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Last active November 26, 2023 23:52
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// First, a little vector math library:
export const vec = (x, y) => ({ x, y });
export const mat = (a, b, c, d, e, f) => ({ a, b, c, d, e, f });
export const V = Object.freeze({
init: vec,
zero: vec(0, 0),
add: (a, b) => vec(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y),
sub: (a, b) => vec(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y),
mul: (a, b) => vec(a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y),
div: (a, s) => vec(a.x / s, a.y / s),
scale: (a, s) => vec(a.x * s, a.y * s),
neg: (a) => vec(-a.x, -a.y),
dot: (a, b) => a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y,
norm: (a) => Math.sqrt(, a)),
normed: (a) => V.scale(a, 1.0 / V.norm(a)),
normSq: (a) =>, a),
clockwise: (a) => vec(a.y, -a.x),
// z value of the 3d cross product
cross: (a, b) => a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x,
isZero: (a) => a.x === 0 && a.y === 0,
rot90: (a) => vec(-a.y, a.x),
// Affine matrix, representing a 2d rotate/scale/translate transform:
// a c e
// b d f
// 0 0 1
export const M = Object.freeze({
init: mat,
zero: mat(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
identity: mat(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0),
// Matrix-matrix multiplication
mmul: (a, b) => ({
a: a.a * b.a + a.c * b.b,
b: b.a * a.b + b.b * a.d,
c: a.a * b.c + a.c * b.d,
d: a.b * b.c + a.d * b.d,
e: a.a * b.e + a.c * b.f + a.e,
f: a.b * b.e + a.d * b.f + a.f,
// Matrix-vector multiplication. Treats B as a 3-vector whose last component is 1
mul: (a, b) => ({
x: a.a * b.x + a.c * b.y + a.e,
y: a.b * b.x + a.d * b.y + a.f,
// Determinant
det: (a, b) => a.a * a.d - a.b * a.c,
// Specialized matrix constructors
translate: (x, y) => mat(1, 0, 0, 1, x, y),
scale: (xScale, yScale) => mat(xScale, 0, 0, yScale, 0, 0),
rotate: (angle) => {
const c = Math.cos(angle);
const s = Math.sin(angle);
return mat(c, s, -s, c, 0, 0);
// And now, the main event.
// For efficiency, this implementation contains improvements that
// take advantage of the shared sub-computations between contiguous curve patches
// to reduce the number of computations that need to be performed when rendering
// incrementally along a path of points.
export function CurveToQuadraticBeziers() {
// Init can be called multiple times to reinitialize the curve
// object with a new starting point. Use the same point as p0
// and p1 if you want the curve to go through it.
CurveToQuadraticBeziers.prototype.init = function (p0, p1, p2) {
this.p0 = p0;
this.p1 = p1;
this.p2 = p2;
const sub10 = V.sub(p1, p0);
const sub12 = V.sub(p1, p2);
this.norm01 = V.norm(sub10);
this.norm12 = V.norm(sub12);
this.sqrtNorm01 = Math.sqrt(this.norm01);
this.sqrtNorm12 = Math.sqrt(this.norm12);
return p1;
// Emit two quadratic curves that interpolate smoothly from p1 to p2,
// using p0 and p3 as control points. To go through the start and end
// points, one option is to emit the first and last points twice (ie.
// with p0 === p1 in init, and two calls to point() with the same p3.
CurveToQuadraticBeziers.prototype.point = function (p3) {
const { p0, p1, p2, norm01, norm12, sqrtNorm01, sqrtNorm12 } = this;
const sub10 = V.sub(p1, p0);
const sub12 = V.sub(p1, p2);
const sub23 = V.sub(p2, p3);
const norm23 = V.norm(sub23);
const sqrtNorm23 = Math.sqrt(norm23);
const sub21 = V.neg(sub12);
// Calculate q01, avoiding divide-by-zero when the denominator is zero
// This code would be easier to follow if we had method chaining or |>.
// See the accompanying Mathematica notebook in the static subdirectory.
const q01 =
norm01 === 0
? p1
: V.add(
V.div(V.add(V.scale(sub21, norm01), V.scale(sub10, norm12)), 4 * sqrtNorm01 * (sqrtNorm01 + sqrtNorm12)),
// Calculate q11, avoiding divide-by-zero when the denominator is zero
const q11 =
norm23 === 0
? p2
: V.add(
V.div(V.add(V.scale(sub23, norm12), V.scale(sub12, norm23)), 4 * sqrtNorm23 * (sqrtNorm12 + sqrtNorm23)),
// The shared common point is the mean of the two control points.
// The value for the first control point of the second curve, q10,
// is the same as q02.
const q02 = V.scale(V.add(q01, q11), 0.5);
// Update points that depend on p0, p1, and p2 for the next iteration.
this.norm01 = norm12;
this.norm12 = norm23;
this.sqrtNorm01 = sqrtNorm12;
this.sqrtNorm12 = sqrtNorm23;
this.p0 = p1;
this.p1 = p2;
this.p2 = p3;
// Emit two quadratic curves with a shared control point:
// {q00 = p1 = p0, q01, q02}
// {q10 = q02, q11, q12 = p2 = p1}
// We don't return q00 any more, since it's initially the the
// same as the point returned by init (p1) and then the same as
// q12 from the previous point call. Meaning:
// moveTo(curve.init(…)); quadraticCurveTo(q01, q02); quadraticCurveTo(q11, q12);
return { q01, q02, q11, q12: p2 };
// Approximate a cubic bezier segment by two quadratic bezier segments.
// See the `Quad Approximation of Cubic Curves` paper and the accompanying
// Mathematica notebook.
export function cubicBezierToQuadraticBeziers(cp0, cp1, cp2, cp3) {
const cp1mul3 = V.scale(cp1, 3);
const cp2mul3 = V.scale(cp2, 3);
const cp0_plus_cp1mul3 = V.add(cp0, cp1mul3);
const cp3_plus_cp2mul3 = V.add(cp3, cp2mul3);
// const q00 = cp0;
const q01 = V.scale(cp0_plus_cp1mul3, 0.25);
const q02 = V.scale(V.add(cp0_plus_cp1mul3, cp3_plus_cp2mul3), 0.125);
// const q10 = q02;
const q11 = V.scale(cp3_plus_cp2mul3, 0.25);
const q12 = cp3;
// Emit two quadratic curves with a shared control point:
// {q00 = cp0, q01, q02}
// {q10 = q02, q11, q12}
return { q00: cp0, q01, q02, q11, q12 };
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