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Created January 4, 2018 03:35
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from collections import defaultdict
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from logging import getLogger, DEBUG, StreamHandler, Formatter
from threading import Lock
import numpy as np
from chess_zero.config import Config
from chess_zero.env.chess_env import Winner
from chess_zero.env.chess_env import ChineseChessEnv
from chess_zero.agent import chinese_chess
logger = getLogger(__name__)
# create console handler and set level to debug
ch = StreamHandler()
formatter = Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(thread)d - %(message)s')
# these are from AGZ nature paper
class VisitStats:
def __init__(self):
self.a = defaultdict(ActionStats)
self.sum_n = 0
self.p = None
class ActionStats:
def __init__(self):
self.n = 0
self.w = 0
self.q = 0
class ChineseChessPlayer:
# dot = False
def __init__(self, config: Config, pipes=None, play_config=None, dummy=False):
self.moves = []
self.config = config
self.play_config = play_config or
self.labels_n = config.n_labels
self.labels = config.labels
self.move_lookup = {
chinese_chess.Move.from_ucci(move): i
for move, i in zip(self.labels, range(self.labels_n))
if dummy:
self.pipe_pool = pipes
self.node_lock = defaultdict(Lock)
def reset_mcts(self):
self.tree = defaultdict(VisitStats)
def deboog(self, env):
state = state_key(env)
my_visit_stats = self.tree[state]
stats = []
for action, a_s in my_visit_stats.a.items():
moi = self.move_lookup[action]
stats.append(np.asarray([a_s.n, a_s.w, a_s.q, a_s.p, moi]))
stats = np.asarray(stats)
a = stats[stats[:, 0].argsort()[::-1]]
for s in a:
print(f'{self.labels[int(s[4])]:5}: '
f'n: {s[0]:3.0f} '
f'w: {s[1]:7.3f} '
f'q: {s[2]:7.3f} '
f'p: {s[3]:7.5f}')
def action(self, env, can_stop=True) -> str:
# for tl in range(self.play_config.thinking_loop):
root_value, naked_value = self.search_moves(env)
policy = self.calc_policy(env)
my_action = int(np.random.choice(range(self.labels_n), p=self.apply_temperature(policy, env.num_halfmoves)))
if can_stop and self.play_config.resign_threshold is not None and \
root_value <= self.play_config.resign_threshold \
and env.num_halfmoves > self.play_config.min_resign_turn:
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
return None
self.moves.append([env.observation, list(policy)])
return self.config.labels[my_action]
def search_moves(self, env) -> (float, float):
futures = []
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.play_config.search_threads) as executor:
for _ in range(self.play_config.simulation_num_per_move):
futures.append(executor.submit(self.search_my_move, env=env.copy(), is_root_node=True))
vals = [f.result() for f in futures]
# v = self.search_my_move(env.copy(), True)
# vals = [v]
return np.max(vals), vals[0] # vals[0] is kind of racy
def search_my_move(self, env: ChineseChessEnv, is_root_node=False) -> float:
Q, V is value for this Player(always white).
P is value for the player of next_player (black or white)
:return: leaf value
if env.done:
if env.winner == Winner.draw:
return 0
# assert env.whitewon != env.white_to_move # side to move can't be winner!
return -1
state = state_key(env)
with self.node_lock[state]:
if state not in self.tree:
leaf_p, leaf_v = self.expand_and_evaluate(env)
self.tree[state].p = leaf_p
return leaf_v # I'm returning everything from the POV of side to move
action_t = self.select_action_q_and_u(env, is_root_node)
virtual_loss = self.play_config.virtual_loss
my_visit_stats = self.tree[state]
my_stats = my_visit_stats.a[action_t]
my_visit_stats.sum_n += virtual_loss
my_stats.n += virtual_loss
my_stats.w += -virtual_loss
my_stats.q = my_stats.w / my_stats.n
leaf_v = self.search_my_move(env) # next move from enemy POV
leaf_v = -leaf_v
# on returning search path
# update: N, W, Q
with self.node_lock[state]:
my_visit_stats.sum_n += -virtual_loss + 1
my_stats.n += -virtual_loss + 1
my_stats.w += virtual_loss + leaf_v
my_stats.q = my_stats.w / my_stats.n
return leaf_v
def expand_and_evaluate(self, env: ChineseChessEnv) -> (np.ndarray, float):
""" expand new leaf, this is called only once per state
this is called with state locked
insert P(a|s), return leaf_v
state_planes = env.canonical_input_planes()
leaf_p, leaf_v = self.predict(state_planes)
# these are canonical policy and value (i.e. side to move is "white")
if not env.white_to_move:
leaf_p = Config.flip_policy(leaf_p) # get it back to python-chess form
return leaf_p, leaf_v
def predict(self, state_planes):
pipe = self.pipe_pool.pop()
ret = pipe.recv()
return ret
# @profile
def select_action_q_and_u(self, env, is_root_node) -> chinese_chess.Move:
# this method is called with state locked
state = state_key(env)
my_visitstats = self.tree[state]
if not hasattr(my_visitstats, 'p'):
if my_visitstats.p is not None: # push p to edges
tot_p = 1e-8
for mov in env.board.legal_moves:
logger.debug(f'Move: {mov}')
# print(f'Move: {mov}')
mov_p = my_visitstats.p[self.move_lookup[mov]]
my_visitstats.a[mov].p = mov_p
tot_p += mov_p
for a_s in my_visitstats.a.values():
a_s.p /= tot_p
my_visitstats.p = None
# U(s,a)分式中的分子部分
xx_ = np.sqrt(my_visitstats.sum_n + 1) # sqrt of sum(N(s, b); for all b)
e = self.play_config.noise_eps
c_puct = self.play_config.c_puct
dir_alpha = self.play_config.dirichlet_alpha
best_s = -999
best_action = None
# argmax(Q(s_t, a) + U(s_t, a))
# 对每个动作计算a_t,选取收益最高的action
for action, a_s in my_visitstats.a.items():
p_ = a_s.p
if is_root_node:
p_ = (1 - e) * p_ + e * np.random.dirichlet([dir_alpha])
b = a_s.q + c_puct * p_ * xx_ / (1 + a_s.n)
if b > best_s:
best_s = b
best_action = action
assert best_action is not None
return best_action
def apply_temperature(self, policy, turn):
tau = np.power(self.play_config.tau_decay_rate, turn + 1)
if tau < 0.1:
tau = 0
if tau == 0:
action = np.argmax(policy)
ret = np.zeros(self.labels_n)
ret[action] = 1.0
return ret
ret = np.power(policy, 1 / tau)
ret /= np.sum(ret)
return ret
def calc_policy(self, env):
"""calc π(a|s0)
state = state_key(env)
my_visitstats = self.tree[state]
policy = np.zeros(self.labels_n)
for action, a_s in my_visitstats.a.items():
policy[self.move_lookup[action]] = a_s.n
policy /= np.sum(policy)
return policy
def sl_action(self, observation, my_action, weight=1):
policy = np.zeros(self.labels_n)
k = self.move_lookup[chinese_chess.Move.from_ucci(my_action)]
policy[k] = weight
self.moves.append([observation, list(policy)])
return my_action
def finish_game(self, z):
:param self:
:param z: win=1, lose=-1, draw=0
for move in self.moves: # add this game winner result to all past moves.
move += [z]
def state_key(env: ChineseChessEnv) -> str:
fen = env.board.fen().rsplit(' ', 1) # drop the move clock
return fen[0]
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