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Created October 7, 2013 12:45
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A modified version of feature_homography sample in OpenCV python
#!/usr/bin/env python
---- [<video source>]
SPACE - pause video
Select a texture planar object to track by drawing a box with mouse
import numpy as np
import cv2
import video
import common
from collections import namedtuple
from common import getsize, draw_keypoints
flann_params= dict(algorithm = FLANN_INDEX_LSH,
table_number = 6, # 12
key_size = 12, # 20
multi_probe_level = 1) #2
image - image to track
rect - tracked rectangle (x1, y1, x2, y2)
keypoints - keypoints detected inside rect
descrs - their descriptors
data - some user-provided data
PlanarTarget = namedtuple('PlanarTarget', 'image, rect, keypoints, descrs, data')
target - reference to PlanarTarget
p0 - matched points coords in target image
p1 - matched points coords in input frame
H - homography matrix from p0 to p1
quad - target bounary quad in input frame
TrackedTarget = namedtuple('TrackedTarget', 'target, p0, p1, H, quad')
def is_rect_nonzero(r):
(_,_,w,h) = r
return (w > 0) and (h > 0)
class PlaneTracker:
def __init__(self):
self.detector = cv2.ORB( nfeatures = 1000 )
self.matcher = cv2.FlannBasedMatcher(flann_params, {}) # bug : need to pass empty dict (#1329)
self.targets = []
def add_target(self, image, rect, data=None):
'''Add a new tracking target.'''
x0, y0, x1, y1 = rect
raw_points, raw_descrs = self.detect_features(image)
points, descs = [], []
for kp, desc in zip(raw_points, raw_descrs):
x, y =
if x0 <= x <= x1 and y0 <= y <= y1:
if len(points) < MIN_MATCH_COUNT:
descs = np.uint8(descs)
target = PlanarTarget(image = image, rect=rect, keypoints = points, descrs=descs, data=None)
def clear(self):
'''Remove all targets'''
self.targets = []
def track(self, frame):
'''Returns a list of detected TrackedTarget objects'''
self.frame_points, self.frame_descrs = self.detect_features(frame)
if len(self.frame_points) < MIN_MATCH_COUNT:
return []
matches = self.matcher.knnMatch(self.frame_descrs, k = 2)
matches = [m[0] for m in matches if len(m) == 2 and m[0].distance < m[1].distance * 0.75]
if len(matches) < MIN_MATCH_COUNT:
return []
matches_by_id = [[] for _ in xrange(len(self.targets))]
for m in matches:
tracked = []
for imgIdx, matches in enumerate(matches_by_id):
if len(matches) < MIN_MATCH_COUNT:
target = self.targets[imgIdx]
p0 = [target.keypoints[m.trainIdx].pt for m in matches]
p1 = [self.frame_points[m.queryIdx].pt for m in matches]
p0, p1 = np.float32((p0, p1))
H, status = cv2.findHomography(p0, p1, cv2.RANSAC, 3.0)
status = status.ravel() != 0
if status.sum() < MIN_MATCH_COUNT:
p0, p1 = p0[status], p1[status]
x0, y0, x1, y1 = target.rect
quad = np.float32([[x0, y0], [x1, y0], [x1, y1], [x0, y1]])
quad = cv2.perspectiveTransform(quad.reshape(1, -1, 2), H).reshape(-1, 2)
track = TrackedTarget(target=target, p0=p0, p1=p1, H=H, quad=quad)
tracked.sort(key = lambda t: len(t.p0), reverse=True)
return tracked
def detect_features(self, frame):
'''detect_features(self, frame) -> keypoints, descrs'''
keypoints, descrs = self.detector.detectAndCompute(frame, None)
if descrs is None: # detectAndCompute returns descs=None if not keypoints found
descrs = []
return keypoints, descrs
class App:
def __init__(self, src):
self.cap = video.create_capture(src)
self.frame = None
self.paused = False
self.tracker = PlaneTracker()
cv2.setMouseCallback("plane", self.on_mouse)
self.drag_start = None
self.track_window = None
def on_mouse(self, event, x, y, flags, param):
x, y = np.int16([x, y])
if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
self.drag_start = (x, y)
if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP:
self.drag_start = None
self.track_window = self.selection
#Set the tracking rect
rect = self.track_window
self.tracker.add_target(self.frame, rect)
if self.drag_start:
xmin = min(x, self.drag_start[0])
ymin = min(y, self.drag_start[1])
xmax = max(x, self.drag_start[0])
ymax = max(y, self.drag_start[1])
self.selection = (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
def run(self):
while True:
playing = not self.paused and not self.drag_start
if playing or self.frame is None:
ret, frame =
if not ret:
self.frame = frame.copy()
w, h = getsize(self.frame)
vis = np.zeros((h, w*2, 3), np.uint8)
vis[:h, :w] = self.frame
if len(self.tracker.targets) > 0:
target = self.tracker.targets[0]
vis[:, w:] = target.image
draw_keypoints(vis[:, w:], target.keypoints)
x0, y0, x1, y1 = target.rect
cv2.rectangle(vis, (x0+w, y0), (x1+w, y1), (0, 255, 0), 2)
if playing:
tracked = self.tracker.track(self.frame)
if len(tracked) > 0:
tracked = tracked[0]
cv2.polylines(vis, [np.int32(tracked.quad)], True, (255,255,255), 2)
for (x0, y0), (x1, y1) in zip(np.int32(tracked.p0), np.int32(tracked.p1)):
cv2.line(vis, (x0+w, y0), (x1, y1), (0, 255, 0))
draw_keypoints(vis, self.tracker.frame_points)
if self.drag_start:
x, y, x1, y1 = self.selection
cv2.rectangle(vis, (x, y), (x1, y1), (0, 255, 0), 2)
cv2.imshow('plane', vis)
ch = cv2.waitKey(1)
if ch == ord(' '):
self.paused = not self.paused
if ch == 27:
if __name__=='__main__':
print __doc__
import sys
try: video_src = sys.argv[1]
except: video_src=0
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