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Created September 30, 2012 15:19
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a solution to Exercise 9.1 of "Purely Functional Data Structures (PFDS)"
(* a solution to Exercise 9.1 of "Purely Functional Data Structures (PFDS)" *)
module type ITEM =
type t
val print : t -> unit
module Int : (ITEM with type t = int) =
type t = int
let print = print_int
module type SMALLSTREAM =
type 'a cell = Nil | Cons of 'a * 'a stream
and 'a stream = 'a cell Lazy.t;;
exception Empty;;
val empty : 'a stream
val cons : 'a -> 'a stream -> 'a stream
module SmallStream : SMALLSTREAM =
type 'a cell = Nil | Cons of 'a * 'a stream
and 'a stream = 'a cell Lazy.t
exception Empty
let empty = lazy Nil
let cons x xs = lazy (Cons (x, xs))
module Elem : ITEM
type rlist
exception Empty
exception Subscript
val empty : rlist
val isEmpty : rlist -> bool
val cons : Elem.t * rlist -> rlist
val head : rlist -> Elem.t
val tail : rlist -> rlist
val lookup : int * rlist -> Elem.t
val update : int * Elem.t * rlist -> rlist
val print : rlist -> unit
val dprint : bool -> rlist -> unit
val drop : int * rlist -> rlist
module BinaryRandomAccessList (Element : ITEM) : RANDOMACCESSLIST
with module Elem = Element =
module Elem = Element
type 'a tree = LEAF of 'a
| NODE of int * 'a tree * 'a tree
type 'a digit = ZERO
| ONE of 'a tree
type rlist = Element.t digit list
exception Empty
exception Subscript
let size = function
| (LEAF x) -> 1
| (NODE (w, t1, t2)) -> w
let empty = []
let isEmpty ts = ts = []
let link (t1, t2) = NODE (size t1 + size t2, t1, t2)
let rec consTree = function
| (t, []) -> [ONE t]
| (t, ZERO :: ts) -> ONE t :: ts
| (t1, ONE t2 :: ts) -> ZERO :: consTree (link (t1, t2), ts)
let rec unconsTree = function
| [] -> raise Empty
| [ONE t] -> (t, [])
| (ONE t :: ts) -> (t, ZERO :: ts)
| (ZERO :: ts) ->
let (NODE (_, t1, t2), ts') = unconsTree ts in
(t1, ONE t2 :: ts')
let cons (x, ts) = consTree (LEAF x, ts)
let head ts =
let (LEAF x, _) = unconsTree ts in
let tail ts =
let (_, ts') = unconsTree ts in
let rec lookupTree = function
| (0, LEAF x) -> x
| (i, LEAF x) -> raise Subscript
| (i, NODE (w, t1, t2)) ->
if i < (w/2) then lookupTree (i, t1)
else lookupTree (i - (w/2), t2)
let rec lookup = function
| (i, []) -> raise Subscript
| (i, ZERO :: ts) -> lookup (i, ts)
| (i, ONE t :: ts) ->
if i < size t then lookupTree (i, t)
else lookup (i - size t, ts)
let rec updateTree = function
| (0, y, LEAF x) -> LEAF y
| (i, y, LEAF x) -> raise Subscript
| (i, y, NODE (w, t1, t2)) ->
if i < (w/2) then NODE (w, updateTree (i, y, t1), t2)
else NODE (w, t1, updateTree (i - (w/2), y, t2))
let rec update = function
| (i, y, []) -> raise Subscript
| (i, y, ZERO :: ts) -> ZERO :: update (i, y, ts)
| (i, y, ONE t :: ts) ->
if i < size t then ONE (updateTree (i, y, t)) :: ts
else ONE t :: update (i - size t, y, ts)
let print xs =
let rec print_tree = function
| (LEAF x) ->
print_string "LEAF (";
Elem.print x;
print_string ")"
| (NODE (w, t1, t2)) ->
print_string "NODE (";
print_int w;
print_string ", ";
print_tree t1;
print_string ", ";
print_tree t2;
print_string ")" in
let print_digit = function
| (ZERO) -> print_string "ZERO"
| (ONE t) ->
print_string "ONE (";
print_tree t;
print_string ")" in
let rec print_digit_list = function
| [] -> ()
| (x :: xs) ->
print_digit x;
print_string ";\n";
print_digit_list xs in
print_string "rlist ([\n";
print_digit_list xs;
print_string "])";
print_newline ()
let dprint _ xs = print xs
let rec fillZero : Elem.t tree * rlist -> rlist = function
| (LEAF x, a) -> a
| (NODE (w, t1, t2), a) -> fillZero (t1, ZERO :: a)
