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A few notes to help me get started with Sublime Text.

Sublime Text - Random Notes

A few notes to get started with Sublime Text, some urls, a list of packages i played with, config files, keyboard shortcuts and some more.

Note: If you use a firewall on windows, you should add plugin_host.exe to the rules.




Here's a list of the package i've played with so far, they can all be installed from Package Control.

Packages management

by Will Bond (wbond)

This is an essential tool to install/remove packages in Sublime Text. To Install Package Control, just follow the instructions here. All you need to do from the menu is View → Show Console, and then copy/paste the code corresponding to your version of sublime there.

Packages configuration

You can access most packages settings via the menu Preferences → Package Settings → .... There's sometimes comments and help in the default configuration file, else refer to the readme of the package.

As far as i understand it, the default configuration is loaded and then overwritten with the user one. Without editing the package source, there's no way to prevent a package to load a setting or to set a keyboard shortcut. But if you know of one, i'd be happy to hear about it,

To access the two configuration files of Package Control, in the menu, it's:

  • Preferences → Package Settings → Package Control → Settings - Default
  • Preferences → Package Settings → Package Control → Settings - User

You can see the configuration files in you default file manager with - Preferences → Browse Packages.... On windows, it opens explorer.exe in C:\Users\Yunga\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages. The two corresponding configuration files are:

  • For the default, generally, in a zip file in Installed Packages. For Package Control it's C:\Users\Yunga\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Installed Packages\Package Control.sublime-package, which contains Package Control.sublime-settings.
  • For the user file, it's in the User folder when you browse packages (C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\Package Control.sublime-settings).

Tip: It may be a good idea to associate .sublime-package to a program that can handle zip files. Or the explorer's CompressedFolder.


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


So here is my Package Control configuration file, refer to the default one for help. Notes: For evident reasons, and as the preference file, it gets overwritten when you use Package Control.

Package Control.sublime-settings

	"installed_packages": [

		// Packages
		"Package Control",

		// Editor Features
		"Color Highlighter",
		"Open URL",

		// General Editing
		"All Autocomplete",
		"Text Pastry",

		// Tools

		// Linting

		// Assembly
		"FASM x86",

		// HTML

		// Markdown
		"Markdown Preview",

		// Javascript

		// Perl

		// Windows Scripting

		// Other Syntax files

		// Theme and Color Scheme
		"Theme - Flatland",
		"Dayle Rees Color Schemes",
		"Tomorrow Color Schemes",

Tip: Should you make a fresh Sublime Text installation, after having installed Package Control, you can copy an old Package Control.sublime-settings - User into your User folder, and then start Sublime Text. Package Control will then install all the previous package you had. Closing all open tabs and restarting Sublime might be required, depending on which packages you install.

by skuroda

Plugin to assist viewing and editing package resources in Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3.

Sometimes a packages doesn't do exactly what you want, and here comes Package Ressource Viewer, that let you extract the content of a package to your Packages/User/ directory.

See the example for modifying the NFO package later.

Editor Features

by titoBouzout

Enhancements to the sidebar right click, for files and folders.

Check the documentation if you need to add shortcut keys.

Side Bar.sublime-settings:

	// display size and last modified time in the status bar when selecting a file
	"statusbar_file_size":           	true,
	"statusbar_modified_time":       	true,
	"statusbar_modified_time_format":	"Modified: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
	"disable_send_to_trash":         	true,	// i'm allergic to trash

by titoBouzout

For when a project system is too much. Provides a new item "Folders" in the menubar, to allow a quick switch of the folders opened in the sidebar.

by facelessuser

Sticky tabs, more tab closing options, copy path, rename, delete, and additional right-click tab menu items.

by facelessuser

Hex Viewer is a plugin for Sublime Text that allows the toggling of a file into a hex viewing mode. Hex Viewer also supports hex editing.


	"group_bytes_by_bits":	8,
	"bytes_per_line":     	32,
	"inspector_endian":   	"little",	// intel

	"external_viewer": {
		"viewer":	"C:\\Prg\\HexEdit\\HexEdit.exe",
		"args":  	["${FILE}"]

	"auto_open_patterns":	["*.bin", "*.pyc", "*.exe", "*.dll"],

Added to Default (Windows).sublime-keymap:

	// HexViewer
	{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+h"],    	"command": "hex_viewer" },
	{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+shift+h"],	"command": "hash_selection" },

Menus: Tools → Packages → Hex Viewer → ... , Preferences → Package Settings → Hex Viewer → ...

by facelessuser

Manage a list of favorite files, for quick access.

Menus: File → Favorite Files → ... , Preferences → Package Settings → Favorite Files → ...

Added to Default (Windows).sublime-keymap:

	// Favorite Files
	{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+o"], "command": "select_favorite_file" },

by facelessuser

Matching brackets and tags highlighter.

Menus: Tools → Packages → Bracket Highligher → ... , Preferences → Package Settings → Bracket Highligher → ...


