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Created May 22, 2019 16:28
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AdChain Security Audit Report

AdChain Security Audit Report

1. Summary

AdChain smart contract security audit report performed by Callisto Security Audit Department

The goal of the adChain Registry is to provide advertisers with a list of websites that offer high - quality inventory for serving digital ads.

2. In scope

Commit hash: 5930cede2d533c8ee92001fd0be8eada2f2bc614

  1. Registry.sol
  2. historical/StandardToken.sol
  3. historical/Token.sol
  4. historical/HumanStandardToken.sol
  5. AttributeStore.sol
  6. Challenge.sol
  7. DLL.sol
  8. Migrations.sol
  9. Parameterizer.sol
  10. PLCRVoting.sol
  11. AttributeStore.sol
  12. historical/Disbursement.sol
  13. historical/Filter.sol
  14. historical/Migrations.sol
  15. historical/Sale.sol

3. Findings

In total, 11 issues were reported including:

  • 2 medium severity issues.

  • 8 low severity issues.

  • 1 notes.

No critical security issues were found.

3.1. Known vulnerabilities of ERC-20 token

Severity: low


  1. It is possible to double withdrawal attack. More details here.

  2. Lack of transaction handling mechanism issue. WARNING! This is a very common issue and it already caused millions of dollars losses for lots of token users! More details here.


Add the following code to the transfer(_to address, ...) function:

require( _to != address(this) );

3.2. ERC20 Compliance: false instead of throw

Severity: medium


From ERC-20 specification:

The function SHOULD throw if the _from account balance does not have enough tokens to spend.

But in this implementation it just returns false. This can lead to serious consequences. Because checking the return value of this function is rare. For example, external contract may use this token contract as:

AdChainToken.transferFrom(recipient, this, value);
points[recipient] += value;

In this case recipient can get any value of points, but he may not have enough money and the code will succeed.

Code snippet


The function SHOULD throw if the _from account balance does not have enough tokens to spend.

3.3. Required check for an 0x0 address

Severity: low


It is possible to lose tokens by sending to 0x0 address.

Code snippet


Use condition like require(to != address(0)).

3.4. ERC20 Compliance: zero-value transfers rejecting

Severity: low


EIP20 says that:

Transfers of 0 values MUST be treated as normal transfers and fire the Transfer event. But in this contract, function transfer has a condition:

if (balances[msg.sender] >= _value && _value > 0) {
    // ...

Code snippet

3.5. ERC20 Compliance: event missing

Severity: low


According to ERC20 standard, when initializing a token contract if any token value is set to any given address a Transfer event should be emitted. An event isn't emitted when assigning the initial supply to the msg.sender.

Code snippet

3.6. The relocating is not secure process for investors.

Severity: note


The owners can implement any logic in the new contract. And even if the new contract will be audited, at any time possible to change the address of the new contract again to not audited and insecure.

Code snippet

3.7. Multi Transfer arrays length check.

Severity: low


There are two/three input arrays, but no check for the same length. In this case it is possible to skip some parameters.

Code snippet

3.8. Wrong Vote Result

Severity: medium


isPassed function member of PLCRVoting contract is used by multiple function to define if a poll id that ended has passed or not.

A poll is a structure constituted of multiple parameters essential for the voting system success, like voteQuorum that is the minimum number of voter required to pass a poll.

However is in isPassed function the comparison used to validate if the poll has passed or not do not respect the minimum number of voters even if the quorum parameter is included, for example once the poll has ended and we have:

voteQuorum = 10
votesFor = 1
voteAgainst = 8

isPassed will return true since the result will be 100 * 1 > 10 * (1+8). Developers should explain do use of such comparison since first voteQuorum is not respected and votesFor and voteAgainst are not compared fairly, resulting in a wrong vote result.

Code snippet

3.9. Voters Reward Error

Severity: low


When a vote is committed using commitVote a _secretHash is saved into the voter parameters. The voter reveal the vote option using revealVote and inputting _voteOption and _salt that were used previously to compute the _secretHash and commit the vote.

Please note that when the user commit the vote he can use either _voteOption equal to 1 to vote for the _pollID or any other value to vote against, as we can see here.

However when the reward is distributed using claimReward member of Challenge library getNumPassingTokens function member of PLCRVoting contract is called, and the only values that will return the getNumTokens are if _voteOption was used with a value equal to 0 or 1. The consequences are if a user voted against using value different than zero his vote is counted but he won't get the reward even if the marjority voted against.

Code snippet

3.10. Reentrancy Attack

Severity: low


If we consider the token contract code is StandardToken.sol — it is ok. But considering that we are auditing not production version in the main network we have to assume that the contract of the token may be different. In this case it is theoretically possible the Reentrancy Attack.

For example when [calling] to double withdrawal because listing.unstakedDeposit updated after calling external contract(token.transfer).

Code snippet

3.11. Underflow and Overflow

Severity: low


In all the audited contracts the developers didn't use SafeMath to prevent over or underflow, all the code lines that might raise issues are listed below. Please note that this operation can overflow or underflow only is an error was made mainly by the owner.

Code snippet


Use SafeMath.


All calculations are carried out above the call of external contracts.

4. Conclusion

The audited smart contract should not be deployed. Reported issues must be fixed prior to the usage of this contract.

5. Revealing audit reports

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