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Last active July 2, 2020 08:40
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ReasonConf Dojo
type style = ReactDOMRe.Style.t;
type element = React.element;
module Breadcrumb = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@react.component]
external make:
(~ariaLabel: string=?, ~key: string=?, ~style: style=?, ~children: 'b) =>
element =
module Item = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@bs.scope "Breadcrumb"] [@react.component]
external make:
~ariaLabel: string=?,
~key: string=?,
~className: string=?,
~href: string=?,
~style: style=?,
~onClick: 'event => unit=?,
~children: 'b
) =>
element =
module Button = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@react.component]
external make:
~ariaLabel: string=?,
~key: string=?,
~style: style=?,
~children: 'b=?,
~disabled: bool=?,
~ghost: bool=?,
~href: string=?,
~htmlType: string=?,
~icon: string=?,
~loading: bool=?,
~shape: string=?,
~size: string=?,
~target: string=?,
~_type: string=?,
~onClick: 'a => unit=?,
~block: bool=?
) =>
element =
module Form = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@react.component]
external make:
~form: 'a=?,
~hideRequiredMark: bool=?,
~labelAlign: [@bs.string] [ | `left | `right]=?,
~labelCol: 'b=?,
~layout: [@bs.string] [ | `horizontal | `vertical | `inline]=?,
~onSubmit: 'c => unit=?,
~wrapperCol: 'd=?,
~colon: bool=?,
~children: 'e
) =>
element =
module Icon = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@react.component]
external make:
~ariaLabel: string=?,
~key: string=?,
~_type: string,
~style: style=?,
~theme: [@bs.string] [ | `filled | `outlined | `twoTone]=?,
~spin: bool=?,
~rotate: int=?,
~twoToneColor: string=?
) =>
element =
module Input = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@react.component]
external make:
~ariaLabel: string=?,
~key: string=?,
~_type: [@bs.string] [
| `button
| `checkbox
| `color
| `date
| `datetimeLocal
| [ "datetime-local"] `email
| `file
| `hidden
| `image
| `month
| `number
| `password
| `radio
| `range
| `reset
| `search
| `submit
| `tel
| `text
| `time
| `url
| `week
~addonAfter: element=?,
~addonBefore: element=?,
~defaultValue: string=?,
~disabled: bool=?,
~id: string=?,
~prefix: element=?,
~size: string=?,
~suffix: element=?,
~placeholder: string=?,
~value: string=?,
~onChange: 'a => unit=?,
~onPressEnter: 'a => unit=?,
~allowClear: bool=?
) =>
element =
module Group = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@bs.scope "Input"] [@react.component]
external make:
~ariaLabel: string=?,
~key: string=?,
~children: 'b,
~compact: bool=?,
~size: [@bs.string] [ | `default | `small | `large]=?
) =>
element =
module Password = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@bs.scope "Input"] [@react.component]
external make:
~ariaLabel: string=?,
~key: string=?,
~children: 'b,
~visibilityToggle: bool=?
) =>
element =
module Search = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@bs.scope "Input"] [@react.component]
external make:
~ariaLabel: string=?,
~key: string=?,
~_type: string,
~addonAfter: element=?,
~addonBefore: element=?,
~defaultValue: string=?,
~disabled: bool=?,
~id: string=?,
~prefix: element=?,
~size: string=?,
~suffix: element=?,
~value: string=?,
~onChange: 'a => unit=?,
~onPressEnter: 'a => unit=?,
~allowClear: bool=?,
~children: 'b,
~enterButton: bool=?,
~onSearch: (string, 'a) => unit=?
) =>
element =
module TextArea = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@bs.scope "Input"] [@react.component]
external make:
~ariaLabel: string=?,
~key: string=?,
~children: 'b,
~autosize: bool=?,
~defaultValue: string=?,
~value: string=?,
~onPressEnter: 'a => unit=?
) =>
element =
module Layout = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@react.component]
external make:
~ariaLabel: string=?,
~key: string=?,
~className: string=?,
~hasSider: bool=?,
~style: style=?,
~children: 'b
) =>
element =
module Header = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@bs.scope "Layout"] [@react.component]
external make:
~ariaLabel: string=?,
~key: string=?,
~className: string=?,
~style: style=?,
~children: 'b
) =>
element =
module Content = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@bs.scope "Layout"] [@react.component]
external make:
~ariaLabel: string=?,
~key: string=?,
~className: string=?,
~hasSider: bool=?,
~style: style=?,
~children: 'b
) =>
element =
