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Last active April 19, 2016 05:23
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Find the solution to countdown problem, original and generalized version
from fractions import Fraction
from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe
from itertools import izip
class Operations:
# Generalized version that allows for any intermediate values
generalized_preconditions = [
lambda target, num: True, # num + (target - num)
lambda target, num: num != 0, # num * (target / num)
lambda target, num: True, # (target + num) - num
lambda target, num: True, # num - (num - target)
lambda target, num: num != 0, # (num * target) / num
lambda target, num: num != 0 and target !=0 # num / (num / target)
# Strict version that limits intermediates to natural numbers
restricted_preconditions = [
lambda target, num: target > num, # num + (target - num)
lambda target, num: num != 0 and target % num == 0, # num * (target / num)
lambda target, num: True, # (target + num) - num
lambda target, num: num > target, # num - (num - target)
lambda target, num: num != 0, # (num * target) / num
lambda target, num: num != 0 and target !=0 and num % target == 0 # (num) / (num / target)
partial_targets = [
lambda target, num: target-num, # num + (target - num)
lambda target, num: Fraction(target, num), # num * (target / num)
lambda target, num: target + num, # (target + num) - num
lambda target, num: num - target, # num - (num - target)
lambda target, num: num * target, # (num * target) / num
lambda target, num: Fraction(num, target), # num / (num / target)
def plus_minus_exists(x):
return '+' in x or '- ' in x
def operator_exists(x):
return '+' in x or '- ' in x or '*' in x or '/' in x
solution_formats = [
lambda part_expr: '{0} + {1}', # num + (target - num)
lambda part_expr: '{0} * ({1})' if Operations.plus_minus_exists(part_expr) else '{0} * {1}', # num * (target / num)
lambda part_expr: '{1} - {0}', # (target + num) - num
lambda part_expr: '{0} - ({1})' if Operations.plus_minus_exists(part_expr) else '{0} - {1}', # num - (num - target)
lambda part_expr: '({1}) / {0}' if Operations.plus_minus_exists(part_expr) else '{1} / {0}', # (num * target) / num
lambda part_expr: '{0} / ({1})' if Operations.operator_exists(part_expr) else '{0} / {1}', # num / (num / target)
class CountdownSolver:
def __init__(self, restricted=False):
restricted (bool): Set to true to limit intermediate values to natural numbers,
defaults to False
self._restricted = restricted
if restricted:
self._preconditions = Operations.restricted_preconditions
self._preconditions = Operations.generalized_preconditions
def _partial_solve(self, target, num_to_use, numbers):
"""Helper for the solve_sequential function
Attempt to find a solution where num_to_use is one argument of a binary operation, and
numbers make up an arithmetic expression that is other argument of the binary operation.
target (int): The number that the solution expression should evaluate to.
num_to_use (int): The number that makes up one argument of a binary operation.
numbers (list): The list of numbers that will be used in the
arithmetic expression that makes up other argument of the binary operation.
solution_expression: The solution expression as a string if it exists,
None otherwise
generate_solution = lambda x : x.format(num_to_use, partial_solution)
args = izip(self._preconditions, Operations.partial_targets, Operations.solution_formats)
for pre_condition, partial_target, solution_format in args:
if not pre_condition(target, num_to_use):
partial_solution = self._solve_sequential(partial_target(target, num_to_use), numbers)
if partial_solution:
return generate_solution(solution_format(partial_solution))
return None
def _base_cases(self, target, numbers):
# base case, no numbers left to use
if len(numbers) == 0:
return True, None
# base case, only number left to use is not target
if len(numbers) == 1 and numbers[0] != target:
return True, None
# base case, only number left to use is the target
if len(numbers) == 1 and numbers[0] == target:
return True, str(target)
return False, None
def _solve_sequential(self, target, numbers):
"""Solve for an expression that evaluates to target
Find an arithmetic expression that evaluates to target using all numbers if it exists.
target (int): The target that the expression should evaluate to.
numbers (list): The numbers to use in the solution expression
solution_expression: The solution expression as a string if it exists, None otherwise.
can_return, rval = self._base_cases(target, numbers)
if can_return:
return rval
# generate arguments for recursive cases
indicies = range(len(numbers))
args = [(target, numbers[x], tuple(numbers[:x] + numbers[x+1:]))
for x in indicies]
# recurse through the arguments
for a in args:
result = self._partial_solve(*a)
# Stop at first solution found
if result:
return result
# no solution
return None
def _solve_parallel(self, target, numbers):
"""Like solve_sequential, but parallizes the first level of recursion
can_return, rval = self._base_cases(target, numbers)
if can_return:
return rval
def solve_job((target, num_to_use, numbers), pipe):
rval = self._partial_solve(target, num_to_use, numbers)
# generate arguments for recursive cases
indicies = range(len(numbers))
args = [((target, numbers[x], tuple(numbers[:x] + numbers[x+1:])), Pipe())
for x in indicies]
processes_and_connections = []
for (a, (parent_conn, child_conn)) in args:
# create process and start it
p = Process(target=solve_job, args=(a, child_conn))
processes_and_connections.append((p, parent_conn))
no_sol_counter = 0
while True:
sol_found = None
# poll for solutions
for (p, child_conn) in processes_and_connections:
# block for 0.01s in total
can_receive = child_conn.poll(0.01 / len(processes_and_connections))
if can_receive:
candidate_sol = child_conn.recv()
if candidate_sol:
sol_found = candidate_sol
no_sol_counter += 1
# A solution is found, or all possible branches have no solution
if no_sol_counter == len(processes_and_connections) or sol_found:
# clean up
for (p, child_conn) in processes_and_connections:
return sol_found
def solve(self, target, numbers, parallize=True):
"""Wrapper for solve_paralleize or solve_sequential
if self._restricted:
if target < 0:
return None
if not all([x >= 0 for x in numbers]):
return None
solver = self._solve_parallel if parallize else self._solve_sequential
solution = solver(target, numbers)
return solution
if __name__ == '__main__':
# python 24 3 3 8 8
import sys
cli_args = sys.argv[1:]
if '-h' in cli_args:
print ' [-r] [-s] target num1 num2 ...'
print 'Required arguments'
print ' target number that expression must evaluate to'
print ' num1 num2 ... numbers that must be used in the expression'
print 'Optional arguments'
print ' -r restrict intermediate expressions to natural numbers'
print ' -s sequential search, disables parallelization'
numeric_args = map(int, filter(lambda x: x != '-r' and x != '-s', cli_args))
if len(cli_args) < 2:
sys.stderr.write('Must specify target and at least one other number, ')
sys.stderr.write('i.e. 24 3 3 8 8\n')
restricted = '-r' in cli_args
parallize = '-s' not in cli_args
solver = CountdownSolver(restricted=restricted)
target = numeric_args[0]
numbers = numeric_args[1:]
print solver.solve(target, numbers, parallize=parallize)
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