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Created May 20, 2023 23:33
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building darktable

The ubuntu snap version doesn't have the latest lensfun data files. For reasons, it seems to have hard coded the lensfun data files, and also for reasons, the snap seems to be mounted as read-only file system, so you can't just copy the lensfun files there.

lensfun needs to be updated using lensfun-update-data. If you type it in cli it would suggest what pkg to install to get it on ubuntu.

trying to compile darktable myself. checking out the source turns out to take forever.


sed -e '/^#\sdeb-src /s/^# *//;t;d' "/etc/apt/sources.list" \
  | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/darktable-sources-tmp.list > /dev/null \
  && (
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get build-dep darktable
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/darktable-sources-tmp.list


git clone --recurse-submodules --shallow-submodules -- --depth 1
cd darktable
git fetch --tags
git checkout tags/release-4.2.1


./ --prefix /opt/darktable-test --build-type Release 

install (above cmd would tell you what to do once it's done), note the sudo -E, you need that to make jsonschema python pkg visible

sudo -E cmake --build "/home/wei/darktable/darktable/build" --target install -- -j16
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