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Created November 10, 2013 06:53
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{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
module Bin where
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>))
import Control.Monad (ap)
import qualified Data.Array.MArray as M
import Data.Array.Storable hiding (getBounds)
import qualified Data.Array.Unsafe as U
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal as L
import Data.Word
import Foreign
import GHC.Base
import GHC.Word
import System.IO.MMap
import System.IO.Unsafe
class Binary t where
-- | Encode a value in the Put method
put :: t -> Bin ()
-- | Decode a value in the Bin method
get :: t -> Bin t
data S = S !(StorableArray Int Word8) -- data store
!Int -- current index
newtype Bin r = Bin { unBin :: S -> IO (r, S) }
instance Functor Bin where
fmap f m = Bin $ \s -> unBin m s >>= \(r, s') -> return (f r, s')
instance Applicative Bin where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad Bin where
return r = Bin $ \s -> return (r, s)
m >>= k = Bin $ \s -> unBin m s >>= \(r, s') -> unBin (k r) s'
fail err = Bin $ \_ -> error err
runBin :: Bin r -> StorableArray Int Word8 -> IO r
runBin b sarr = do
(l,_) <- M.getBounds sarr
(r,_) <- unBin b (S sarr l)
return r
runBinWithFile :: Bin r -> FilePath -> IO r
runBinWithFile b p = do
(ptr,offset,size) <- mmapFileForeignPtr p ReadOnly Nothing
sarr <- U.unsafeForeignPtrToStorableArray ptr (offset,size)
runBin b sarr
-- | Bin the current position.
getPosition :: Bin Int
getPosition = Bin $ \s@(S _ n) -> return (n, s)
getBounds :: Bin (Int,Int)
getBounds = Bin $ \s@(S sarr _) -> do
b <- M.getBounds sarr
return (b,s)
normalize :: Int -> Int -> StorableArray Int Word8 -> IO Int
normalize p n sarr
| n < 0 = return 0
| otherwise = do
(_,h) <- M.getBounds sarr
let next = p + n
let n' = if next <= h + 1 then n else (next - h + 1)
return n'
getByteString :: Int -> Bin S.ByteString
getByteString n = Bin $ \(S sarr p) -> do
n' <- normalize p n sarr
bs <- withStorableArray sarr $ \sp ->
S.create n' $ \bp -> S.memcpy bp (sp `plusPtr` p) n'
return (bs,(S sarr (p + n')))
getLazyByteString :: Int -> Bin L.ByteString
getLazyByteString n = Bin $ \(S sarr p) -> do
n' <- normalize p n sarr
bs <- copy p n' sarr
return (bs,S sarr (p + n'))
copy :: Int -> Int -> StorableArray Int Word8 -> IO L.ByteString
copy _ 0 _ = return L.empty
copy p m sarr
| n <= L.defaultChunkSize = do
bs <- withStorableArray sarr $ \sp ->
S.create n $ \bp -> S.memcpy bp (sp `plusPtr` p) m
return $ L.Chunk bs L.empty
| otherwise = do
let p' = p + fromIntegral L.defaultChunkSize
let m' = m - L.defaultChunkSize
bs <- withStorableArray sarr $ \sp ->
S.create L.defaultChunkSize $ \bp ->
S.memcpy bp (sp `plusPtr` p) L.defaultChunkSize
L.Chunk bs <$> (unsafeInterleaveIO (copy p' m' sarr))
checkBounds :: Int -> Bin a -> Bin a
checkBounds n b = do
(l,h) <- getBounds
p <- getPosition
let p' = p + n
if l <= p' && p' <= h then
fail $ "out of bounds: distance_to_move=" ++ show n
++ ", bounds=" ++ show (l,h)
++ ", current_position=" ++ show p
skip :: Int -> Bin ()
skip n = checkBounds n $ Bin $ \(S sarr p) ->
return ((), S sarr (p + n))
peekPtr :: Storable a => Int -> Bin a
peekPtr n = checkBounds n $ Bin $ \(S sarr p) -> do
a <- withStorableArray sarr $ \sp -> peekByteOff sp p
return (a,S sarr (p + n))
getWord8 :: Bin Word8
getWord8 = peekPtr (sizeOf (undefined :: Word8))
getWord16be :: Bin Word16
getWord16be = checkBounds 2 $ Bin $ \(S sarr p) -> do
a <- withStorableArray sarr $ \sp -> do
a0 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 0) :: IO Word8
a1 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 1) :: IO Word8
return $! (fromIntegral a0 `shiftl_w16` 8)
.|. (fromIntegral a1)
return (a,S sarr (p + 2))
getWord16le :: Bin Word16
getWord16le = checkBounds 2 $ Bin $ \(S sarr p) -> do