module Footer = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@bs.scope "Layout"] [@react.component]
external make:
~ariaLabel: string=?,
~key: string=?,
~className: string=?,
~style: style=?,
~children: 'b
) =>
element =
module Sider = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@bs.scope "Layout"] [@react.component]
external make:
~ariaLabel: string=?,
~key: string=?,
~breakpoint: [@bs.string] [ | `xs | `sm | `md | `lg | `xl | `xxl]=?,
~className: string=?,
~collapsed: bool=?,
~collapsedWidth: int=?,
~collapsible: bool=?,
~defaultCollapsed: bool=?,
~reverseArrow: bool=?,
~style: style=?,
~theme: [@bs.string] [ | `light | `dark]=?,
~trigger: string=?,
~width: int=?,
~onCollapse: ('a, 'b) => unit=?,
~onBreakpoint: 'a => unit=?,
~children: 'b=?
) =>
element =
module Menu = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@react.component]
external make:
~ariaLabel: string=?,
~key: string=?,
~defaultOpenKeys: array(string)=?,
~defaultSelectedKeys: array(string)=?,
~forceSubMenuRender: bool=?,
~inlineCollapsed: bool=?,
~inlineIndent: int=?,
~mode: [@bs.string] [ | `vertical | `horizontal | `inline]=?,
~multiple: bool=?,
~openKeys: array(string)=?,
~selectable: bool=?,
~selectedKeys: array(string)=?,
~style: style=?,
~subMenuCloseDelay: int=?,
~subMenuOpenDelay: int=?,
~theme: [@bs.string] [ | `light | `dark]=?,
~onClick: {
"item": 'a,
"key": string,
"keyPath": string,
"domEvent": 'b,
} =>
~onDeselect: {
"item": 'a,
"key": string,
"keyPath": string,
"domEvent": 'b,
"selectedKeys": array(string),
} =>
~onOpenChange: {.. "openKeys": array(string)} => unit=?,
~onSelect: {
"item": 'a,
"key": string,
"keyPath": string,
"domEvent": 'b,
"selectedKeys": array(string),
} =>
~overflowedIndicator: element=?,
~children: 'b=?
) =>
element =
module SubMenu = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@bs.scope "Menu"] [@react.component]
external make:
~ariaLabel: string=?,
~key: string=?,
~popupClassName: string=?,
~disabled: bool=?,
~title: element=?,
~onTitleClick: {
"key": string,
"domEvent": 'b,
} =>
~children: 'b=?
) =>
element =
module ItemGroup = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@bs.scope "Menu"] [@react.component]
external make:
~ariaLabel: string=?,
~key: string=?,
~title: element=?,
~children: 'b=?
) =>
element =
module Item = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@bs.scope "Menu"] [@react.component]
external make:
~ariaLabel: string=?,
~key: string=?,
~disabled: bool=?,
~title: string=?,
~children: 'b
) =>
element =
module Select = {
type selectOption;
[@bs.module "antd"] [@react.component]
external make:
~allowClear: bool=?,
~autoClearSearchValue: bool=?,
~autoFocus: bool=?,
~defaultActiveFirstOption: bool=?,
~defaultValue: 'a=?,
~disabled: bool=?,
~dropdownClassName: string=?,
~dropdownMatchSelectWidth: bool=?,
~dropdownRender: ({.. "menuNode": element}, 'b) => element=?,
~dropdownStyle: style=?,
~filterOption: ('a, selectOption)=?,
~firstActiveValue: array(string)=?,
~labelInValue: bool=?,
~maxTagCount: int=?,
~maxTagTextLength: int=?,
~maxTagPlaceholder: element=?,
~mode: [@bs.string] [ | `default | `multiple | `tags]=?,
~notFoundContent: string=?,
~optionFilterProp: string=?,
~optionLabelProp: string=?,
~placeholder: element=?,
~showArrow: bool=?,
~showSearch: bool=?,
~size: string=?,
~suffixIcon: element=?,
~removeIcon: element=?,
~clearIcon: element=?,
~menuItemSelectedIcon: element=?,
~tokenSeparators: array(string)=?,
~value: 'a=?,
~onBlur: unit => unit=?,
~onChange: 'a => unit=?,
~onDeselect: 'a => unit=?,
~onFocus: unit => unit=?,
~onInputKeyDown: 'k => unit=?,
~onMouseEnter: 'm => unit=?,
~onMouseLeave: 'm => unit=?,
~onPopupScroll: 'm => unit=?,
~onSearch: string => unit=?,
~onSelect: ('a, selectOption)=?,
~defaultOpen: bool=?,
~_open: bool=?,
~onDropdownVisibleChange: bool => unit=?,
~style: style=?,
~loading: bool=?,
~children: 'b=?
) =>
element =
module Option = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@bs.scope "Select"] [@react.component]
external make:
~ariaLabel: string=?,
~key: string=?,
~disabled: bool=?,
~title: string=?,
~value: string=?,
~className: string=?,
~children: 'b=?
) =>
element =
module OptGroup = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@bs.scope "Select"] [@react.component]
external make:
~ariaLabel: string=?,
~key: string=?,
~label: element=?,
~children: 'b=?
) =>
element =
module Table = {
module Column = {
