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Created March 12, 2017 02:19
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Display segment at the bottom of the Editor when you activate new segment
/* :name=Display segment at the bottom :description=Display segment at the bottom of the Editor when you activate new segment
* Usage: move this script to
* <your-scripts-folder>/entry_activated/ sub-folder
* for event driven automatically execution.
* @author Yu Tang
* @date 2017-03-12
* @version 0.1.0
package me.goat.groovy.scripting
import java.awt.Rectangle
// see org.omegat.gui.editor.EditorController#scrollForDisplayNearestSegments(CaretPosition) for details
int displayedEntryIndex = editor.displayedEntryIndex
Rectangle rect = editor.getSegmentBounds(displayedEntryIndex)
if (rect) {
// Expand rect vertically to fill height of viewport.
int viewportHeight = editor.scrollPane.viewport.height
int fontSize = editor.editor.font.size
rect.y -= (viewportHeight - rect.height + fontSize)
rect.height = viewportHeight
"display_segment_at_the_bottom.groovy executed."
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