a <- withStorableArray sarr $ \sp -> do
a0 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 0) :: IO Word8
a1 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 1) :: IO Word8
return $! (fromIntegral a1 `shiftl_w16` 8)
.|. (fromIntegral a0)
return (a,S sarr (p + 2))
getWord32be :: Bin Word32
getWord32be = checkBounds 4 $ Bin $ \(S sarr p) -> do
a <- withStorableArray sarr $ \sp -> do
a0 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 0) :: IO Word8
a1 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 1) :: IO Word8
a2 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 2) :: IO Word8
a3 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 3) :: IO Word8
return $! (fromIntegral a0 `shiftl_w32` 24)
.|. (fromIntegral a1 `shiftl_w32` 16)
.|. (fromIntegral a2 `shiftl_w32` 8)
.|. (fromIntegral a3)
return (a,S sarr (p + 4))
getWord32le :: Bin Word32
getWord32le = checkBounds 4 $ Bin $ \(S sarr p) -> do
a <- withStorableArray sarr $ \sp -> do
a0 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 0) :: IO Word8
a1 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 1) :: IO Word8
a2 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 2) :: IO Word8
a3 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 3) :: IO Word8
return $! (fromIntegral a3 `shiftl_w32` 24)
.|. (fromIntegral a2 `shiftl_w32` 16)
.|. (fromIntegral a1 `shiftl_w32` 8)
.|. (fromIntegral a0)
return (a,S sarr (p + 4))
getWord64be :: Bin Word64
getWord64be = checkBounds 8 $ Bin $ \(S sarr p) -> do
a <- withStorableArray sarr $ \sp -> do
a0 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 0) :: IO Word8
a1 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 1) :: IO Word8
a2 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 2) :: IO Word8
a3 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 3) :: IO Word8
a4 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 4) :: IO Word8
a5 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 5) :: IO Word8
a6 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 6) :: IO Word8
a7 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 7) :: IO Word8
return $! (fromIntegral a0 `shiftl_w64` 56)
.|. (fromIntegral a1 `shiftl_w64` 48)
.|. (fromIntegral a2 `shiftl_w64` 40)
.|. (fromIntegral a3 `shiftl_w64` 32)
.|. (fromIntegral a4 `shiftl_w64` 24)
.|. (fromIntegral a5 `shiftl_w64` 16)
.|. (fromIntegral a6 `shiftl_w64` 8)
.|. (fromIntegral a7)
return (a,S sarr (p + 8))
getWord64le :: Bin Word64
getWord64le = checkBounds 8 $ Bin $ \(S sarr p) -> do
a <- withStorableArray sarr $ \sp -> do
a0 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 0) :: IO Word8
a1 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 1) :: IO Word8
a2 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 2) :: IO Word8
a3 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 3) :: IO Word8
a4 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 4) :: IO Word8
a5 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 5) :: IO Word8
a6 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 6) :: IO Word8
a7 <- peekByteOff sp (p + 7) :: IO Word8
return $! (fromIntegral a7 `shiftl_w64` 56)
.|. (fromIntegral a6 `shiftl_w64` 48)
.|. (fromIntegral a5 `shiftl_w64` 40)
.|. (fromIntegral a4 `shiftl_w64` 32)
.|. (fromIntegral a3 `shiftl_w64` 24)
.|. (fromIntegral a2 `shiftl_w64` 16)
.|. (fromIntegral a1 `shiftl_w64` 8)
.|. (fromIntegral a0)
return (a,S sarr (p + 8))
getWordhost :: Bin Word
getWordhost = peekPtr (sizeOf (undefined :: Word))
getWord16host :: Bin Word16
getWord16host = peekPtr (sizeOf (undefined :: Word16))
getWord32host :: Bin Word32
getWord32host = peekPtr (sizeOf (undefined :: Word32))
getWord64host :: Bin Word64
getWord64host = peekPtr (sizeOf (undefined :: Word64))
writeByteString :: S.ByteString -> Bin ()
writeByteString bs = Bin $ \(S sarr p) -> do