[@bs.deriving abstract]
type props('a, 'b, 'dataSource) = {
align: [@bs.string] [ | `left | `right | `center],
ariaLabel: string,
key: string,
children: 'b,
className: string,
colSpan: int,
dataIndex: string,
defaultSortOrder: [@bs.string] [ | `ascend | `descend],
filterDropdown: element,
filterDropdownVisible: bool,
filtered: bool,
filteredValue: array(string),
filterIcon: element,
filterMultiple: bool,
/* filters:object[], */
fixed: [@bs.string] [ | `left | `right],
render: (string, 'dataSource, int) => element,
sorter: ('dataSource, 'dataSource) => int,
sortOrder: [@bs.string] [ | `ascend | `descend],
sortDirections: string,
title: element,
width: string,
/* onCell:Function(record, rowIndex), */
onFilter: 'a => unit,
onFilterDropdownVisibleChange: bool => unit,
onHeaderCell: 'b => unit,
[@bs.deriving abstract]
type onRowHandler('a) = {
onClick: 'a => unit, /* click row */
onDoubleClick: 'a => unit, /* double click row */
onContextMenu: 'a => unit, /* right button click row */
onMouseEnter: 'a => unit, /* mouse enter row */
onMouseLeave: 'a => unit /* mouse leave row */
[@bs.module "antd"] [@react.component]
external make:
~bordered: bool=?,
~childrenColumnName: array(string)=?,
~columns: array(Column.props('cpa, 'cpb, 'dataSource))=?,
/* ~components:TableComponents=?, */
~dataSource: array('datasource)=?,
~defaultExpandAllRows: bool=?,
~defaultExpandedRowKeys: array(string)=?,
~expandedRowKeys: array(string)=?,
~expandedRowRender: ('dataSource, int, int, bool) => element=?,
/* ~expandIcon:Function(props):ReactNode=?, */
~expandRowByClick: bool=?,
~footer: 'currentPageData => element=?,
~indentSize: int=?,
~loading: bool=?,
~locale: {
"filterTitle": string,
"filterConfirm": string,
"filterReset": string,
"emptyText": string,
~pagination: {.. "position": string}=?,
/* ~rowClassName:Function(record, index):string=?, */
~rowKey: 'datasource => string=?,
/* ~rowSelection:object=?, */
~scroll: {
"x": int,
"y": int,
~showHeader: bool=?,
~size: [@bs.string] [ | `default | `middle | `small]=?,
~title: 'currentPageData => element=?,
~onRow: ('dataSource, int) => onRowHandler('mouseEvent)=?
) =>
/* ~onChange:Function(pagination, filters, sorter, extra: { currentDataSource: [] })=?, */
/* ~onExpand:Function(expanded, record)=?, */
/* ~onExpandedRowsChange:Function(expandedRows)=?, */
/* ~onHeaderRow:Function(column, index)=?, */
/* ~getPopupContainer:(triggerNode) => HTMLElement=?, */
element =
module ColumnGroup = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@bs.scope "Table"] [@react.component]
external make:
~ariaLabel: string=?,
~key: string=?,
~children: 'b=?,
~title: string=?
) =>
element =
module Message = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@bs.scope "message"]
external success:
~content: element,
~duration: int=?,
~onClose: unit => unit=?,
~icon: element=?,
) =>
unit =
[@bs.module "antd"] [@bs.scope "message"]
external info:
~content: element,
~duration: int=?,
~onClose: unit => unit=?,
~icon: element=?,
) =>
unit =
[@bs.module "antd"] [@bs.scope "message"]
external warning:
~content: element,
~duration: int=?,
~onClose: unit => unit=?,
~icon: element=?,
) =>
unit =
[@bs.module "antd"] [@bs.scope "message"]
external warn:
~content: element,
~duration: int=?,
~onClose: unit => unit=?,
~icon: element=?,
) =>
unit =
[@bs.module "antd"] [@bs.scope "message"]
external loading:
~content: element,
~duration: int=?,
~onClose: unit => unit=?,
~icon: element=?,
) =>
unit =
[@bs.module "antd"] [@bs.scope "message"]
external error:
~content: element,
~duration: int=?,
~onClose: unit => unit=?,
~icon: element=?,
) =>
unit =
module Popconfirm = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@react.component]
external make:
~ariaLabel: string=?,
~key: string=?,
~cancelText: string=?,
~okText: string=?,
~okType: string=?,
~title: element=?,
~onCancel: unit => unit=?,
~onConfirm: unit => unit=?,
~icon: element=?,
~disabled: bool=?,
~children: 'b=?
) =>
element =
module Card = {
[@bs.module "antd"] [@react.component]
external make:
~actions: array(element)=?,
~activeTabKey: string=?,
~headStyle: style=?,
~bodyStyle: style=?,
~bordered: bool=?,
~cover: element=?,
~defaultActiveTabKey: string=?,
~extra: string=?,
~hoverable: bool=?,
~loading: bool=?,
/* ~tabList: Array<{key: string, tab: ReactNode}>, */
/* ~tabBarExtraContent: React.ReactNode, */
~size: string=?,
~title: string=?,
~_type: string=?,
~children: 'b
) =>
element =

