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Last active December 6, 2023 12:54
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This code adds a shortcode that displays the header section of the Ultimate Member profile.
* Shortcode that displays the profile header.
* Example: [um_profile_header form_id="7" user_id="1"]
* @global \wpdb $wpdb
* @param array $atts Shortcode attributes:
* - (int) form_id - profile form ID. The first profile form if blank.
* - (int) user_id - user ID. The current page/post author if blank.
* @return string The profile header HTML.
function um_profile_header_shortcode( $atts ) {
$args = shortcode_atts(
'form_id' => 0,
'user_id' => 0,
global $wpdb;
if ( empty( $args['form_id'] ) ) {
$args['form_id'] = (int) $wpdb->get_var(
"SELECT pm.post_id
FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} pm
WHERE pm.meta_key = '_um_mode'
AND pm.meta_value = 'profile'
if ( empty( $args['user_id'] ) ) {
$args['user_id'] = is_singular() ? get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) : um_profile_id();
if ( empty( $args['form_id'] ) || empty( $args['user_id'] ) ) {
$post_data = UM()->query()->post_data( $args['form_id'] );
if ( is_array( $post_data ) ) {
$args = array_merge( $args, $post_data );
$args = apply_filters( 'um_pre_args_setup', $args );
$args = apply_filters( 'um_shortcode_args_filter', $args );
if ( ! um_get_requested_user() ) {
um_set_requested_user( $args['user_id'] );
um_fetch_user( $args['user_id'] );
<div class="um um-profile um-viewing <?php echo esc_attr( 'um-' . $args['form_id'] ); ?> um-profile-header-shortcode">
<div class="um-form" data-mode="profile">
do_action( 'um_profile_header_cover_area', $args );
do_action( 'um_profile_header', $args );
do_action( 'um_profile_navbar', $args );
UM()->shortcodes()->dynamic_css( $args );
$content = ob_get_clean();
if ( um_get_requested_user() ) {
return $content;
add_shortcode( 'um_profile_header', 'um_profile_header_shortcode' );
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demian1985 commented Feb 21, 2023

@yuriinalivaiko could you explain to me why I get no_cover class for the user's post while the user has submitted their profile cover?

See here the post:
See here the profile:

Edit: when I add a specific from ID it is showing. I think it's depending on this.

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Maybe you have multiple profile forms with different settings. The shortcode gets settings from the first fount profile form if there is no form_id attribute.

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