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Created May 23, 2020 19:07
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import xmltodict
import json
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
#Parse XML to dictionary
with open('export.xml') as f:
health = xmltodict.parse(
#Extract desired data and turn into a Data Frame
data = pd.DataFrame(health['HealthData']['Record'])
#Create two Data Frames for distance and steps walked
distance = data[data['@type'] == 'HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDistanceWalkingRunning'][['@value','@creationDate','@startDate','@endDate']]
step = data[data['@type'] == 'HKQuantityTypeIdentifierStepCount'][['@value','@creationDate','@startDate','@endDate']]
#Turn the kilometers into float data type from object and others into datetime
distance['@value'] = distance['@value'].astype(float)
for column in distance.columns:
if column != '@value':
distance[column] = pd.to_datetime(distance[column])
#Create a new column to get the time differences
distance['@walkHours'] = distance['@endDate'] - distance['@startDate']
#Resample to aggregate data by day and merge kilometres and walking time dataframes
data = pd.merge(
left = distance.resample("D",on='@startDate')['@walkHours'].sum().reset_index(),
right = distance.resample("D",on='@startDate')['@value'].sum().reset_index(),
on = '@startDate',
how = 'outer',
indicator = False).rename(columns={'@value':'@kms'})
#Same with step
step['@value'] = step['@value'].astype(int)
for column in step.columns:
if column != '@value':
step[column] = pd.to_datetime(step[column])
#Merge with earlier data
data = data.merge(
#Turn HH:MM:SS into minutes.
data['@walkMins'] = round((data['@walkHours'].dt.total_seconds() / 60), 2)
data = data[data['@walkMins'] < 1440]
#Filter out incorrect entries
data['@startDate'] = data['@startDate'].dt.tz_localize(None)
#Export to Excel
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