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Last active January 16, 2023 08:02
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import Foundation
// Question 1
var dictionary1 = ["Hi","Hello","HelloWorld", "HiWorld", "HelloWorldWideWeb", "HelloWWWW"]
var dictionary2 = ["Oursky","OurSky","OurskyLimited", "OurskyHK", "SkymakersDigitalLTD", "SkymakersDigitalLtd"]
// O(n * m) => n = dictionary count, m = sum(every words's char)
// 分析,本題中有提到 ID, IP 這種連續大寫字母的縮寫只能算一個單詞。所以設計一個判斷,當連續為大寫時不計入單詞。
func findMaxWords(words: [String]) -> String {
var maxWordsCount = 0
var maxWords = ""
for word in words {
var wordsCount = 0
var isAbbr = false
for char in word {
if char.isUppercase && !isAbbr {
wordsCount += 1
isAbbr = true
} else if char.isLowercase && isAbbr {
isAbbr = false
if wordsCount > maxWordsCount{
maxWordsCount = wordsCount
maxWords = word
return maxWords
findMaxWords(words: dictionary1)
findMaxWords(words: dictionary2)
import Foundation
// Question 2
// 未來可將儲存類型設計為泛型,這邊以 Int 作為示例
struct CacheData {
var lastAccessedTime =
var score: Double
var weight: Double
var value: Int
class OurCache {
var cacheMaxItemCount = 5
var dictionary: Dictionary<String, CacheData> = [:]
var sortedKey: [String] = []
// O(1) 使用 map,時間複雜度為 O(1)
func get(_ key: String) -> Int {
if dictionary[key] == nil {
return -1
dictionary[key]!.lastAccessedTime =
dictionary[key]!.score = dictionary[key]!.weight
return dictionary[key]!.value
// O(nlogn), 時間複雜度為最大為排序 O(nlogn)
// 我們使用一組陣列來維護緩存的順序,將 score 最低的排在最後面。那麼如果緩存已滿,需要進行淘汰時,只要將陣列中的最後一個剔除就可以了。
func put(_ key: String, _ value: Int, _ weight: Double) {
// O(n)
for (key, value) in dictionary {
let timeIntervalSinceNow = abs(value.lastAccessedTime.timeIntervalSinceNow) + 1
let score = value.weight / timeIntervalSinceNow
dictionary[key]?.score = score
// O(1)
dictionary[key] = CacheData(score: weight, weight: weight, value: value)
// O(nlogn) + O(n)
sortedKey = dictionary.sorted(by: { $0.value.score > $1.value.score}).map({$0.key})
if dictionary.count <= cacheMaxItemCount {
// O(1) + O(1)
dictionary[sortedKey.removeLast()] = nil
let ourCache = OurCache()
ourCache.put("H", 1, 10)
ourCache.put("I", 2, 10)
print("\($0): \(ourCache.dictionary[$0]!)")
print("\($0): \(ourCache.dictionary[$0]!)")
ourCache.put("J", 3, 10)
ourCache.put("K", 4, 10)
ourCache.put("L", 5, 10)
print("\($0): \(ourCache.dictionary[$0]!)")
print("\($0): \(ourCache.dictionary[$0]!)")
ourCache.put("M", 6, 10)
ourCache.put("N", 7, 10)
print("\($0): \(ourCache.dictionary[$0]!)")
ourCache.put("O", 8, 10)
print("\($0): \(ourCache.dictionary[$0]!)")
// Question 3
func recur(_ n: Int, _ cur: Double) -> Double {
if (n < 2) {
return 0
if (n == 2) {
return 1 / Double(n) + cur
return recur(n - 1, (cur + 1) / Double(n * (n - 1)))
// 分析: - 其實 下一個 cur = 當前的(cur) + 1 / n * n - 1, n > 2,當 n = 2 時也就是遞歸的終止條件,返回 1 / 2 + cur
// 不使用 While,使用 n to 3 的方式,比如 6, 5, 4, 3
func recur2(_ n: Int, _ cur: Double) -> Double {
var current: Double = Double(cur)
for i in (3...n).reversed() {
current = (current + 1) / Double((i * (i - 1)))
return 1 / 2.0 + current
recur(3, 10)
recur2(3, 10)
recur(4, 15)
recur2(4, 15)
recur(15, 15)
recur2(15, 15)
recur(7, 5.6)
recur2(7, 5.6)
recur(6, 26)
recur2(6, 26)
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