    "bracket_styles": {
        "default":     	{ "icon": "dot",           	"style": "underline"	},
        "unmatched":   	{ "icon": "question",      	"style": "highlight"	},
        "curly":       	{ "icon": "curly_bracket", 	"style": "highlight"	},
        "round":       	{ "icon": "round_bracket", 	"style": "highlight"	},
        "square":      	{ "icon": "square_bracket",	"style": "highlight"	},
        "angle":       	{ "icon": "angle_bracket", 	"style": "highlight"	},
        "tag":         	{ "icon": "tag",           	"style": "outline"  	},
        "c_define":    	{ "icon": "hash",          	"style": "stippled" 	},
        "single_quote":	{ "icon": "single_quote",  	"style": "underline"	},
        "double_quote":	{ "icon": "double_quote",  	"style": "underline"	},
        "regex":       	{ "icon": "regex",         	"style": "underline"	},

by Monnoroch

ColorHighlighter is a plugin for the Sublime text 2 and 3, which underlays selected hexadecimal colorcodes (like "#FFFFFF", "rgb(255,255,255)", "white", etc.) with their real color. Also, plugin adds color picker to easily modify colors.

I added .txt, .md and .todo to the list of files where Color Highlighter is active. And, as on my machine ctrl+shift+c is already assigned, i added another shortcut for the color picker. #fff


    "enabled": true,
    "style": "filled",   	// Default Style
    "ha_style": "filled",	// Highlight All
    "icons": false,      	// No Icons
    "ha_icons": false,

	"file_exts": [".css", ".sass", ".scss", ".less", ".styl", ".html", ".js", ".sublime-settings", ".tmTheme", ".erb", ".haml", ".txt", ".md", ".todo", "rgb"]

Added to Default (Windows).sublime-keymap:

	// Color Highlighter - Color Picker
	{ "keys": ["alt+shift+c"], "command": "color_picker", "context": [ { "key": "color_highlighter.color_picker" } ] },

Menus: Tools → Color Highlighter → ... , Preferences → Package Settings → Color Highlighter → ...

Keys: alt+shift+c Color Picker

by noahcoad

Open URLs, files, folders, or google text under the cursor or in selected text for Sublime Text.

Menu: In the context menu.


ctrl+u	Open URL

by CodeEffect

A plugin to list the contents of keymap files and indicate any clashes / overrides.

Menus: Preferences → List bound keys, Preferences → Package Settings → Bound Keys → ...


shift+F10	BoundKeys

General Editing

by alienhard

Extend autocompletion to find matches in all open files of the current window.

by Will Bond (wbond)

Dead-simple alignment of multi-line selections and multiple selections for Sublime Text.

Menus: Preferences → Package Settings → Alignment → ...

ctrl+alt+a	"alignment"

by SublimeText

Tab characters automatically adjust to keep adjacent lines aligned.

ctrl+alt+left       	"move_by_cells"
ctrl+alt+right      	"move_by_cells"
ctrl+alt+shift+left 	"move_by_cells"
ctrl+alt+shift+right	"move_by_cells"

by duydao

This plugin extends the power of multiple selections. Modify selections, insert numeric sequences, incremental numbers, generate uuids, insert continuously from a word list and more. Read the help file.

Menus: Preferences → Package Settings → Text Pastry → ...

ctrl+alt+n	"text_pastry_show_command_line"
ctrl+alt+t	"text_pastry_show_menu"

by Razumenko Maksim

Increase / decrease numbers, dates, hex color values, etc.

Due to conflicting keyboard shortcuts with Windows 10, i changed the modifiers to alt → super+alt → shift+super+alt.

Added to Default (Windows).sublime-keymap:

	// Inc-Dec-Values
	{ "keys": ["super+alt+up"],        	"command": "inc_dec_value", "args": { "action": "inc_max" } },
	{ "keys": ["super+alt+down"],      	"command": "inc_dec_value", "args": { "action": "dec_max" } },
	{ "keys": ["shift+super+alt+up"],  	"command": "inc_dec_value", "args": { "action": "inc_all" } },
	{ "keys": ["shift+super+alt+down"],	"command": "inc_dec_value", "args": { "action": "dec_all" } },


	"enums": [
		["yes", "no", "perhaps", "true", "false", "maybe", "null"],
		["oui", "non", "peut-être", "vrai", "faux", "nul"],
		["relative", "absolute", "fixed" ],
		["top", "bottom", "left", "right"  ],
		["width", "height" ],
		["margin", "padding"],
		["block", "none", "inline", "inline-block"],
		["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"],
		["am", "pm"],
		["sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat"],
		["dim", "lun", "mar", "mer", "jeu", "ven", "sam"],
		["sunday", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday"],
		["dimanche", "lundi", "mardi", "mercredi", "jeudi", "vendredi", "samedi"],
		["jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec"],
		["TODO", "DONE", "FIXME", "ATTN", "NOTE", "XXX"],

	"force_use_upper_case_for_hex_color": true,

Menus: Preferences → Package Settings → Inc-Dec-Value → ...

alt-up/down        	Increase/Decrease number/lowercase/Capitalize/UPPERCASE
super+alt+up/down  	Increase all color values
shift+super+up/down	Switch from/to #colors/rgba() notations/Enums


by furikake

Codecs Plugin for Sublime Text. Supports Secure Hash / Message Digest such as MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512, encoding / decoding of Base64, Base32, Base16, URL encoding, Quoted-Printable, JSON, XML, etc

ctrl+super+y 	base64 encode
shift+super+y	base64 decode

by fitnr

A package for Sublime Text 2 for converting CSV data to other formats:

ActionScript, ASP, HTML tables, Gherkin, JIRA (Atlassian Confluence), JSON (array of columns, array of rows, object, first column is key), Javascript object, MySQL, Perl, PHP (two formats), Python (list of dicts), Python (list of lists), Ruby, text table, Wiki markup, XML, XML (property list), XML for data-driven Adobe Illustrator, and YAML.

by aziz

An opinionated todo-list plugin for Sublime Text editor (version 2 and 3).

