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Last active June 10, 2019 11:49
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A call back function for retriving ROS Transformation. The code hasn't been tested yet.
template <typename T>
void DynamicMotionPrimitives<T>::tfCallback(const tf2_msgs::TFMessage::Ptr & msg)
//geometry_msgs::TransformStamped world_to_uav;
bool found_transform = false;
// Check if TF message is for world->uav/imu
// This is output by dynamics node.
for (auto transform : msg->transforms){
if (transform.child_frame_id == "uav/imu"){
//world_to_uav = transform;
found_transform = true;
// Skip if do not have transform
if (!found_transform) return;
// Skip every other transform to get an update rate of 60hz
if (numSimulationStepsSinceLastRender_ >= kNumSimulationStepsBeforeRenderRequest_){
// Get transform for left camera
geometry_msgs::TransformStamped camLeftTransform;
camLeftTransform = tfBuffer_.lookupTransform("world", "uav/imu", ros::Time(0));
} catch (tf2::TransformException &ex) {
ROS_WARN("Could NOT find transform for /uav/camera/0/internal_nwu: %s", ex.what());
Eigen::Quaternion<double> orientation;
geometry_msgs::Quaternion tf_quat;
tf_quat = camLeftTransform.transform.rotation;
orientation.x() = tf_quat.x;
orientation.y() = tf_quat.y;
orientation.z() = tf_quat.z;
orientation.w() = tf_quat.w;
Eigen::Vector3d position = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero();
geometry_msgs::Vector3 tf_vec = camLeftTransform.transform.translation;
position.x() = tf_vec.x;
position.y() = tf_vec.y;
position.z() = tf_vec.z;
// ros::Time timestamp = camLeftTransform.header.stamp;
// estimator_.feedPOSEQueue(position, orientation, timestamp);
numSimulationStepsSinceLastRender_ = 0;
} else {
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