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Last active December 31, 2017 15:52
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言語実装パターン2章 LL(1)
import exception.ParseException
import token._
trait Lexer {
protected val input: String
protected var p: Int
protected var current: Char
protected var eof: Boolean = false
def nextToken(): Either[Exception, ListToken]
protected def consume(): Unit = {
p = p + 1
if (p >= input.length) eof = true
else current = input.charAt(p)
protected def matching(x: Char): Either[Exception, Unit] = {
if (current == x) {
} else {
case class ListLexer(input: String) extends Lexer {
override protected var p: Int = 0
override protected var current: Char = input.charAt(p)
override def nextToken(): Either[Exception, ListToken] = {
while (eof) {
current match {
case ' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n' => whitespace();
case ',' =>
Right(ListToken(Comma, ","))
case '[' =>
Right(ListToken(Lbrack, "["))
case ']' =>
Right(ListToken(Rbrack, "]"))
case _ if isLetter => Right(name())
case _ => Left(ParseException())
Right(ListToken(EofType, "<EOF>"))
private[this] def whitespace(): Unit = {
do {
} while (current == ' ' || current == '\t' || current == '\r' || current == '\n')
private[this] def name(): ListToken = {
val buf = StringBuilder.newBuilder
do {
} while (isLetter)
ListToken(Name, buf.toString())
private[this] def isLetter: Boolean = current.isLetter
import exception.ParseException
import token._
trait Parser {
protected val input: Lexer
protected var lookahead: Option[ListToken]
protected def matching(x: TokenType): Either[Exception, Unit] = {
val consumed = for {
unwrappedLookahead <- lookahead
} yield {
if (unwrappedLookahead.tokenType == x) consume()
else Left(ParseException())
consumed match {
case Some(inner) => inner
case None => Left(ParseException())
protected def consume(): Either[Exception, Unit] = {
input.nextToken() match {
case Right(inner) =>
lookahead = Some(inner)
case Left(e) => Left(e)
case class ListParser(input: Lexer) extends Parser {
override protected var lookahead: Option[ListToken] = None
def list(): Either[Exception, Unit] = {
.flatMap(_ => elements())
.flatMap(_ => matching(Rbrack))
private[this] def elements(): Either[Exception, Unit] = {
for {
unwrappedLookahead <- lookahead
} yield {
while (unwrappedLookahead.tokenType == Comma) {
element() match {
case Right(_) => Right(())
case Left(e) => return Left(e)
private[this] def element(): Either[Exception, Unit] = {
for {
unwrappedLookahead <- lookahead
} yield {
if (unwrappedLookahead.tokenType == Name) Right(matching(Name))
else if (unwrappedLookahead.tokenType == Lbrack) Right(list())
else Left(ParseException())
package token
case class ListToken(`type`: TokenType, text: String) {
override def toString: String = s"<'$text', ${`type`.tokenName}>"
trait TokenType {
def tokenName: String
case object Name extends TokenType {
override def tokenName: String = "NAME"
case object Comma extends TokenType {
override def tokenName: String = "COMMA"
case object Lbrack extends TokenType {
override def tokenName: String = "LBRACK"
case object Rbrack extends TokenType {
override def tokenName: String = "RBRACK"
case object EofType extends TokenType {
override def tokenName: String = "EOF"
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