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Created July 1, 2020 01:39
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Simple Consul Cluster
# Added extra aliases to bind multiple Consul agents
$ ifconfig lo0
lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 16384
inet netmask 0xff000000
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
inet netmask 0xff000000
inet netmask 0xff000000
inet netmask 0xff000000
inet netmask 0xff000000
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
# Agents configuration
# Server agent 1
$ cat ~/Consul/agent_s1.hcl
disable_update_check = true
server = true
log_level = "info"
retry_join = ["", "", ""]
datacenter = "loc01"
# This makes each PoP independent wrt ACLs
primary_datacenter = "loc01"
domain = "consul-testing.local"
alt_domain = "consul-testing"
node_name = "s-agent-01"
data_dir = "/tmp/consul/s01"
bind_addr = ""
# On coredns nodes only bind http to since
# client_addr is set to the colo internal ipv4 address
addresses {
http = ""
ui = true
client_addr = ""
ports = {
dns = -1
serf_wan = -1
server = 8300
serf_lan = 8301
http = 8500
https = 8501
grpc = 8502
telemetry = {
disable_hostname = true
prometheus_retention_time = "600s"
prefix_filter = [
performance {
raft_multiplier = 1
# Server agent 2
$ cat ~/Consul/agent_s2.hcl
disable_update_check = true
server = true
log_level = "info"
retry_join = ["", "", ""]
datacenter = "loc01"
# This makes each PoP independent wrt ACLs
primary_datacenter = "loc01"
domain = "consul-testing.local"
alt_domain = "consul-testing"
node_name = "s-agent-02"
data_dir = "/tmp/consul/s02"
bind_addr = ""
# On coredns nodes only bind http to since
# client_addr is set to the colo internal ipv4 address
addresses {
http = ""
ui = true
client_addr = ""
ports = {
dns = -1
serf_wan = -1
server = 8300
serf_lan = 8301
http = 8500
https = 8501
grpc = 8502
telemetry = {
disable_hostname = true
prometheus_retention_time = "600s"
prefix_filter = [
performance {
raft_multiplier = 1
# Server agent 3
$ cat ~/Consul/agent_s3.hcl
disable_update_check = true
server = true
log_level = "info"
retry_join = ["", "", ""]
datacenter = "loc01"
# This makes each PoP independent wrt ACLs
primary_datacenter = "loc01"
domain = "consul-testing.local"
alt_domain = "consul-testing"
node_name = "s-agent-03"
data_dir = "/tmp/consul/s03"
bind_addr = ""
# On coredns nodes only bind http to since
# client_addr is set to the colo internal ipv4 address
addresses {
http = ""
ui = true
client_addr = ""
ports = {
dns = -1
serf_wan = -1
server = 8300
serf_lan = 8301
http = 8500
https = 8501
grpc = 8502
telemetry = {
disable_hostname = true
prometheus_retention_time = "600s"
prefix_filter = [
performance {
raft_multiplier = 1
# Client agent 1
cat ~/Consul/agent_c1.hcl
disable_update_check = true
log_level = "info"
retry_join = ["", "", ""]
datacenter = "loc01"
# This makes each PoP independent wrt ACLs
primary_datacenter = "loc01"
domain = "consul-testing.local"
alt_domain = "consul-testing"
node_name = "c-agent-01"
data_dir = "/tmp/consul/c01"
bind_addr = ""
# On coredns nodes only bind http to since
# client_addr is set to the colo internal ipv4 address
addresses {
http = ""
ui = true
client_addr = ""
ports = {
dns = 8600
serf_wan = -1
server = 8300
serf_lan = 8301
http = 8500
https = 8501
grpc = 8502
dns_config {
enable_additional_node_meta_txt = false
node_ttl = "60s"
use_cache = true
cache_max_age = "10s"
soa {
min_ttl = 60
service_ttl {
"*" = "60s",
telemetry = {
disable_hostname = true
prometheus_retention_time = "600s"
prefix_filter = [
performance {
raft_multiplier = 1
# Starting servers
$ for agent in s1 s2 s3; do $CONSUL agent -dev -config-file $HOME/Consul/agent_$agent.hcl & done
# Starting client
$ $CONSUL agent -dev -config-file /Users/yury/Consul/agent_c1.hcl
# Making a successfull DNS query
$ dig -p 8600 +noall +answer +comment srv consul.service.loc01.consul-testing @
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 42804
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 3, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 4
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available
; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
consul.service.loc01.consul-testing. 60 IN SRV 1 1 8300 s-agent-03.node.loc01.consul-testing.local.
consul.service.loc01.consul-testing. 60 IN SRV 1 1 8300 s-agent-02.node.loc01.consul-testing.local.
consul.service.loc01.consul-testing. 60 IN SRV 1 1 8300 s-agent-01.node.loc01.consul-testing.local.
# Making a query to non-existent DC
$ dig -p 8600 +noall +answer +comment srv consul.service.locXX.consul-testing @
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 36772
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available
; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
dig -p 8600 +noall +answer +comment srv consul.service.locXX.consul-testing @
# Consul version
$ $CONSUL version
Consul v1.8.0
Protocol 2 spoken by default, understands 2 to 3 (agent will automatically use protocol >2 when speaking to compatible agents)
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