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Created December 20, 2020 13:46
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Update tenant's
from django.apps import apps
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from import BaseCommand
from django.db import connection
from django.db.models import Case, F, Value, When
from django_tenants.utils import schema_context
from tenant.models import Tenant
def group_by_sql(schema, table, column):
sql = f"""
SELECT {column} FROM {schema}.{table}
GROUP BY {column}
return sql
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = "One time management command execution to update tenant's content_type_ids"
def handle(self, *args, **options):
has_gfk_models = [
'app_label': 'comments',
'model': 'comment',
'col': 'target_content_type_id'
'app_label': 'notifications',
'model': 'notification',
'col': 'target_content_type_id'
'app_label': 'notifications',
'model': 'notification',
'col': 'action_content_type_id',
'app_label': 'prerequisites',
'model': 'prereq',
'col': 'parent_content_type_id',
for tenant in Tenant.objects.exclude(schema_name='public'):
for has_gfk_model in has_gfk_models:
app_label, model, col = has_gfk_model.values()
# Number 1
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
# Remove null ids
tenant_target_content_type_ids = [_id[0] for _id in cursor.fetchall() if _id[0]]
# print(tenant_target_content_type_ids)
# tenant content_type_id : public content_type_id
ct_ids_map = {}
for ct_id in tenant_target_content_type_ids:
# Get what kind of model the given ID is
with schema_context(tenant.schema_name):
ct_tenant_app = ContentType.objects.get(id=ct_id)
# ... then fetch its equivalent in the public tenant
ct_public = ContentType.objects.get(app_label=ct_tenant_app.app_label, model=ct_tenant_app.model)
ct_ids_map[ct_id] =
except ContentType.DoesNotExist:
# Just skip the apps that aren't installed anymore
print(f'{ct_tenant_app} has been removed from settings.APPS')
# Number 2
Model = apps.get_model(app_label, model)
with schema_context(tenant.schema_name):
# Using CASE..WHEN is much faster compared to bulk_update in this case
whens = []
for tenant_ct_id, public_ct_id in ct_ids_map.items():
# Build query
# when target_content_type_id is 19 then update it to 15
# When(target_content_type_id={tenant_ct_id}, then=Value({public_ct_id}))
when = {
col: tenant_ct_id,
'then': Value(public_ct_id),
# If we are currently updating comments, the query would look something like
# Comment.objects.update(
# target_content_type_id=Case(
# When(target_content_type_id=17, then=Value(25)),
# When(...),
# default=F(target_content_type_id)))
# )
case_when = {
# When statements should be wrapped in a `Case` so we need to unpack the list `*whens`
col: Case(*whens, default=F(col)),
# Filter out the queryset so we don't bother updating other target ids
# The `default` is useless in this case because we are only updating the ids that are needed
# so it's safe to remove the `default=F(col)`.
qs = Model.objects.filter(**{f'{col}__in': ct_ids_map.keys()})
# Drop the table so it only uses public.django_content_type
drop_contenttype_table = f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {tenant.schema_name}.django_content_type CASCADE"
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
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