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Created November 27, 2016 17:29
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Swift LRUCache
class CacheGenerator<T:Hashable> : IteratorProtocol {
typealias Element = T
var counter: Int
let array:[T]
init(keys:[T]) {
counter = 0
array = keys
func next() -> Element? {
let result:Element? = counter < array.count ? array[counter] : nil
counter += 1
return result
class LRUCache <K:Hashable, V> : NSObject, NSCoding, Sequence {
fileprivate var _cache = [K:V]()
fileprivate var _keys = [K]()
var countLimit: Int = 0
var count: Int {
get {
return _keys.count
override init() {
subscript(index:Int) -> K {
get {
return _keys[index]
subscript(key:K) -> V? {
get {
return _cache[key]
set(obj) {
if obj == nil {
_cache.removeValue(forKey: key)
else {
_cache[key] = obj
fileprivate func useKey(_ key: K) {
if let index = _keys.index(of: key) {// key 已存在数组中,只需要将其挪至 index 0
_keys.insert(_keys.remove(at: index), at: 0)
else {// key 不存在数组中,需要将其插入 index 0,并在超出缓存大小阈值时移走最后面的元素
if _keys.count >= countLimit {
_cache.removeValue(forKey: _keys.last!)
_keys.insert(key, at: 0)
typealias Iterator = CacheGenerator<K>
func makeIterator() -> Iterator {
return CacheGenerator(keys:_keys)
func cleanCache() {
// NSCoding
@objc required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
_keys = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "keys") as! [K]
_cache = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "cache") as! [K:V]
@objc func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder) {
aCoder.encode(_keys, forKey: "keys")
aCoder.encode(_cache, forKey: "cache")
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