See the tutorial in Preferences → Package Settings → PlainTasks → Tutorial.

Menus: Preferences → Package Settings → PlainTasks → ...

ctrl+enter  	New Task
ctrl+i      	New Task
ctrl+d      	Un/Mark as Done
alt+c       	Un/Mark as Cancelled
alt+o       	Open ./filename
ctrl+shift+a	Archive task
ctrl+r      	List of projects


  "date_format": "(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)",
  "tab_size": 4,
  "translate_tabs_to_spaces": false,


by SublimeLinter

Interactive code linting framework for Sublime Text 3

This is used by several linting modules later (perl, javascript, ...)

Menus: Tools → Sublime Linter → ... (User's settings are there).

ctrl+k, l	"sublimelinter_lint"
ctrl+k, n	"sublimelinter_goto_error" "direction": "next"
ctrl+k, p	"sublimelinter_goto_error" "direction": "previous"
ctrl+k, a	"sublimelinter_show_all_errors"


by Shirk

FASM syntax highlighting package with support for IA32/AMD64 assembler (intel syntax).

by erggo

A bundle for TextMate providing syntax highlighting for ARM assembly code.


by mrmartineau

Add HTML5 syntax mode & snippets to Sublime Text.

by SublimeLinter

Provides SublimeLinter an interface to tidy. It will be used with files that have the "HTML" syntax.

Note: You need to install tidy, either the html4 or html5 version, and it should be in your PATH environment variable.

by y0ssar1an

The most complete CSS support for Sublime Text 3.

by sergeche

Emmet (ex-Zen Coding) for Sublime Text.

Tab or Ctrl+e 	Expand Abbreviation
Ctrl+Alt+Enter	Interactive “Expand Abbreviation”
Ctrl+,        	Match Tag Pair Outward
Shift+Ctrl+0  	Match Tag Pair Inward
Ctrl+Alt+j    	Go to Matching Pair
Shift+Ctrl+g  	Wrap With Abbreviation
Ctrl+Alt+→    	Go to Next Edit Point
Ctrl+Alt+←    	Go to Previous Edit Point
Shift+Ctrl+.  	Select Next Item
Shift+Ctrl+,  	Select Previous Item
Shift+Ctrl+/  	Toggle Comment
Shift+Ctrl+`  	Split/Join Tag
Shift+Ctrl+;  	Remove Tag
Ctrl+u        	Update Image Size
Shift+Ctrl+y  	Evaluate Math Expression
Shift+Ctrl+r  	Reflect CSS Value
Ctrl+'        	Encode/Decode Image to data:URL
Shift+Ctrl+'  	Rename Tag


by jdc0589

Javascript formatting for Sublime Text 2 & 3


	// exposed jsbeautifier options
	"brace_style":              	"collapse",
	"break_chained_methods":    	true,
	"e4x":                      	false,
	"end_with_newline":         	true,
	"eval_code":                	false,
	"good_stuff":               	true,
	"indent_size":              	4,
	"indent_with_tabs":         	true,
	"jslint_happy":             	true,
	"keep_array_indentation":   	false,
	"keep_function_indentation":	false,
	"max_preserve_newlines":    	4,
	"preserve_newlines":        	false,
	"space_before_conditional": 	true,
	"space_in_paren":           	true,
	"unescape_strings":         	false,
	"wrap_line_length":         	0,

	// jsformat options
	"format_on_save":    	false,
	"jsbeautifyrc_files":	false
ctrl+alt+f	"js_format"

by dzhibas

Prettify/Minify/Query JSON. Converts JSON to XML.

Pretty JSON.sublime-settings:

	"use_entire_file_if_no_selection":	true,
	"indent":                         	"\t",
	"sort_keys":                      	false,
	"ensure_ascii":                   	false

by SublimeLinter

This linter plugin for SublimeLinter provides an interface to jshint. It will be used with files that have the “JavaScript” syntax, or within script tags in HTML files.

Note: You need to install NodeJS, then to run the following command npm install --global jshint. If you don't want to install jshint globally on windows, don't forget to add your npm local directory to your PATH environment variable (where jshint.cmd is located).

The documentation of JSHint is here, and the settings used are the same of a .jshintrc file in your home directory.


