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Last active January 12, 2020 14:06
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A simple Bash script to run Calcite & SQLidate
# Validates input.
if [[ "$1" == "" ]]; then
printf "Please specify the number of nodes.\n"
# Pulls the latest changes.
printf "Going to pull the latest changes ...\n"
cd /temp/yunpengn/calcite
git pull
# Compiles the core module.
printf "\nGoing to compile the core module ...\n"
cd core/
../mvnw compile
# Runs the RandomQueries class inside the core module.
printf "\nGoing to run the core module ...\n"
rm -f /temp/yunpengn/log/out_calcite_*.log
rm -f /temp/yunpengn/calcite/core/output_*.txt
rm -f /temp/yunpengn/calcite/core/output.txt
for ((c=0; c<$1; c++)); do
printf "Going to run partition #${c} ...\n"
../mvnw exec:java -Dexec.args="$1 ${c}" > /temp/yunpengn/log/out_calcite_${c}.log 2>&1 &
# Reads the output of the program.
printf "\nAll nodes have been started. Going to tail the output of partition #0 ...\n"
tail -f /temp/yunpengn/log/out_calcite_0.log
# Pulls the latest changes.
printf "Going to pull the latest changes ...\n"
cd /temp/yunpengn/SQLidate
git pull
# Compiles the JAR.
printf "\nGoing to compile the JAR ...\n"
./gradlew shadowJar
# Constructs the database.
printf "\nGoing to (re-)construct the database ...\n"
psql -U e0134079 -d template1 -a -f /temp/yunpengn/SQLidate/src/main/resources/init_db.sql
psql -U e0134079 -d e0134079 -a -f /temp/yunpengn/SQLidate/src/main/resources/init_schema.sql
# Runs the data loader.
printf "\nGoing to run data loader ...\n"
java -jar ./build/libs/SQLidate-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar load 13
# Pulls the latest changes.
printf "Going to pull the latest changes ...\n"
cd /temp/yunpengn/SQLidate
git pull
# Compiles the JAR.
printf "\nGoing to compile the JAR ...\n"
./gradlew shadowJar
# Aggregates all input files.
printf "\nGoing to aggregate all input files ...\n"
rm -f /temp/yunpengn/calcite/core/output.txt
cat /temp/yunpengn/calcite/core/output_*.txt > /temp/yunpengn/calcite/core/output.txt
# Runs the result verifier.
printf "\nGoing to run the result verifier ...\n"
rm -f /temp/yunpengn/SQLidate/out.log
rm -f /temp/yunpengn/SQLidate/out.err.log
rm -f /temp/yunpengn/log/out_SQLidate.log
java -jar ./build/libs/SQLidate-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar check /temp/yunpengn/calcite/core/output.txt > /temp/yunpengn/log/out_SQLidate.log 2>&1 &
# Reads the output of the program.
printf "\nGoing to tail the program output ...\n"
tail -f /temp/yunpengn/log/out_SQLidate.log
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