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Last active June 28, 2018 22:21
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Monad for Functional Programming
module Lib where
import Control.Arrow (first)
data Term = Con Int | Div Term Term deriving Show
eval :: Term -> Int
eval (Con a) = a
eval (Div t u) = eval t `div` eval u
answer, error :: Term
answer = Div (Div (Con 1972) (Con 2)) (Con 23)
error = Div (Con 1) (Con 0)
-- Variation one: Exceptions
-- data M a = Raise Exception | Return a deriving Show
-- type Exception = String
-- eval' :: Term -> M Int
-- eval' (Con a) = Return a
-- eval' (Div t u) = case eval' t of
-- Raise e -> Raise e
-- Return a ->
-- case eval' u of
-- Raise e -> Raise e
-- Return b ->
-- if b == 0
-- then Raise "divide by zero"
-- else Return (a `div` b)
-- Variation two: State
-- type M a = State -> (a, State)
-- type State = Int
-- eval' :: Term -> M Int
-- eval' (Con a) x = (a, x)
-- eval' (Div t u) x = let (a, y) = eval' t x in
-- let (b, z) = eval' u y in
-- (a `div` b, z + 1)
-- eval' answer 0
-- Variation three: Output
-- type M a = (Output, a)
-- type Output = String
-- line :: Term -> Int -> Output
-- line t a = "eval (" ++ show t ++ ") <= " ++ show a ++ "\n"
-- eval' :: Term -> M Int
-- eval' (Con a) = (line (Con a) a, a)
-- eval' (Div t u) = let (x, a) = eval' t in
-- let (y, b) = eval' u in
-- (line (Div t u) (a `div` b) ++ y ++ x, a `div` b)
newtype Identity a = Identity {runIdentity :: a}
instance Functor Identity where
fmap f = Identity . f . runIdentity
instance Applicative Identity where
pure = Identity
f <*> g = Identity $ runIdentity f (runIdentity g)
instance Monad Identity where
ma >>= mf = mf $ runIdentity ma
evalMonad :: (Monad m) => Term -> m Int
evalMonad (Con a) = return a
evalMonad (Div t u) = do
a <- evalMonad t
b <- evalMonad u
return (a `div` b)
evalIdentity :: Term -> Identity Int
evalIdentity = evalMonad
type Exception = String
data MException a = Raise Exception | Return a deriving Show
instance Functor MException where
fmap _ (Raise e) = Raise e
fmap f (Return a) = Return $ f a
instance Applicative MException where
pure = Return
(<*>) (Raise e) _ = Raise e
(<*>) _ (Raise e) = Raise e
(Return f) <*> (Return a) = Return $ f a
instance Monad MException where
(Raise e) >>= _ = Raise e
(Return a) >>= mf = mf a
evalException :: Term -> MException Int
evalException (Con a) = evalMonad (Con a)
evalException (Div t u) = case evalException u of
Return 0 -> Raise "divide by zero"
_ -> evalMonad (Div t u)
newtype MState a = MState {runState :: State -> (a, State)}
type State = Int
instance Functor MState where
fmap f (MState k) = MState (\ s -> let (a, t) = k s in (f a, t) )
instance Applicative MState where
pure a = MState (\ s -> (a, s))
(MState f) <*> (MState g) = MState (\ s -> let (a, t) = f s
(b, u) = g t
in (a b, u))
instance Monad MState where
(MState ma) >>= mf= MState (\ s -> let (x, t) = ma s
in runState (mf x) t)
tick :: MState ()
tick = MState (\ s -> ((), s + 1))
evalState :: Term -> MState Int
evalState (Con a) = return a
evalState (Div t u) = do
a <- evalState t
b <- evalState u
tick >>= (\_ -> return (a `div` b))
-- print $ runState (evalState Lib.answer) 0
newtype MOutout a = MOutout {getOutput :: (Output, a)}
type Output = String
instance Functor MOutout where
fmap f (MOutout g) = let (o, a) = g in MOutout(o, f a)
instance Applicative MOutout where
pure a = MOutout ("", a)
MOutout (x, f) <*> MOutout (y , a) = MOutout (x ++ y, f a)
instance Monad MOutout where
MOutout (x, a) >>= mf = let (y, b) = getOutput (mf a) in MOutout (x ++ y, b)
out :: Output -> MOutout ()
out x = MOutout (x, ())
line :: Term -> Int -> Output
line t a = "eval (" ++ show t ++ ") <= " ++ show a ++ "\n"
evalOutput :: Term -> MOutout Int
evalOutput (Con a) = out (line (Con a) a) >>= (\_ -> return a)
evalOutput (Div t u) = do
a <- evalOutput t
b <- evalOutput u
out (line (Div t u) (a `div` b)) >>= (\_ -> return (a `div` b))
-- putStrLn . fst . getOutput . evalOutput) Lib.answer
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