  	// Enforcing
  	"bitwise":      	false,	// true: Prohibit bitwise operators (&, |, ^, etc.)
  	"camelcase":    	false,	// true: Identifiers must be in camelCase
  	"curly":        	true, 	// true: Require {} for every new block or scope
  	"eqeqeq":       	false,	// true: Require triple equals (===) for comparison
  	"es3":          	false,	// true: Require your code to adhere to ECMAScript 3 specification
  	"forin":        	false,	// true: Require filtering loops with obj.hasOwnProperty()
  	"freeze":       	true, 	// true: prohibits overwriting prototypes of native objects such as Array, Date etc.
  	"immed":        	false,	// true: Require immediate invocations to be wrapped in parens e.g. `(function () { } ());`
//	"indent":       	4,    	// {int} Number of spaces to use for indentation
  	"latedef":      	false,	// true: Require variables/functions to be defined before being used
  	"newcap":       	false,	// true: Require capitalization of all constructor functions e.g. `new F()`
  	"noarg":        	true, 	// true: Prohibit use of `arguments.caller` and `arguments.callee`
  	"noempty":      	true, 	// true: Prohibit use of empty blocks
  	"nonbsp":       	true, 	// true: Prohibit "non-breaking whitespace" characters.
  	"nonew":        	false,	// true: Prohibit use of constructors for side-effects (without assignment)
  	"plusplus":     	false,	// true: Prohibit use of `++` & `--`
  	"quotmark":     	false,	// Quotation mark consistency
  	"undef":        	true, 	// true: Require all non-global variables to be declared (prevents global leaks)
  	"unused":       	true, 	// true: Require all defined variables be used
  	"strict":       	true, 	// true: Requires all functions run in ES5 Strict Mode
  	"maxparams":    	false,	// {int} Max number of formal params allowed per function
  	"maxdepth":     	false,	// {int} Max depth of nested blocks (within functions)
  	"maxstatements":	false,	// {int} Max number statements per function
  	"maxcomplexity":	false,	// {int} Max cyclomatic complexity per function
  	"maxlen":       	false,	// {int} Max number of characters per line

	// Relaxing
	"asi":         	false,	// true: Tolerate Automatic Semicolon Insertion (no semicolons)
	"boss":        	false,	// true: Tolerate assignments where comparisons would be expected
	"debug":       	false,	// true: Allow debugger statements e.g. browser breakpoints.
	"eqnull":      	false,	// true: Tolerate use of `== null`
	"esnext":      	false,	// true: Allow (ES6) syntax (ex: `const`)
	"evil":        	false,	// true: Tolerate use of `eval` and `new Function()`
	"expr":        	false,	// true: Tolerate `ExpressionStatement` as Programs
	"funcscope":   	false,	// true: Tolerate defining variables inside control statements
	"globalstrict":	false,	// true: Allow global "use strict" (also enables 'strict')
	"iterator":    	false,	// true: Tolerate using the `__iterator__` property
	"lastsemic":   	false,	// true: Tolerate omitting a semicolon for the last statement of a 1-line block
	"laxbreak":    	false,	// true: Tolerate possibly unsafe line breakings
	"laxcomma":    	false,	// true: Tolerate comma-first style coding
	"loopfunc":    	false,	// true: Tolerate functions being defined in loops
	"maxerr":      	100,  	// Maximum error before stopping.
	"moz":         	false,	// true: Allow Mozilla specific syntax (extends and overrides esnext features)
	"multistr":    	false,	// true: Tolerate multi-line strings
	"notypeof":    	false,	// true: Tolerate invalid typeof operator values
	"noyield":     	false,	// true: Tolerate generator functions with no yield statement in them.
	"proto":       	false,	// true: Tolerate using the `__proto__` property
	"scripturl":   	false,	// true: Tolerate script-targeted URLs
	"shadow":      	false,	// true: Allows re-define variables later in code e.g. `var x=1; x=2;`
	"sub":         	false,	// true: Tolerate using `[]` notation when it can still be expressed in dot notation
	"supernew":    	false,	// true: Tolerate `new function () { ... };` and `new Object;`
	"validthis":   	false,	// true: Tolerate using this in a non-constructor function

	// Environments
	"browser":    	true, 	// Standard browser globals e.g. `window`, `document`.
	"couch":      	false,	// CouchDB
	"devel":      	true, 	// Development/debugging (alert, confirm, etc)
	"dojo":       	false,	// Dojo Toolkit
	"jquery":     	false,	// jQuery
	"mootools":   	false,	// MooTools
	"node":       	false,	// Node.js
	"nonstandard":	false,	// Widely adopted globals (escape, unescape, etc)
	"phantom":    	false,	// PhantomJS runtime environment
	"prototypejs":	false,	// Prototype and Scriptaculous
	"rhino":      	false,	// Rhino
	"worker":     	false,	// Web Workers
	"wsh":        	false,	// Windows Scripting Host
	"yui":        	false 	// Yahoo User Interface


by SublimeText-Markdown

Powerful Markdown package for Sublime Text with better syntax understanding and good color schemes.

Sample Markdown.sublime-settings

	"extensions": [ "md", ],
	"translate_tabs_to_spaces": false,
	"trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true,

	// Layout
	"draw_centered": false,
	"word_wrap": false,
	"rulers": [ 80, 128 ],

	// Line
	"line_numbers": true,
	"highlight_line": true,

	"caret_style": "phase",

by revolunet

Markdown preview and build plugin for sublime text 2/3.


