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Created October 1, 2022 08:05
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waifu2x-caffe-video.ps1 (2017/06/04)
# Define some arguments and these default values form "waIfu2x-caffe-cui.exe" that may be used.
param (
[String] $Mode = "noise_scale",
[Decimal] $ScaleRatio = 2.0,
[Int] $ScaleWidth = 0,
[Int] $ScaleHeight = 0,
[Int] $NoiseLevel = 0,
[String] $Process = "cpu",
[Int] $CropSize = 128,
[Int] $GPU = 0,
[Int] $TTA = 0,
[String] $ModelDir = "models/upconv_7_anime_style_art_rgb"
# -------------------- Configurations --------------------
# Define path of applications that will be used.
$FFmpegPath = "C:\Users\User\Documents\Software\Video Tools\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe"
$FFprobePath = "C:\Users\User\Documents\Software\Video Tools\ffmpeg\bin\ffprobe.exe"
$WaIfu2xPath = "C:\Users\User\Documents\Software\waIfu2x-caffe\waIfu2x-caffe-cui.exe"
# Define name of folders and file types that use to input files.
$InputFileTypes = ("*.mp4", "*.avi")
$InputFolder = ".\input\"
# Define name of folders and files that use to output files and save temp file.
# Can use "<FileName>" , "<Time>", and "<Arguments>" tag.
$OutputFolder = ".\output\<FileName>.<Arguments>\"
$TempFolder = ($env:temp -Replace "\\$") + "\waIfu2x-caffe_ffmpeg\"
$TempSourceFolder = $TempFolder + "source\<FileName>.<Arguments>\"
$TempConvertFolder = $TempFolder + "convert\<FileName>.<Arguments>\"
$TempSourceAudioFile = $TempSourceFolder + "audio.m4a"
$TempSourceImageFiles = $TempSourceFolder + "video_flame%08d.png"
$TempConvertImageFiles = $TempConvertFolder + "video_flame%08d.png"
# -------------------- Configurations --------------------
# Define "RunProgram" function to run program.
Function RunProgram($ExecPath, $ExecArgs) {
$ProcessStartInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$ProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $True
$ProcessStartInfo.UseShellExecute = $False
$ProcessStartInfo.FileName = $ExecPath
$ProcessStartInfo.Arguments = $ExecArgs
$Program = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
$Program.StartInfo = $ProcessStartInfo
$Program.Start() | Out-Null
Write-Output $Program
# Define "RunProgram" function to forrmat string.
Function ForrmatString($String, $FileName, $Time, $Arguments) {
Return (($String -Replace "<FileName>", $FileName) -Replace
"<Time>", $Time) -Replace "<Arguments>", $Arguments
# Get all files at input folder to process them.
Get-ChildItem -Path $InputFolder -Include $InputFileTypes -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "Start processing file {$_.FullName}" -ForegroundColor Cyan
# Use "FFprobe" to get infomation of the film.
Write-Host "Getting video infomation of the file . . . " -ForegroundColor Yellow
$ExecArgs = """{$_.FullName}"" -show_entries ""format"" -show_streams -select_streams ""v"" -print_format ""json"""
Write-Host "$ ""$FFprobePath"" $ExecArgs" -ForegroundColor Green
$Program = RunProgram $FFprobePath $ExecArgs
$FFprobeOutputJson = $Program.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() | ConvertFrom-Json
$FPSStrings = $FFprobeOutputJson.streams[0].avg_frame_rate -Split "/"
$FPS = $FPSStrings[0].ToDecimal($Null) / $FPSStrings[1].ToDecimal($Null)
$InputWidth = $FFprobeOutputJson.streams[0].width.ToDecimal($Null)
$InputHeight = $FFprobeOutputJson.streams[0].height.ToDecimal($Null)
$InputBitRate = $FFprobeOutputJson.streams[0].bit_rate.ToDecimal($Null)
If ($FFprobeOutputJson.streams[0].max_bit_rate -Eq $Null) {
$InputMaxBitRate = $InputBitRate * 2
} Else {
$InputMaxBitRate = $FFprobeOutputJson.streams[0].bit_rate.ToDecimal($Null)