withStorableArray sarr $ \sp -> case S.toForeignPtr bs of
(fbp,offset,_) -> withForeignPtr fbp $ \bp ->
S.memcpy (sp `plusPtr` p) (bp `plusPtr` offset) n
return ((),S sarr (p + n))
n = S.length bs
putByteString :: S.ByteString -> Bin ()
putByteString bs
| S.null bs = Bin $ \s -> return ((),s)
| otherwise = checkBounds (S.length bs) (writeByteString bs)
putLazyByteString :: L.ByteString -> Bin ()
putLazyByteString bss = do
loop bss 0 (putByteString S.empty)
loop :: L.ByteString -> Int -> Bin () -> Bin ()
loop L.Empty _ f = f
loop (L.Chunk bs bss') !a f = checkBounds n $ loop bss' n (putByteString bs >> f)
n = a + S.length bs
putWord8 :: Word8 -> Bin ()
putWord8 w = checkBounds 1 $ Bin $ \(S sarr p) -> do
withStorableArray sarr $ \sp ->
pokeByteOff sp p w
return ((),S sarr (p + 1))
putWord16be :: Word16 -> Bin ()
putWord16be w = checkBounds 2 $ Bin $ \(S sarr p) -> do
withStorableArray sarr $ \sp -> do
pokeByteOff sp 0 (fromIntegral w :: Word8)
pokeByteOff sp 1 (fromIntegral (shiftr_w16 w 8) :: Word8)
return ((),S sarr (p + 2))
putWord16le :: Word16 -> Bin ()
putWord16le w = checkBounds 2 $ Bin $ \(S sarr p) -> do
withStorableArray sarr $ \sp -> do
pokeByteOff sp 0 (fromIntegral (shiftr_w16 w 8) :: Word8)
pokeByteOff sp 1 (fromIntegral w :: Word8)
return ((),S sarr (p + 2))
putWord32be :: Word32 -> Bin ()
putWord32be w = checkBounds 4 $ Bin $ \(S sarr p) -> do
withStorableArray sarr $ \sp -> do
pokeByteOff sp 0 (fromIntegral w :: Word8)
pokeByteOff sp 1 (fromIntegral (shiftr_w32 w 8) :: Word8)
pokeByteOff sp 2 (fromIntegral (shiftr_w32 w 16) :: Word8)
pokeByteOff sp 3 (fromIntegral (shiftr_w32 w 24) :: Word8)
return ((),S sarr (p + 4))
putWord32le :: Word32 -> Bin ()
putWord32le w = checkBounds 4 $ Bin $ \(S sarr p) -> do
withStorableArray sarr $ \sp -> do
pokeByteOff sp 0 (fromIntegral (shiftr_w32 w 24) :: Word8)
pokeByteOff sp 1 (fromIntegral (shiftr_w32 w 16) :: Word8)
pokeByteOff sp 2 (fromIntegral (shiftr_w32 w 8) :: Word8)
pokeByteOff sp 3 (fromIntegral w :: Word8)
return ((),S sarr (p + 4))
putWord64be :: Word64 -> Bin ()
putWord64be w = checkBounds 8 $ Bin $ \(S sarr p) -> do
withStorableArray sarr $ \sp -> do
pokeByteOff sp 0 (fromIntegral w :: Word8)
pokeByteOff sp 1 (fromIntegral (shiftr_w64 w 8) :: Word8)
pokeByteOff sp 2 (fromIntegral (shiftr_w64 w 16) :: Word8)
pokeByteOff sp 3 (fromIntegral (shiftr_w64 w 24) :: Word8)
pokeByteOff sp 4 (fromIntegral (shiftr_w64 w 32) :: Word8)
pokeByteOff sp 5 (fromIntegral (shiftr_w64 w 40) :: Word8)
pokeByteOff sp 6 (fromIntegral (shiftr_w64 w 48) :: Word8)
pokeByteOff sp 7 (fromIntegral (shiftr_w64 w 56) :: Word8)
return ((),S sarr (p + 8))
putWord64le :: Word64 -> Bin ()
putWord64le w = checkBounds 8 $ Bin $ \(S sarr p) -> do
withStorableArray sarr $ \sp -> do
pokeByteOff sp 0 (fromIntegral (shiftr_w64 w 56) :: Word8)
pokeByteOff sp 1 (fromIntegral (shiftr_w64 w 48) :: Word8)
pokeByteOff sp 2 (fromIntegral (shiftr_w64 w 40) :: Word8)
pokeByteOff sp 3 (fromIntegral (shiftr_w64 w 32) :: Word8)
pokeByteOff sp 4 (fromIntegral (shiftr_w64 w 24) :: Word8)
pokeByteOff sp 5 (fromIntegral (shiftr_w64 w 16) :: Word8)
pokeByteOff sp 6 (fromIntegral (shiftr_w64 w 8) :: Word8)
pokeByteOff sp 7 (fromIntegral w :: Word8)
return ((),S sarr (p + 8))
shiftl_w16 :: Word16 -> Int -> Word16
shiftl_w16 (W16# w) (I# i) = W16# (w `uncheckedShiftL#` i)
shiftl_w32 :: Word32 -> Int -> Word32
shiftl_w32 (W32# w) (I# i) = W32# (w `uncheckedShiftL#` i)
shiftl_w64 :: Word64 -> Int -> Word64
shiftl_w64 (W64# w) (I# i) = W64# (w `uncheckedShiftL#` i)
shiftr_w16 :: Word16 -> Int -> Word16
shiftr_w16 (W16# w) (I# i) = W16# (w `uncheckedShiftRL#` i)
shiftr_w32 :: Word32 -> Int -> Word32
shiftr_w32 (W32# w) (I# i) = W32# (w `uncheckedShiftRL#` i)
shiftr_w64 :: Word64 -> Int -> Word64
shiftr_w64 (W64# w) (I# i) = W64# (w `uncheckedShiftRL#` i)
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