	"parser":      	"github",
	"build_action":	"save",

	"enable_mathjax":  	false,
	"enable_uml":      	false,
	"enable_highlight":	true,
	"enable_pygments": 	true,

	"github_inject_header_ids":	true,

	/* Uses an OAuth token when parsing markdown with GitHub API. To create one for Markdown Preview, see */
	// "github_oauth_token": "secret",

	"enable_autoreload":	false,
	"markdown_filetypes": [".md"],

Added to Default.sublime-keymap

	// Github Markdown Preview
	{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+g"], "command": "markdown_preview", "args": {"target": "browser", "parser":"github"} },

by naokazuterada

MarkdownTOC (Table Of Contents) Plugin for Sublime Text


	"default_autolink":	true,
	"default_bracket": 	"round",
	"default_depth":   	0,


by Blaizer

Perl syntax highlighting for Sublime Text that isn't outdated.

by oschwald

This linter plugin for SublimeLinter provides an interface to perl. It will be used with files that have the "Perl" or "ModernPerl" syntax.

by oschwald

This linter plugin for SublimeLinter provides an interface to the perlcritic. It will be used with files that have the "Perl" syntax.


severity        = 3
verbose         = 6
top             = 50
theme           = pbp || core || bugs || security || maintenance

by vifo

perltidy/Perl::Tidy plugin - A Perl script indenter and reformatter.

Note: If you use cygwin and symlinks for config files and ~/.perltidyrc, make sure you use mklink command provided with windows and not ln provided with cygwin.


# perl
--perl-syntax-check-flags="-c -T"

### Indentation
# NO Outdent (doesnt works with tabs)

### Whitespace
# Keywords, Functions

### Parens, Brackets, Braces
# Stacking
# Vertical

### Terminators

### List and Hashes

### Newlines
--want-break-after="% + - * / x != == >= <= =~ !~ < > | & = **= += *= &= <<= &&= -= /= |= >>= ||= //= .= %= ^= x="

### Comments
# Add closing side comments
# Static comments (##)

### Format Skipping (##<<< and ##>>>)
ctrl+shift+t	"perl_tidy"

Windows Scripting

by robertcollier4

Autohotkey AHK language package for SublimeText including syntax highlighting, comments toggling, auto-completions, build system definitions, commands for ahkrun, ahkcompile, ahkrunpiped.

Don't forget to change the settings if you installed Autohotkey in a custom directory.


    "AutoHotKeyExePath": { "default": "C:\\Prg\\AutoHotkey\\AutoHotkey.exe" },
    "Ahk2ExePath":       { "default": "C:\\Prg\\AutoHotkey\\Compiler\\Ahk2Exe.exe" },
ctrl+b      	run the current script with AutoHotKey
ctrl+shift+b	compile the current file to .exe

by AutoIt

AutoItScript AU3 language package for SublimeText including syntax highlighting, comments toggling, auto-completions, build systems for run and compile, Tidy command, IncludeHelper command.

Don't forget to change the settings if you installed AutoIt in a custom directory.


	"AutoItExePath":     	"C:\\Prg\\AutoIt\\AutoIt3.exe",
	"AutoItCompilerPath":	"C:\\Prg\\AutoIt\\Aut2Exe\\Aut2exe.exe",
	"TidyExePath":       	"C:\\Prg\\AutoIt\\SciTE\\Tidy\\Tidy.exe",
ctrl+b      	run the script with AutoIt
ctrl+shift+b	compile the current AutoIt script to .exe
alt+t, t    	tidy AutoIt scripts
alt+t, i    	include helper

by SublimeText

Support for the MS PowerShell 2 programming language.

by SublimeText

This VBScript package for Sublime Text adds: - syntax highlighting - snippets - build configuration.

Other Syntax Files

by clintberry

INI syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 2

by liamja

Open Scene NFO files with DOS 437 encoding automatically in Sublime Text, with sane defaults for optimal display.

by robertcollier4

Windows Registry Script (.reg) Language package for SublimeText. Includes syntax highlighting, comments toggling, declaration snippets, a build system to merge current reg file to registry, and a Jump To Reg Key command.

Note: You may need to have administrative privileges to open registry keys. Check Sublime's console for error messages if something doesn't work.

Just changed the default program to open registry key from SysInternals RegJump to Safer Networking's RegAlyzer.


	"RegKeyJumpCmd": ["C:\\Prg\\RegAlyzer\\RegAlyzer.exe"]

Color Scheme an Themes

by benweier

Themr allows you to quickly change your UI theme using the command palette or keyboard shortcuts. With Themr, you get commands to easily cycle forward, backward and randomly through your available themes.


ctrl+F5 	List themes
ctrl+F7 	Next theme
ctrl+F8 	Previous theme
ctrl+F10	Random theme

by benweier

Schemr allows you to quickly change your color scheme using the command palette and keyboard shortcuts. With Schemr, you get commands to easily cycle forward, backward and randomly through your available color schemes.


alt+F5 	List schemes
alt+F7 	Next scheme
alt+F8 	Previous scheme
alt+F10	Random scheme

Theme - Flatland

Configuration Files

To learn more about Sublime configuration files and settings, check the Unofficial Documentation about Customizing Sublime Text.

