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Created May 13, 2019 18:10
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aXpire Token Security Audit Report

aXpire Token Security Audit Report

1. Summary

aXpire Token smart contract security audit report performed by Callisto Security Audit Department

Symbol      : AXPR
Name        : aXpire
Total supply: 350,000,000
Decimals    : 18 
Standard    : ERC20

2. In scope

3. Findings

In total, 10 issues were reported including:

  • 1 medium severity issues.

  • 4 low severity issues.

  • 5 owner privileges (the ability of an owner to manipulate contract, may be risky for investors).

3.1. ERC-20 Compliance

Severity: medium


Following EIP-20 specifications:

  • Transfers of 0 values "MUST" be treated as normal transfers and fire the Transfer event, this issues is applicable for both transfer and transferFrom since if value is equal to 0 the functions do not fire a Transfer event and return false.
  • transfer "SHOULD" throw when the msg.sender doesn't have enough fund.
  • Same as previously following the specifications transferFrom should throw and not return false if the _from address doesn't have enough of fund or if the allowed value isn't enough to cover the transaction _value.

Code snippet

3.2. Owner Privileges

Severity: owner privileges


Contract owner allow himself to:

  1. Burn from any address, making all users at a critical severity risk, such behavior cannot be accepted by the investors. Once tokens are allocated to and address it belongs only to that address to burn the tokens, check here.
  2. pause/unpause approval/transfer/transferFrom, check here.
  3. halt/unhalt token sale, check here.
  4. Ico can be ended by owner only, check here.
  5. Reset the sale exchange rate at any moment, check here.

3.3. Allowance Approval

Severity: low


Following ERC20 standard, approve function "Allows _spender to withdraw from your account multiple times, up to the _value amount. If this function is called again it overwrites the current allowance with _value.", However the implemented function throw in case if allowed[msg.sender][_spender] is different than zero and _value different than zero. this partially solve double withdrawal attack but create incompatibility for some Dapps, and do not allow the user to directly reduce the allowance creating a race between user and spender.

Code snippet

3.4. Transfer Event

Severity: low


Following EIP-20 when "A token contract which creates new tokens SHOULD trigger a Transfer event with the _from address set to 0x0 when tokens are created".

This issue issue is related with both constructor and createTokens function since tokens are created and transfer event is not triggered.

Code snippet

3.5. Transfer to address(0)

Severity: low


In both transfer and transferFrom transfers to address(0) are allowed.

Code snippet

3.6. Known vulnerabilities of ERC-20 token

Severity: low


  1. It is possible to double withdrawal attack. More details here.

  2. Lack of transaction handling mechanism issue. WARNING! This is a very common issue and it already caused millions of dollars losses for lots of token users! More details here.


Add the following code to the transfer(_to address, ...) function:

require( _to != address(this) );

4. Conclusion

The audited smart contract has issues with ERC20 Compliance and cannot be used as ERC20 token. Reported issues must be fixed prior to the usage of this contract.

5. Revealing audit reports

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