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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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(* **** Exercise: 1 star (bool_prop) *)
(** **** 練習問題: ★ (bool_prop) *)
Theorem andb_false : forall b c,
andb b c = false -> b = false \/ c = false.
intros b c H.
unfold andb in H.
destruct b.
right. apply H.
left. reflexivity.
Definition andb_false' : forall b c,
andb b c = false -> b = false \/ c = false :=
fun b c H =>
(match b with
| true => c
| false => false
end = false -> b = false \/ c = false)
| true => fun H0 : c = false => or_intror (true = false) (c = false) H0
| false => fun _ : false = false => or_introl (false = false) (c = false) eq_refl
end H.
Theorem or_distributes_over_and_1 : forall P Q R : Prop,
P \/ (Q /\ R) -> (P \/ Q) /\ (P \/ R).
intros P Q R. intros H. inversion H as [HP | [HQ HR]].
Case "left". split.
SCase "left". left. apply HP.
SCase "right". left. apply HP.
Case "right". split.
SCase "left". right. apply HQ.
SCase "right". right. apply HR. Qed.
Definition or_distributes_over_and_1' : forall (P Q R : Prop),
P \/ (Q /\ R) -> (P \/ Q) /\ (P \/ R) :=
fun P Q R H =>
match H with
| or_introl HP =>
conj (P \/ Q) (P \/ R) (or_introl P Q HP) (or_introl P R HP)
| or_intror HQR =>
match HQR with
| conj HQ HR =>
conj (P \/ Q) (P \/ R) (or_intror P Q HQ) (or_intror P R HR)
(* and_ind : forall P Q P0 : Prop, (P -> Q -> P0) -> and P Q -> P0. *)
(* **** Exercise: 2 stars, recommended (or_distributes_over_and_2) *)
(** **** 練習問題: ★★, recommended (or_distributes_over_and_2) *)
Theorem or_distributes_over_and_2 : forall P Q R : Prop,
(P \/ Q) /\ (P \/ R) -> P \/ (Q /\ R).
intros P Q R. intros H.
inversion H as [ [HP0 | HQ] [HP1 | HR] ].
left. apply HP0. (* HP0 HP1, P *)
left. apply HP0. (* HP0 HR, P *)
left. apply HP1. (* HQ HP1, P *)
right. split. (* HQ HR, Q /\ R *)
apply HQ. (* HQ HR, Q *)
apply HR. (* HQ HR, R *)
Definition or_distributes_over_and_2' : forall (P Q R : Prop),
(P \/ Q) /\ (P \/ R) -> P \/ (Q /\ R) :=
fun P Q R H =>
match H with
| conj HPQ HPR' =>
match HPQ with
| or_introl HP0 =>
fun HPR : P \/ R =>
match HPR with
| or_introl HP1 => or_introl P (Q /\ R) HP0
| or_intror HR => or_introl P (Q /\ R) HP0
(* fun _ : P \/ R => or_introl P (Q /\ R) HP0 *)
| or_intror HQ =>
fun HPR : P \/ R =>
match HPR with
| or_introl HP1 => or_introl P (Q /\ R) HP1
| or_intror HR => or_intror P (Q /\ R) (conj Q R HQ HR)
end HPR'
Definition or_distributes_over_and_2'' : forall (P Q R : Prop),
(P \/ Q) /\ (P \/ R) -> P \/ (Q /\ R) :=
fun P Q R H =>
match H with
| conj HPQ HPR =>
match HPQ with
| or_introl HP0 => or_introl P (Q /\ R) HP0
| or_intror HQ =>
match HPR with
| or_introl HP1 => or_introl P (Q /\ R) HP1
| or_intror HR => or_intror P (Q /\ R) (conj Q R HQ HR)
(** [] *)
(* **** Exercise: 1 star (or_distributes_over_and) *)
(** **** 練習問題: ★ (or_distributes_over_and) *)
Theorem or_distributes_over_and : forall P Q R : Prop,
P \/ (Q /\ R) <-> (P \/ Q) /\ (P \/ R).
intros P Q R.
apply or_distributes_over_and_1'.
apply or_distributes_over_and_2''.
Definition or_distributes_over_and' : forall P Q R,
P \/ (Q /\ R) <-> (P \/ Q) /\ (P \/ R) :=
fun P Q R =>
conj (P \/ (Q /\ R) -> (P \/ Q) /\ (P \/ R))
((P \/ Q) /\ (P \/ R) -> P \/ (Q /\ R))
(or_distributes_over_and_1' P Q R)
(or_distributes_over_and_2' P Q R).
(** [] *)
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