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Created January 31, 2024 03:09
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"use strict";
const conversions = require("webidl-conversions");
const utils = require("./utils.js");
const EventInit = require("./EventInit.js");
const implSymbol = utils.implSymbol;
const ctorRegistrySymbol = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
const interfaceName = "Event"; = value => {
return utils.isObject(value) && utils.hasOwn(value, implSymbol) && value[implSymbol] instanceof Impl.implementation;
exports.isImpl = value => {
return utils.isObject(value) && value instanceof Impl.implementation;
exports.convert = (globalObject, value, { context = "The provided value" } = {}) => {
if ( {
return utils.implForWrapper(value);
throw new globalObject.TypeError(`${context} is not of type 'Event'.`);
function makeWrapper(globalObject, newTarget) {
let proto;
if (newTarget !== undefined) {
proto = newTarget.prototype;
if (!utils.isObject(proto)) {
proto = globalObject[ctorRegistrySymbol]["Event"].prototype;
return Object.create(proto);
exports.create = (globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) => {
const wrapper = makeWrapper(globalObject);
return exports.setup(wrapper, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
exports.createImpl = (globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) => {
const wrapper = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
return utils.implForWrapper(wrapper);
function getUnforgeables(globalObject) {
let unforgeables = unforgeablesMap.get(globalObject);
if (unforgeables === undefined) {
unforgeables = Object.create(null);
utils.define(unforgeables, {
get isTrusted() {
const esValue = this !== null && this !== undefined ? this : globalObject;
if (! {
throw new globalObject.TypeError(
"'get isTrusted' called on an object that is not a valid instance of Event."
return esValue[implSymbol]["isTrusted"];
Object.defineProperties(unforgeables, {
isTrusted: { configurable: false }
unforgeablesMap.set(globalObject, unforgeables);
return unforgeables;
exports._internalSetup = (wrapper, globalObject) => {
utils.define(wrapper, getUnforgeables(globalObject));
exports.setup = (wrapper, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) => {
privateData.wrapper = wrapper;
exports._internalSetup(wrapper, globalObject);
Object.defineProperty(wrapper, implSymbol, {
value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
configurable: true
wrapper[implSymbol][utils.wrapperSymbol] = wrapper;
if (Impl.init) {
return wrapper;
}; = (globalObject, newTarget) => {
const wrapper = makeWrapper(globalObject, newTarget);
exports._internalSetup(wrapper, globalObject);
Object.defineProperty(wrapper, implSymbol, {
value: Object.create(Impl.implementation.prototype),
configurable: true
wrapper[implSymbol][utils.wrapperSymbol] = wrapper;
if (Impl.init) {
return wrapper[implSymbol];
const unforgeablesMap = new WeakMap();
const exposed = new Set(["Window", "Worker", "AudioWorklet"]);
exports.install = (globalObject, globalNames) => {
if (!globalNames.some(globalName => exposed.has(globalName))) {
const ctorRegistry = utils.initCtorRegistry(globalObject);
class Event {
constructor(type) {
if (arguments.length < 1) {
throw new globalObject.TypeError(
`Failed to construct 'Event': 1 argument required, but only ${arguments.length} present.`
const args = [];
let curArg = arguments[0];
curArg = conversions["DOMString"](curArg, {
context: "Failed to construct 'Event': parameter 1",
globals: globalObject
let curArg = arguments[1];
curArg = EventInit.convert(globalObject, curArg, { context: "Failed to construct 'Event': parameter 2" });
return exports.setup(Object.create(, globalObject, args);
composedPath() {
const esValue = this !== null && this !== undefined ? this : globalObject;
if (! {
throw new globalObject.TypeError("'composedPath' called on an object that is not a valid instance of Event.");
return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(esValue[implSymbol].composedPath());
stopPropagation() {
const esValue = this !== null && this !== undefined ? this : globalObject;
if (! {
throw new globalObject.TypeError(
"'stopPropagation' called on an object that is not a valid instance of Event."
return esValue[implSymbol].stopPropagation();
stopImmediatePropagation() {
const esValue = this !== null && this !== undefined ? this : globalObject;
if (! {
throw new globalObject.TypeError(
"'stopImmediatePropagation' called on an object that is not a valid instance of Event."
