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Created June 15, 2018 16:31
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Visual Studio Notes

Visual Studio



  • DGML Editor - Direct Graph Markup Language document editor
  • LINQ to SQL tools

Keyboard Shortcuts

See also: Default Keyboard Shortcuts in Visual Studio

Shortcut Command
Ctrl+Q Window.QuickLaunch
- -
Ctrl+N File.NewFile
Ctrl+Shift+N File.NewProject
Ctrl+S File.SaveSelectedItems
Ctrl+Shift+S File.SaveAll
- -
Ctrl+Shift+B Build.BuildSolution
Ctrl+Break Build.Cancel
Ctrl+F7 Build.Compile
Alt+F11 Build.RunCodeAnalysisonSolution
- -
Ctrl+Shift+A Project.AddNewItem
Shift+Alt+A Project.AddExistingItem
- Display
Shift+Alt+Enter View.FullScreen
Ctrl+Shift+< View.ZoomIn
Ctrl+Shift+> View.ZoomOut
- Windows
Ctrl+Alt+L View.SolutionExplorer
Ctrl+Shift+E View.ResourceView
Ctrl+, E View.ErrorList
Ctrl+Alt+K View.CallHierarchy
Ctrl+Alt+T View.DocumentOutline
Ctrl+Alt+J View.ObjectBrowser
Ctrl+Shift+C View.ClassView
F4 View.PropertiesWindow
Ctrl+Alt+O View.Output
Ctrl+Alt+A View.CommandWindow
Ctrl+Alt+X View.Toolbox
- -
Ctrl+Shift+F12 View.NextError
- -
Ctrl+E, Ctrl+W Edit.ToggleWordWrap
Ctrl+R, Ctrl+W Edit.ViewWhiteSpace
- Code Folding
Ctrl+M, Ctrl+A Edit.CollapseAllOutlining
Ctrl+M, Ctrl+O Edit.CollapsetoDefinitions
Ctrl+M, Ctrl+S Edit.CollapseCurrentRegion
Ctrl+M, Ctrl+E Edit.ExpandCurrentRegion
Ctrl+M, Ctrl+X Edit.ExpandAllOutlining
- Code Format
Ctrl+K, Ctrl+D Edit.FormatDocument
Ctrl+K, Ctrl+U Edit.UncommentSelection
Ctrl+K, Ctrl+C Edit.CommentSelection
- Refactor
Ctrl+R, Ctrl+R Refactor.Rename
Ctrl+R, Ctrl+E Refactor.EncapsulateField
Ctrl+R, Ctrl+M Refactor.ExtractMethod
Ctrl+K, Ctrl+B Tools.CodeSnippetsManager
- Help
F1 Help.F1Help
Shift+F1 Help.WindowHelp
Shift+Alt+F10 or Ctrl+. View.ShowSmartTag
Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar Edit.ParameterInfo
Ctrl+K, Ctrl+I Edit.QuickInfo
- Goto
Ctrl+, Edit.NavigateTo
Ctrl+G Edit.GoTo
F12 Edit.GoToDefinition
Alt+F12 Edit.PeekDefinition
Ctrl+F12 Edit.GoToDeclaration
Ctrl+] Edit.GotoBrace
Ctrl+Shift+] Edit.GotoBraceExtend
Ctrl+F Edit.Find
F3 Edit.FindNext
Ctrl+F3 Edit.FindNextSelected
Shift+F12 Edit.FindAllReferences
Ctrl+Shift+F Edit.FindinFiles
Ctrl+Alt+P Tools.AttachtoProcess
F5 Debug.Start
Ctrl+Shift+F5 Debug.Restart
Shift+F5 Debug.StopDebugging
Ctrl+F5 Debug.StartWithoutDebugging
Debug - Stepping
F10 Debug.StepOver
Ctrl+Alt+F10 Debug.StepOverCurrentProcess
F11 Debug.StepInto
Shift+F11 Debug.StepOut
Ctrl+Alt+F11 Debug.StepIntoCurrentProcess
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F11 Debug.StepOutCurrentProcess
Ctrl+F10 Debug.RunToCursor
Ctrl+Shift+F10 Debug.SetNextStatement
Alt+Num * Debug.ShowNextStatement
Debug - Breakpoints
F9 Debug.ToggleBreakpoint
Ctrl+F9 Debug.EnableBreakpoint
Ctrl+Shift+F9 Debug.DeleteAllBreakpoints
Debug - Debug Info
Ctrl+Alt+Q Debug.QuickWatch
Ctrl+Alt+V, A Debug.Autos
Ctrl+Alt+V, L Debug.Locals
Ctrl+Alt+C Debug.CallStack
Ctrl+Shift+` Debug.ShowCallStackonCodeMap
Ctrl+Alt+E Debug.Exceptions
Ctrl+Alt+H Debug.Threads
Ctrl+Alt+D Debug.Disassembly
Ctrl+Alt+G Debug.Registers
Alt+F2 Debug.DiagnosticsHub.Launch
Shift+Alt+F2 Debug.StopPerformanceAnalysis

Code Snippets

From the menus: Tools → Code Snippets Manager

Code Expands to
Constructor / Destructor
ctor public MyClass() { }
~ ~MyClass() { }
prop public int MyProperty { get; set; }
propg public int MyProperty { get; private set; }
propful private int myVar; public int MyProperty { get { return myVar; } set { myVar = value; } }
cw Console.WriteLine();
mbox MessageBox.Show("Test");
for for (int i = 0; i<length; i++) { }
foreach foreach (var item in collection) { }
do do { } while (true);
while while (true) { }
if if (true) { }
else else { }
switch switch (switch_on) { default: }
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