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Created November 13, 2012 13:06
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// Free Monad in Scala
// そろそろFreeモナドに関して一言いっとくか - fumievalの日記 :
// stackless scala with free monad :
// type class: Functor
trait Functor[F[_]] {
def map[A, B](m: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B]
// data Free f a = Pure a | Free (f (Free f a))
sealed trait FreeM[S[+_], +A] {
private case class FlatMap[S[+_], A, +B](a: FreeM[S, A], f: A => FreeM[S, B]) extends FreeM[S, B]
def flatMap[B](f: A => FreeM[S, B]): FreeM[S, B] = this match {
case a FlatMap g =>
FlatMap(a, (x:Any) => g(x) flatMap f)
case x => FlatMap(x, f)
def map[B](f: A => B): FreeM[S, B] = flatMap(a => Pure(f(a)))
final def resume(implicit functor: Functor[S]): Either[S[FreeM[S, A]], A] =
this match {
case Pure(a) => Right(a)
case Free(k) => Left(k)
case a FlatMap f => a match {
case Pure(a) => f(a).resume
case Free(k) => Left( flatMap f))
case b FlatMap g => b.flatMap((x: Any) => g(x) flatMap f).resume
case class Pure[S[+_], +A](a: A) extends FreeM[S, A]
case class Free[S[+_], +A](k: S[FreeM[S, A]]) extends FreeM[S, A]
// data CharIO a = GetCh (Char -> a) | PutCh Char a
sealed trait CharIO[+A]
case class GetCh[+A](f:Char => A) extends CharIO[A]
case class PutCh[+A](c:Char, a:A) extends CharIO[A]
// instance Functor CharIO where
// fmap f (GetCh g) = GetCh (f . g)
// fmap f (PutCh c x) = PutCh c (f x)
implicit val charIOFunctor =
new Functor[CharIO] {
def map[A, B](a: CharIO[A])(f: A => B): CharIO[B] = a match {
case GetCh(g) => GetCh(f compose g)
case PutCh(c, x) => PutCh(c, f(x))
// getCh :: Free CharIO Char
// getCh = Free $ GetCh $ \ch -> Pure ch
// putCh :: Char -> Free CharIO ()
// putCh ch = Free $ PutCh ch (Pure ())
def getCh:FreeM[CharIO, Char] = Free(GetCh({ch => Pure(ch)}))
def putCh(ch:Char):FreeM[CharIO, Unit] = Free(PutCh(ch, Pure(())))
// runStdIO :: Free CharIO a -> IO a
// runStdIO (Pure a) = return a
// runStdIO (Free (GetCh f)) = getChar >>= \ch -> runStdIO (f ch)
// runStdIO (Free (PutCh ch cont)) = putChar ch >> runStdIO cont
def runCharIO(free:FreeM[CharIO, Unit]):Unit =
free.resume match {
case Right(a) => a
case Left(GetCh(f)) => runCharIO(f(readChar()))
case Left(PutCh(ch, cont)) => print(ch);runCharIO(cont)
// mapM_
def mapFreeM[S[+_], A](f:A => FreeM[S,Unit], s:Seq[A]):FreeM[S,Unit] = s.toList match {
case x::xs => xs.foldLeft(f(x)){(m:FreeM[S,Unit],c:A) => m.flatMap{unit => f(c)} }
case x:A => f(x)
// ex0 = do
// mapM_ putCh "Hello, Haskeller! Please input a character:"
// ch <- getCh
// mapM_ putCh "The ordinal of the character is:"
// mapM_ putCh (show (ord ch))
// mapM_ putCh ".\n Thank you!\n" }
val io:FreeM[CharIO, Unit] = for{
_ <- mapFreeM(putCh, "Hello, Scala Programmer! Please input a character:")
ch <- getCh
_ <- mapFreeM(putCh, "The ordinal of the character is:")
_ <- mapFreeM(putCh, ch.toInt.toString)
_ <- mapFreeM(putCh, ".\n Thank you!\n")
} yield ()
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