To sum it up shortly:

  • Those files reside in your application configuration folder \Sublime Text 3\Packages\User (for example, on windows, it's C:\Users\Yunga\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User).
  • You can get there from the menu Preferences → Browse Packages..., and then go to the User directory.
  • JSON format. (trailing commas are ok)
  • Configuration file are loaded alphabetically, default settings first then the user's.

You can customize nearly everything in Sublime or even in packages, don't be afraid to have a peek everywhere, and make a backup of the files before playing with them.


There's a lot of comments in the Default preference file, see in the menus: Preferences → Settings - Default.

The following are the main editor settings, obviously, accessible from the menus too Preferences → Settings - User.

Note: Should you change settings via the editor, the preference file will be overwritten by a dump of the current configuration, so don't lose time making this one pretty, or keep a copy elsewhere.


    // Files
    "default_encoding":                 "UTF-8",
    "default_line_ending":              "unix",
    "detect_indentation":               true,
    "enable_hexadecimal_encoding":      true, // files containing null bytes
    "always_prompt_for_file_reload":    true,

    // Edit, whitespace, indent
    "word_separators":                      "._/\\()\"'-:,.;<>~!@#$%^&*|+=[]{}`~?",
    "auto_indent":                          true,
    "tab_size":                             4,
    "use_tab_stops":                        false,
    "translate_tabs_to_spaces":             false,
    "trim_automatic_white_space":           false,
    "trim_trailing_white_space_on_save":    true,
    "smart_indent":                         true,
    "indent_to_bracket":                    true,
    "trim_automatic_white_space":           false, // inserted by auto-indent
    "draw_indent_guides":                   true,
    "ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save":        true,
    "indent_guide_options":                 [ "draw_normal", "draw_active" ],
    "draw_white_space":                     "selection",

    // Visuals
    "font_face":    "Consolas",
    "font_size":    10,
    "font_options": [ "subpixel_antialias" ],

    "word_wrap":            false,
    "overlay_scroll_bars":  "enabled",

    "highlight_line":   true,

    "caret_extra_bottom":   3,
    "caret_extra_top":      3,
    "caret_extra_width":    1,
    "caret_style":          "phase",

    "scroll_past_end":	true,

    "draw_minimap_border":          true,
    "always_show_minimap_viewport": true,

    "gutter":               true,
    "margin":               0, // between gutter and text
    "line_numbers":         true,
    "fold_buttons":         true,
    "fade_fold_buttons":    false,

    "rulers":   [ 80, 128 ],

    "bold_folder_labels":       true, // sidebar
    "show_encoding":            true, // status bar
    "show_line_endings":        true, // status bar
    "highlight_modified_tabs":  true, // tabs
    "show_tab_close_buttons":   true, // tabs

    // Packages
    "ignored_packages": ["Vintage"],

Key mappings

Here are some customized shortcut keys, you can access them via the menu Preferences → Key Bindings - User. Check the Unofficial Documentation for Key Bindings.

Note: the following includes commands from packages listed before.

Default (Windows).sublime-keymap:

	// Notepad++ way
	{ "keys": ["shift+alt+up"],  	"command": "select_lines",	"args": {"forward": false} },
	{ "keys": ["shift+alt+down"],	"command": "select_lines",	"args": {"forward": true} },

	// View options
	{ "keys": ["ctrl+w"],          	"command": "toggle_setting",	"args": {"setting": "word_wrap"} },
	{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+s"],      	"command": "set_setting",   	"args": { "setting": "draw_white_space", "value": "all" } },
	{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+shift+s"],	"command": "set_setting",   	"args": { "setting": "draw_white_space", "value": "selection" } },

	// Macros
	{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+q"],	"command": "toggle_record_macro" },
	{ "keys": ["ctrl+q"],      	"command": "run_macro" },

	// --- From Packages ---------------

	// Reindent code
	{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+r"],	"command": "reindent" },

	// HexViewer
	{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+h"],    	"command": "hex_viewer" },
	{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+shift+h"],	"command": "hash_selection" },

	// Favorite Files
	{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+o"],	"command": "select_favorite_file" },

	// Color Highlighter - Color Picker
	{ "keys": ["shift+alt+c"], "command": "color_picker", "context": [ { "key": "color_highlighter.color_picker" } ] },

	// Github Markdown Preview
	{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+g"],	"command": "markdown_preview",	"args": {"target": "browser", "parser":"github"} },



There's not a lot of info about menus, simply have a look at various packages to see how it works. The file must be named Main.sublime-menu, and requires a Sublime Text restart to be loaded the first time (subsequent changes are updated automatically when you save).

Note: the following includes commands from packages listed before.


