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Last active January 25, 2017 04:01
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最適化アルゴリズムCMA-ESの実装。MATLAB版をPython 3に移植。
# 最適化アルゴリズム CMA-ES の実装。
# を Python 3 に移植。
# も参考にしています。
import numpy as np
def minimize(feval, N=12, xmean=None, sigma=1.0, stopfitness=1e-10, stopeval=None):
xmean = np.random.randn(N, 1) if xmean is None else xmean
stopeval = 1e3 * N ** 2 if stopeval is None else stopeval
# Strategy parameter setting: Selection
lam = 4 + int(3 * np.log(N))
lam *= 5 # 最小値に到達する確率を上げるために、独自に増やしました
mu = int(lam / 2)
weights = np.log((lam + 1) / 2) - np.log(np.arange(mu) + 1)
weights /= weights.sum()
mueff = (weights.sum() ** 2) / (weights ** 2).sum()
# Strategy parameter setting: Adaptation
cc = (4 + mueff / N) / (N + 4 + 2 * mueff / N) # (56)
cs = (mueff + 2) / (N + mueff + 5)
alpha_cov = 2
c1 = alpha_cov / ((N + 1.3) ** 2 + mueff) # (57)
cmu = min(1 - c1, alpha_cov * (mueff - 2 + 1 / mueff) / ((N + 2) ** 2 + alpha_cov * mueff / 2)) # (58)
damps = 1 + 2 * max(0, np.sqrt((mueff - 1) / (N + 1)) - 1) + cs # (55)
# Initialize dynamic (internal) strategy parameters and constants
pc = np.zeros([N, 1])
ps = np.zeros([N, 1])
B = np.eye(N)
D = np.ones([N, 1])
C = B @ np.diag((D ** 2).flatten()) @ B.T
invsqrtC = B @ np.diag((D ** -1).flatten()) @ B.T
eigenval = 0
chiN = N ** 0.5 * (1 - 1 / (4 * N) + 1 / (21 + N ** 2))
counteval = 0
while counteval < stopeval:
# Generate and evaluate lambda offspring
arx = xmean + sigma * (B @ (D * np.random.randn(N, lam)))
arfitness = feval(arx)
counteval += lam
# Sort by fitness and compute weighted mean into xmean
arindex = np.argsort(arfitness)
arfitness = arfitness[arindex]
xold = xmean
xmean = (arx[:, arindex[:mu]] @ weights).reshape([-1, 1])
# Cumulation: Update evolution paths
ps = (1 - cs) * ps + np.sqrt(cs * (2 - cs) * mueff) * invsqrtC @ (xmean - xold) / sigma
hsig = (ps ** 2).sum() / (1 - (1 - cs) ** (2 * counteval / lam)) / N < 2 + 4 / (N + 1)
pc = (1 - cc) * pc + hsig * np.sqrt(cc * (2 - cc) * mueff) * (xmean - xold) / sigma
# Adapt covariance matrix C
artmp = (1 / sigma) * (arx[:, arindex[:mu]] - xold)
C = (1 - c1 - cmu) * C + \
c1 * (pc @ pc.T + (1 - hsig) * cc * (2 - cc) * C) + \
cmu * artmp @ np.diag(weights) @ artmp.T
# Adapt step size sigma
sigma *= np.exp((cs / damps) * (np.linalg.norm(ps) / chiN - 1))
# Update B and D from C
if counteval - eigenval > lam / (c1 + cmu) / N / 10:
eigenval = counteval
# C = np.triu(C) + np.triu(C, 1).T
D, B = np.linalg.eigh(C, 'U')
D = np.sqrt(D.real).reshape([N, 1])
invsqrtC = B @ np.diag((D ** -1).flatten()) @ B.T
if arfitness[0] <= stopfitness or D.max() > 1e7 * D.min():
if np.allclose(arfitness[0], arfitness[int(1 + 0.7 * lam)], 1e-10, 1e-10):
sigma *= np.exp(0.2 + cs / damps)
print("%d: %g" % (counteval, arfitness[0]))
# 最小化すべき評価関数。x.shape == (N, lam)
# minimize(lambda x: (x ** 2).sum(axis=0)) # fsphere
minimize(lambda x: 100 * ((x[:-1] ** 2 - x[1:]) ** 2).sum(axis=0) + ((x[:-1] - 1) ** 2).sum(axis=0)) # Rosebrock
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