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Last active March 24, 2019 19:18
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Read Bootstrap Docs offline with Jekyll server and Compile Bootstrap Docs for static reading from a local server with Apache2 or Xampp

Read Bootstrap Docs offline with Jekyll server


Project Bootstrap use many tools (tools) such as SASS, Jekyll, NPM, Bundler, etc.

  1. Install Git
$ sudo apt-get install git
  1. Install Ruby
$ sudo apt-get install ruby-full
  1. Install NodeJS
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs
  1. Install SASS
sudo gem install sass
  1. Install Bundler
sudo gem install bundler

1. Clone the Bootstrap repository

$ git clone --depth 1
$ cd bootstrap

2. Install all required Gems

$ sudo bundle install

3. Install all required NPM dependencies

$ npm install

4. Run Jekyll server

$ npm run docs-serve


$ bundle exec jekyll serve

When the server is fully loaded, usually it will run on the http://localhost:9001 url, however you should review the message from the terminal to be sure about the correct url.

Compile Bootstrap Docs for static reading from a local server with Apache2 or Xampp


Follow all previous steps to prepare the environment.

1. Edit the baseurl

Open the file _config.yml located on the root of the Bootstrap folder, and change the baseurl parameter with the final url to use on the local server, Eg: http://localhost/doc/bs4

2. Compile Bootstrap Docs

$ npm run docs-compile

This command will compile all files from markdown to HTML.

The result of his output can be viewed in the directory _gh_pages.

3. Deploy static HTML files compiled

Copy all HTML compiled files to final folder in local server, Eg: /var/www/html/doc/bs4.

Now you can access to static Bootstrap Docs from http://localhost/doc/bs4.

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