	 "caption": "QuickMenu",
	 "mnemonic": "M",
	 "id": "Mine",
			{ "caption": "Favorites Files",        	"command": "select_favorite_file",	"mnemonic": "F" 	},  // Favorites
			{ "caption": "Add to Favorite Files",  	"command": "add_favorite_file"    	                	},
			{ "caption": "Remove Favorite File(s)",	"command": "remove_favorite_file" 	                	},
			{ "caption": "-"                       	                                  	                	},  // View
			{ "caption": "HexViewer",              	"command": "hex_viewer",          	"mnemonic": "x" 	},
			{ "caption": "Github Markdown Preview",	"command": "markdown_preview",    	"mnemonic": "G" 	},
			{ "caption": "-"                       	                                  	                	}, // Open
			{ "caption": "Jump to URL",            	"command": "open_url",            	"mnemonic": "U" 	},
			{ "caption": "Jump to Registry Key",   	"command": "jumptoregkey",        	"mnemonic": "K" 	},
			{ "caption": "-"                       	                                  	                	}, // Reformat
			{ "caption": "JsFormat",               	"command": "js_format",           	"mnemonic": "J",	"context": [ { "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "source.js,source.json" } ] },
			{ "caption": "Perl Tidy",              	"command": "perl_tidy",           	"mnemonic": "P",	"context": [ { "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "source.perl", "match_all": true } ] },
			{ "caption": "Reindent Code",          	"command": "reindent",            	"mnemonic": "R" 	},
			{ "caption": "-"                       	                                  	                	}, // Tools
			{ "caption": "Color Picker",           	"command": "color_picker",        	"mnemonic": "C",	"context": [ { "key": "color_highlighter.color_picker" } ]	},

    // Useful buttons
    { "caption": "Save",	"command": "save"       	},
    { "caption": "",   	"command": "jump_back"  	},
    { "caption": "",   	"command": "jump_foward"	},
    { "caption": "I",   	"command": "set_layout",	"args": { "cols": [0.0, 1.0], "rows": [0.0, 1.0], "cells": [[0, 0, 1, 1]] } },
    { "caption": "II",  	"command": "set_layout",	"args": { "cols": [0.0, 0.5, 1.0], "rows": [0.0, 1.0], "cells": [[0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 2, 1]] } },


Keyboard Shortcuts

If there's one shortcut you have to remember, get this one:

ctrl+shift+p	Command palette

You can also get a list of all keyboard shortcuts with a package like BoundKeys.

Keys marked !ST are the one added from packages listed before, ME: the one i modified.


f11          	"toggle_full_screen"
shift+f11    	"toggle_distraction_free"
ctrl+k ctrl+b	"toggle_side_bar"
ctrl++       	"increase_font_size"
ctrl+-       	"decrease_font_size"


ctrl+c        	"copy" (current line if no selection)
ctrl+x        	"cut" (current line if no selection)
ctrl+shift+v  	"paste_and_indent"
ctrl+k, ctrl+v	"paste_from_history"


ctrl+z      	"undo"
ctrl+u      	"soft_undo" (moves cursor first)
ctrl+shift+z	"redo"
ctrl+shift+u	"soft_redo" (moves cursor first)
ctrl+y      	"redo_or_repeat"


ctrl+a          	"select_all"
ctrl+l          	"expand_selection" "to": "line" (select line, and moves down)
ctrl+shift+m    	"expand_selection" "to": "brackets"
ctrl+shift+space	"expand_selection" "to": "scope"
ctrl+shift+j    	"expand_selection" "to": "indentation"
ctrl+shift+a    	"expand_selection" "to": "tag"
ctrl+d          	"find_under_expand" (add next occurrence of current word to selection)
ctrl+k ctrl+d   	"find_under_expand_skip" (skip occurence)
ctrl+shift+l    	"split_selection_into_lines" (split the selected block one cursor per line)

ctrl+alt+up  	add cursor up
ctrl+alt+down	add cursor down


ctrl+f       	"show_panel" "panel": "find"
ctrl+shift+f 	"show_panel" "panel": "find_in_files"
ctrl+i       	"show_panel" "panel": "incremental_find"
ctrl+shift+i 	"show_panel" "panel": "incremental_find" "reverse"
ctrl+e       	"slurp_find_string" (find selection)
ctrl+shift+e 	"slurp_replace_string" (replace selection)
f3           	"find_next"
shift+f3     	"find_prev"
ctrl+f3      	"find_under"
ctrl+shift+f3	"find_under_prev"
alt+f3       	"find_all_under" (add all occurrences to selection, with cursors)
ctrl+h       	"show_panel" "panel": "replace"

Jump to

ctrl+p     	Goto anything, #Fuzzy Matching, :Line n°, @Symbol
ctrl+;     	Goto word in current file. (Same as ctrl+p #)
ctrl+g     	Goto line (Same as ctrl+p :)
ctrl+r     	Goto symbols (Same as ctrl+p @)
ctrl+m     	"move_to" enclosing brackets
alt+-      	"jump_back"
alt+shift+-	"jump_forward"


f2           	"next_bookmark"
shift+f2     	"prev_bookmark"
ctrl+f2      	"toggle_bookmark"
ctrl+shift+f2	"clear_bookmarks"
alt+f2       	"select_all_bookmarks"


f6           	"toggle_setting" "spell_check"
ctrl+f6      	"next_misspelling"
ctrl+shift+f6	"prev_misspelling"

