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Forked from RideSolo/
Created February 12, 2019 12:05
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LuckyStrike Project Audit Report.

1. Summary

This document is a security audit report performed by RideSolo, where LuckyStrike has been reviewed.

2. In scope

3. Findings

7 issues were reported:

  • 4 medium severity issues
  • 2 low severity issues.
  • 1 minor severity issue.

3.1. Fallback function

Severity: medium


Users might not understand the sales functionality and deposit ether directly to contract like most ICO does and not get tokens. The token minting is done using LuckyStrike Contract address which means that if a user send ether by accident the team wouldn't be able to do anything to refund him since they don't have a direct access.

Code snippet


Only owner address should be allowed to deposit tokens (owner is set to be LuckyStrike).

3.2. Truncated Dividends Value

Severity: Medium


takeDividends function member of LuckyStrikeTokens contract compute the dividends value for a certain amount of token specified by the msg.sender, however the dividends value is truncated when the contract balance is first devided by the totalSupply. for a correct computation the contract balance should be first multiplied by valueInTokens specified by the user then devided by the totalSupply.

Code snippet

3.3. Owner Withdrawal

Severity: low


withdrawAllByOwner function member of LuckyStrikeTokens is supposed to allow the owner to withdraw ether from the contract if totalSupply is null and the sales period has ended. however following takeDividends function no ether is supposed to be left if totalSupply is null.

The only way that this function is usefull is if ether is sent to the contract through the fallback function, and as highlighted before the fallback function should be removed.

Code snippet

3.4. Users Ether Loss (Invest & Play)

Severity: Medium


If the amount of ether sent to the contract through invest, investAndPlay or placeABet is lower than ticketPriceInWei or not equal to the exact multiple of ticketPriceInWei the ether or part of it will be lost by the user since if its value is lower than ticketPriceInWei he won't get a ticket to play or a token as investment, msg.value is directly divided by ticketPriceInWei.

Code snippet ystrike-sol-L1795


The remaining ether after each operations should be sent back to the user.

3.5. placeABet, Invest and InvestAndPlay

Severity: minor


  • When using investAndPlay the fifth of the msg.value is added the he marketing fund, the bet value is set to be msg.value minus the fifth of it, however when minting msg.value is divided by ticketPriceInWei to get the tokens to be minted for that user knowing that 4/5 of msg.value was used for the bet only 1/5 should be used to compute the tokens amount to be minted not the whole msg.value.

  • When investing using invest the user get 75% tokens bonus.

  • When placeABet is used the whole amount is set for the bet.

Following the previous points each step allow different token bonuses and ticket number, contract developers should explain their intentions and the users should be informed to avoid confusion.

Code snippet

3.6. Max Block Number difference

Severity: medium


Since the bet is placed, the users cannot wait more than 256 blocks to play it otherwise the blockhash used as seed will be zero, however the maximum number of block allowed since the last bet is set to 250 which is reducing the playing time of the users by 6 blocks, This logic is penalizing the users with no direct reason.

Code snippet


The condition should be changed to be less than 256.

3.7. Known vulnerabilities of ERC-20 token

Severity: low


  1. It is possible to double withdrawal attack. More details here
  2. Lack of transaction handling mechanism issue. WARNING! This is a very common issue and it already caused millions of dollars losses for lots of token users! More details here

4. Conclusion

The Audited contracts are not fully safe, the contracts developers should take the highligheted issues into consideration.

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