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Last active October 1, 2020 04:59
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Ledger test
const path = require('path')
const os = require('os')
const CKB = require('@nervosnetwork/ckb-sdk-core').default
const { Indexer, CellCollector } = require('@ckb-lumos/indexer')
const LUMOS_DB = process.env.LUMOS_DB || path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'lumos_db')
const CKB_URL = process.env.CKB_URL || ''
// Note: there is currently a bug in the speculos simulator that appears not to
// have been adequately addressed that prevents correctly generating the the
// last byte of a recoverable signature. You can work around this by replacing
// the last byte with 00, trying to send the signature, and if that fails
// trying again with 01. This issue _ONLY_ occurs with Speculos, which has a
// different implementation of cryptography primitives than the real hardware.
const Transport = require("@ledgerhq/hw-transport-node-hid").default;
const LedgerCkb = require("../").default;
// const blk = require("@ledgerhq/hw-app-ckb/lib/annotated.js");
const ckbPath = `44'/309'/0'/0/0`
// const ckbPath = `m/44'/309'/0'`
const indexer = new Indexer(CKB_URL, LUMOS_DB)
const startSync = async () => {
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 20000))
const bootstrap = async () => {
const nodeUrl = process.env.NODE_URL || 'http://localhost:8117' // example node url
const ckb = new CKB(nodeUrl) // instantiate the JS SDK with provided node url
const { secp256k1Dep } = await ckb.loadDeps()
let transport = await;
const lckb = new LedgerCkb(transport)
const keydata = await lckb.getWalletPublicKey(ckbPath, true)
const address = keydata.address
const addresses = { testnetAddress: address }
* to see the addresses
// console.log(JSON.stringify(addresses, null, 2))
* calculate the lockHash by the address publicKeyHash
* 1. the publicKeyHash of the address is required in the args field of lock script
* 2. compose the lock script with the code hash(as a miner, we use blockAssemblerCodeHash here), and args
* 3. calculate the hash of lock script via ckb.utils.scriptToHash method
const locks = [
// "ckt1qyqgsv9xu8dkqt8c6dl4lkp9c6s3c8xd2w5s2099pz"
{...secp256k1Dep, args: "0x8830a6e1db602cf8d37f5fd825c6a11c1ccd53a9"},
// "ckt1qyq8ua6h3hjm49mteq6h2pyfrphe97jl6h4qdrp7d0"
{...secp256k1Dep, args: "0x7e77578de5ba976bc835750489186f92fa5fd5ea"}
const cells = await Promise.all( => ckb.loadCells({ indexer, CellCollector, lock }))
const unspentCells = cells.flat()
console.log(addresses.testnetAddress, 'addresses.testnetAddress')
const rawTransaction = ckb.generateRawTransaction({
fromAddress: addresses.testnetAddress,
toAddress: 'ckt1qyqysrp642jfnq90jdet75xsg4nvau3jcxuqrpmukr',
// capacity: BigInt(9200000000),
capacity: BigInt(40000000000),
fee: BigInt(100000),
safeMode: true,
cells: unspentCells,
deps: ckb.config.secp256k1Dep,
console.log('rawTransaction', rawTransaction)
// const rawTransaction = ckb.generateDaoDepositTransaction({
// fromAddress: addresses.testnetAddress,
// capacity: BigInt(10400000000),
// fee: BigInt(100000),
// // cells: unspentCells
// })
rawTransaction.witnesses = => '0x')
rawTransaction.witnesses[0] = ckb.utils.serializeWitnessArgs({
lock: '',
inputType: '',
outputType: ''
rawTransaction.witnesses[1] = ckb.utils.serializeWitnessArgs({
lock: '',
inputType: '',
outputType: ''
console.log('rawTransaction:', JSON.stringify(rawTransaction))
// fetch all the context transactions
ctxds = (await Promise.all(>ckb.rpc.getTransaction(a.previousOutput.txHash)))).map(a=>a.transaction)
const formatted = ckb.rpc.paramsFormatter.toRawTransaction(rawTransaction)
const formattedCtxd =
const signature1 = await lckb.signTransaction(ckbPath, formatted, [formatted.witnesses[0]], formattedCtxd, ckbPath)
const signature2 = await lckb.signTransaction("44'/309'/0'/0/1", formatted, [formatted.witnesses[1]], formattedCtxd, ckbPath)
rawTransaction.witnesses[0] = ckb.utils.serializeWitnessArgs( { lock: "0x"+signature1, inputType: '', outputType: '' });
rawTransaction.witnesses[1] = ckb.utils.serializeWitnessArgs( { lock: "0x"+signature2, inputType: '', outputType: '' });
console.log('rawTransaction.witnesses', rawTransaction.witnesses)
const realTxHash = await ckb.rpc.sendTransaction(rawTransaction).catch(err=>err)
* to see the real transaction hash
console.log(`The real transaction hash is: ${realTxHash}`)
(async () => {
// const uint64le = toUint64Le(BigInt('0x2540be400'))
// console.log(uint64le)
// const buf = Buffer.from('2540be400', 'hex')
// console.log(buf)
// const uint16 = Uint16Array.from(buf)
// console.log(Buffer.from(uint16.buffer).toString('hex'))
// await setupLedger()
// await startSync()
await bootstrap()
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