Windows Layout/Tabs

alt+shift+1/2/3/4	"set_layout" 1, 2, 3, 4 columns
alt+shift+5      	"set_layout" grid 4
alt+shit+8/9     	"set_layout" 2 or 3 rows

ctrl+0             	"focus_side_bar"
ctrl+1/2/3...      	"focus_group"
ctrl+shift+1/2/3...	"move_to_group"

ctrl+pgup     	"next_view"
ctrl+pgdown   	"prev_view"
ctrl+tab      	"next_view_in_stack"
ctrl+shift+tab	"prev_view_in_stack"

ctrl+shift+t	"reopen_last_file"


ctrl+q      	"toggle_record_macro"
ctrl+shift+q	"run_macro"


ctrl+k, ctrl+u	"upper_case"
ctrl+k, ctrl+l	"lower_case"
ctrl+j        	"join_lines"
ctrl+shift+d  	"duplicate_line"
ctrl+shift+k  	"Delete Line.sublime-macro"

ctrl+shift+up  	"swap_line_up" (move line/selection up one line)
ctrl+shift+down	"swap_line_down" (move line/selection down one line)
ctrl+t         	"transpose" (two or more chars/selections)

ctrl+/      	"toggle_comment"
ctrl+shift+/	"toggle_comment" "block"

f9     	"sort_lines" "case_sensitive": false
ctrl+f9	"sort_lines" "case_sensitive": true


ctrl+shift+alt+p	"show_scope_name" (in status bar)

Packages list

Packages mentioned before

These links go directly to the github repository if you want to look at the sources.

What others are using

Just took these to have a look at what peoples are using...

[AAAPackageDev] ( -- [AdvancedNewFile] ( -- [ApacheConf.tmLanguage] ( -- [Auto Encoding for Ruby] ( -- [AutoFileName] ( -- [Backbone.js] ( -- [BeautifyRuby] ( -- [Bracketeer] ( -- [BracketHighlighter] ( -- [BufferScroll] ( -- [ChangeQuotes] ( -- [Clipboard Manager] ( -- [CodeFormatter] ( -- [CoffeeCompile] ( -- [CoffeeScript] ( -- [CoffeeScript Function Finder] ( -- Color Highlighter ( -- [ColorPick] ( -- [ColorSchemeSelector] ( -- [ConsoleExec] ( -- [Copy File Name] ( -- [CSS Less(ish)] ( -- [CSS Media Query Snippets] ( -- [CSS Snippets] ( -- [CSScomb] ( -- [CSSFormat] ( -- [Csslisible] ( -- [CSSTidy] ( -- [CTags] ( -- [Current Scope] ( -- [Dayle Rees Color Schemes] ( -- [EasyMotion] ( -- ElasticTabstops ( -- Emmet ( -- [EncodingHelper] ( -- [ERB Snippets] ( -- [ExportHtml] ( -- [Extract Sublime Package] ( -- FavoriteFiles ( -- [FileDiffs] ( -- [FindKeyConflicts] ( -- [Gist] ( -- [Git] ( -- [Git Status Files] ( -- [GitGutter] ( -- [Hacker News] ( -- [Haml] ( -- [HighlightDuplicates] ( -- [HTML2Haml] ( -- HTML5 ( -- [HTMLAttributes] ( -- [HtmlTidy] ( -- [Http Requester] ( -- [INI] ( -- [InsertDate] ( -- [Javascript Beautify] ( -- [JavaScript Snippets] ( -- [jQuery] ( -- [jQuery Snippets pack] ( -- [JS Snippets] ( -- [JS2Coffee] ( -- [JsFormat] ( -- [JSHint] ( -- [JsMinifier] ( -- [Keymap Redefiner] ( -- [KeymapManager] ( -- [LESS] ( -- [Less2Css] ( -- [Line Completion] ( -- [LineEndings] ( -- [LiveReload] ( -- [Logs Colorize] ( -- [LoremIpsum] ( -- Markdown Preview ( -- MarkdownEditing ( -- [Meld diff] ( -- [Missing Palette Commands] ( -- ModernPerl ( -- [Mojolicious] ( -- [MoveTab] ( -- [MoveText] ( -- [Navigation History] ( -- [Nodejs] ( -- [Open Folder] ( -- [Open Recent Files] ( -- Open URL ( -- [OpenSearchResult] ( -- [orgmode] ( -- PerlTidy ( -- [ Image Tag Generator] ( -- PlainTasks ( -- PowerShell ( -- [Prefixr] ( -- [Pretty JSON] ( -- [Rails Partial] ( -- [RecentActiveFiles] ( -- [Related Files] ( -- [Ruby on Rails snippets] ( -- [RubyFormat] ( -- [RubyToggleString] ( -- [Sass] ( -- [SCSS] ( -- [SCSS Snippets] ( -- [Search Anywhere] ( -- [SFTP] ( -- SideBarEnhancements ( -- [Simple Rails Navigator] ( -- [SmartMarkdown] ( -- [Solarized Color Scheme] ( -- [SortTabs] ( -- StringEncode ( -- [Sublime Files] ( -- SublimeLinter ( -- [SublimeTODO] ( -- [SublimeWebColors] ( -- [SublimeXiki] ( -- [SyncedSideBar] ( -- [Theme - Soda] ( -- [Todo] ( -- [TodoReview] ( -- [Toggle Symbol to String] ( -- [TrailingSpaces] ( -- [Twig] ( -- [Unicode Character Highlighter] ( -- [URLEncode] ( -- VBScript ( -- [Vintageous] ( -- [WordCount] ( -- [WordHighlight] (

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