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Last active February 19, 2020 13:15
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La-Mulana MSD parser using nom
mod parser;
// Actual range: 11 bits [0, 2048)
pub type TileIndex = u16;
pub struct AnimatedTileFrame {
pub frames_wait: u8,
pub tile_index: TileIndex,
pub struct AnimatedTile {
pub animate_in_boss: bool,
pub frames: Vec<AnimatedTileFrame>,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Tile(u16);
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum BlendType {
Empty = 0,
Standard = 1,
Add = 2,
Multiply = 3,
impl Tile {
pub fn tile_index(self) -> TileIndex {
self.0 & 0x7ff
pub fn blend_type(self) -> BlendType {
match self.0 >> 11 & 0x3 {
0 => BlendType::Empty,
1 => BlendType::Standard,
2 => BlendType::Add,
3 => BlendType::Multiply,
_ => unreachable!(),
pub fn h_flip(self) -> bool {
(self.0 >> 13 & 1) != 0
/// Rotation in 90-degree steps
pub fn rotation(self) -> u32 {
(self.0 >> 14 & 0x3) as u32
pub fn rotated_90(self) -> bool {
(self.0 >> 14 & 1) != 0
pub fn rotated_180(self) -> bool {
(self.0 >> 15 & 1) != 0
pub type SubLayer = Vec<Tile>;
pub struct Layer {
// Dimensions in 20x20 graphics tiles
pub width: usize,
pub height: usize,
pub sublayers: Vec<SubLayer>,
pub struct Room {
pub use_boss_graphics: bool,
pub gameplay_layer_index: usize,
// Dimensions in 10x10 collision tiles
pub collision_map_width: usize,
pub collision_map_height: usize,
pub collision_map: Vec<u8>,
pub layers: Vec<Layer>,
pub struct MapMSD {
pub animated_tiles: Vec<AnimatedTile>,
pub graphics_file_id: u8,
pub rooms: Vec<Room>,
pub use parser::parse_msd;
use super::{AnimatedTile, AnimatedTileFrame, Layer, MapMSD, Room, SubLayer, Tile};
use nom::bytes::complete::{tag, take};
use nom::combinator::{map, map_res, verify};
use nom::multi::{count, many_till};
use nom::number::complete::{be_u16, be_u8};
use nom::sequence::tuple;
use nom::IResult;
use nom::{bits, do_parse, named, take_bits, tuple};
fn to_bool_strict(x: u8) -> Result<bool, ()> {
match x {
0 => Ok(false),
1 => Ok(true),
_ => Err(()),
fn animated_tile(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], AnimatedTile> {
let (i, header) = be_u16(i)?;
let animate_in_boss = (header >> 15 & 1) != 0;
let frame_count = header & 0x7fff;
let (i, frames) = count(
map(be_u16, |entry| AnimatedTileFrame {
frames_wait: (entry >> 11 & 0x1f) as u8,
tile_index: entry & 0x7ff,
frame_count as usize,
AnimatedTile {
fn layer(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Layer> {
let (i, layer_width) = map(be_u16, |x| x as usize)(i)?;
let (i, layer_height) = map(be_u16, |x| x as usize)(i)?;
let (i, sublayer_count) = map(be_u8, |x| x as usize)(i)?;
let (i, sublayers) = count(
count(map(be_u16, |x| Tile(x)), layer_width * layer_height),
Layer {
width: layer_width,
height: layer_height,
fn room(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Room> {
let (i, use_boss_graphics) = map_res(be_u8, to_bool_strict)(i)?;
let (i, layer_count) = map(be_u8, |x| x as usize)(i)?;
let (i, gameplay_layer_index) = map(be_u8, |x| x as usize)(i)?;
let (i, collision_map_width) = map(be_u16, |x| x as usize)(i)?;
let (i, collision_map_height) = map(be_u16, |x| x as usize)(i)?;
let (i, collision_map) = map(
take(collision_map_width * collision_map_height),
|s: &[u8]| s.to_vec(),
let (i, layers) = count(layer, layer_count)(i)?;
Room {
pub fn parse_msd(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], MapMSD> {
let (i, (animated_tiles, _)) = many_till(animated_tile, tag([0, 0]))(i)?;
let (i, graphics_file_id) = be_u8(i)?;
let (i, room_count) = be_u16(i)?;
let (i, rooms) = count(room, room_count as usize)(i)?;
MapMSD {
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