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Created April 27, 2018 23:16
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Lib
) where
import Control.Monad (mzero)
import Crypto.Hash (Digest, SHA256,
digestToHexByteString, hash, hmac,
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Byteable (toBytes)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16 (encode)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import Data.CaseInsensitive (original)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.List (intersperse, lines, sortBy)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import Data.Time (getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import Data.Time.Format (FormatTime, defaultTimeLocale,
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Network.HTTP.Types
import Network.HTTP.Types.Header
import Network.HTTP.Types.Method
headers :: Request -> [Header]
headers req = sortBy (\(a,_) (b,_) -> compare a b) (("host", host req) : requestHeaders req)
canonicalHeaders :: Request -> ByteString
canonicalHeaders req =
C.concat $ map (\(hn,hv) -> bsToLower (original hn) <> ":" <> hv <> "n") hs
where hs = headers req
canonicalRequest :: Request -> ByteString -> ByteString
canonicalRequest req body = C.concat $
intersperse "n"
[ method req
, path req
, queryString req
, canonicalHeaders req
, signedHeaders req
, hexHash body
bsToLower :: ByteString -> ByteString
bsToLower = toLower
hexHash :: ByteString -> ByteString
hexHash p = digestToHexByteString (hash p :: Digest SHA256)
signedHeaders :: Request -> ByteString
signedHeaders req =
C.concat . intersperse ";" $ map (\(hn,_) -> bsToLower (original hn)) hs
where hs = headers req
v4DerivedKey :: ByteString -> -- ^ AWS Secret Access Key
ByteString -> -- ^ Date in YYYYMMDD format
ByteString -> -- ^ AWS region
ByteString -> -- ^ AWS service
v4DerivedKey secretAccessKey date region service = hmacSHA256 kService "aws4_request"
where kDate = hmacSHA256 ("AWS4" <> secretAccessKey) date
kRegion = hmacSHA256 kDate region
kService = hmacSHA256 kRegion service
hmacSHA256 :: ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
hmacSHA256 key p = toBytes $ (hmacGetDigest $ hmac key p :: Digest SHA256)
stringToSign :: UTCTime -> -- ^ current time
ByteString -> -- ^ The AWS region
ByteString -> -- ^ The AWS service
ByteString -> -- ^ Hashed canonical request
stringToSign date region service hashConReq = C.concat
[ "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256n"
, C.pack (formatAmzDate date) , "n"
, C.pack (format date) , "/"
, region , "/"
, service
, "/aws4_requestn"
, hashConReq
format :: UTCTime -> String
format = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y%m%d"
formatAmzDate :: UTCTime -> String
formatAmzDate = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ"
createSignature :: Request -> -- ^ Http request
ByteString -> -- ^ Body of the request
UTCTime -> -- ^ Current time
ByteString -> -- ^ Secret Access Key
ByteString -> -- ^ AWS region
createSignature req body now key region = v4Signature dKey toSign
where canReqHash = hexHash $ canonicalRequest req body
toSign = stringToSign now region "ses" canReqHash
dKey = v4DerivedKey key (C.pack $ format now) region "ses"
v4Signature :: ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
v4Signature derivedKey payLoad = B16.encode $ hmacSHA256 derivedKey payLoad
data SendEmailRequest = SendEmailRequest
{ region :: ByteString
, accessKeyId :: ByteString
, secretAccessKey :: ByteString
, source :: ByteString
, to :: [ByteString]
, subject :: ByteString
, body :: ByteString
} deriving Show
data SendEmailResponse = SendEmailResponse
{ requestId :: Text
, messageId :: Text
} deriving Show
instance FromJSON SendEmailResponse where
parseJSON (Object o) = do
response <- o .: "SendEmailResponse"
reqId <- response .: "ResponseMetadata" >>= (.: "RequestId")
msgId <- response .: "SendEmailResult" >>= (.: "MessageId")
return $ SendEmailResponse reqId msgId
parseJSON _ = mzero
usEast1 :: ByteString
usEast1 = "us-east-1"
usWest2 :: ByteString
usWest2 = "us-west-2"
euWest1 :: ByteString
euWest1 = "eu-west-1"
sendEmail :: SendEmailRequest -> IO (Either String SendEmailResponse)
sendEmail sendReq = do
fReq <- parseUrlThrow $ "https://email." ++ C.unpack (region sendReq) ++ ""
now <- getCurrentTime
let req = fReq
{ requestHeaders =
[ ("Accept", "text/json")
, ("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
, ("x-amz-date", C.pack $ formatAmzDate now)
, method = "POST"
, requestBody = RequestBodyBS reqBody
sig = createSignature req reqBody now (secretAccessKey sendReq) (region sendReq)
manager <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
resp <- httpLbs (authenticateRequest sendReq now req reqBody) manager
case responseStatus resp of
(Status 200 _) -> return $ eitherDecode (responseBody resp)
(Status code msg) ->
return $ Left ("Request failed with status code <" ++
show code ++ "> and message <" ++ C.unpack msg ++ ">")
reqBody = renderSimpleQuery False $
[ ("Action", "SendEmail")
, ("Source", source sendReq)
] ++ toAddressQuery (to sendReq) ++
[ ("Message.Subject.Data", subject sendReq)
, ("Message.Body.Text.Data", body sendReq)
authenticateRequest :: SendEmailRequest -> UTCTime -> Request -> ByteString -> Request
authenticateRequest sendReq now req body =
req { requestHeaders =
authHeader now (accessKeyId sendReq)
(signedHeaders req) sig
(region sendReq) :
(requestHeaders req)
where sig = createSignature req body now (secretAccessKey sendReq) (region sendReq)
toAddressQuery :: [ByteString] -> SimpleQuery
toAddressQuery =
zipWith (\index address ->
( "Destination.ToAddresses.member." <>
C.pack (show index)
, address)
) [1..]
authHeader :: UTCTime -> -- ^ Current time
ByteString -> -- ^ Secret access key
ByteString -> -- ^ Signed headers
ByteString -> -- ^ Signature
ByteString -> -- ^ AWS Region
authHeader now sId signHeads sig region =
( "Authorization"
, C.concat
[ "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential="
, sId , "/"
, C.pack (format now) , "/"
, region
, "/ses/aws4_request, SignedHeaders="
, signHeads
, ", Signature="
, sig
name: haskell-aws-es
github: "githubuser/haskell-aws-es"
license: BSD3
author: "Author name here"
maintainer: ""
copyright: "2018 Author name here"
# Metadata used when publishing your package
# synopsis: Short description of your package
# category: Web
# To avoid duplicated efforts in documentation and dealing with the
# complications of embedding Haddock markup inside cabal files, it is
# common to point users to the file.
description: Please see the README on Github at <>
- aeson
- base >= 4.7 && < 5
- base16-bytestring
- byteable
- bytestring
- case-insensitive
- cryptohash
- http-client
- http-conduit
- http-types
- text
- time
source-dirs: src
main: Main.hs
source-dirs: app
- -threaded
- -rtsopts
- -with-rtsopts=-N
- haskell-aws-es
main: Spec.hs
source-dirs: test
- -threaded
- -rtsopts
- -with-rtsopts=-N
- haskell-aws-es
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