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yulanggong / ip_number_convert.js
Created October 31, 2012 09:48
IP 和数字互相转换
function ip2number(ip){
return parseInt(ip.replace(/(\d+)\.?/g, function(a,b){
b = parseInt(b).toString(16);
return b.length === 1 ? '0' + b : b;
}), 16);
function number2ip(number){
var ip = number & 255;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
yulanggong / buttonImageChangeDirection.jsx
Created October 31, 2012 01:52
* 多态按钮图片的横纵向转换
* 在 Photoshop CS6 下测试过
* 2012-10-30
* @param {Array} map 转换前后的按钮位置映射关系,下面有例子
* @param {String} flag 方向标志, v2h 纵转横, h2v 横转纵
* @param {Document} [doc] 默认为当前文档
function changeDirection(map, flag, doc){
yulanggong / jsStyle.js
Created September 29, 2012 03:28
var a = 1
, b = 2
, c = 3
, d = {
e: 4
, f: 5
, g: 6
, h = [
yulanggong / deepRecursionCallback.js
Created September 28, 2012 07:23
var stackSize = 0;
function foo(a, stackSize){
stackSize ++;
if (!a.length) return;
if (stackSize > 1000) {
yulanggong / webtools.js
Created August 28, 2012 05:05
Some Web development tools for Notepad++ (NppScripting)
* Some Web development tools for Notepad++ (NppScripting)
* Based on jsbeautifier.js and service of
var format = Editor.addMenu("Webtools");
yulanggong / cnNum2ArabNum.js
Created August 7, 2012 01:05
var cnNum2ArabNum = function(cn){
var arab, parts, cnChars = '零一二三四五六七八九'
if (!cn) {
return 0
if (cn.indexOf('亿') !== -1){
parts = cn.split('亿')
return cnNum2ArabNum(parts[0]) * 1e8 + cnNum2ArabNum(parts[1])
yulanggong / dark.theme
Created May 21, 2012 15:06
Dark Theme for Windows XP
; My Computer
; My Documents
yulanggong /
Created April 5, 2012 03:53 — forked from Raynos/
jQuery library critique


Related: [Why you don't need jQuery as an abstraction][2]

$ itself is a god object. Everything goes on it. The standard plugin / extension architecture that is recommended is to just bolt more methods on $ itself!

Surely this is bad. An example would be how we have both $.load which is overloaded to do completely different things. If they were on two separate sensibly named objects $Container.load and $EventTarget.load. Personally I would deprecate the latter in favour of .on('load'

The animation should be it's own little modular thing, not bolted onto $. Ajax should be it's own little modular thing, not bolted onto $

yulanggong / gist:2224161
Created March 28, 2012 06:15 — forked from lucasfais/gist:1207002
Sublime Text 2 - Useful Shortcuts

Sublime Text 2 – Useful Shortcuts (Mac OS X)


⌘T go to file
⌘⌃P go to project
⌘R go to methods
⌃G go to line
⌘KB toggle side bar
⌘⇧P command prompt
yulanggong / lessc_watch.js
Created March 15, 2012 02:36
Less compiler with --watch and --smartpath support
* Less compiler with --watch and --smartpath support
* Based on lessc of less 1.3.0
* Added options:
* -w, --watch Watch files (include @import files) for changes and re-compile
* -m, --smartpath output css file like this: