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Created May 6, 2016 16:18
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Diff api_start2
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Diff api_start2.json
Usage: api_start2.old.json
import json
import sys
SRC = sys.argv[1]
DST = sys.argv[2]
'ensure_ascii': False,
'sort_keys': True,
# ^.+http://.+\n
with open(SRC, 'r') as f:
src = json.loads(
with open(DST, 'r') as f:
dst = json.loads(
# diff_ship
def print_ship(title, item):
if 'api_sortno' in item:
tmpl = '''\
ID: {api_id}, No. {api_sortno}
艦娘: {api_name}
火力: {api_houg[0]} / {api_houg[1]}
雷装: {api_raig[0]} / {api_raig[1]}
対空: {api_tyku[0]} / {api_tyku[1]}
装甲: {api_souk[0]} / {api_souk[1]}
運 : {api_luck[0]} / {api_luck[1]}
搭載: {_slot}
改造: Lv {api_afterlv} / 鋼材 {api_afterfuel} / 弾薬 {api_afterbull}
SWF: http://{SERVER}/kcs/resources/swf/ships/{api_filename}.swf
item['_slot'] = ', '.join(
str(i) for i in item['api_maxeq'][:item['api_slot_num']])
tmpl = '''\
ID: {api_id}
艦娘: {api_name}
wget http://{SERVER}/kcs/resources/swf/ships/{api_filename}.swf
print('==>', title)
print(tmpl.format(SERVER=SERVER, **item))
def diff_ship(src, dst):
ids = set()
src_ship = {}
dst_ship = {}
for ship in src['api_mst_ship']:
id_ = ship['api_id']
src_ship[id_] = ship
for ship in src['api_mst_shipgraph']:
id_ = ship['api_id']
if id_ in src_ship:
src_ship[id_]['api_filename'] = ship['api_filename']
for ship in dst['api_mst_ship']:
id_ = ship['api_id']
dst_ship[id_] = ship
for ship in dst['api_mst_shipgraph']:
id_ = ship['api_id']
if id_ in dst_ship:
dst_ship[id_]['api_filename'] = ship['api_filename']
for id_ in sorted(ids):
if id_ in src_ship and id_ in dst_ship:
if id_ not in src_ship and id_ in dst_ship:
print_ship('New Ship', dst_ship[id_])
if id_ in src_ship and id_ not in dst_ship:
print_ship('Removed Ship', src_ship[id_])
diff_ship(src, dst)
# diff_slotitem
('api_name', '装備'),
('api_houg', '火力'),
('api_raig', '雷装'),
('api_baku', '爆装'),
('api_tyku', '対空'),
('api_tais', '対潜'),
('api_souk', '装甲'),
('api_houm', '命中'),
('api_houk', '回避'),
('api_saku', '索敵'),
def print_item(title, item):
print('==>', title)
print("ID: {api_id}, No. {api_sortno}".format(**item))
for k, d in SLOTITEM_KWS:
if item.get(k, 0) != 0:
print("{}: {}".format(d, item[k]))
wget http://{SERVER}/kcs/resources/image/slotitem/card/{id}.png -O {id}-card.png
wget http://{SERVER}/kcs/resources/image/slotitem/item_up/{id}.png -O {id}-up.png
wget http://{SERVER}/kcs/resources/image/slotitem/item_on/{id}.png -O {id}-on.png
wget http://{SERVER}/kcs/resources/image/slotitem/item_character/{id}.png -O {id}-character.png
'''.format(SERVER=SERVER, id=item['api_id']))
def diff_slotitem(src, dst):
ids = set()
src_item = {}
dst_item = {}
for item in src['api_mst_slotitem']:
id_ = item['api_id']
src_item[id_] = item
for item in dst['api_mst_slotitem']:
id_ = item['api_id']
dst_item[id_] = item
for id_ in sorted(ids):
if id_ in src_item and id_ in dst_item:
if id_ not in src_item and id_ in dst_item:
print_item('New Item', dst_item[id_])
if id_ in src_item and id_ not in dst_item:
print_item('Removed Item', src_item[id_])
diff_slotitem(src, dst)
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