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Last active August 31, 2017 08:45
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用 CPS 实现字符串匹配。基于讲座
type Re =
| Lit of char
| Seq of Re * Re
| Or of Re * Re
| Star of Re
let rec match2 (re: Re) (str: char list) k =
match re with
| Lit(c) -> match str with
| [] -> false
| x::xs -> (x = c) && (k xs)
| Seq(a, b) -> match2 a str (fun rest -> match2 b rest k)
| Or(a, b) -> match2 a str k || match2 b str k
| Star(a) -> match2 a str (fun rest -> match2 (Star a) rest k) || k str
match2 (Lit 'a') ("b" |> Seq.toList) (fun x -> true)
match2 (Star (Lit 'a')) ("aaab" |> Seq.toList) (fun x -> true)
package cps;
import java.util.function.Function;
public interface Re {
boolean match(String s, Function<String, Boolean> kont);
default boolean match(String s) {
return match(s, kont -> true);
* 匹配字符
* @param charLiteral
* @return
static Re lit(char charLiteral) {
return (s, kont) -> {
if (s.isEmpty()) {
return false;
return charLiteral == s.charAt(0) && kont.apply(s.substring(1));
* 按顺序匹配a b
* @param a
* @param b
* @return
static Re seq(Re a, Re b) {
return (s, kont) -> a.match(s, rest -> b.match(rest, kont));
* 匹配a或b
* @param a
* @param b
* @return
static Re either(Re a, Re b) {
return (s, kont) -> a.match(s, kont) || b.match(s, kont);
* 匹配0到N个
* @param re
* @return
static Re star(Re re) {
return (s, kont) -> re.match(s, rest -> star(re).match(rest, kont))
|| kont.apply(s);
static Re atLeastOne(Re re) {
return seq(re, star(re));
package cps;
import org.junit.Test;
import static cps.Re.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
public class ReTest {
public void should_match() {
assertTrue(either(lit('a'), lit('b')).match("b"));
assertTrue(seq(lit('a'), lit('b')).match("ab"));
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