return esValue[implSymbol].stopImmediatePropagation();
preventDefault() {
const esValue = this !== null && this !== undefined ? this : globalObject;
if (! {
throw new globalObject.TypeError("'preventDefault' called on an object that is not a valid instance of Event.");
return esValue[implSymbol].preventDefault();
initEvent(type) {
const esValue = this !== null && this !== undefined ? this : globalObject;
if (! {
throw new globalObject.TypeError("'initEvent' called on an object that is not a valid instance of Event.");
if (arguments.length < 1) {
throw new globalObject.TypeError(
`Failed to execute 'initEvent' on 'Event': 1 argument required, but only ${arguments.length} present.`
const args = [];
let curArg = arguments[0];
curArg = conversions["DOMString"](curArg, {
context: "Failed to execute 'initEvent' on 'Event': parameter 1",
globals: globalObject
let curArg = arguments[1];
if (curArg !== undefined) {
curArg = conversions["boolean"](curArg, {
context: "Failed to execute 'initEvent' on 'Event': parameter 2",
globals: globalObject
} else {
curArg = false;
let curArg = arguments[2];
if (curArg !== undefined) {
curArg = conversions["boolean"](curArg, {
context: "Failed to execute 'initEvent' on 'Event': parameter 3",
globals: globalObject
} else {
curArg = false;
return esValue[implSymbol].initEvent(...args);
get type() {
const esValue = this !== null && this !== undefined ? this : globalObject;
if (! {
throw new globalObject.TypeError("'get type' called on an object that is not a valid instance of Event.");
return esValue[implSymbol]["type"];
get target() {
const esValue = this !== null && this !== undefined ? this : globalObject;
if (! {
throw new globalObject.TypeError("'get target' called on an object that is not a valid instance of Event.");
return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(esValue[implSymbol]["target"]);
get srcElement() {
const esValue = this !== null && this !== undefined ? this : globalObject;
if (! {
throw new globalObject.TypeError("'get srcElement' called on an object that is not a valid instance of Event.");
return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(esValue[implSymbol]["srcElement"]);
get currentTarget() {
const esValue = this !== null && this !== undefined ? this : globalObject;
if (! {
throw new globalObject.TypeError(
"'get currentTarget' called on an object that is not a valid instance of Event."
return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(esValue[implSymbol]["currentTarget"]);
get eventPhase() {
const esValue = this !== null && this !== undefined ? this : globalObject;
if (! {
throw new globalObject.TypeError("'get eventPhase' called on an object that is not a valid instance of Event.");
return esValue[implSymbol]["eventPhase"];
get cancelBubble() {
const esValue = this !== null && this !== undefined ? this : globalObject;
if (! {
throw new globalObject.TypeError(
"'get cancelBubble' called on an object that is not a valid instance of Event."
return esValue[implSymbol]["cancelBubble"];
set cancelBubble(V) {
const esValue = this !== null && this !== undefined ? this : globalObject;
if (! {
throw new globalObject.TypeError(
"'set cancelBubble' called on an object that is not a valid instance of Event."
V = conversions["boolean"](V, {
context: "Failed to set the 'cancelBubble' property on 'Event': The provided value",
globals: globalObject
esValue[implSymbol]["cancelBubble"] = V;
get bubbles() {
const esValue = this !== null && this !== undefined ? this : globalObject;
if (! {
throw new globalObject.TypeError("'get bubbles' called on an object that is not a valid instance of Event.");
return esValue[implSymbol]["bubbles"];
get cancelable() {
const esValue = this !== null && this !== undefined ? this : globalObject;
if (! {
throw new globalObject.TypeError("'get cancelable' called on an object that is not a valid instance of Event.");
return esValue[implSymbol]["cancelable"];
get returnValue() {
const esValue = this !== null && this !== undefined ? this : globalObject;
if (! {
throw new globalObject.TypeError(
"'get returnValue' called on an object that is not a valid instance of Event."
return esValue[implSymbol]["returnValue"];
set returnValue(V) {
const esValue = this !== null && this !== undefined ? this : globalObject;
if (! {
throw new globalObject.TypeError(
"'set returnValue' called on an object that is not a valid instance of Event."
V = conversions["boolean"](V, {
context: "Failed to set the 'returnValue' property on 'Event': The provided value",
globals: globalObject
esValue[implSymbol]["returnValue"] = V;
get defaultPrevented() {
const esValue = this !== null && this !== undefined ? this : globalObject;
if (! {
throw new globalObject.TypeError(
"'get defaultPrevented' called on an object that is not a valid instance of Event."
return esValue[implSymbol]["defaultPrevented"];
get composed() {
const esValue = this !== null && this !== undefined ? this : globalObject;
if (! {
throw new globalObject.TypeError("'get composed' called on an object that is not a valid instance of Event.");
return esValue[implSymbol]["composed"];
get timeStamp() {
const esValue = this !== null && this !== undefined ? this : globalObject;
if (! {
throw new globalObject.TypeError("'get timeStamp' called on an object that is not a valid instance of Event.");
return esValue[implSymbol]["timeStamp"];
Object.defineProperties(Event.prototype, {
composedPath: { enumerable: true },
stopPropagation: { enumerable: true },
stopImmediatePropagation: { enumerable: true },
preventDefault: { enumerable: true },
initEvent: { enumerable: true },
type: { enumerable: true },
target: { enumerable: true },
srcElement: { enumerable: true },
currentTarget: { enumerable: true },
eventPhase: { enumerable: true },
cancelBubble: { enumerable: true },
bubbles: { enumerable: true },
cancelable: { enumerable: true },
returnValue: { enumerable: true },
defaultPrevented: { enumerable: true },
composed: { enumerable: true },
timeStamp: { enumerable: true },
[Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: "Event", configurable: true },
NONE: { value: 0, enumerable: true },
CAPTURING_PHASE: { value: 1, enumerable: true },
AT_TARGET: { value: 2, enumerable: true },
BUBBLING_PHASE: { value: 3, enumerable: true }
Object.defineProperties(Event, {
NONE: { value: 0, enumerable: true },
CAPTURING_PHASE: { value: 1, enumerable: true },
AT_TARGET: { value: 2, enumerable: true },
BUBBLING_PHASE: { value: 3, enumerable: true }
ctorRegistry[interfaceName] = Event;
Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: Event
const Impl = require("../events/Event-impl.js");
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