let rec dropTreeLeft : int * Elem.t tree * rlist -> rlist = function
| (0, t, a) -> fillZero (t, ONE t :: a)
| (i, LEAF x, a) -> raise Subscript
| (i, NODE (w, t1, t2), a) ->
if i < (w/2)
then dropTreeLeft (i, t1, ONE t2 :: a)
else dropTreeRight (i - (w/2), t2, a)
and dropTreeRight : int * Elem.t tree * rlist -> rlist = function
| (0, t, a) -> fillZero (t, ONE t :: a)
| (i, LEAF x, a) -> raise Subscript
| (i, NODE (w, t1, t2), a) ->
match a with
| [] ->
if i < (w/2)
then dropTreeLeft (i, t1, ONE t2 :: a)
else dropTreeRight (i - (w/2), t2, a)
| a ->
if i < (w/2)
then dropTreeLeft (i, t1, ONE t2 :: ZERO :: a)
else dropTreeRight (i - (w/2), t2, ZERO :: a)
let rec drop : int * rlist -> rlist = function
| (i, []) -> []
| (i, ZERO :: ts) -> drop (i, ts)
| (i, ONE t :: ts) ->
if i < size t
then dropTreeRight (i, t, ts)
else drop (i - size t, ts)
module IntBinaryRandomAccessList = BinaryRandomAccessList (Int)
#use "topfind";;
#require "OUnit";;
open OUnit;;
(* Tests for BinaryRandomAccessList *)
#use "";;
open IntBinaryRandomAccessList;;
module B = IntBinaryRandomAccessList
let cons_rlist n =
let rec cons_rlist' = function
| (0, a) -> a
| (i, a) -> cons_rlist' (i-1, B.cons (n-i, a))
in cons_rlist' (n, B.empty)
let rec tail_rlist n rlist = match n with
| 0 -> rlist
| i -> tail_rlist (i-1) (B.tail rlist)
(* 0 *)
let rlist_0 = cons_rlist 0;;
print_string "n = 0:\n"; B.print rlist_0;;
(* 11 *)
let rlist_11 = cons_rlist 11;;
print_string "n = 11:\n"; B.print rlist_11;;
(* test *)
let test_0 _ = assert_bool "ok" (B.isEmpty rlist_0)
let test_11 _ = match B.isEmpty rlist_11 with
| false -> assert_bool "ok" true
| _ -> assert_failure "not correct"
let test_11_head = assert_equal (10, rlist_11)
let test_11_lookup _ =
assert_equal 10 (B.lookup (0, rlist_11));
assert_equal 9 (B.lookup (1, rlist_11));
assert_equal 8 (B.lookup (2, rlist_11));
assert_equal 7 (B.lookup (3, rlist_11));
assert_equal 6 (B.lookup (4, rlist_11));
assert_equal 5 (B.lookup (5, rlist_11));
assert_equal 4 (B.lookup (6, rlist_11));
assert_equal 3 (B.lookup (7, rlist_11));
assert_equal 2 (B.lookup (8, rlist_11));
assert_equal 1 (B.lookup (9, rlist_11));
assert_equal 0 (B.lookup (10, rlist_11))
let test_11_update _ =
let rlist_11a = B.update (3, 11, rlist_11) in
let rlist_11b = B.update (8, 12, rlist_11a) in
let rlist_11c = B.update (5, 13, rlist_11b) in
let rlist_11d = B.update (0, 14, rlist_11c) in
let rlist_11e = B.cons (15, rlist_11d) in
assert_equal 14 (B.head rlist_11d);
assert_equal 15 (B.head rlist_11e);
assert_equal 15 (B.lookup (0, rlist_11e));
assert_equal 14 (B.lookup (1, rlist_11e));
assert_equal 9 (B.lookup (2, rlist_11e));
assert_equal 8 (B.lookup (3, rlist_11e));
assert_equal 11 (B.lookup (4, rlist_11e));
assert_equal 6 (B.lookup (5, rlist_11e));
assert_equal 13 (B.lookup (6, rlist_11e));
assert_equal 4 (B.lookup (7, rlist_11e));
assert_equal 3 (B.lookup (8, rlist_11e));
assert_equal 12 (B.lookup (9, rlist_11e));
assert_equal 1 (B.lookup (10, rlist_11e));
assert_equal 0 (B.lookup (11, rlist_11e))
let test_11_drop _ =
let rlist_11a = B.drop (6, rlist_11) in
print_string "n = 11 - 6 = 5:\n"; B.print rlist_11a;
assert_equal 5 (B.lookup (5, rlist_11));
assert_equal 4 (B.lookup (6, rlist_11));
assert_equal 3 (B.lookup (7, rlist_11));
assert_equal 2 (B.lookup (8, rlist_11));
assert_equal 1 (B.lookup (9, rlist_11))
let suite = "Test BinaryRandomAccessList Exercise 9.1" >:::
["test_0" >:: test_0;
"test_11" >:: test_11;
"test_11_lookup" >:: test_11_lookup;
"test_11_update" >:: test_11_update;
"test_11_drop" >:: test_11_drop;
let _ = run_test_tt_main suite;;
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