |
import org.omegat.util.OStrings |
import org.omegat.util.StaticUtils |
@Field final String SCRIPT_NAME = 'activate_source_text' |
KeyListener createEditorKeyListener() { |
[ |
keyPressed : { KeyEvent e -> |
if (StaticUtils.isKey(e, TRIGGER_KEY, 0)) { |
showDialog() |
} |
} |
] as KeyAdapter |
} |
KeyListener createDialogEditorKeyListener() { |
[ |
keyPressed : { KeyEvent e -> |
String selection = e.source.selectedText |
switch(true) { |
// press an Enter key or any trigger key by user settings |
case StaticUtils.isKey(e, KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, 0): |
case StaticUtils.isKey(e, TRIGGER_KEY, 0): |
// insert selected text to the editor |
if (selection) { |
editor.insertText selection |
} |
// close this dialog |
closeDialog e.source |
break |
case StaticUtils.isKey(e, KeyEvent.VK_F, Toolkit.defaultToolkit.menuShortcutKeyMask): |
// open search window |
SearchWindowController search = new SearchWindowController(SearchMode.SEARCH) |
mainWindow.addSearchWindow search |
search.makeVisible selection |
break |
case StaticUtils.isKey(e, KeyEvent.VK_G, Toolkit.defaultToolkit.menuShortcutKeyMask | InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK): |
// DevNote: the signature of below method is changed. |
// OmegaT 3.x: void Core.glossary.showCreateGlossaryEntryDialog() |
// OmegaT 4.0: void Core.glossary.showCreateGlossaryEntryDialog(final Frame parent) |
// open add glossary term dialog |
Closure<CreateGlossaryEntry> getCreateGlossaryEntryDialog = { -> |
Core.glossary.showCreateGlossaryEntryDialog(mainWindow.applicationFrame) |
((org.omegat.gui.glossary.GlossaryTextArea)Core.glossary).createGlossaryEntryDialog |
} |
if (selection) { |
def dlg = getCreateGlossaryEntryDialog() |
if (dlg.targetText.text) { |
// do nothing |
} else { |
dlg.targetText.text = editor.selectedText |
} |
SwingUtilities.invokeLater { |
dlg.targetText.requestFocus() |
if (SELECT_ALL) { |
dlg.targetText.selectAll() |
} else { |
dlg.targetText.caret.setDot dlg.targetText.text.size() |
dlg.targetText.caret.moveDot 0 |
} |
} else if (!CARET_AT_THE_END) { |
dlg.targetText.setCaretPosition(0) |
} |
} as Runnable |
} else { |
closeDialog e.source |
getCreateGlossaryEntryDialog() |
} |
break |
case StaticUtils.isKey(e, KeyEvent.VK_G, Toolkit.defaultToolkit.menuShortcutKeyMask): |
// Direct adding a glossary term without dialog (Ctrl+G) |
String src = StringUtil.normalizeUnicode(selection) |
String loc = StringUtil.normalizeUnicode(editor.selectedText) |
String com = "" |
if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(src) && !StringUtil.isEmpty(loc)) { |
try { |
ProjectProperties props = Core.project.projectProperties |
File out = new File(props.writeableGlossary) |
GlossaryReaderTSV.append out, new GlossaryEntry(src, loc, com, true) |
} catch (Exception ex) { |
Log.log ex |
} |
} |
closeDialog e.source |
break |
} |
} |
] as KeyAdapter |
} |
JDialog getDialogAncestor(Component comp) { |
def win = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(comp) |
while (win == null || !win instanceof JDialog) { |
win = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(win) |
} |
win |
} |
void showDialog() { |
try { |
def ste = editor.currentEntry |
if (ste == null) { |
return |
} |
JDialog dialog = createDialog(ste.srcText) |
StaticUIUtils.setEscapeClosable dialog |
setLostFocusClosable dialog |
UIThreadsUtil.executeInSwingThread { dialog.setVisible true } as Runnable |
} catch(ex) { |
console.println "$SCRIPT_NAME >> $ex" |
} |
} |
void closeDialog(Component comp) { |
JDialog dialog = getDialogAncestor(comp) |
def closeAction = dialog.rootPane.actionMap.get("ESCAPE") |
def action = new ActionEvent(comp, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, "ESCAPE") |
closeAction.actionPerformed action |
} |
void setLostFocusClosable(JDialog dialog) { |
def closeAction = dialog.rootPane.actionMap.get("ESCAPE") |
def focusListener = [ |
windowGainedFocus : {}, |
windowLostFocus : { |
def action = new ActionEvent(it.source, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, "ESCAPE") |
closeAction.actionPerformed action |
} |
] as WindowFocusListener |
dialog.addWindowFocusListener focusListener |
} |
JDialog createDialog(String text) { |
JDialog dialog = new JDialog(mainWindow) |
dialog.setUndecorated true |
