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Last active August 7, 2019 05:22
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[ECMAScript] Regexp to match the JavaScript numberic literal value (Supports number seprator)
// Reference:
(function () {
const regexp = /^[+-]?(?:0b[01]+|0o[0-7]+|0x[0-9a-f]+|(?:(?:(?:0|[1-9]\d*)\.\d*|\.\d+|(?:0|[1-9]\d*))(?:e[+-]?\d+)?))$/i;
// RegExp below also supports number spearator:
// const regexp = /^[+-]?(?:0b[01](_?[01])*|0o[0-7](_?[0-7])*|0x[0-9a-f](_?[0-9a-f])*|(?:(?:(?:0|[1-9](_?\d(_?\d)*)?)\.(\d(_?\d)*)?|\.\d(_?\d)*|(?:0|[1-9](_?\d(_?\d)*)?))(?:e[+-]?\d(_?\d)*)?))$/i;
const testCases = [
'0.', '0.E1', '0.e-1','0.e0', '0.1', '0.12', '0.12e2', '0.12e-2','0.12E0','0.0e1', '0.0e-1', '0.0E0',
'1.', '1.E1', '1.e-1','1.e0', '1.1', '1.12', '1.12e2', '1.12e-2','1.12E0','1.0e1', '1.0e-1', '1.0E0',
'1_0.', '1_0_0.', '1_0.0_1_2', '1_0_0', '100_000', '1e1_2', '1e+12_0', '.1_2_3', '.000_111', '10_1.1_2_3', '0.000_111', '0e0', '1_2e10',
'11.', '12.E1', '13.e-1','144.e0', '155.1', '124.12', '14.12e2', '124.12e-2','10.12E0','100.0e1', '101.0e-1', '102.0E0',
'.0', '.0e1', '.0e-1', '.0E0', '.12', '.12e1', '.12e-1', '.12E0',
'0', '0e1', '0e-1', '0E0', '1', '1e1', '1e-1', '1E0',
'0b0', '0b1', '0b0000', '0b111', '0b010101', '0b0_1', '0b0000_1111',
'0B0', '0B1', '0B0000', '0B111', '0B010101',
'0o0','0o01','0o02','0o07','0o7', '0o00_11', '0o0_1111_00',
'0x0', '0x01', '0xa', '0x1234abcdef', '0xf_ed_123', '0x1234_abcd_ef',
'0X0', '0X01', '0XA', '0X1234ABCDEF',
testCases.forEach((num) => {
console.assert(regexp.test(num), num);
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