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Delete all your messages from DM or Channel in Discord
let authToken = ''
let authorId = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement`iframe`).contentWindow.localStorage.user_id_cache.replace(/"/g, "")
let channelId = window.location.href.split('/').pop()
let afterMessageId = ''
* Delete all messages in a Discord channel or DM
function deleteMessages() {
const start = new Date();
let delayDelete = 500;
let delaySearch = 1000;
let delCount = 0;
let failCount = 0;
let estimatedPing = 220;
let grandTotal;
let throttledCount = 0;
let throttledTotalTime = 0;
const history = [];
const wait = async (ms) => new Promise(done => setTimeout(done, ms));
const msToHMS = (s) => `${s / 3.6e6 | 0}h ${(s % 3.6e6) / 6e4 | 0}m ${(s % 6e4) / 1000 | 0}s`;
function logger(type, args, style = '') {
console[type].apply(console, args);
pp.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<div style="${style}">${Array.from(args).map(o => typeof o === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(o) : o).join('\t')}</div>`);
popup.scrollBy(0, 1e10);
function log() { logger('log', arguments, 'black'); }
function log_info() { logger('info', arguments, 'color:darkturquoise;'); }
function log_verb() { logger('debug', arguments, 'color:gray;'); }
function log_warn() { logger('warn', arguments, 'color:orange;'); }
function log_error() { logger('error', arguments, 'color:red;'); }
function log_success() { logger('log', arguments, 'color:green;'); }
var popup ='', '', 'width=800,height=1000,top=0,left=0');
popup.document.body.innerHTML = '<pre></pre>';
const pp = popup.document.getElementsByTagName('pre')[0];
if (!popup) console.error('Popup blocked!');
log_info(`Started at ${start.toLocaleString()}`);
log(`channelId=${channelId} authorId=${authorId} firstMessageId=${afterMessageId}`);
log_info(`---- You can abort by setting STOP=1 on the console ----`);
async function recurse() {
const headers = {
"Authorization": authToken
const deleteAfter = `search?author_id=${authorId}` + (afterMessageId ? `&min_id=${afterMessageId}` : '');
const baseURL = `${channelId}/messages/`;
let resp;
try {
resp = await fetch(baseURL + deleteAfter, {
} catch (err) {
log_error('Something went wrong!', err);
// not indexed yet
if (resp.status === 202) {
const w = (await resp.json()).retry_after;
throttledTotalTime += w;
log_warn(`This channel wasn't indexed, waiting ${w} ms for discord to index it...`);
await wait(w);
return recurse();
if (!resp.ok) {
if (resp.status === 429) {
const r = await resp.json();
const x = r.retry_after;
throttledTotalTime += x;
log_warn(`! Rate limited by the API! Waiting ${x} ms ...`);
await wait(x);
return recurse();
} else {
log_error('API respondend with non OK status!', await resp.json());
const result = await resp.json();
const total = result.total_results;
if (!grandTotal) grandTotal = total;
log_info(`Messages to delete: ${result.total_results}`, `Time remaining: ${msToHMS((delaySearch * Math.round(total / 25)) + ((delayDelete + estimatedPing) * total))} (ping: ${estimatedPing << 0}ms)`);
if (result.total_results > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < result.messages.length; i++) {
const element = result.messages[i];
for (let j = 0; j < element.length; j++) {
const message = element[j];
if (window.STOP) return log_error('STOPPED! (If you want to continue set STOP=0 and run again!');
if (message.type === 3) {
log_verb('Found a System message!? skipping it...', message);
} else if ( == authorId && message.hit == true) {
log(`${((delCount + 1) / grandTotal * 100).toFixed(2)}% (${delCount + 1}/${grandTotal}) Deleting ID:${}`,
`[${new Date(message.timestamp).toLocaleString()}] ${}#${}: ${message.content}`,
message.attachments.length ? message.attachments : '');
const s =;
let resp;
try {
resp = await fetch(baseURL +, {
method: "DELETE"
} catch (err) {
log_error('Failed to delete message:', message, 'Error:', err);
if (!resp.ok) {
if (resp.status === 429) {
const r = await resp.json();
const x = r.retry_after;
throttledTotalTime += x;
log_warn(`! Rate limited by the API! Waiting ${x} ms ...`);
await wait(x);
} else {
log_error('API respondend with non OK status!', resp);
estimatedPing = (estimatedPing + ( - s)) / 2;
await wait(delayDelete);
log_verb('Getting next messages...');
await wait(delaySearch);
return recurse();
} else {
log_success('---- DONE! ----');
log_info(`Ended at ${new Date().toLocaleString()}! Total time: ${msToHMS( - start.getTime())}`);
log(`Rate Limited: ${throttledCount} times. Total time throttled: ${msToHMS(throttledTotalTime)}`);
log(`Deleted ${delCount} messages , ${failCount} failed.`);
return result;
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