// dialog.rootPane.setWindowDecorationStyle JRootPane.PLAIN_DIALOG |
dialog.rootPane.setWindowDecorationStyle JRootPane.NONE // Fix for Metal LAF by Kos Ivantsov |
JEditorPane pane = createEditorPane(text) |
pane.addKeyListener createDialogEditorKeyListener() |
dialog.add pane |
dialog.pack() |
dialog.setBounds sourceSegmentRect |
dialog |
} |
JEditorPane createEditorPane(String text) { |
//JEditorPane pane = new JEditorPane('text/plain', text) |
JTextPane pane = new JTextPane() //Fix word wrapping issue |
pane.text = text |
pane.with { |
// For read-only settings by Kos Ivantsov |
if (READ_ONLY) { |
setEditable false |
caret.visible = true |
} |
setDragEnabled true |
setComponentOrientation sourceOrientation |
setFont FONT_BOLD ? editor.font.deriveFont(Font.BOLD) : editor.font |
setForeground Styles.EditorColor.COLOR_ACTIVE_SOURCE_FG.color |
setCaretColor Styles.EditorColor.COLOR_ACTIVE_SOURCE_FG.color |
setBackground Styles.EditorColor.COLOR_ACTIVE_SOURCE.color |
setCaretPosition 0 |
def b = editor.editor.border |
def border = new EmptyBorder(0, b.left, 0, b.right) // top and bottom = 0 |
setBorder border |
} |
pane |
} |
ComponentOrientation getSourceOrientation() { |
editor.sourceLangIsRTL \ |
? ComponentOrientation.RIGHT_TO_LEFT |
: ComponentOrientation.LEFT_TO_RIGHT |
} |
Rectangle getSourceSegmentRect() { |
int activeSegment = editor.displayedEntryIndex |
JViewport viewport = editor.scrollPane.viewport |
Rectangle viewRect = viewport.viewRect |
SegmentBuilder sb = editor.m_docSegList[activeSegment] |
int startSourcePosition = sb.startSourcePosition |
int startTranslationPosition = sb.startTranslationPosition |
if (startTranslationPosition == -1) { |
startTranslationPosition = startSourcePosition + sb.sourceText.size() + 1 // + 1 for line break |
} |
Point sourceLocation = editor.editor.modelToView(startSourcePosition).location |
Point transLocation = editor.editor.modelToView(startTranslationPosition).location |
if (!viewRect.contains(sourceLocation)) { // location is NOT viewable |
throw new RuntimeException("Source segment must be viewable"); |
} |
// create new Rectangle for source segment |
int x = viewRect.x |
int y = sourceLocation.y |
int width = viewRect.width |
int height = transLocation.y - y |
Point point = new Point(x, y) |
SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen point, viewport.view |
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(point.@x, point.@y, width, height) |
rect |
} |
boolean isAvailable() { |
// OmegaT 4.x or later |
(OStrings.VERSION =~/^\d+/)[0].toInteger() >= 4 |
} |
// controller class |
class ActivateSourceTextController implements IProjectEventListener { |
KeyListener _listener |
ActivateSourceTextController(KeyListener listener) { |
_listener = listener |
if (Core.project.isProjectLoaded()) { |
installKeyListener() |
} |
} |
void onProjectChanged(PROJECT_CHANGE_TYPE eventType) { |
switch(eventType) { |
// Lazy adding listener for waiting the opening documents process will be complete. |
Runnable doRun = { installKeyListener() } as Runnable |
SwingUtilities.invokeLater doRun |
break |
uninstallKeyListener() |
break |
} |
} |
void installKeyListener() { |
Core.editor.editor.addKeyListener _listener |
} |
void uninstallKeyListener() { |
Core.editor.editor.removeKeyListener _listener |
} |
} |
//====================== |
// Main routine |
//====================== |
// verify OmegaT version |
if (! isAvailable()) { |
return "$SCRIPT_NAME >> This script is not available before OmegaT 4." |
} |
CoreEvents.registerProjectChangeListener new ActivateSourceTextController(createEditorKeyListener()) |
"${SCRIPT_NAME}.groovy is available in the current session." |
I just switched to Linux and saw the same problem described by Kos on Lubuntu. I corrected line 147 on my OmegaT and now the script is fine. Can you please correct the script on this page, so people that download your script can have immediately the best layout? I have just published a post about this script and added a link to this page (see http://www.language-lane.com/blog/?e=34). I could publish the corrected script on my blog, but I think it is better to have one source for it, so we don't create innumerable and confusing versions (and then it is certainly fairer if people wanting the script download it from the creator's page).