ReasonConf Dojo

Basic ReasonReact App with Apollo & OneGraph setup

  1. Follow instruction at to create your ReasonReact app

Instead of npm run webpack, run npm run server for hot-reloading

You should be able to see a ReasonReact app rendering at http://localhost:8000

  1. Add the following dependencies in your package.json
 "dependencies": {
    "@apollo/react-hooks": "^3.0.1",
    "onegraph-auth": "2.0.6",
    "reason-apollo": "^0.17.0",
    "reason-apollo-hooks": "^2.7.0",
    "reason-react": ">=0.7.0"
  "devDependencies": {
    "graphql_ppx": "^0.2.8",
    "bs-onegraph-auth": "0.0.5"
  1. Add bs-dependencies in bsconfig.json
"bs-dependencies": [
  "ppx-flags": [
  1. Add
    /* State declaration */
    /* Action declaration */
    let make = (~greeting) => <div> {ReasonReact.string(greeting)} </div>;
  1. Change
    let style = ReactDOMRe.Style.make;
      <ReasonApolloHooks.ApolloProvider client=Client.client>
        <App greeting="Hello, ReasonConf Dojo" />

You should see your app rendering “Hello, ReasonConf Dojo”

  1. Add AntDesign css link to src/index.html

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Try using AntDesign Components

<Reant.Button _type="primary"> {ReasonReact.string("Pretty Button")} </Reant.Button>

Now your app has a greeting message and a pretty button. You have everything setup! Let’s get some real data!

GraphQL in ReasonReact

  1. Go to OneGraph, login/create a account, follow the tutorial to make an app

  2. Go to Data Explorer, generate rss query Example url to pass :

  3. Use Code Exporter, paste the code to

    *(Follow the instruction at the top of Code Exporter commnets to finish setup) *(You will still see some error now, go to step 4 to clear the error)

  4. yarn send-introspection-query<app_id>

Now you should see rss feed data on your app. Go play around with the data, and make a playlist.

Suggested steps:

  1. Display podcast data. You can use AntDesign components (Card, Button, Icon, etc)
  2. Add function to play/pause the podcast
  3. Add GitHub sign-in using OneGraph Query
  4. Add “Like button”, and make a playlist

Project Example

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