# Set and check arguments of ""waIfu2x-caffe-cui.exe"",
# set width, hetght, and bit rate of the film when outputting, and
# create temp and output folder.
Write-Host "Checking arguments of ""waIfu2x-caffe-cui.exe"" . . . " -ForegroundColor Yellow
$WaIfu2xArgs = "-m $Mode "
$ArgsString = "m($Mode)"
If ((($Mode -Split "_")[0] -Eq "scale") -Or (($Mode -Split "_")[1] -Eq "scale")) {
If (($ScaleRatio -Gt 0) -And ($ScaleWidth -Le 0) -And ($ScaleHeight -Le 0)) {
$WaIfu2xArgs += "-s $ScaleRatio "
$ArgsString += "s($ScaleRatio)"
$OutputWidth = [Math]::Round($InputWidth * $ScaleRatio)
$OutputHeight = [Math]::Round($InputHeight * $ScaleRatio)
$OutputBitRate = [Math]::Round($InputBitRate * [Math]::Pow($ScaleRatio, 2))
} ElseIf (($ScaleWidth -Gt 0) -And ($ScaleHeight -Le 0)) {
$WaIfu2xArgs += "-w $ScaleWidth "
$ArgsString += "w($ScaleWidth)"
$OutputWidth = $ScaleWidth
$OutputHeight = [Math]::Round($InputHeight * ($InputWidth / $ScaleWidth))
$OutputBitRate = [Math]::Round($InputBitRate * [Math]::Pow($InputWidth / $ScaleWidth, 2))
} ElseIf (($ScaleWidth -Le 0) -And ($ScaleHeight -Gt 0)) {
$WaIfu2xArgs += "-h $ScaleHeight "
$ArgsString += "h($ScaleHeight)"
$OutputWidth = [Math]::Round($OutputWidth * ($InputHeight / $ScaleHeight))
$OutputHeight = $ScaleHeight
$OutputBitRate = [Math]::Round($InputBitRate * [Math]::Pow($InputHeight / $ScaleHeight, 2))
} ElseIf (($ScaleWidth -Gt 0) -And ($ScaleHeight -Gt 0)) {
$WaIfu2xArgs += "-w $ScaleWidth -h $ScaleHeight "
$ArgsString += "w($ScaleWidth)h($ScaleHeight)"
$OutputWidth = $ScaleWidth
$OutputHeight = $ScaleHeight
$OutputBitRate = [Math]::Round($InputBitRate * [Math]::Pow($InputHeight / $ScaleHeight, 2))
} Else {
Write-Host """ScaleRatio"", ""ScaleWidth"", " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host "and / or ""ScaleHeight"" have wrong arguments." -ForegroundColor Red
$OutputMaxBitRate = $OutputBitRate * ($InputMaxBitRate / $InputBitRate)
If (($Mode -Split "_")[0] -Eq "noise") {
$WaIfu2xArgs += "-n $NoiseLevel "
$ArgsString += "n($NoiseLevel)"
$WaIfu2xArgs += "-p $Process -c $CropSize --gpu $GPU -t $TTA --model_dir $ModelDir "
$WaIfu2xArgs = $WaIfu2xArgs -Replace " $"
$ArgsString += ("p($Process)c($CropSize)gpu($GPU)t($TTA)model($ModelDir)" -Replace "models\/") -Replace "models\\"
$Time = Get-Date -format yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss-fffffff
$OutputFolderName = ForrmatString $OutputFolder $_.Name $Time $ArgsString
$TempFolderName = ForrmatString $TempFolder $_.Name $Time $ArgsString
$TempSourceFolderName = ForrmatString $TempSourceFolder $_.Name $Time $ArgsString
$TempConvertFolderName = ForrmatString $TempConvertFolder $_.Name $Time $ArgsString
$TempSourceAudioFileName = ForrmatString $TempSourceAudioFile $_.Name $Time $ArgsString
$TempSourceImageFilesName = ForrmatString $TempSourceImageFiles $_.Name $Time $ArgsString
$TempConvertImageFilesName = ForrmatString $TempConvertImageFiles $_.Name $Time $ArgsString
New-Item $OutputFolderName -Type Directory -Force | Out-Null
New-Item $TempSourceFolderName -Type Directory -Force | Out-Null
New-Item $TempConvertFolderName -Type Directory -Force | Out-Null
# Use "FFmpeg" to spilt video to pictures and audio of the film.
Write-Host "Spilting video to pictures and audio form the file . . . " -ForegroundColor Yellow
$ExecArgs = "-y -i ""{$_.FullName}"" -vn -acodec ""copy"" ""$TempSourceAudioFileName"""
Write-Host "$ ""$FFmpegPath"" $ExecArgs" -ForegroundColor Green
$Program = RunProgram $FFmpegPath $ExecArgs
$ExecArgs = "-y -i ""{$_.FullName}"" -f ""image2"" -vcodec ""png"" ""$TempSourceImageFilesName"""
Write-Host "$ ""$FFmpegPath"" $ExecArgs" -ForegroundColor Green
$Program = RunProgram $FFmpegPath $ExecArgs
# Use "waIfu2x-caffe" to denoise and / or zoom pictures that output form video of the film.
Write-Host "Denoising and / or zooming pictures . . . " -ForegroundColor Yellow
$ExecArgs = "-i ""{0}"" -o ""{1}"" $WaIfu2xArgs" -F
($TempSourceFolderName -Replace "\\$"), ($TempConvertFolderName -Replace "\\$")
Write-Host "$ ""$WaIfu2xPath"" $ExecArgs" -ForegroundColor Green
$Program = RunProgram $WaIfu2xPath $ExecArgs
# Use "FFmpeg" to merge pictures and audio to the new film.
Write-Host "Merge pictures and audio to the new file . . . " -ForegroundColor Yellow
$VideoExt = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($_.Name) -Replace "^\."
$ExecArgs = "-y -i ""$TempSourceAudioFileName"" -r:v $FPS -i ""$TempConvertImageFilesName"" " +
"-c:v ""libx264"" -b:v $OutputBitRate -maxrate:v $OutputMaxBitRate -bufsize:v $OutputMaxBitRate " +
"-s:v ""${OutputWidth}x${OutputHeight}"" -aspect:v ""${InputWidth}:${InputHeight}"" " +
"-pix_fmt:v ""yuv444p"" -f ""$VideoExt"" ""{0}""" -F ($OutputFolderName + $_.Name)
Write-Host "$ ""$FFmpegPath"" $ExecArgs" -ForegroundColor Green
$Program = RunProgram $FFmpegPath $ExecArgs
# Clear temp files.
Remove-Item $TempSourceFolderName -Force -Recurse | Out-Null
Remove-Item $TempConvertFolderName -Force -Recurse | Out-Null
Write-Host "Finished to processing {$_.FullName}" -ForegroundColor Cyan
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