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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Hacky one-liner to extract worker stack completion times from mover logs
cat logs/mover.log | awk '/in [0-9]+\.[0-9]+s/{time = $11; sub(/s/, "", time); print $4"-"$3"-"$2"@"$5" " time}' | gnuplot -p -e "set xdata time; set timefmt \"%Y-%b-%d@%H:%M:%S\"; set yrange [0 : 10]; set xrange [\"2014-Jul-07@00:00:00\" : \"2014-Jul-09@00:00:00\"]; set term png size 1920,1080; set xtics format \"%m-%d %H:%M\"; plot '-' using 1:2" | base64
cat logs/mover.log | awk '/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+s/{ time = $11; sub(/s/, "", time); print time }' > mover-$(date +'%s').data
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