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Last active June 14, 2018 15:56
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interop blog post 1
/// Allocate space for a mappings string of the given size (in bytes).
/// It is the JS callers responsibility to initialize the resulting buffer by
/// copying the JS `String` holding the source map's "mappings" into it (encoded
/// in ascii).
pub extern "C" fn allocate_mappings(size: usize) -> *mut u8 {
// Make sure that we don't lose any bytes from size in the remainder.
let size_in_units_of_usize = (size + mem::size_of::<usize>() - 1) / mem::size_of::<usize>();
// Make room for two additional `usize`s: we'll stuff capacity and length in
// there.
let mut vec: Vec<usize> = Vec::with_capacity(size_in_units_of_usize + 2);
// And do the stuffing.
let capacity = vec.capacity();
// Leak the vec's elements and get a pointer to them.
let ptr = vec.as_mut_ptr();
// Advance the pointer past our stuffed data and return it to JS, so that JS
// can write the mappings string into it.
let ptr = ptr.wrapping_offset(2) as *mut u8;
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